blob: 04b7e196d769ad5e825728cdc12f3d69e581dfec [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This script does the following:
// 1. Check for a selection in the Library. If nothing is selected,
// alert the user and abort the script.
// 2. Prepare the document for Flex, if needed. This includes:
// a) Changing publish properties to set player version to at least
// 9, ActionScript version to at least 3, turning on Export SWC,
// and turning on Permit Debugging.
// b) Setting the frame rate to 24
// c) Import FlexComponentBase SWC from the components panel into the library
// d) Tracing the changes that occurred in the document
// 3. For each MovieClip selected in the Library, the following changes
// are made:
// a) Set Export for ActionScript to true
// b) Set Export in First Frame to true
// c) Set Base Class to mx.flash.UIMovieClip
// d) Set class name to match the symbol name
// e) Make sure class name is valid (no spaces, etc.)
var doc = null;
// info parsed from publish profile XML about what we want to change
var playerVersionChanged = false;
var minPlayerVersion = 10;
var asVersionChanged = false;
var minAsVersion = 3;
var permitDebuggingChanged = false;
var exportSwcChanged = false;
var frameRateChanged = false;
var swcCopiedtoLibrary = false;
// xml read from publish profiles file exported
var xmlContent;
// String we create to read XML back into publish profile,
// plus supporting index values
// (we cannot use xml output by E4X due to limitations
// of publish properties xml parsing)
var newXMLContent;
var startIndex;
var nextIndex;
// get temp xml file name, used for importing and exporting publish profiles xml
function getTempFileURI() {
return (fl.configURI + "temp" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000) + ".xml");
// helper function for changing publish profiles xml
function outputNextValue(tagName, value) {
var searchToken = ("<" + tagName + ">");
nextIndex = xmlContent.indexOf(searchToken, startIndex);
if (nextIndex < 0) return;
nextIndex += searchToken.length;
newXMLContent += xmlContent.slice(startIndex, nextIndex);
newXMLContent += value;
startIndex = xmlContent.indexOf("<", nextIndex);
// helper function for changing publish profiles xml
function fixNextValue(tagName, minValue) {
// grab current value from document to see if we need to change
var mustChange = false;
// find tag value
var searchToken = ("<" + tagName + ">");
nextIndex = xmlContent.indexOf(searchToken, startIndex);
if (nextIndex < 0) return false;
nextIndex += searchToken.length;
var endIndex = xmlContent.indexOf("<", nextIndex);
var currentValue = xmlContent.slice(nextIndex, endIndex);
// check tag value
if (isNaN(currentValue) || currentValue < minValue) {
mustChange = true;
// output proper xml
newXMLContent += xmlContent.slice(startIndex, nextIndex);
newXMLContent += (mustChange) ? minValue : currentValue;
startIndex = endIndex;
return mustChange;
// changes publish profile settings, item 2a listed in comment at top of file
function fixPublishProfile() {
// export publish profile
var inputFileURI = getTempFileURI();
// read data back in
xmlContent =;
// delete temp file
// convert string to XML object. Need to chop off the beginning of the xml file
// to get e4x not to choke on the bom + <?xml...> stuff.
var profileXML = new XML(xmlContent.substr(xmlContent.indexOf('>') + 1));
// make sure we have a PublishFlashProperties tag which is enabled
var flashPropsXML = profileXML.PublishFlashProperties;
if (flashPropsXML.length() == 0 || flashPropsXML.@enabled == "false") {
alert("You must have Flash checked in the Formats tab of the Publish Settings dialog to run this command.");
return false;
// prepare string used to write xml content
newXMLContent = "";
startIndex = 0;
// check player version for changes
playerVersionChanged = fixNextValue("Version", minPlayerVersion);
if (playerVersionChanged) {
// wipe out ExternalPlayer if we changed player version
outputNextValue("ExternalPlayer", "");
// check AS version for changes
asVersionChanged = fixNextValue("ActionScriptVersion", minAsVersion);
// check permit debugging for changes
permitDebuggingChanged = fixNextValue("DebuggingPermitted", 1);
// check export swc for changes
exportSwcChanged = fixNextValue("ExportSwc", 1);
// output rest of the file
newXMLContent += xmlContent.substr(startIndex);
// write out new file and read it in
var outputFileURI = getTempFileURI();
FLfile.write(outputFileURI, newXMLContent);
// delete temp file
return true;
// changes frame rate, item 2b listed in comment at top of file
function fixFrameRate() {
if (doc.frameRate != 24) {
if (confirm("The recommended frame rate for Flex components is 24fps. The current document frame rate is " + doc.frameRate + "fps.\n\nWould you like to change the document frame rate to 24fps?"))
frameRateChanged = true;
doc.frameRate = 24;
return true;
// Returns the "short" name for the symbol.
function getShortName(name) {
var slashIndex = name.lastIndexOf("/");
if (slashIndex > 0) {
return name.substr(slashIndex + 1);
return name;
// imports UIMovieClip SWC to library, item 2c listed in comment at top of file
// only adds UIMovieClip to library if there is no symbol with that name in
// the library already
function importSwcToLibrary() {
// search library for any item named "FlexComponentBase"
var items = doc.library.items;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var shortName = getShortName(items[i].name);
if (shortName == "FlexComponentBase") {
return true;
// add component to stage
swcCopiedtoLibrary = true;
fl.componentsPanel.addItemToDocument({x:0, y:0}, "Flex", "FlexComponentBase");
// delete it from the stage
return true;
// main function for changing document
function prepareDocument() {
// get document dom, bail if cannot
doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
if (doc == null) {
alert("You must have a FLA open as your active document to run this command.");
return false;
if (doc.asVersion < minAsVersion || parseInt(doc.getPlayerVersion()) < minPlayerVersion) {
if (!confirm("Flex Components must target Flash Player " + minPlayerVersion + " and ActionScript " + minAsVersion + ".\n\nWould you like to change the document settings to target Flash Player " + minPlayerVersion + " and ActionScript " + minAsVersion + "?"))
return false;
if (!fixPublishProfile()) {
return false;
if (!fixFrameRate()) {
return false;
if (!importSwcToLibrary()) {
return false;
return true;
// report changes made to document
function reportChanges() {
if (!playerVersionChanged && !asVersionChanged && !permitDebuggingChanged && !exportSwcChanged && !frameRateChanged && !swcCopiedtoLibrary) {
fl.trace("Command made no changes to the FLA.");
fl.trace("Command made the following changes to the FLA:");
if (playerVersionChanged) {
fl.trace(" Changed player version to " + minPlayerVersion);
if (asVersionChanged) {
fl.trace(" Changed ActionScript version to " + minAsVersion);
if (permitDebuggingChanged) {
fl.trace(" Turned on Permit Debugging");
if (exportSwcChanged) {
fl.trace(" Turned on Export SWC");
if (frameRateChanged) {
fl.trace(" Set frame rate to 24");
if (swcCopiedtoLibrary) {
fl.trace(" Imported FlexComponentBase component to library");
// Check the document to make sure it is set up to create Flex content.
function checkDocument()
// search library for any item named "UIMovieClip"
var items = doc.library.items;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var shortName = getShortName(items[i].name);
if (shortName == "FlexComponentBase") {
return true;
return false;
// All non-alphanumeric characters are removed.
// If the first character is a number, preceed it with an underscore.
function makeValidClassName(name)
name = name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "");
name = name.replace(/(^[0-9])/, "_$1");
return name;
// Set the linkage properties for the library item, item 3 listed in the comment
// at the top of the file
function applyLinkagePropertiesToSymbol(libItem, baseClass)
// Apply linkage values to the library item
if (libItem != undefined)
if (libItem.symbolType != "movie clip")
fl.trace("Skipping Library item \"" + getShortName( + "\". It is not a MovieClip.")
if (! libItem.linkageExportForAS)
libItem.linkageExportForAS = true;
if (! libItem.linkageExportInFirstFrame)
libItem.linkageExportInFirstFrame = true;
libItem.linkageBaseClass = baseClass;
// class name is same as symbol name, converted into
// a valid identifier name.
libItem.linkageClassName = makeValidClassName(getShortName(;
fl.trace("Symbol \"" + getShortName( + "\" can be used as a Flex component.")
function makeFlexComponent(baseClass, additionalMessage)
doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var selectedItems = doc.library.getSelectedItems();
if (selectedItems.length <= 0)
alert("Please select one or more Library items before running this command.")
return false;
// Do document settings first
if (!checkDocument())
if (!prepareDocument())
return false;
// Convert selected symbols
for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
applyLinkagePropertiesToSymbol(selectedItems[i], baseClass);
if (additionalMessage)
fl.trace("Select File > Publish to create the SWC file for use in Flex.")
return true;