blob: c8672cd82cc8d466bc13ee38532d4404327ed99b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package spark.effects
import flash.geom.Point;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import spark.effects.animation.Keyframe;
import spark.effects.animation.MotionPath;
import spark.effects.animation.SimpleMotionPath;
import spark.effects.easing.IEaser;
import spark.effects.easing.Power;
import spark.effects.easing.Sine;
use namespace mx_internal;
// TODO (eday): This class is currently intended only for use by Scroller. It may not
// support all of the functionality of the Effects system. For example, it does not
// have an associated AnimatetdInstance-derived class.
public class ThrowEffect extends Animate
* @private
* The duration of the overshoot effect when a throw "bounces" against the end of the list.
private static const THROW_OVERSHOOT_TIME:int = 200;
* @private
* The duration of the settle effect when a throw "bounces" against the end of the list.
private static const THROW_SETTLE_TIME:int = 600;
* @private
* The exponent used in the easer function for the main part of the throw animation.
* NOTE: if you change this, you need to re-differentiate the easer
* function and use the resulting derivative calculation in createThrowMotionPath.
private static const THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT:Number = 3.0;
* @private
* The exponent used in the easer function for the "overshoot" portion
* of the throw animation.
private static const OVERSHOOT_CURVE_EXPONENT:Number = 2.0;
* @private
* The name of the property to be animated for each axis.
* Setting to null indicates that there is to be no animation
* along that axis.
mx_internal var propertyNameX:String = null;
mx_internal var propertyNameY:String = null;
* @private
* The initial velocity of the throw animation.
mx_internal var startingVelocityX:Number = 0;
mx_internal var startingVelocityY:Number = 0;
* @private
* The starting values for the animated properties.
mx_internal var startingPositionX:Number = 0;
mx_internal var startingPositionY:Number = 0;
* @private
* The minimum values for the animated properties.
mx_internal var minPositionX:Number = 0;
mx_internal var minPositionY:Number = 0;
* @private
* The maximum values for the animated properties.
mx_internal var maxPositionX:Number = 0;
mx_internal var maxPositionY:Number = 0;
* @private
* The rate of deceleration to apply to the velocity.
mx_internal var decelerationFactor:Number;
* @private
* The final calculated values for the animated properties.
mx_internal var finalPosition:Point;
* @private
* This is a callback that, when installed by the client, will be invoked
* with the final position of the throw in case the client needs to alter it
* prior to the animation beginning.
mx_internal var finalPositionFilterFunction:Function;
* @private
* Set to true when the effect is only being used to snap an element into position
* and the initial velocity is zero.
mx_internal var isSnapping:Boolean = false;
* @private
* The motion paths for X and Y axes
private var horizontalMP:SimpleMotionPath = null;
private var verticalMP:SimpleMotionPath = null;
* @private
private function calculateThrowEffectTime(velocityX:Number, velocityY:Number):int
// This calculates the effect duration based on a deceleration factor that is applied evenly over time.
// We decay the velocity by the deceleration factor until it is less than 0.01/ms, which is rounded to zero pixels.
// We want to solve for "time" in this equasion: velocity*(decel^time)-0.01 = 0.
// Note that we are only calculating an effect duration here. The actual curve of our throw velocity is determined by
// the exponential easing function we use between animation keyframes.
var throwTimeX:int = velocityX == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(0.01 / (Math.abs(velocityX)))) / Math.log(decelerationFactor);
var throwTimeY:int = velocityY == 0 ? 0 : (Math.log(0.01 / (Math.abs(velocityY)))) / Math.log(decelerationFactor);
return Math.max(throwTimeX, throwTimeY);
* @private
* Once all the animation variables are set (velocity, position, etc.), call this
* function to build the motion paths that describe the throw animation.
mx_internal function setup():Boolean
// Set the easer for the overall effect.
// TODO (eday): eliminate this and fix the curves to compensate.
var throwEaser:IEaser = new Power(0, THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT);
this.easer = throwEaser;
var effectTime:int = calculateThrowEffectTime(startingVelocityX, startingVelocityY);
var throwEffectMotionPaths:Vector.<MotionPath> = new Vector.<MotionPath>();
isSnapping = false;
var horizontalTime:Number = 0;
var horizontalFinalPosition:Number = 0;
horizontalMP = null;
if (propertyNameX)
horizontalMP = createThrowMotionPath(
if (horizontalMP)
horizontalTime = horizontalMP.keyframes[horizontalMP.keyframes.length-1].time;
horizontalFinalPosition = Number(horizontalMP.keyframes[horizontalMP.keyframes.length-1].value);
var verticalTime:Number = 0;
var verticalFinalPosition:Number = 0;
verticalMP = null;
if (propertyNameY)
verticalMP = createThrowMotionPath(
if (verticalMP)
verticalTime = verticalMP.keyframes[verticalMP.keyframes.length-1].time;
verticalFinalPosition = Number(verticalMP.keyframes[verticalMP.keyframes.length-1].value);
if (throwEffectMotionPaths.length != 0)
this.duration = Math.max(horizontalTime, verticalTime);
this.motionPaths = throwEffectMotionPaths;
finalPosition = new Point(horizontalFinalPosition, verticalFinalPosition);
return true;
return false;
* @private
* Helper function for getCurrentVelocity.
private function getMotionPathCurrentVelocity(mp:MotionPath, currentTime:Number, totalTime:Number):Number
// Determine the fraction of the effect that has already played.
var fraction:Number = currentTime / totalTime;
// Now we need to determine the effective velocity at the effect's current position.
// Here we use a "poor man's" approximation that doesn't require us to know any of the
// derivative functions associated with the motion path. We sample the position at two
// time values very close together and assume the velocity slope is a straight line
// between them. The smaller the distance between the two time values, the closer the
// result will be to the "instantaneous" velocity.
const TINY_DELTA_TIME:Number = 0.00001;
var value1:Number = Number(mp.getValue(fraction));
var value2:Number = Number(mp.getValue(fraction + (TINY_DELTA_TIME / totalTime)));
return (value2 - value1) / TINY_DELTA_TIME;
* @private
* Calculates the current velocities of the in-progress throw animation
mx_internal function getCurrentVelocity():Point
// Get the current position of the existing throw animation
var effectTime:Number = this.playheadTime;
// It's possible for playheadTime to not be set if we're getting it
// before the first animation timer call.
if (isNaN(effectTime))
effectTime = 0;
var effectDuration:Number = this.duration;
var velX:Number = horizontalMP ? getMotionPathCurrentVelocity(horizontalMP, effectTime, effectDuration) : 0;
var velY:Number = verticalMP ? getMotionPathCurrentVelocity(verticalMP, effectTime, effectDuration) : 0;
return new Point(velX, velY);
* @private
* A utility function to add a new keyframe to the motion path and return the frame time.
private function addKeyframe(motionPath:SimpleMotionPath, time:Number, position:Number, easer:IEaser):Number
var keyframe:Keyframe = new Keyframe(time, position);
keyframe.easer = easer;
return time;
* @private
* This function builds a motion path that reflects the starting conditions (position, velocity)
* and exhibits overshoot/settle/snap effects (aka bounce/pull) according to the min/max boundaries.
private function createThrowMotionPath(propertyName:String, velocity:Number, position:Number, minPosition:Number,
maxPosition:Number, throwEffectTime:Number):SimpleMotionPath
var motionPath:SimpleMotionPath = new SimpleMotionPath(propertyName);
motionPath.keyframes = Vector.<Keyframe>([new Keyframe(0, position)]);
var keyframe:Keyframe = null;
var nowTime:Number = 0;
var alignedPosition:Number;
// First, we handle the case where the velocity is zero (finger wasn't significantly moving when lifted).
// Ordinarily, we do nothing in this case, but if the list is currently scrolled past its end (i.e. "pulled"),
// we need to have the animation move it back so none of the empty space is visible.
if (velocity == 0)
if ((position < minPosition || position > maxPosition))
// Velocity is zero and we're past the end of the list. We want the
// list to "snap" back to its resting position at the end. We use a
// cubic easer curve so the snap has high initial velocity and
// gradually decelerates toward the resting point.
position = position < minPosition ? minPosition : maxPosition;
if (finalPositionFilterFunction != null)
position = finalPositionFilterFunction(position, propertyName);
nowTime = addKeyframe(motionPath, nowTime + THROW_SETTLE_TIME, position, new Power(0, THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT));
// See if we need to snap into alignment
alignedPosition = position;
if (finalPositionFilterFunction != null)
alignedPosition = finalPositionFilterFunction(position, propertyName);
if (alignedPosition == position)
return null;
isSnapping = true;
nowTime = addKeyframe(motionPath, nowTime + THROW_SETTLE_TIME, alignedPosition, new Power(0, THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT));
// Each iteration of this loop adds one of more keyframes to the motion path and then
// updates the velocity and position values. Once the velocity has decayed to zero,
// the motion path is complete.
while (velocity != 0.0)
if ((position < minPosition && velocity > 0) || (position > maxPosition && velocity < 0))
// We're past the end of the list and the velocity is directed further beyond
// the end. In this case we want to overshoot the end of the list and then
// settle back to it.
var settlePosition:Number = position < minPosition ? minPosition : maxPosition;
if (finalPositionFilterFunction != null)
settlePosition = finalPositionFilterFunction(settlePosition, propertyName);
// OVERSHOOT_CURVE_EXPONENT is the default initial slope of the easer function we use for the overshoot.
// This calculation scales the y axis (distance) of the overshoot so the actual slope matches the velocity.
var overshootPosition:Number = Math.round(position -
nowTime = addKeyframe(motionPath, nowTime + THROW_OVERSHOOT_TIME,
overshootPosition, new Power(0, OVERSHOOT_CURVE_EXPONENT));
nowTime = addKeyframe(motionPath, nowTime + THROW_SETTLE_TIME, settlePosition, new Sine(0.25));
// Clear the velocity to indicate that the motion path is complete.
velocity = 0;
position = settlePosition;
// Here we're going to do a "normal" throw.
var effectTime:Number = throwEffectTime;
var minVelocity:Number;
if (position < minPosition || position > maxPosition)
// The throw is starting beyond the end of the list. We need to enforce a minimum velocity
// to make sure the throw makes it all the way back to the end (i.e. doesn't leave any blank area
// exposed) and does so within THROW_SETTLE_TIME. THROW_SETTLE_TIME needs to be consistently
// adhered to in all cases where the tension of being beyond the end acts on the scroll position.
// The minimum velocity is that which gets us back to the end position in exactly THROW_SETTLE_TIME milliseconds.
minVelocity = ((position - (position < minPosition ? minPosition : maxPosition)) /
if (Math.abs(velocity) < Math.abs(minVelocity))
velocity = minVelocity;
// The easer function we use is 1-((1-x)^THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT), which has an initial slope of THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT.
// The x axis is scaled according to the throw duration we calculated above, so now we need
// to determine the correct y-axis scaling (i.e. throw distance) such that the initial
// slope matches the specified throw velocity.
var finalPosition:Number = Math.round(position - ((velocity / THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT) * effectTime));
if (finalPosition < minPosition || finalPosition > maxPosition)
// The throw is going to hit the end of the list. In this case we need to clip the
// deceleration curve at the appropriate point. We want the curve to look exactly as
// it would if we were allowing the throw to go beyond the end of the list. But the
// keyframe we add here will stop exactly at the end. The subsequent loop iteration
// will add keyframes that describe the overshoot & settle behavior.
var endPosition:Number = finalPosition < minPosition ? minPosition : maxPosition;
// since easing function is f(t) = start + (final - start) * e(t)
// e(t) = Math.pow(1 - t/throwEffectTime, 3)
// We want to solve for t when e(t) = finalPosition
// t = throwEffectTime*(1-(Math.pow(1-((endPosition-position)/(finalVSP-position)),1/3)));
var partialTime:Number =
effectTime*(1 - (Math.pow(1 - ((endPosition - position) / (finalPosition - position)), 1 / THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT)));
// PartialExponentialCurve creates a portion of the throw easer curve, but scaled up to fill the
// specified duration.
nowTime = addKeyframe(motionPath, nowTime + partialTime, endPosition,
new PartialExponentialCurve(THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT, partialTime / effectTime));
// Set the position just past the end of the list for the next loop iteration.
if (finalPosition < minPosition)
position = minPosition - 1;
if (finalPosition > maxPosition)
position = maxPosition + 1;
// Set the velocity for the next loop iteration. Make sure it matches the actual velocity in effect when the
// throw reaches the end of the list.
// The easer function we use for the throw is 1-((1-x)^3), the derivative of which is 3*x^2-6*x+3.
// (I used to differentiate the easer function).
// Since the slope of a curve function at any point x (i.e. f(x)) is the value of the derivative at x (i.e. f'(x)),
// we can use this to determine the velocity of the throw at the point it reached the beginning of the bounce.
var x:Number = partialTime / effectTime;
var y:Number = 3 * Math.pow(x, 2) - 6 * x + 3; // NOTE: This calculation must be matched to the THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT value.
velocity = -y * (finalPosition - position) / effectTime;
// This is the simplest case. The throw both begins and ends on the list (i.e. not past the
// end of the list). We create a single keyframe and clear the velocity to indicate that the
// motion path is complete.
// Note that we only use the first 62% of the actual deceleration curve, and stop the motion
// path at that point. That's the point in time at which most throws animations get to within
// a single pixel of their final destination. Since scrolling is done at whole pixel
// boundaries, there's no point in letting the rest of the animation play out, and stopping it
// allows us to release the mouse capture earlier for a better user experience.
if (finalPositionFilterFunction != null)
finalPosition = finalPositionFilterFunction(finalPosition, propertyName);
const CURVE_PORTION:Number = 0.62;
nowTime = addKeyframe(
motionPath, nowTime + (effectTime*CURVE_PORTION), finalPosition,
new PartialExponentialCurve(THROW_CURVE_EXPONENT, CURVE_PORTION));
velocity = 0;
return motionPath;
import spark.effects.easing.EaseInOutBase;
* @private
* A custom ease-out-only easer class which animates along a specified
* portion of an exponential curve.
class PartialExponentialCurve extends EaseInOutBase
public function PartialExponentialCurve(exponent:Number, xscale:Number)
_exponent = exponent;
_xscale = xscale;
_ymult = 1 / (1 - Math.pow(1 - _xscale, _exponent));
override protected function easeOut(fraction:Number):Number
return _ymult * (1 - Math.pow(1 - fraction*_xscale, _exponent));
private var _xscale:Number;
private var _ymult:Number;
private var _exponent:Number;