blob: ddab5c3fb4a789a24c2d3fafa85e29e535fe5c57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package spark.effects
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
* The CrossFade effect uses Pixel Bender,
* which is not supported for AIR mobile applications.
* The CrossFade effect performs a bitmap transition effect by running a
* <i>crossfade</i> between the first and second bitmaps.
* The crossfade blends the two bitmaps over the duration of the
* animation.
* <p>At any point in the animation, where the
* elapsed and eased fraction of the animation is <code>f</code> and the pixel
* values in the first and second bitmaps are <code>v1</code> and <code>v2</code>,
* the resulting pixel value <code>v</code> for any pixel in the image is:</p>
* <pre>v = v1 &#42; (1 - f) + v2 &#42; f</pre>
* <p>The bitmap effect is run by a pixel-shader program
* that is loaded by the effect.
* You can specify a different crossfade behavior by specifying
* a pixel-shader program to the <code>shaderByteCode</code> property.
* That pixel-shader program must meet the requirements defined in the
* AnimateTransitionShader effect. </p>
* @see spark.effects.AnimateTransitionShader
* @see spark.effects.AnimateTransitionShader#shaderByteCode
* @includeExample examples/CrossFadeExample.mxml
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public class CrossFade extends AnimateTransitionShader
[Embed(source="CrossFade.pbj", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
private static var CrossFadeShaderClass:Class;
private static var crossFadeShaderCode:ByteArray = new CrossFadeShaderClass();
* Constructor.
* @param target The Object to animate with this effect.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function CrossFade(target:Object=null)
// Note that we do not need a separate CrossFadeInstance; the only
// addition that CrossFade adds is specifying the Crossfade
// Pixel Bender shader. Everything else needed is in the
// superclass already.
shaderByteCode = crossFadeShaderCode;