blob: 4cb23efbad584a38cd84f1e3bbf25f9a25d31b89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.components.gridClasses
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import mx.collections.IList;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import spark.collections.SubListView;
import spark.components.Grid;
import spark.components.Group;
import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase;
use namespace mx_internal;
//[ExcludeClass] TBD
* @private
* The internal layout class used by the Grid class. Responsible for laying out
* the target Grid's 1-4 GridViews: centerGridView, leftGridView, topGridView, topLeftGridView.
* The GridViews are created/removed as needed by the Grid. The layout arranges the GridViews
* within the available space. There are no gaps between the GridViews, and no space between
* the GridViews and the edges (no leftPadding, rightPadding, etc..).
* This class is private to the DataGrid implementation. It's only used by the
* DataGrid's Grid skin part (see Grid/configureGridViews()).
public class GridLayout extends LayoutBase
public function GridLayout()
// Properties
* @private
private function dispatchChangeEvent(type:String):void
if (hasEventListener(type))
dispatchEvent(new Event(type));
// centerGridView
private var _centerGridView:GridView = null;
* Displays unlocked rows and columns. This GridView is created unconditionally.
* <p>The Grid responds to vertical and horizontal scroll position changes by scrolling the
* centerGridView</p>
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 5.0
public function get centerGridView():GridView
return _centerGridView;
* @private
public function set centerGridView(value:GridView):void
if (_centerGridView == value)
_centerGridView = value;
// grid (private, read-only)
private function get grid():Grid
return target as Grid;
// leftGridView
private var _leftGridView:GridView = null;
* Displays the unlocked rows subset of the locked columns. This GridView is created when
* lockedColumnCount is greater than 0, it's removed if lockedRowCount is reset to zero.
* <p>If the Grid is scrolled verticallyi, i.e. if its verticalScrollPosition is changed,
* then the leftGridView and centerGridView are also scrolled vertically. The leftGridView
* does not scroll horizontally.</p>
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 5.0
public function get leftGridView():GridView
return _leftGridView;
* @private
public function set leftGridView(value:GridView):void
if (_leftGridView == value)
_leftGridView = value;
// lockedColumnsSeparatorElement
private var _lockedColumnsSeparatorElement:IVisualElement = null;
* If lockedColumnCount is greater than zero, this element is displayed in between the locked
* and unlocked columns. It's created (and removed) as needed with the lockedColumnssSeparator IFactory.
* @default null
* @see spark.components.GridLayout#lockedColumnsSeparator
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 5.0
public function get lockedColumnsSeparatorElement():IVisualElement
return _lockedColumnsSeparatorElement;
* @private
public function set lockedColumnsSeparatorElement(value:IVisualElement):void
if (_lockedColumnsSeparatorElement == value)
_lockedColumnsSeparatorElement = value;
// lockedRowsSeparatorElement
private var _lockedRowsSeparatorElement:IVisualElement = null;
* If lockedRowCount is greater than zero, this element is displayed in between the locked
* and unlocked rows. It's created (and removed) as needed with the lockedRowsSeparator IFactory.
* @default null
* @see spark.components.Grid#lockedRowsSeparator
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 5.0
public function get lockedRowsSeparatorElement():IVisualElement
return _lockedRowsSeparatorElement;
* @private
public function set lockedRowsSeparatorElement(value:IVisualElement):void
if (_lockedRowsSeparatorElement == value)
_lockedRowsSeparatorElement = value;
// topGridView
private var _topGridView:GridView = null;
* Displays the unlocked columns subset of the locked rows. This GridView is created when
* lockedRowCount is greater than 0, it's removed if lockedRowCount is reset to zero.
* <p>If the Grid is scrolled horizontally, i.e. if its horizontalScrollPosition is changed,
* then the topGridView and centerGridView are also scrolled horizontally. The topGridView
* does not scroll vertically.</p>
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 5.0
public function get topGridView():GridView
return _topGridView;
* @private
public function set topGridView(value:GridView):void
if (_topGridView == value)
_topGridView = value;
// topLeftGridView
private var _topLeftGridView:GridView = null;
* This GridView is only created when both lockedRowCount and lockedColumnCount are greater
* than zero. It displays as many rows and columns and does not scroll.
* @default null
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 5.0
public function get topLeftGridView():GridView
return _topLeftGridView;
* @private
public function set topLeftGridView(value:GridView):void
if (_topLeftGridView == value)
_topLeftGridView = value;
// Methods
* @private
override public function measure():void
const grid:Grid = target as Grid;
if (!grid)
const gridDimensions:GridDimensions = grid.gridDimensions;
var measuredRowCount:int = grid.requestedRowCount;
if (measuredRowCount == -1)
const rowCount:int = gridDimensions.rowCount;
if (grid.requestedMaxRowCount != -1)
measuredRowCount = Math.min(grid.requestedMaxRowCount, rowCount);
if (grid.requestedMinRowCount != -1)
measuredRowCount = Math.max(grid.requestedMinRowCount, measuredRowCount);
var measuredWidth:Number = gridDimensions.getTypicalContentWidth(grid.requestedColumnCount);
var measuredHeight:Number = gridDimensions.getTypicalContentHeight(measuredRowCount);
var measuredMinWidth:Number = gridDimensions.getTypicalContentWidth(grid.requestedMinColumnCount);
var measuredMinHeight:Number = gridDimensions.getTypicalContentHeight(grid.requestedMinRowCount);
if (grid.lockedRowCount > 0)
if (lockedRowsSeparatorElement && lockedRowsSeparatorElement.includeInLayout)
measuredHeight += lockedRowsSeparatorElement.getPreferredBoundsHeight();
measuredMinHeight += lockedRowsSeparatorElement.getMinBoundsHeight();
measuredMinWidth = Math.max(measuredMinWidth, lockedRowsSeparatorElement.getMinBoundsWidth());
if (grid.lockedColumnCount > 0)
if (lockedColumnsSeparatorElement && lockedColumnsSeparatorElement.includeInLayout)
measuredWidth += lockedColumnsSeparatorElement.getPreferredBoundsWidth();
measuredMinWidth += lockedColumnsSeparatorElement.getMinBoundsWidth();
measuredMinHeight = Math.max(measuredMinHeight, lockedColumnsSeparatorElement.getMinBoundsHeight());
// Use Math.ceil() to make sure that if the content partially occupies
// the last pixel, we'll count it as if the whole pixel is occupied.
target.measuredWidth = Math.ceil(measuredWidth);
target.measuredHeight = Math.ceil(measuredHeight);
target.measuredMinWidth = Math.ceil(measuredMinWidth);
target.measuredMinHeight = Math.ceil(measuredMinHeight);
//trace("gridLayout measure", target.measuredWidth, target.measuredHeight);
* @private
override public function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
const grid:Grid = target as Grid;
if (!grid || !centerGridView)
//trace("gridLayout updateDisplayList", unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
const lockedRowCount:int = grid.lockedRowCount;
const lockedColumnCount:int = grid.lockedColumnCount;
const lockedRowsExist:Boolean = lockedRowCount > 0;
const lockedColumnsExist:Boolean = lockedColumnCount > 0;
// Initialize the size of topLeft,top,leftGridView
if (lockedRowsExist)
const lastLockedRowIndex:int = lockedRowCount - 1;
const lastRowBounds:Rectangle = grid.getRowBounds(lastLockedRowIndex);
const lockedRowsHeight:Number = (lastRowBounds) ? Math.min(unscaledHeight, lastRowBounds.bottom) : NaN;
topGridView.setLayoutBoundsSize(unscaledWidth, lockedRowsHeight);
if (lockedRowsSeparatorElement)
lockedRowsSeparatorElement.setLayoutBoundsSize(unscaledWidth, NaN);
if (lockedColumnsExist)
const lastLockedColumnIndex:int = lockedColumnCount - 1;
const lastColumnBounds:Rectangle = grid.getColumnBounds(lastLockedColumnIndex);
const lockedColumnsWidth:Number = (lastColumnBounds) ? Math.min(unscaledWidth, lastColumnBounds.right) : NaN;
leftGridView.setLayoutBoundsSize(lockedColumnsWidth, unscaledHeight);
if (lockedColumnsSeparatorElement)
lockedColumnsSeparatorElement.setLayoutBoundsSize(NaN, unscaledHeight);
if (lockedRowsExist && lockedColumnsExist)
topLeftGridView.setLayoutBoundsSize(leftGridView.getLayoutBoundsWidth(), topGridView.getLayoutBoundsHeight());
// Position topLeft, compute centerX,Y
const separatorX:Number = (lockedColumnsExist) ? leftGridView.getLayoutBoundsWidth() : 0;
const separatorY:Number = (lockedRowsExist) ? topGridView.getLayoutBoundsHeight() : 0;
var centerX:Number = separatorX;
var centerY:Number = separatorY;
if (lockedRowsExist && lockedColumnsExist)
topLeftGridView.setLayoutBoundsPosition(0, 0);
if (lockedRowsExist && lockedRowsSeparatorElement)
lockedRowsSeparatorElement.setLayoutBoundsPosition(0, separatorY);
centerY += lockedRowsSeparatorElement.getLayoutBoundsHeight();
if (lockedColumnsExist && lockedColumnsSeparatorElement)
lockedColumnsSeparatorElement.setLayoutBoundsPosition(separatorX, 0);
centerX += lockedColumnsSeparatorElement.getLayoutBoundsWidth();
// Set topLeft bounds and fix up top.width and left.height when both lockedRow,ColumnCount > 0
if (lockedColumnsExist && lockedRowsExist)
topGridView.setLayoutBoundsSize(unscaledWidth - centerX, lockedRowsHeight);
leftGridView.setLayoutBoundsSize(lockedColumnsWidth, unscaledHeight - centerY);
topLeftGridView.setLayoutBoundsSize(separatorX, separatorY);
// Position leftGridView, topGridView, size and position centerGridView.
if (lockedRowsExist)
topGridView.setLayoutBoundsPosition(centerX, 0);
if (lockedColumnsExist)
leftGridView.setLayoutBoundsPosition(0, centerY);
centerGridView.setLayoutBoundsSize(unscaledWidth - centerX, unscaledHeight - centerY);
centerGridView.setLayoutBoundsPosition(centerX, centerY);
// Note: Grid overrides its contentWidth,Height properties, no need to set them here