File in source release should be under version control
diff --git a/frameworks/flex-config.xml b/frameworks/flex-config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e648c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frameworks/flex-config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    <!-- Specifies the minimum player version that will run the compiled SWF. -->
+   <target-player>11.1</target-player>
+    <!-- Specifies the version of the compiled SWF -->
+   <swf-version>14</swf-version>
+   <compiler>
+      <!-- Turn on generation of accessible SWFs. -->
+      <accessible>true</accessible>
+      <!-- Specifies the locales for internationalization. -->
+      <locale>
+          <locale-element>en_US</locale-element>
+      </locale>
+      <!-- List of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class hierarchies. -->
+      <!-- not set -->
+      <!--
+      <source-path>
+         <path-element>string</path-element>
+      </source-path>
+      -->
+     <!-- Allow the source-path to have path-elements which contain other path-elements -->
+     <allow-source-path-overlap>false</allow-source-path-overlap>
+      <!-- Run the AS3 compiler in a mode that detects legal but potentially incorrect -->
+      <!-- code.                                                                       -->
+      <show-actionscript-warnings>true</show-actionscript-warnings>
+      <!-- Turn on generation of debuggable SWFs. False by default for mxmlc, -->
+      <!-- but true by default for compc. -->
+      <!--
+      <debug>true</debug>
+      -->
+      <!-- List of SWC files or directories to compile against but to omit from -->
+      <!-- linking.                                                             -->
+      <external-library-path>
+          <path-element>{playerglobalHome}/{targetPlayerMajorVersion}.{targetPlayerMinorVersion}/playerglobal.swc</path-element>
+      </external-library-path>
+      <!-- Turn on writing of generated/*.as files to disk. These files are generated by -->
+      <!-- the compiler during mxml translation and are helpful with understanding and   -->
+      <!-- debugging Flex applications.                                                  -->
+      <keep-generated-actionscript>false</keep-generated-actionscript>
+      <!-- not set -->
+      <!--
+      <include-libraries>
+         <library>string</library>
+      </include-libraries>
+      -->
+      <!-- List of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files. -->
+      <library-path>
+         <path-element>libs</path-element>
+         <path-element>libs/mx</path-element>
+         <path-element>locale/{locale}</path-element>
+         <path-element>{playerglobalHome}/{targetPlayerMajorVersion}.{targetPlayerMinorVersion}</path-element>
+      </library-path>
+      <namespaces>
+      <!-- Specify a URI to associate with a manifest of components for use as MXML -->
+      <!-- elements.                                                                -->
+         <namespace>
+            <uri></uri>
+            <manifest>mxml-2009-manifest.xml</manifest>
+         </namespace>
+         <namespace>
+            <uri>library://</uri>
+            <manifest>spark-manifest.xml</manifest>
+         </namespace>
+         <namespace>
+            <uri>library://</uri>
+            <manifest>mx-manifest.xml</manifest>
+         </namespace>
+         <namespace>
+            <uri></uri>
+            <manifest>mxml-manifest.xml</manifest>
+         </namespace>
+         <namespace>
+            <uri></uri>
+            <manifest>apache-manifest.xml</manifest>
+         </namespace>
+         <namespace>
+            <uri></uri>
+            <manifest>experimental-manifest.xml</manifest>
+         </namespace>     
+      </namespaces>
+      <!-- Enable post-link SWF optimization. -->
+      <optimize>true</optimize>
+      <!-- Enable trace statement omission. -->
+      <omit-trace-statements>true</omit-trace-statements>
+      <!-- Keep the following AS3 metadata in the bytecodes.                                             -->
+      <!-- Warning: For the data binding feature in the Flex framework to work properly,                 -->
+      <!--          the following metadata must be kept:                                                 -->
+      <!--          1. Bindable                                                                          -->
+      <!--          2. Managed                                                                           -->
+      <!--          3. ChangeEvent                                                                       -->
+      <!--          4. NonCommittingChangeEvent                                                          -->
+      <!--          5. Transient                                                                         -->
+      <!--
+      <keep-as3-metadata>
+          <name>Bindable</name>
+          <name>Managed</name>
+          <name>ChangeEvent</name>
+          <name>NonCommittingChangeEvent</name>
+          <name>Transient</name>
+      </keep-as3-metadata>
+      -->
+      <!-- Turn on reporting of data binding warnings. For example: Warning: Data binding -->
+      <!-- will not be able to detect assignments to "foo".                               -->
+      <show-binding-warnings>true</show-binding-warnings>
+      <!-- toggle whether warnings generated from unused type selectors are displayed -->
+      <show-unused-type-selector-warnings>true</show-unused-type-selector-warnings>
+      <!-- Run the AS3 compiler in strict error checking mode. -->
+      <strict>true</strict>
+      <!-- Use the ActionScript 3 class based object model for greater performance and better error reporting. -->
+      <!-- In the class based object model most built-in functions are implemented as fixed methods of classes -->
+      <!-- (-strict is recommended, but not required, for earlier errors) -->
+      <as3>true</as3>
+      <!-- Use the ECMAScript edition 3 prototype based object model to allow dynamic overriding of prototype -->
+      <!-- properties. In the prototype based object model built-in functions are implemented as dynamic      -->
+      <!-- properties of prototype objects (-strict is allowed, but may result in compiler errors for         -->
+      <!-- references to dynamic properties) -->
+      <es>false</es>
+      <!-- List of CSS or SWC files to apply as a theme. -->
+      <theme>
+         <!-- The Flex 4 default theme is Spark. -->
+         <filename>themes/Spark/spark.css</filename>
+      </theme>
+      <!-- Turns on the display of stack traces for uncaught runtime errors. -->
+      <verbose-stacktraces>false</verbose-stacktraces>
+      <!-- Defines the AS3 file encoding. -->
+      <!-- not set -->
+      <!--
+      <actionscript-file-encoding></actionscript-file-encoding>
+      -->
+      <fonts>
+          <!-- Enables advanced anti-aliasing for embedded fonts, which provides greater clarity for small -->
+          <!-- fonts. This setting can be overriden in CSS for specific fonts. -->
+          <!-- NOTE: flash-type has been deprecated. Please use advanced-anti-aliasing <flash-type>true</flash-type> -->
+          <advanced-anti-aliasing>true</advanced-anti-aliasing>
+          <!-- The number of embedded font faces that are cached. -->
+          <max-cached-fonts>20</max-cached-fonts>
+          <!-- The number of character glyph outlines to cache for each font face. -->
+          <max-glyphs-per-face>1000</max-glyphs-per-face>
+          <!-- Defines ranges that can be used across multiple font-face declarations. -->
+          <!-- See flash-unicode-table.xml for more examples. -->
+          <!-- not set -->
+          <!--
+          <languages>
+              <language-range>
+                  <lang>englishRange</lang>
+                  <range>U+0020-007E</range>
+              </language-range>
+          </languages>
+          -->
+          <!-- Compiler font manager classes, in policy resolution order -->
+          <!-- NOTE: For Apache Flex -->
+          <!-- AFEFontManager and CFFFontManager both use proprietary technology.  -->
+          <!-- You must install the optional font jars if you wish to use embedded fonts  -->
+          <!-- directly or you can use fontswf to precompile the font as a swf.  -->
+          <managers>
+              <manager-class>flash.fonts.JREFontManager</manager-class>
+              <manager-class>flash.fonts.BatikFontManager</manager-class>
+              <manager-class>flash.fonts.AFEFontManager</manager-class>
+              <manager-class>flash.fonts.CFFFontManager</manager-class>
+          </managers>
+          <!-- File containing cached system font licensing information produced via
+               java -cp mxmlc.jar (fontpath)
+               Will default to winFonts.ser on Windows XP and
+               macFonts.ser on Mac OS X, so is commented out by default.
+          <local-fonts-snapshot>localFonts.ser</local-fonts-snapshot>
+          -->
+      </fonts>
+      <!-- Array.toString() format has changed. -->
+      <warn-array-tostring-changes>false</warn-array-tostring-changes>
+      <!-- Assignment within conditional. -->
+      <warn-assignment-within-conditional>true</warn-assignment-within-conditional>
+      <!-- Possibly invalid Array cast operation. -->
+      <warn-bad-array-cast>true</warn-bad-array-cast>
+      <!-- Non-Boolean value used where a Boolean value was expected. -->
+      <warn-bad-bool-assignment>true</warn-bad-bool-assignment>
+      <!-- Invalid Date cast operation. -->
+      <warn-bad-date-cast>true</warn-bad-date-cast>
+      <!-- Unknown method. -->
+      <warn-bad-es3-type-method>true</warn-bad-es3-type-method>
+      <!-- Unknown property. -->
+      <warn-bad-es3-type-prop>true</warn-bad-es3-type-prop>
+      <!-- Illogical comparison with NaN. Any comparison operation involving NaN will evaluate to false because NaN != NaN. -->
+      <warn-bad-nan-comparison>true</warn-bad-nan-comparison>
+      <!-- Impossible assignment to null. -->
+      <warn-bad-null-assignment>true</warn-bad-null-assignment>
+      <!-- Illogical comparison with null. -->
+      <warn-bad-null-comparison>true</warn-bad-null-comparison>
+      <!-- Illogical comparison with undefined. Only untyped variables (or variables of type *) can be undefined. -->
+      <warn-bad-undefined-comparison>true</warn-bad-undefined-comparison>
+      <!-- Boolean() with no arguments returns false in ActionScript 3.0. Boolean() returned undefined in ActionScript 2.0. -->
+      <warn-boolean-constructor-with-no-args>false</warn-boolean-constructor-with-no-args>
+      <!-- __resolve is no longer supported. -->
+      <warn-changes-in-resolve>false</warn-changes-in-resolve>
+      <!-- Class is sealed. It cannot have members added to it dynamically. -->
+      <warn-class-is-sealed>true</warn-class-is-sealed>
+      <!-- Constant not initialized. -->
+      <warn-const-not-initialized>true</warn-const-not-initialized>
+      <!-- Function used in new expression returns a value. Result will be what the -->
+      <!-- function returns, rather than a new instance of that function.           -->
+      <warn-constructor-returns-value>false</warn-constructor-returns-value>
+      <!-- EventHandler was not added as a listener. -->
+      <warn-deprecated-event-handler-error>false</warn-deprecated-event-handler-error>
+      <!-- Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 function. -->
+      <warn-deprecated-function-error>true</warn-deprecated-function-error>
+      <!-- Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 property. -->
+      <warn-deprecated-property-error>true</warn-deprecated-property-error>
+      <!-- More than one argument by the same name. -->
+      <warn-duplicate-argument-names>true</warn-duplicate-argument-names>
+      <!-- Duplicate variable definition -->
+      <warn-duplicate-variable-def>true</warn-duplicate-variable-def>
+      <!-- ActionScript 3.0 iterates over an object's properties within a "for x in target" statement in random order. -->
+      <warn-for-var-in-changes>false</warn-for-var-in-changes>
+      <!-- Importing a package by the same name as the current class will hide that class identifier in this scope. -->
+      <warn-import-hides-class>true</warn-import-hides-class>
+      <!-- Use of the instanceof operator. -->
+      <warn-instance-of-changes>true</warn-instance-of-changes>
+      <!-- Internal error in compiler. -->
+      <warn-internal-error>true</warn-internal-error>
+      <!-- _level is no longer supported. For more information, see the flash.display package. -->
+      <warn-level-not-supported>true</warn-level-not-supported>
+      <!-- Missing namespace declaration (e.g. variable is not defined to be public, private, etc.). -->
+      <warn-missing-namespace-decl>true</warn-missing-namespace-decl>
+      <!-- Negative value will become a large positive value when assigned to a uint data type. -->
+      <warn-negative-uint-literal>true</warn-negative-uint-literal>
+      <!-- Missing constructor. -->
+      <warn-no-constructor>false</warn-no-constructor>
+      <!-- The super() statement was not called within the constructor. -->
+      <warn-no-explicit-super-call-in-constructor>false</warn-no-explicit-super-call-in-constructor>
+      <!-- Missing type declaration. -->
+      <warn-no-type-decl>true</warn-no-type-decl>
+      <!-- In ActionScript 3.0, white space is ignored and '' returns 0. Number() returns -->
+      <!-- NaN in ActionScript 2.0 when the parameter is '' or contains white space.      -->
+      <warn-number-from-string-changes>false</warn-number-from-string-changes>
+      <!-- Change in scoping for the this keyword. Class methods extracted from an  -->
+      <!-- instance of a class will always resolve this back to that instance. In   -->
+      <!-- ActionScript 2.0 this is looked up dynamically based on where the method -->
+      <!-- is invoked from.                                                         -->
+      <warn-scoping-change-in-this>false</warn-scoping-change-in-this>
+      <!-- Inefficient use of += on a TextField.-->
+      <warn-slow-text-field-addition>true</warn-slow-text-field-addition>
+      <!-- Possible missing parentheses. -->
+      <warn-unlikely-function-value>true</warn-unlikely-function-value>
+      <!-- Possible usage of the ActionScript 2.0 XML class. -->
+      <warn-xml-class-has-changed>false</warn-xml-class-has-changed>
+   </compiler>
+   <!-- compute-digest: writes a digest to the catalog.xml of a library. Use this when the library will be used as a
+                        cross-domain rsl.-->
+   <!-- compute-digest usage:
+   <compute-digest>boolean</compute-digest>
+   -->
+   <!-- remove-unused-rsls: remove RSLs that are not being used by the application-->
+   <remove-unused-rsls>true</remove-unused-rsls>
+   <!-- A list of runtime shared library URLs to be loaded before applications start. -->
+   <!-- not set -->
+   <!--
+   <runtime-shared-libraries>
+      <url>string</url>
+      <url>string</url>
+   </runtime-shared-libraries>
+   -->
+	<!-- runtime-shared-library-path: specifies a SWC or directory to link against and an RSL URL to load with optional failover URLs -->  
+      <!-- Framework SWC -->
+	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/framework.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>framework_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+	  <!-- TextLayout SWC -->
+	<!-- 
+	    Even though there is no textLayout rsl leave this in so that in a FlashBuilder
+	    Flex Library project, FlashBuilder will allow "Link Type" to be external.
+    -->
+    <runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/textLayout.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>textLayout_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+      <!-- Spark SWC-->
+   	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/spark.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>spark_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+      <!-- Sparkskins SWC-->
+   	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/sparkskins.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>sparkskins_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+	  <!-- RPC SWC -->
+	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/rpc.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>rpc_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+      <!-- Charts SWC -->
+	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/charts.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>charts_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+      <!-- Spark_dmv SWC -->
+	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/spark_dmv.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>spark_dmv_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+      <!-- OSMF SWC -->
+	<!-- 
+	    Even though there is no OSMF rsl leave this in so that in a FlashBuilder
+	    Flex Library project, FlashBuilder will allow "Link Type" to be external.
+    -->
+    <runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/osmf.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>osmf_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+      <!-- MX SWC -->
+	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/mx/mx.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>mx_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+      <!-- Advancedgrids SWC -->
+	<runtime-shared-library-path>
+		<path-element>libs/advancedgrids.swc</path-element>
+		<rsl-url>advancedgrids_${build.number}.swf</rsl-url>
+	</runtime-shared-library-path>
+	<!-- static-link-runtime-shared-libraries: statically link the libraries specified by the -runtime-shared-libraries-path option.-->
+	<static-link-runtime-shared-libraries>true</static-link-runtime-shared-libraries>
+   <!-- target-player: specifies the version of the player the application is targeting.
+                       Features requiring a later version will not be compiled into the application.
+                       The minimum value supported is "9.0.0".-->
+   <!-- target-player usage:
+   <target-player>version</target-player>
+   -->
+   <!-- Enables SWFs to access the network. -->
+   <use-network>true</use-network>
+   <!-- Metadata added to SWFs via the SWF Metadata tag. -->
+   <metadata>
+      <title>Apache Flex Application</title>
+      <description></description>
+      <publisher>Apache Software Foundation</publisher>
+      <creator>Apache Software Foundation</creator>
+      <language>en_US</language>
+   </metadata>