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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.components
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import mx.core.EventPriority;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
import mx.core.FlexVersion;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.effects.IEffect;
import mx.effects.Parallel;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.managers.SystemManager;
import mx.styles.StyleProtoChain;
import spark.effects.Move;
import spark.effects.Resize;
import spark.effects.animation.Animation;
import spark.effects.easing.IEaser;
import spark.effects.easing.Power;
use namespace mx_internal;
// Events
* Dispatched by the container when it's opened and ready for user interaction.
* <p>This event is dispatched when the container switches from the
* <code>closed</code> to <code>normal</code> skin state and the transition
* to that state completes.</p>
* <p>Note: As of Flex 4.6, SkinnablePopUp container inherits its styles
* from the stage and not its owner.</p>
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
[Event(name="open", type="")]
* Dispatched by the container when it's closed.
* <p>This event is dispatched when the container switches from the
* <code>normal</code> to <code>closed</code> skin state and
* the transition to that state completes.</p>
* <p>The event provides a mechanism to pass commit information from
* the container to an event listener.
* One typical usage scenario is building a multiple-choice dialog with a
* cancel button.
* When a valid option is selected, you close the pop up
* with a call to the <code>close()</code> method, passing
* <code>true</code> to the <code>commit</code> parameter and optionally passing in
* any relevant data.
* When the SkinnablePopUpContainer has completed closing,
* it dispatches this event.
* Then, in the event listener, you can check the <code>commit</code>
* property and perform the appropriate action. </p>
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
[Event(name="close", type="")]
// Styles
* Duration of the soft keyboard move and resize effect in milliseconds.
* @default 150
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 11
* @playerversion AIR 3.1
* @productversion Flex 4.6
[Style(name="softKeyboardEffectDuration", type="Number", format="Time", inherit="no", minValue="0.0")]
// States
* The closed state.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
* The SkinnablePopUpContainer class is a SkinnableContainer that functions as a pop-up.
* One typical use for a SkinnablePopUpContainer container is to open a simple window
* in an application, such as an alert window, to indicate that the user must perform some action.
* <p>You do not create a SkinnablePopUpContainer container as part of the normal layout
* of its parent container.
* Instead, it appears as a pop-up window on top of its parent.
* Therefore, you do not create it directly in the MXML code of your application.</p>
* <p>Instead, you create is as an MXML component, often in a separate MXML file.
* To show the component create an instance of the MXML component, and
* then call the <code>open()</code> method.
* You can also set the size and position of the component when you open it.</p>
* <p>To close the component, call the <code>close()</code> method.
* If the pop-up needs to return data to a handler, you can add an event listener for
* the <code>PopUp.CLOSE</code> event, and specify the returned data in
* the <code>close()</code> method.</p>
* <p>The SkinnablePopUpContainer is initially in its <code>closed</code> skin state.
* When it opens, it adds itself as a pop-up to the PopUpManager,
* and transition to the <code>normal</code> skin state.
* To define open and close animations, use a custom skin with transitions between
* the <code>closed</code> and <code>normal</code> skin states.</p>
* <p>The SkinnablePopUpContainer container has the following default characteristics:</p>
* <table class="innertable">
* <tr><th>Characteristic</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td>Default size</td><td>Large enough to display its children</td></tr>
* <tr><td>Minimum size</td><td>0 pixels</td></tr>
* <tr><td>Maximum size</td><td>10000 pixels wide and 10000 pixels high</td></tr>
* <tr><td>Default skin class</td><td>spark.skins.spark.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin</td></tr>
* </table>
* @mxml <p>The <code>&lt;s:SkinnablePopUpContainer&gt;</code> tag inherits all of the tag
* attributes of its superclass and adds the following tag attributes:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;s:SkinnablePopUpContainer
* <strong>Events</strong>
* close="<i>No default</i>"
* open="<i>No default</i>"
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @see spark.skins.spark.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public class SkinnablePopUpContainer extends SkinnableContainer
// Constructor
* Constructor.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function SkinnablePopUpContainer()
// Variables
* Storage for the close event while waiting for the close transition to
* complete before dispatching it.
* @private
private var closeEvent:PopUpEvent;
* Track whether the container is added to the PopUpManager.
* @private
private var addedToPopUpManager:Boolean = false;
// Soft Keyboard Effect Variables
* @private
* The current soft keyboard effect instance. This field is only set in
* cases where the position and size are not snapped during (a) initial
* activation and (b) deactivation.
private var softKeyboardEffect:IEffect;
* @private
* Original pop-up y-position.
private var softKeyboardEffectCachedYPosition:Number;
* @private
* Indicates a soft keyboard event was received but the effect is delayed
* while waiting for a mouseDown and mouseUp event sequence.
private var softKeyboardEffectPendingEventType:String = null;
* @private
* Number of milliseconds to wait for a mouseDown and mouseUp event
* sequence before playing the deactivate effect.
mx_internal var softKeyboardEffectPendingEffectDelay:Number = 100;
* @private
* Timer used for awaiting a mouseDown event after a pending soft keyboard
* effect.
private var softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer:Timer;
* @private
* Flag when orientationChanging is dispatched and orientationChange has
* not been received.
private var softKeyboardEffectOrientationChanging:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Flag when orientation change handlers are installed to suppress
* excess soft keyboard effects during orientation change on iOS.
private var softKeyboardEffectOrientationHandlerAdded:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Flag when mouse and orientation listeners are installed before
* the soft keyboard activate effect is played.
private var softKeyboardStateChangeListenersInstalled:Boolean;
* @private
* Flag when resize listers are installed after ACTIVATE and uninstalled
* just before DEACTIVATE.
private var resizeListenerInstalled:Boolean = false;
// Properties
// isOpen
* Storage for the isOpen property.
* @private
private var _isOpen:Boolean = false;
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="false")]
* Contains <code>true</code> when the container is open and is currently showing as a pop-up.
* @see #open
* @see #close
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function get isOpen():Boolean
return _isOpen;
* Updates the isOpen flag to be reflected in the skin state
* without actually popping up the container through the PopUpManager.
* @private
mx_internal function setIsOpen(value:Boolean):void
// NOTE: DesignView relies on this API, consult tooling before making changes.
_isOpen = value;
// resizeForSoftKeyboard
private var _resizeForSoftKeyboard:Boolean = true;
* Enables resizing the pop-up when the soft keyboard
* on a mobile device is active.
* @default true
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function get resizeForSoftKeyboard():Boolean
return _resizeForSoftKeyboard;
* @private
public function set resizeForSoftKeyboard(value:Boolean):void
if (_resizeForSoftKeyboard == value)
_resizeForSoftKeyboard = value;
// moveForSoftKeyboard
private var _moveForSoftKeyboard:Boolean = true;
* Enables moving the pop-up when the soft keyboard
* on a mobile device is active.
* @default true
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function get moveForSoftKeyboard():Boolean
return _moveForSoftKeyboard;
* @private
public function set moveForSoftKeyboard(value:Boolean):void
if (_moveForSoftKeyboard == value)
_moveForSoftKeyboard = value;
// Methods
* Opens the container as a pop-up, and switches the skin state from
* <code>closed</code> to <code>normal</code>.
* After and transitions finish playing, it dispatches the
* <code>FlexEvent.OPEN</code> event.
* @param owner The owner of the container.
* The popup appears over this component. The owner must not be descendant
* of this container.
* @param modal Whether the container should be modal.
* A modal container takes all keyboard and mouse input until it is closed.
* A nonmodal container allows other components to accept input while the pop-up window is open.
* @see #close
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function open(owner:DisplayObjectContainer, modal:Boolean = false):void
if (isOpen)
closeEvent = null; // Clear any pending close event
this.owner = owner;
// We track whether we've been added to the PopUpManager to handle the
// scenario of state transition interrupton. For example we may be playing
// a close transition and be interrupted with a call to open() in which
// case we wouldn't have removed the container from the PopUpManager since
// the close transition never reached its end.
if (!addedToPopUpManager)
addedToPopUpManager = true;
// This will create the skin and attach it
PopUpManager.addPopUp(this, owner, modal);
// Change state *after* we pop up, as the skin needs to go be in the initial "closed"
// state while being created above in order for transitions to detect state change and play.
_isOpen = true;
if (skin)
skin.addEventListener(FlexEvent.STATE_CHANGE_COMPLETE, stateChangeComplete_handler);
stateChangeComplete_handler(null); // Call directly
* Positions the pop-up after the pop-up is added to PopUpManager but
* before any state transitions occur. The base implementation of open()
* calls updatePopUpPosition() immediately after the pop-up is added.
* This method may also be called at any time to update the pop-up's
* position. Pop-ups that are positioned relative to their owner should
* call this method after position or size changes occur on the owner or
* it's ancestors.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
public function updatePopUpPosition():void
// subclasses will implement custom positioning
// e.g. PopUpManager.centerPopUp()
* Changes the current skin state to <code>closed</code>, waits until any state transitions
* finish playing, dispatches a <code>PopUpEvent.CLOSE</code> event,
* and then removes the container from the PopUpManager.
* <p>Use the <code>close()</code> method of the SkinnablePopUpContainer container
* to pass data back to the main application from the pop up.
* One typical usage scenario is building a dialog with a cancel button.
* When a valid option is selected in the dialog box, you close the dialog
* with a call to the <code>close()</code> method, passing
* <code>true</code> to the <code>commit</code> parameter and optionally passing
* any relevant data.
* When the SkinnablePopUpContainer has completed closing,
* it dispatch the <code>close</code> event.
* In the event listener for the <code>close</code> event, you can check
* the <code>commit</code> parameter and perform the appropriate actions. </p>
* @param commit Specifies if the return data should be committed by the application.
* The value of this argument is written to the <code>commit</code> property of
* the <code>PopUpEvent</code> event object.
* @param data Specifies any data returned to the application.
* The value of this argument is written to the <code>data</code> property of
* the <code>PopUpEvent</code> event object.
* @see #open
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function close(commit:Boolean = false, data:* = undefined):void
if (!isOpen)
// We will dispatch the event later, when the close transition is complete.
closeEvent = new PopUpEvent(PopUpEvent.CLOSE, false, false, commit, data);
// Change state
_isOpen = false;
if (skin)
skin.addEventListener(FlexEvent.STATE_CHANGE_COMPLETE, stateChangeComplete_handler);
stateChangeComplete_handler(null); // Call directly
* Called by the soft keyboard <code>activate</code> and <code>deactive</code> event handlers,
* this method is responsible for creating the Spark effect played on the pop-up.
* This method may be overridden by subclasses. By default, it
* creates a parellel move and resize effect on the pop-up.
* @param yTo The new y-coordinate of the pop-up.
* @param height The new height of the pop-up.
* @return An IEffect instance serving as the move and/or resize transition
* for the pop-up. This effect is played after the soft keyboard is
* activated or deactivated.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 4.6
protected function createSoftKeyboardEffect(yTo:Number, heightTo:Number):IEffect
var move:Move;
var resize:Resize;
var easer:IEaser = new Power(0, 5);
if (yTo != this.y)
move = new Move(); = this;
move.yTo = yTo;
move.disableLayout = true;
move.easer = easer;
if (heightTo != this.height)
resize = new Resize(); = this;
resize.heightTo = heightTo;
resize.disableLayout = true;
resize.easer = easer;
if (move && resize)
var parallel:Parallel = new Parallel();
return parallel;
else if (move || resize)
return (move) ? move : resize;
return null;
// mx_internal properties
// softKeyboardEffectCachedExplicitHeight
* @private
private var _softKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Flag when explicitHeight is set when the soft keyboard effect is
* active. Use this to distinguish explicitHeight changes due to the
* resizeForSoftKeyboard setting. When true, we prevent the original
* cached height from being modified.
mx_internal function get softKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag():Boolean
return _softKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag;
private function setSoftKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag(value:Boolean):void
_softKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag = value;
// softKeyboardEffectCachedExplicitWidth
* @private
private var _softKeyboardEffectExplicitWidthFlag:Boolean = false;
* @private
* Flag when explicitWidth is set when the soft keyboard effect is
* active. Use this to distinguish explicitWidth changes due to the
* resizeForSoftKeyboard setting.
mx_internal function get softKeyboardEffectExplicitWidthFlag():Boolean
return _softKeyboardEffectExplicitWidthFlag;
private function setSoftKeyboardEffectExplicitWidthFlag(value:Boolean):void
_softKeyboardEffectExplicitWidthFlag = value;
// softKeyboardEffectCachedHeight
private var _softKeyboardEffectCachedHeight:Number;
* @private
* The original pop-up height to restore to when the soft keyboard is
* deactivated. If an explicitHeight was defined at activation, use it.
* If not, then use explicitMaxHeight or measuredHeight.
mx_internal function get softKeyboardEffectCachedHeight():Number
var heightTo:Number = _softKeyboardEffectCachedHeight;
if (!softKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag)
if (!isNaN(explicitMaxHeight) && (measuredHeight > explicitMaxHeight))
heightTo = explicitMaxHeight;
heightTo = measuredHeight;
return heightTo;
* @private
private function setSoftKeyboardEffectCachedHeight(value:Number):void
// Only allow changes to the cached height if it was not set explicitly
// prior to and/or during the soft keyboard effect.
if (!softKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag)
_softKeyboardEffectCachedHeight = value;
// isSoftKeyboardEffectActive
private var _isSoftKeyboardEffectActive:Boolean;
* @private
* Returns true if the soft keyboard is active and the pop-up is moved
* and/or resized.
mx_internal function get isSoftKeyboardEffectActive():Boolean
return _isSoftKeyboardEffectActive;
// marginTop
private var _marginTop:Number = 0;
* @private
* Defines a margin at the top of the screen where the pop-up cannot be
* resized or moved to.
mx_internal function get softKeyboardEffectMarginTop():Number
return _marginTop;
* @private
mx_internal function set softKeyboardEffectMarginTop(value:Number):void
_marginTop = value;
// marginBottom
private var _marginBottom:Number = 0;
* @private
* Defines a margin at the bottom of the screen where the pop-up cannot be
* resized or moved to.
mx_internal function get softKeyboardEffectMarginBottom():Number
return _marginBottom;
* @private
mx_internal function set softKeyboardEffectMarginBottom(value:Number):void
_marginBottom = value;
// isMouseDown
private var _isMouseDown:Boolean = false;
* @private
private function get isMouseDown():Boolean
return _isMouseDown;
* @private
private function set isMouseDown(value:Boolean):void
_isMouseDown = value;
// Attempt to play a pending effect
// Overridden Methods
* @private
* Force callout inheritance chain to start at the style root.
override mx_internal function initProtoChain():void
// Maintain backwards compatibility of popup style inheritance
if (FlexVersion.compatibilityVersion < FlexVersion.VERSION_4_6)
StyleProtoChain.initProtoChain(this, false);
* @private
override protected function getCurrentSkinState():String
// The states are:
// "normal"
// "disabled"
// "closed"
var state:String = super.getCurrentSkinState();
if (!isOpen)
return state == "normal" ? "closed" : state;
return state;
// Event handlers
* @private
* Play the soft keyboard effect.
private function startEffect(event:Event):void
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, startEffect);
// Abort the effect if the pop-up is closed or closing. The state
// transition handler will restore the original size of the pop-up.
if (!isOpen || !softKeyboardEffect)
// Clear the cached positions when the deactivate effect is complete.
softKeyboardEffect.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, softKeyboardEffectCleanup);
softKeyboardEffect.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_STOP, softKeyboardEffectCleanup);
// Install mouse delay and orientation change listeners now.
// explicitHeight listener is installed after the effect completes.
if (isSoftKeyboardEffectActive)
// Force the master clock of the animation engine to update its
// current time so that the overhead of creating the effect is not
// included in our animation interpolation. See SDK-27793
* @private
* Called when we have completed transitioning to opened/closed state.
private function stateChangeComplete_handler(event:Event):void
// We get called directly with null if there's no skin to listen to.
if (event), stateChangeComplete_handler);
// Check for soft keyboard support
var topLevelApp:Application = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as Application;
var softKeyboardEffectEnabled:Boolean = (topLevelApp && Application.softKeyboardBehavior == "none");
var smStage:Stage = systemManager.stage;
if (isOpen)
dispatchEvent(new PopUpEvent(PopUpEvent.OPEN, false, false));
if (softKeyboardEffectEnabled)
if (smStage)
// Install soft keyboard event handling on the stage
stage_softKeyboardActivateHandler, true, EventPriority.DEFAULT, true);
stage_softKeyboardDeactivateHandler, true, EventPriority.DEFAULT, true);
// Use lower priority listener to allow subclasses to act
// on the resize event before the soft keyboard effect does.
systemManager.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, systemManager_resizeHandler, false, EventPriority.EFFECT);
// Dispatch the close event before removing from the PopUpManager.
closeEvent = null;
if (softKeyboardEffectEnabled && smStage)
// Uninstall soft keyboard event handling
stage_softKeyboardActivateHandler, true);
stage_softKeyboardDeactivateHandler, true);
systemManager.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, systemManager_resizeHandler);
// We just finished closing, remove from the PopUpManager.
addedToPopUpManager = false;
owner = null;
// Position and size may be invalid if the close transition
// completes before (a) deactivate is fired or (b) a pending
// soft keyboard change is still queued. Update immediately.
* @private
private function stage_softKeyboardActivateHandler(event:SoftKeyboardEvent=null):void
var isFirstActivate:Boolean = false;
// Reset state
softKeyboardEffectPendingEventType = null;
// Save the original y-position and height if this is the first
// ACTIVATE event and an existing effect is not already in progress.
if (!isSoftKeyboardEffectActive && !softKeyboardEffect)
isFirstActivate = true;
if (isFirstActivate)
// Play the activate effect with animation
// Keyboard height has changed. However, the effect can be delayed if
// a mouseUp within the pop-up is pending. An additional activate can
// occur while the keyboard is open to reflect size changes due to auto
// correction or orientation changes.
// As in the deactivate case, the move and resize effects should be
// delayed until the user can complete any mouse interaction. This
// allows the size and position of the pop-up to stay stable allowing
// events like a button press to complete normally.
if (isMouseDown)
* @private
private function stage_softKeyboardDeactivateHandler(event:SoftKeyboardEvent=null):void
// If the effect is not active (no move or resize was needed), do
// nothing. If we're in the middle of an orientation change, also do
// nothing.
if (!isSoftKeyboardEffectActive || softKeyboardEffectOrientationChanging)
// Reset state
softKeyboardEffectPendingEventType = null;
if (event.triggerType == SoftKeyboardTrigger.USER_TRIGGERED)
// userTriggered indicates they keyboard was closed explicitly (soft
// button on soft keyboard) or on Android, pressing the back button.
// Play the deactivate effect immediately.
else // if (event.triggerType == SoftKeyboardTrigger.CONTENT_TRIGGERED)
// contentTriggered indicates focus was lost by tapping away from
// StageText or a programmatic call. Unfortunately, this
// distinction isn't entirely intuitive. We only care about delaying
// the deactivate effect when due to a mouse event. Delaying the
// effect allows the pop-up position and size to stay static until
// any mouse interaction is complete (e.g. button click).
// However, the softKeyboardDeactivate event is fired before
// the mouseDown event:
// deactivate -> mouseDown -> mouseUp
// The approach here is to assume that a mouseDown was the trigger
// for the softKeyboardDeactivate event. Continue to delay the
// deactivate effect until a mouseDown and mouseUp sequence is
// received. In the event that the deactivation was due to a
// programmatic call, we'll stop this process after a specified
// delay time.
// If, in the future, the event order changes to either:
// (a) mouseDown -> deactivate -> mouseUp
// (b) mouseDown -> mouseUp -> deactivate
// this approach will still work for the button click use case.
// Sequence (b) would simply fire a normal button click and have
// the consequence of a delayed deactivate effect only.
* @private
* Disable soft keyboard deactivate when orientation is changing.
private function stage_orientationChangingHandler(event:Event):void
softKeyboardEffectOrientationChanging = true;
* @private
* Re-enable soft keyboard deactivate effect when orietation change
* completes.
private function stage_orientationChangeHandler(event:Event):void
softKeyboardEffectOrientationChanging = false;
* @private
* Listens for mouse events while the soft keyboard effect is active.
private function mouseHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
isMouseDown = (event.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN);
private function systemManager_mouseUpHandler(event:Event):void
isMouseDown = false;
* @private
* This function is only called when the pendingEffectTimer completed and no
* mouseDown and mouseUp sequence was fired.
private function pendingEffectTimer_timerCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
* @private
* Play the effect when (a) not triggered by a mouse event or
* (b) triggered by a mouseUp event
private function playPendingEffect(isMouseEvent:Boolean):void
var isTimerRunning:Boolean = softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer && softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer.running;
// Received a mouseDown event while the timer is still running. Stop
// the timer and wait for the next mouseUp.
var mouseDownDuringTimer:Boolean = isTimerRunning &&
(isMouseEvent && isMouseDown);
// Cleanup the timer if we're (a) waiting for the next mouseUp or
// (b) this function was called for timerComplete
if (softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer && (mouseDownDuringTimer || !isMouseEvent))
softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, pendingEffectTimer_timerCompleteHandler);
softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer = null;
// If we caught a mouse down during the timer, we wait for the next
// mouseUp event. There is no effect to play. If this isn't a mouse
// event and the timer completed, then fall through and play the
// pending effect.
if (mouseDownDuringTimer)
// Sanity check that a pendingEvent still exists and that the pop-up
// is currently open. If we timed out or if we got a mouseUp, then
// allow the pending effect to play.
var canPlayEffect:Boolean = softKeyboardEffectPendingEventType && isOpen &&
(!isMouseEvent || (isMouseEvent && !isMouseDown));
// Effect isn't played when still waiting for a mouseUp
if (canPlayEffect)
// Clear pending state
var isActivate:Boolean = softKeyboardEffectPendingEventType == SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE;
// Snap the position only for pending activate events
* @private
private function softKeyboardEffectCleanup(event:EffectEvent):void
// Cleanup effect
softKeyboardEffect.removeEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, softKeyboardEffectCleanup);
softKeyboardEffect.removeEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_STOP, softKeyboardEffectCleanup);
softKeyboardEffect = null;
if (isSoftKeyboardEffectActive)
// Remove resize listeners
// If the deactivate effect is complete, uninstall listeners for
// mouse delay and orientation change listeners
* @private
* Set flags when explicit size changes are detected.
private function resizeHandler(event:Event=null):void
* @private
* Update effect immediately after orientation change is
* followed by a system manager resize.
private function systemManager_resizeHandler(event:Event):void
// Guard against extraneous resizing during orientation changing.
// See SDK-31860.
if (!softKeyboardEffectOrientationChanging)
// Private Methods
* @private
* Update the position and height for this pop-up for various state changes
* including: soft keyboard activation and deactivation, delayed soft
* keyboard events due to mouse and keyboard event sequence, and
* orientation change events.
private function updateSoftKeyboardEffect(snapPosition:Boolean):void
// Stop the current effect
if (softKeyboardEffect && softKeyboardEffect.isPlaying)
// Uninstall resize listeners during the effect. Listeners are
// installed again after the effect is complete or immediately affter
// the size and position are snapped.
var softKeyboardRect:Rectangle;
try {
softKeyboardRect = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.softKeyboardRect;
catch (error:Error) {
softKeyboardRect = null;
var isKeyboardOpen:Boolean = isOpen && softKeyboardRect && (softKeyboardRect.height > 0);
// Capture start values if not set
if (isNaN(softKeyboardEffectCachedYPosition))
if (isKeyboardOpen)
// Save original y-position and height
softKeyboardEffectCachedYPosition = this.y;
// Initialize explicit size flags
// Keyboard is closed and we don't have any start values yet.
// Nothing to do.
var sandboxRoot:DisplayObject = systemManager.getSandboxRoot();
var yToLocal:Number = softKeyboardEffectCachedYPosition;
var heightToLocal:Number = softKeyboardEffectCachedHeight;
// If the keyboard is active, check for overlap
if (isKeyboardOpen)
var scaleFactor:Number = 1;
if (systemManager as SystemManager)
scaleFactor = SystemManager(systemManager).densityScale;
// All calculations are done in stage coordinates and converted back to
// application coordinates when playing effects. Also note that
// softKeyboardRect is also in stage coordinates.
var popUpY:Number = yToLocal * scaleFactor;
var popUpHeight:Number = heightToLocal * scaleFactor;
var overlapGlobal:Number = (popUpY + popUpHeight) - softKeyboardRect.y;
var yToGlobal:Number = popUpY;
var heightToGlobal:Number = popUpHeight;
if (overlapGlobal > 0)
// shift y-position up to remove offset overlap
if (moveForSoftKeyboard)
yToGlobal = Math.max((softKeyboardEffectMarginTop * scaleFactor), (popUpY - overlapGlobal));
// adjust height based on new y-position
if (resizeForSoftKeyboard)
// compute new overlap
overlapGlobal = (yToGlobal + popUpHeight) - softKeyboardRect.y;
// adjust height if there is overlap
if (overlapGlobal > 0)
heightToGlobal = popUpHeight - overlapGlobal - (softKeyboardEffectMarginBottom * scaleFactor);
if ((yToGlobal != popUpY) ||
(heightToGlobal != popUpHeight))
// convert to application coordinates, move to pixel boundaries
yToLocal = Math.floor(yToGlobal / scaleFactor);
heightToLocal = Math.floor(heightToGlobal / scaleFactor);
// preserve minimum height
heightToLocal = Math.max(heightToLocal, getMinBoundsHeight());
// Update state
_isSoftKeyboardEffectActive = isKeyboardOpen;
var duration:Number = getStyle("softKeyboardEffectDuration");
// Only create an effect when not snapping and the duration is
// non-negative. An effect will not be created by default if there is
// no change.
if (!snapPosition && (duration > 0))
softKeyboardEffect = createSoftKeyboardEffect(yToLocal, heightToLocal);
if (softKeyboardEffect)
softKeyboardEffect.duration = duration;
// Wait a frame so that any queued work can be completed by the framework
// and runtime before the effect starts.
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, startEffect);
// No effect, snap. Set position and size explicitly.
this.y = yToLocal;
if (isOpen)
this.height = heightToLocal;
// Validate so that other listeners like Scroller get the
// updated dimensions.
if (isSoftKeyboardEffectActive)
else // if (!isOpen)
// Uninstall mouse delay and orientation change listeners
// Clear explicit size leftover from Resize
// Clear start values
softKeyboardEffectCachedYPosition = NaN;
* @private
* Start waiting for a (mouseDown, mouseUp) event sequence before effect
* plays.
private function setPendingSoftKeyboardEvent(event:SoftKeyboardEvent):void
softKeyboardEffectPendingEventType = event.type;
// If the mouseDown event was already received, wait indefinitely
// for mouseUp. If the soft keyboard event fired before mouseDown,
// start a timer.
if (!isMouseDown)
softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer = new Timer(softKeyboardEffectPendingEffectDelay, 1);
softKeyboardEffectPendingEventTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, pendingEffectTimer_timerCompleteHandler);
* @private
* Listeners installed just before the soft keyboard effect makes changes
* to the original position and height.
private function installSoftKeyboardStateChangeListeners():void
if (!softKeyboardStateChangeListenersInstalled)
// Listen for mouseDown event on the pop-up and delay the soft
// keyboard effect until mouseUp. This allows button click
// events to complete normally before the button is re-positioned.
// See SDK-31534.
var sandboxRoot:DisplayObject = systemManager.getSandboxRoot();
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseHandler);
// Listen for mouseUp events anywhere to play the effect. See SDK-31534.
mouseHandler, true /* useCapture */);
// Listen for orientationChanging and orientationChange to suspend
// pop-up changes until the orientation change is complete.
// On iOS, the keyboard is deactivated after orientationChanging,
// then immediately activated after orientationChange is complete.
// On Android, the keyboard is deactivated after orientationChanging,
// but not reactivated after orienationChange.
// On QNX, the keyboard is not deactivated at all. The keyboard is
// simply activated again after orientationChange.
softKeyboardEffectOrientationChanging = false;
var smStage:Stage = systemManager.stage;
smStage.addEventListener("orientationChanging", stage_orientationChangingHandler);
smStage.addEventListener("orientationChange", stage_orientationChangeHandler);
softKeyboardStateChangeListenersInstalled = true;
* @private
private function uninstallSoftKeyboardStateChangeListeners():void
if (softKeyboardStateChangeListenersInstalled)
// Uninstall effect delay handling
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseHandler);
var sandboxRoot:DisplayObject = systemManager.getSandboxRoot();
sandboxRoot.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseHandler, true /* useCapture */);
sandboxRoot.removeEventListener(SandboxMouseEvent.MOUSE_UP_SOMEWHERE, systemManager_mouseUpHandler);
// Uninstall orientation change handling
var smStage:Stage = systemManager.stage;
smStage.removeEventListener("orientationChange", stage_orientationChangeHandler);
smStage.removeEventListener("orientationChanging", stage_orientationChangeHandler);
softKeyboardStateChangeListenersInstalled = false;
* @private
* Listeners installed during the phase after the initial activate effect
* is complete and before the deactive effect starts.
private function installActiveResizeListener():void
if (!resizeListenerInstalled)
// Flag size changes while the soft keyboard effect is active (but
// not playing)
addEventListener("explicitWidthChanged", resizeHandler);
addEventListener("explicitHeightChanged", resizeHandler);
resizeListenerInstalled = true;
* @private
private function uninstallActiveResizeListener():void
if (resizeListenerInstalled)
// Uninstall resize listener
removeEventListener("explicitWidthChanged", resizeHandler);
removeEventListener("explicitHeightChanged", resizeHandler);
resizeListenerInstalled = false;
* @private
* Clear explicit size that remains after a Resize effect.
mx_internal function softKeyboardEffectResetExplicitSize():void
// Only remove and restore listeners if they are currently installed.
var installed:Boolean = resizeListenerInstalled;
if (installed)
// Remove explicit settings if due to Resize effect
if (!softKeyboardEffectExplicitWidthFlag)
explicitWidth = NaN;
if (!softKeyboardEffectExplicitHeightFlag)
explicitHeight = NaN;
if (installed)