blob: e5444a6ce0d905b94002f5126653126659e0b3f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package spark.components.gridClasses
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
* A "view" of a rectangular region within a GridDimensions object. The origin of the region
* is specified by viewRowIndex,viewColumnIndex and the size of the region by viewRowCount and
* viewColumnCount.
* Unless otherwise specified, all of the methods defined here have GridDimensionsView-relative
* parameters and similarly return values relative to the GridView's viewRow,ColumnIndex origin.
* All of the methods and properties defined here just delegate to GridDimensions
* methods with the same names and semantics.
* This class is internal to the Grid implementation.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 11
* @playerversion AIR 3
* @productversion Flex 5.0
public class GridDimensionsView
public var gridDimensions:GridDimensions = null;
public var viewRowIndex:int = 0;
public var viewColumnIndex:int = 0;
public var viewRowCount:int = -1;
public var viewColumnCount:int = -1;
public function GridDimensionsView(gridDimensions:GridDimensions = null,
viewRowIndex:int = 0, viewColumnIndex:int = 0, viewRowCount:int = -1, viewColumnCount:int = -1)
this.gridDimensions = gridDimensions;
this.viewRowIndex = viewRowIndex;
this.viewColumnIndex = viewColumnIndex;
this.viewRowCount = viewRowCount;
this.viewColumnCount = viewColumnCount;
// Properties
public function get rowCount():int
const nRows:int = gridDimensions.rowCount;
return (viewRowCount == -1) ? nRows - viewRowIndex : viewRowCount;
public function get columnCount():int
const nColumns:int = gridDimensions.columnCount;
return (viewColumnCount == -1) ? nColumns - viewColumnIndex : viewColumnCount;
public function get rowGap():Number
return gridDimensions.rowGap;
public function get columnGap():Number
return gridDimensions.columnGap;
public function get defaultRowHeight():Number
return gridDimensions.defaultRowHeight;
public function get defaultColumnWidth():Number
return gridDimensions.defaultColumnWidth;
public function get variableRowHeight():Boolean
return gridDimensions.variableRowHeight;
public function get minRowHeight():Number
return gridDimensions.minRowHeight;
public function get maxRowHeight():Number
return gridDimensions.maxRowHeight;
* Return the Grid X coordinate of the GridDimensionView's viewRow,ColumnIndex origin.
public function get viewOriginX():Number
return gridDimensions.getCellX(viewRowIndex, viewColumnIndex);
* Return the Grid Y coordinate of the GridDimensionView's viewRow,ColumnIndex origin.
public function get viewOriginY():Number
return gridDimensions.getCellY(viewRowIndex, viewColumnIndex);
// Methods
public function getRowHeight(row:int):Number
return gridDimensions.getRowHeight(row + viewRowIndex);
public function setRowHeight(row:int, height:Number):void
gridDimensions.setRowHeight(row + viewRowIndex, height);
public function getColumnWidth(col:int):Number
return gridDimensions.getColumnWidth(col + viewColumnIndex);
public function setColumnWidth(col:int, width:Number):void
gridDimensions.setColumnWidth(col + viewColumnIndex, width);
public function getCellHeight(row:int, col:int):Number
return gridDimensions.getCellHeight(row + viewRowIndex, col + viewColumnIndex);
public function setCellHeight(row:int, col:int, height:Number):void
gridDimensions.setCellHeight(row + viewRowIndex, col + viewColumnIndex, height);
public function getCellBounds(row:int, col:int):Rectangle
const bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensions.getCellBounds(row + viewRowIndex, col + viewColumnIndex);
if (!bounds)
return null;
bounds.x -= viewOriginX;
bounds.y -= viewOriginY;
return bounds;
public function getCellX(row:int, col:int):Number
return gridDimensions.getCellX(row + viewRowIndex, col + viewColumnIndex) - viewOriginX;
public function getCellY(row:int, col:int):Number
return gridDimensions.getCellY(row + viewRowIndex, col + viewColumnIndex) - viewOriginY;
public function getRowBounds(row:int):Rectangle
const bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensions.getRowBounds(row + viewRowIndex);
if (!bounds)
return null;
bounds.x -= viewOriginX;
bounds.y -= viewOriginY;
return bounds;
public function getPadRowBounds(row:int):Rectangle
const bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensions.getPadRowBounds(row + viewRowIndex);
if (!bounds)
return null;
bounds.x -= viewOriginX;
bounds.y -= viewOriginY;
return bounds;
public function getColumnBounds(col:int):Rectangle
const bounds:Rectangle = gridDimensions.getColumnBounds(col + viewColumnIndex);
if (!bounds)
return null;
bounds.x -= viewOriginX;
bounds.y -= viewOriginY;
return bounds;
public function getRowIndexAt(viewX:Number, viewY:Number):int
const rowIndex:int = gridDimensions.getRowIndexAt(viewX + viewOriginX, viewY + viewOriginY) - viewRowIndex;
return rowIndex >= 0 ? rowIndex : -1;
public function getColumnIndexAt(localX:Number, localY:Number):int
const columnIndex:int = gridDimensions.getColumnIndexAt(localX + viewOriginX, localY + viewOriginY) - viewColumnIndex;
return columnIndex >= 0 ? columnIndex : -1;
public function getContentWidth(columnCountOverride:int = -1, startColumnIndex:int = 0):Number
const nColumns:int = (columnCount== -1) ? viewColumnCount : columnCountOverride;
return gridDimensions.getContentWidth(nColumns, viewColumnIndex + startColumnIndex);
public function getContentHeight(rowCountOverride:int = -1, startRowIndex:int = 0):Number
const nRows:int = (rowCount== -1) ? viewRowCount : rowCountOverride;
return gridDimensions.getContentHeight(nRows, viewRowIndex + startRowIndex);
public function getTypicalContentWidth(columnCountOverride:int = -1, startColumnIndex:int = 0):Number
const nColumns:int = (columnCount== -1) ? viewColumnCount : columnCountOverride;
return gridDimensions.getTypicalContentWidth(nColumns, viewColumnIndex + startColumnIndex);
public function getTypicalContentHeight(rowCountOverride:int = -1, startRowIndex:int = 0):Number
const nRows:int = (rowCount== -1) ? viewRowCount : rowCountOverride;
return gridDimensions.getTypicalContentHeight(nRows, viewRowIndex + startRowIndex);
public function getTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex:int):Number
return gridDimensions.getTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex + viewColumnIndex);
public function setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex:int, value:Number):void
gridDimensions.setTypicalCellWidth(columnIndex + viewColumnIndex, value);
public function getTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex:int):Number
return gridDimensions.getTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex + viewColumnIndex);
public function setTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex:int, value:Number):void
gridDimensions.setTypicalCellHeight(columnIndex + viewColumnIndex, value);
public function toString():String
return "GridDimensionsView " +
viewRowIndex + "," + viewColumnIndex + " " + viewRowCount + "X" + viewColumnCount + " " +