blob: 3dc9f5136b50c6702d970f5e0471d566351fbbd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.effects
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import mx.core.ILayoutElement;
import mx.core.IUIComponent;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.effects.CompositeEffect;
import mx.effects.Effect;
import mx.effects.IEffectInstance;
import mx.effects.Parallel;
import mx.effects.Sequence;
import mx.geom.TransformOffsets;
import mx.styles.IStyleClient;
import spark.core.IGraphicElement;
import spark.effects.animation.Keyframe;
import spark.effects.animation.MotionPath;
import spark.effects.easing.IEaser;
import spark.effects.easing.Linear;
import spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransformInstance;
use namespace mx_internal;
// Excluded APIs
[Exclude(name="repeatCount", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="repeatBehavior", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="repeatDelay", kind="property")]
* The AnimateTransform effect controls all transform-related animations on target
* objects. Transform operations, such as translation, scale, and
* rotation, are combined into single operations that act
* in parallel to avoid any conflict when modifying overlapping property values.
* This effect works by combining all current transform effects
* on a target into one single effect instance for that target. That is, multiple
* transform effects within the same Parallel effect are combined (transform
* effects within a Sequence run separately).
* <p>While this combination of multiple transform effects happens
* internally,
* it does force certain constraints that should be considered:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>The <code>transformCenter</code> for the target object is
* globally applied to all transform effects on that target, so it
* should be set to the same value on all targets.</li>
* <li>Transform effects ignore repeat parameters,
* since the effects of any single Transform effect
* impact all other Transform effects running on the same target.
* Effects can still be repeated by encapsulating them in a
* CompositeEffect.</li>
* <li>The subclasses of the AnimateTransform class provide an
* easy way for simple manipulations of the transform effect, but for
* full control and fine-grained manipulation of the underlying keyframe
* times and values, use the AnimateTransform effect directly.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>An additional constraint of this effect and its subclasses is that
* the target must be of type UIComponent or GraphicElement (or a subclass
* of those classes), or any other object which has similarly
* defined and implemented <code>transformAround()</code> and
* <code>transformPointToParent()</code> functions.</p>
* <p>This effect is not intended to be used directly, but rather exposes
* common functionality used by its subclasses. To use transform effects,
* use the subclass effects (Move, Move3D, Scale, Scale3D, Rotate, and
* Rotate3D).</p>
* @mxml
* <p>The <code>&lt;s:AnimateTransform&gt;</code> tag
* inherits all of the tag attributes of its superclass,
* and adds the following tag attributes:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;s:AnimateTransform
* <b>Properties</b>
* id="ID"
* applyChangesPostLayout="false"
* autoCenterTransform="false"
* transformX="0"
* transformY="0"
* transformZ="0"
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @see spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateTransformInstance
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public class AnimateTransform extends Animate
include "../core/";
// Class constants
* @private
private static var AFFECTED_PROPERTIES:Array =
["translationX", "translationY", "translationZ",
"rotationX", "rotationY", "rotationZ",
"scaleX", "scaleY", "scaleZ",
"left", "right", "top", "bottom",
"horizontalCenter", "verticalCenter", "baseline",
"width", "height"];
* @private
private static var RELEVANT_STYLES:Array =
["left", "right", "top", "bottom", "horizontalCenter", "verticalCenter", "baseline"];
// Constructor
* Constructor.
* @param target The Object to animate with this effect.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function AnimateTransform(target:Object=null)
instanceClass = AnimateTransformInstance;
// Variables
// By default, the overall AnimateTransform effect (when instantiated by
// the leaf-node subclasses Move, Move3D, Rotate, etc.) uses Linear easing,
// but each keyframe pair uses the regular Sine(.5) easing. This mimics the
// behavior of other effects that just have Sine(.5) easing for their motion.
private static var linearEaser:Linear = new Linear();
// This variable is used to detect whether the transform effect was created
// via one of the known subclasses (Move, Move3D, Rotate, etc.) or whether it
// was created directly (AnimateTransform or AnimateTransform3D). If created
// directly, assume the developer knows what they're doing and pass the
// easer onto the effect instance. Otherwise, use the easing approach
// described in the comment for linearEaser above.
mx_internal var transformEffectSubclass:Boolean = false;
// TODO (chaase): consider putting the three per-target maps into one
// single structure
* @private
* These maps hold information about whether values have already been applied
* to a target as a part of the transition start or end process
static private var appliedStartValuesPerTarget:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
* @private
static private var appliedEndValuesPerTarget:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
* The sharedObjectDepot holds shared transform effect instances on a
* per-toplevel-Parallel basis. That is, transform effects running in
* parallel shares a common effect instance with other effects
* grouped in the same Parallel tree. Effects running individually, or
* running inside a Sequence, does not share instances. We manage this
* by having a map-of-maps inside our sharedObjectDepot. The top-level
* map manages the per-toplevel-Parallel maps (maps keyd from particular
* Parallel effects), whose entries are maps that are keyed off of
* instance targets. The reason for the separate utility class is to
* simplify managing the map-of-maps; the depot uses a reference counter
* so that we know, when removing the shared-instance map entries, whether
* we can remove the top level map for a particular Paralle effect.
static private var sharedObjectDepot:SharedObjectDepot
= new SharedObjectDepot();
* @private
* Helper structures to hold values used in applyValues()
private static var scale:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var rotation:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var position:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var offsetRotation:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var offsetTranslation:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var offsetScale:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var xformPosition:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var postLayoutPosition:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
// Properties
// applyChangesPostLayout
private var _applyChangesPostLayout:Boolean = false;
[Inspectable(category="General", enumeration="true,false")]
* Subclasses of AnimateTransform use this flag to specify
* whether the effect changes transform values used by the layout
* manager, or whether it changes values used after layout is run.
* @default false
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function get applyChangesPostLayout():Boolean
return _applyChangesPostLayout;
public function set applyChangesPostLayout(value:Boolean):void
_applyChangesPostLayout = value;
// autoCenterTransform
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="false")]
* Specifies whether the transform effect occurs
* around the center of the target, <code>(width/2, height/2)</code>
* when the effect begins playing.
* If the flag is not set, the transform center is determined by
* the transform center of the object (<code>transformX, transformY,
* transformZ</code>) and the <code>transformX, transformY,
* transformZ</code> properties in this effect. That is, the
* transform center is the transform center of the target object,
* where any of the <code>transformX, transformY,
* transformZ</code> properties are overridden by those
* values in the effect, if set.
* @default false
* @see mx.core.UIComponent#transformX
* @see mx.core.UIComponent#transformY
* @see mx.core.UIComponent#transformZ
* @see #transformX
* @see #transformY
* @see #transformZ
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public var autoCenterTransform:Boolean = false;
// transformX
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="NaN")]
* Sets the x coordinate for the transform center, unless overridden
* by the <code>autoCenterTransform</code> property.
* <p>If <code>autoCenterTransform</code> is <code>false</code>, the transform
* center is determined by the <code>transformX</code>,
* <code>transformY</code>, and <code>transformZ</code> properties
* of the target object, but each of those properties can be
* overridden by setting the respective properties in this effect.</p>
* @see mx.core.UIComponent#transformX
* @see #autoCenterTransform
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public var transformX:Number;
// transformY
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="NaN")]
* Sets the y coordinate for the transform center, unless overridden
* by the <code>autoCenterTransform</code> property.
* <p>If <code>autoCenterTransform</code> is <code>false</code>, the transform
* center is determined by the <code>transformX</code>,
* <code>transformY</code>, and <code>transformZ</code> properties
* of the target object, but each of those properties can be
* overridden by setting the respective properties in this effect.</p>
* @see mx.core.UIComponent#transformY
* @see #autoCenterTransform
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public var transformY:Number;
// transformZ
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="NaN")]
* Sets the z coordinate for the transform center, unless overridden
* by the <code>autoCenterTransform</code> property.
* <p>If <code>autoCenterTransform</code> is <code>false</code>, the transform
* center is determined by the <code>transformX</code>,
* <code>transformY</code>, and <code>transformZ</code> properties
* of the target object, but each of those properties can be
* overridden by setting the respective properties in this effect.</p>
* @see mx.core.UIComponent#transformZ
* @see #autoCenterTransform
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public var transformZ:Number;
// Methods
private function getOwningParallelEffect():Parallel
var prevParent:Parallel = null;
var parent:Effect = parentCompositeEffect;
// Only share instance for children of parallel effects
while (parent)
if (parent is Sequence)
prevParent = Parallel(parent);
parent = parent.parentCompositeEffect;
return prevParent;
* @private
* Creates the instance for this effect. Unlike other effects which operate
* autonomously, this effect uses only a single effect instance per target.
* So all objects of type AnimateTransform, or its subclasses, share this
* one global instance. If there is already an instance created for the effect,
* the values from the new effect is inserted as animation values into
* the existing instance.
* @param target The Object to animate with this effect.
* @return The effect instance object for the effect.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
override public function createInstance(target:Object = null):IEffectInstance
if (!target)
target =;
var parent:Effect = parentCompositeEffect;
var sharedInstance:IEffectInstance = null;
var topmostParallel:Parallel = getOwningParallelEffect();
if (topmostParallel != null)
sharedInstance = IEffectInstance(
sharedObjectDepot.getSharedObject(topmostParallel, target));
if (!sharedInstance)
var newInstance:IEffectInstance = super.createInstance(target);
if (topmostParallel)
target, newInstance);
return newInstance;
// return null to indicate that there is no 'new' instance. This
// keeps it from being redundantly added to composite effects
return null;
* @private
* We handle this event in order to remove the single effect instance per
* target. We cannot correctly add values to a playing effect, so we only
* allow combining values into the single instance before that instance
* begins.
override protected function effectStartHandler(event:EffectEvent):void
// Delete any cached info about the effect instance, such as the
// shared transform effect instance
var topmostParallel:Parallel = getOwningParallelEffect();
if (topmostParallel != null)
delete appliedStartValuesPerTarget[];
delete appliedEndValuesPerTarget[];
* @private
* Used internally to grab the values of the relevant properties. Note
* that some properties are fake - translationX, translationY,
* and translationZ do not exist on the targets,
* but are manufactured from a combination of the object position
* and the transform center.
override mx_internal function captureValues(propChanges:Array,
targetsToCapture:Array = null):Array
propChanges = super.captureValues(propChanges, setStartValues,
var valueMap:Object;
var i:int;
var n:int;
var target:Object;
n = propChanges.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
target = propChanges[i].target;
if (targetsToCapture == null || targetsToCapture.length == 0 ||
targetsToCapture.indexOf(target) >= 0)
// For now, just make sure that we can transform the current target
// and that the target exists on the display tree,
// then go ahead and capture its transform values
if (!(target is ILayoutElement) || (!target.parent && setStartValues))
valueMap = setStartValues ? propChanges[i].start : propChanges[i].end;
var computedTransformCenter:Vector3D =
computeTransformCenterForTarget(target, valueMap);
if (valueMap.translationX === undefined ||
valueMap.translationY === undefined ||
valueMap.translationZ === undefined)
// TODO (chaase): do we really need this?
propChanges[i].stripUnchangedValues = false;
target.transformPointToParent(computedTransformCenter, xformPosition,
valueMap.translationX = xformPosition.x;
valueMap.translationY = xformPosition.y;
valueMap.translationZ = xformPosition.z;
// if someone has asked for the motionpaths to affect offsets,
// they might not have explcitly defined any offsets. If that's the case,
// we still need to capture default start values, so let's initialize the offsets
// to a default set anyway.
if ((applyChangesPostLayout || postLayoutTransformPropertiesSet) &&
target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)
target.postLayoutTransformOffsets = new TransformOffsets();
// if the target doesn't have any offsets, there's no need to capture
// offset values.
if (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets != null)
var postLayoutTransformOffsets:TransformOffsets = target.postLayoutTransformOffsets;
valueMap.postLayoutRotationX = postLayoutTransformOffsets.rotationX;
valueMap.postLayoutRotationY = postLayoutTransformOffsets.rotationY;
valueMap.postLayoutRotationZ = postLayoutTransformOffsets.rotationZ;
valueMap.postLayoutScaleX = postLayoutTransformOffsets.scaleX;
valueMap.postLayoutScaleY = postLayoutTransformOffsets.scaleY;
valueMap.postLayoutScaleZ = postLayoutTransformOffsets.scaleZ;
if (valueMap.postLayoutTranslationX === undefined ||
valueMap.postLayoutTranslationY === undefined ||
valueMap.postLayoutTranslationZ === undefined)
// TODO (chaase): do we really need this?
propChanges[i].stripUnchangedValues = false;
target.transformPointToParent(computedTransformCenter, null,
valueMap.postLayoutTranslationX = postLayoutPosition.x;
valueMap.postLayoutTranslationY = postLayoutPosition.y;
valueMap.postLayoutTranslationZ = postLayoutPosition.z;
return propChanges;
* @private
* Calculates the transformCenter used by the effect instance for this
* target. The center is calculated as:
* - if autoCenterTransform, center around the target's x/y center
* - else if none of transformX, transformY, transformZ are set on the
* effect, return null. This will result in the effect simply using
* the target's transform center
* - else get the transformXYZ properties in the target and override
* these values by the effects transformXYZ properties
private function computeTransformCenterForTarget(target:Object,
valueMap:Object = null):Vector3D
var computedTransformCenter:Vector3D;
if (autoCenterTransform)
var w:Number = (valueMap != null && valueMap["width"] !== undefined) ?
valueMap["width"] :
var h:Number = (valueMap != null && valueMap["height"] !== undefined) ?
valueMap["height"] :
computedTransformCenter = new Vector3D(w/2, h/2, 0);
// Always create a transform center, even if we do not override
// the object's transform XYZ properties. Theoretically, a null transform
// center should be the same as one that uses the tXYZ properties on
// the target, but that's not the case currently.
computedTransformCenter = new Vector3D(target.transformX,
target.transformY, target.transformZ);
if (!isNaN(transformX))
computedTransformCenter.x = transformX;
if (!isNaN(transformY))
computedTransformCenter.y = transformY;
if (!isNaN(transformZ))
computedTransformCenter.z = transformZ;
return computedTransformCenter;
* @private
* Utility function called by applyStartValues() and
* applyEndValues(). We override these functions from Effect
* because we need to apply all transform-related properties
* at the same time, rather than one by one, because they are
* all interdependent.
private function applyValues(propChanges:Array, targets:Array,
var appliedValuesPerTarget:Dictionary =
start ?
appliedStartValuesPerTarget :
var n:int = propChanges.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
var m:int;
var j:int;
var target:Object = propChanges[i].target;
var apply:Boolean = false;
if (appliedValuesPerTarget[target])
m = targets.length;
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
if (targets[j] == target)
apply = filterInstance(propChanges, target);
if (apply)
var effectProps:Array = AFFECTED_PROPERTIES;
var valueMap:Object = start ? propChanges[i].start : propChanges[i].end;
var otherValueMap:Object = start ? propChanges[i].end : propChanges[i].start;
var transitionValues:Object = {
rotationX:NaN, rotationY:NaN, rotation:NaN,
scaleX:NaN, scaleY:NaN, scaleZ:NaN,
translationX:NaN, translationY:NaN, translationZ:NaN
// Walk the properties in the target
m = effectProps.length;
for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
var propName:String = effectProps[j];
// Only record and apply values if they change between states
// Special case for tx/ty because they may change implicitly due
// to transform center changes
if (propName in valueMap &&
(propName == "translationX" || propName == "translationY" ||
propName.indexOf("postLayout") == 0 ||
valueMap[propName] != otherValueMap[propName]))
transitionValues[propName] = valueMap[propName];
// Now transform it
var xformCenter:Vector3D = computeTransformCenterForTarget(target, valueMap);
var tmpScale:Vector3D = null;
var tmpPosition:Vector3D = null;
var tmpRotation:Vector3D = null;
var tmpOffsetTranslation:Vector3D = null;
var tmpOffsetRotation:Vector3D = null;
var tmpOffsetScale:Vector3D = null;
var currentXFormPositionComputed:Boolean = false;
if (!isNaN(transitionValues.scaleX) ||
!isNaN(transitionValues.scaleY) ||
scale.x = !isNaN(transitionValues.scaleX) ?
transitionValues.scaleX : target["scaleX"];
scale.y = !isNaN(transitionValues.scaleY) ?
transitionValues.scaleY : target["scaleY"];
scale.z = !isNaN(transitionValues.scaleZ) ?
transitionValues.scaleZ : target["scaleZ"];
tmpScale = scale;
if (!isNaN(transitionValues.rotationX) ||
!isNaN(transitionValues.rotationY) ||
rotation.x = !isNaN(transitionValues.rotationX) ?
transitionValues.rotationX : target["rotationX"];
rotation.y = !isNaN(transitionValues.rotationY) ?
transitionValues.rotationY : target["rotationY"];
rotation.z = !isNaN(transitionValues.rotationZ) ?
transitionValues.rotationZ : target["rotationZ"];
tmpRotation = rotation;
position.x = transitionValues.translationX;
position.y = transitionValues.translationY;
position.z = transitionValues.translationZ;
if (isNaN(position.x) || isNaN(position.y) || isNaN(position.z))
xformPosition, postLayoutPosition);
currentXFormPositionComputed = true;
if (isNaN(position.x))
position.x = xformPosition.x;
if (isNaN(position.y))
position.y = xformPosition.y;
if (isNaN(position.z))
position.z = xformPosition.z;
if (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets != null)
offsetRotation.x = !isNaN(transitionValues.postLayoutRotationX) ?
transitionValues.postLayoutRotationX : 0;
offsetRotation.y = !isNaN(transitionValues.postLayoutRotationY) ?
transitionValues.postLayoutRotationY : 0;
offsetRotation.z = !isNaN(transitionValues.postLayoutRotationZ) ?
transitionValues.postLayoutRotationZ : 0;
tmpOffsetRotation = offsetRotation;
offsetScale.x = !isNaN(transitionValues.postLayoutScaleX) ?
transitionValues.postLayoutScaleX : 1;
offsetScale.y = !isNaN(transitionValues.postLayoutScaleY) ?
transitionValues.postLayoutScaleY : 1;
offsetScale.z = !isNaN(transitionValues.postLayoutScaleZ) ?
transitionValues.postLayoutScaleZ : 1;
tmpOffsetScale = offsetScale;
offsetTranslation.x = transitionValues.postLayoutTranslationX;
offsetTranslation.y = transitionValues.postLayoutTranslationY;
offsetTranslation.z = transitionValues.postLayoutTranslationZ;
if (isNaN(offsetTranslation.x) ||
isNaN(offsetTranslation.y) ||
if (currentXFormPositionComputed == false)
xformPosition, postLayoutPosition);
currentXFormPositionComputed = true;
if (isNaN(offsetTranslation.x))
offsetTranslation.x = postLayoutPosition.x;
if (isNaN(offsetTranslation.y))
offsetTranslation.y = postLayoutPosition.y;
if (isNaN(offsetTranslation.z))
offsetTranslation.z = postLayoutPosition.z;
tmpOffsetTranslation = offsetTranslation;
target.transformAround(xformCenter, tmpScale, tmpRotation,
appliedValuesPerTarget[target] = true;
* @private
* Applies the start values found in the array of PropertyChanges
* to the relevant targets. Overriding because we need to set
* transform-related properties together, not one-by-one.
mx_internal override function applyStartValues(propChanges:Array,
applyValues(propChanges, targets, true);
super.applyStartValues(propChanges, targets);
* @private
* Applies the end values found in the array of PropertyChanges
* to the relevant targets. Overriding because we need to set
* transform-related properties together, not one-by-one.
mx_internal override function applyEndValues(propChanges:Array,
// For now, only new Flex4 effects will apply end values when transitions
// are over, to preserve the previous behavior of Flex3 effects
if (applyTransitionEndProperties)
applyValues(propChanges, targets, false);
super.applyEndValues(propChanges, targets);
* @private
* Called by Effect.applyStartValues() and Effect.applyEndValues(). Overriding
* to noop some property setting
override protected function applyValueToTarget(target:Object, property:String,
value:*, props:Object):void
// We've already set most of these properties in applyStartValues() or
// applyEndValues() override; don't set them again here. Skip width/height
// because they are only used to track the size for autoCenterTransform;
// we should not apply those values as a side effect of this transform effect
if (property == "translationX" || property == "translationY" ||
property == "translationZ" || property == "rotationX" ||
property == "rotationY" || property == "rotationZ" ||
property == "scaleX" || property == "scaleY" ||
property == "scaleZ" ||
property == "postLayoutTranslationX" || property == "postLayoutTranslationY" ||
property == "postLayoutTranslationZ" || property == "postLayoutRotationX" ||
property == "postLayoutRotationY" || property == "postLayoutRotationZ" ||
property == "postLayoutScaleX" || property == "postLayoutScaleY" ||
property == "postLayoutScaleZ" ||
property == "width" || property == "height"
super.applyValueToTarget(target, property, value, props);
* @private
override public function getAffectedProperties():Array /* of String */
* @private
override public function get relevantStyles():Array /* of String */
* Inserts a keyframe into an existing set of keyframes according to
* its time. Keyframes are sorted in increasing time order.
private function insertKeyframe(keyframes:Vector.<Keyframe>, newKF:Keyframe):void
for (var i:int = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++)
if (keyframes[i].time > newKF.time)
keyframes.splice(i, 0, newKF);
* @private
* Adds a MotionPath object to the transform effect with the
* given parameters.
* If a MotionPath object
* on the same property already exists, adds the keyframes from the
* new MotionPath object into the existing MotionPath object, sorted
* by the time values.
* @param property The name of the property being animated.
* @param valueFrom The initial value of the property.
* @param valueTo The final value of the property.
* @param valueBy An optional parameter that specifies the delta with
* which to calculate either the from or to values, if one is omitted.
mx_internal function addMotionPath(property:String,
valueFrom:Number = NaN, valueTo:Number = NaN, valueBy:Number = NaN):void
// First, nail down the from value with to/by, if possible
if (isNaN(valueFrom))
if (!isNaN(valueTo) && !isNaN(valueBy))
valueFrom = valueTo - valueBy;
// Now create a MotionPath from the result
var mp:MotionPath = new MotionPath(property);
mp.keyframes = new <Keyframe>[new Keyframe(0, valueFrom),
new Keyframe(duration, valueTo, valueBy)];
// For transform effect subclasses (Move, Move3D, Rotate, etc.), we
// set the easing on the keyframes and leave the overall effect easing
// Linear. Otherwise, we end up with artifacts like including the
// startDelay in the easing because startDelay happens via keyframes
mp.keyframes[1].easer = easer;
// Finally, integrate this MotionPath in with the existing
// MotionPath objects, if there are any
if (motionPaths)
var n:int = motionPaths.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
var prop:MotionPath = MotionPath(motionPaths[i]);
if ( ==
for (var j:int = 0; j < mp.keyframes.length; j++)
insertKeyframe(prop.keyframes, mp.keyframes[j]);
motionPaths = new Vector.<MotionPath>();
// TODO (chaase): This function appears in multiple places. Maybe
// put it in some util class instead?
* @private
* Utility function to determine whether a given value is 'valid',
* which means it's either a Number and it's not NaN, or it's not
* a Number and it's not null
private function isValidValue(value:Object):Boolean
return ((value is Number && !isNaN(Number(value))) ||
(!(value is Number) && value !== null));
* @private
* Determine whether we are dealing with any post-layout properties
private function get postLayoutTransformPropertiesSet():Boolean
if (motionPaths)
for (var i:int = 0; i < motionPaths.length; ++i)
if (motionPaths[i].property.indexOf("postLayout", 0) == 0)
return true;
return false;
* @private
* This is where we create the single instance and/or feed extra
* MotionPath information (from other transform-related effects) into the
* single transform effect instance.
override protected function initInstance(instance:IEffectInstance):void
var i:int;
var adjustedDuration:Number = duration;
var target:Object =;
var transformInstance:AnimateTransformInstance =
if (postLayoutTransformPropertiesSet)
// there are two ways we can be affecting post-layout values.
// first, if the user has explicity asked the motion paths to be post layout by setting the motionPathsAffectLayout
// flag. In that case, we can assume that they need an offsets object if one doesn't already exist.
// Second, if we captured post-layout changes from a state change. In that case, we can assume that since values were captured,
// offsets must already exist.
if (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)
target.postLayoutTransformOffsets = new TransformOffsets();
// Feed startDelay directly into keyframe times
if (motionPaths)
var instanceAnimProps:Array = [];
for (i = 0; i < motionPaths.length; ++i)
instanceAnimProps[i] = motionPaths[i].clone();
var mp:MotionPath = MotionPath(instanceAnimProps[i]);
if (mp.keyframes)
for (var j:int = 0; j < mp.keyframes.length; ++j)
var kf:Keyframe = Keyframe(mp.keyframes[j]);
// NaN for the time is used by SimpleMotionPath as a
// placeholder for the end time of the effect
if (isNaN(kf.time))
kf.time = duration;
if (startDelay != 0)
kf.time += startDelay;
adjustedDuration = Math.max(adjustedDuration,
mp.keyframes[mp.keyframes.length - 1].time);
var globalStartTime:Number = getGlobalStartTime();
for (i = 0; i < instanceAnimProps.length; ++i)
transformInstance.addMotionPath(instanceAnimProps[i], globalStartTime);
// Tell the instance which properties/styles to check for state
// transition changes
var s:String;
for each (s in getAffectedProperties())
if (relevantStyles.indexOf(s) < 0)
transformInstance.affectedProperties[s] = s;
for each (s in relevantStyles)
transformInstance.layoutConstraints[s] = s;
// Multiple effects can feed into this one instance, so only init
// it once
if (transformInstance.initialized)
transformInstance.initialized = true;
// Only use transformCenter in instance if not auto-centering
if (!autoCenterTransform)
transformInstance.transformCenter =
transformInstance.autoCenterTransform = autoCenterTransform;
// Need to hide these properties from the superclass, as they are
// already handled in our single instance. But restore them afterwards
// so that they are still available for reuse upon re-playing the effect
var tmpStartDelay:Number = startDelay;
startDelay = 0;
var tmpAnimProps:Vector.<MotionPath> = motionPaths;
motionPaths = null;
startDelay = tmpStartDelay;
motionPaths = tmpAnimProps;
transformInstance.duration = Math.max(duration, adjustedDuration);
// For transform effect subclasses (Move, Move3D, Rotate, etc.),
// override default easer on the instance. We want the overall easing
// to be Linear, with the Keyframes controlling the per-interval easing
if (transformEffectSubclass)
transformInstance.easer = linearEaser;
* @private
* Utility method used by subclasses which returns the time,
* in milliseconds, when this effect starts, relative to
* the outermost CompositeEffect. This value does not include the
* <code>startDelay</code> on the effect itself (which should be figured
* into the effect's start time locally), but does include that delay
* on any parent effects. This global start time is needed by AnimateTransform
* and subclass effects which need to calculate the times in their keyframes
* according to when they happen relative to each other (because of the
* single-instance-per-target nature of this effect).
private function getGlobalStartTime():Number
var globalStartTime:Number = 0;
var parent:Effect = parentCompositeEffect;
while (parent)
globalStartTime += parent.startDelay;
if (parent is Sequence)
var sequence:Sequence = Sequence(parent);
for (var i:int = 0; i < sequence.children.length; ++i)
var child:Effect = sequence.children[i];
if (child == this)
if (child is CompositeEffect)
globalStartTime += CompositeEffect(child).compositeDuration;
globalStartTime += child.startDelay +
(child.duration * child.repeatCount) +
(child.repeatDelay + (child.repeatCount - 1));
parent = parent.parentCompositeEffect;
return globalStartTime;