blob: b769ed7f4a81cac753e7532c7367f0d31fa1eb87 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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limitations under the License.
<UnitTester xmlns:fx=""
<fx:Script source="" />
import spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout;
import spark.layouts.VerticalLayout;
import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
import views.*;
import spark.components.ViewNavigator;
import spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator;
import spark.components.View;
public static function init(o:DisplayObject):void { }
public function resetProperties():void {
navigator().transitionsEnabled = true;
selectedNavigator().transitionsEnabled = true;
<fx:Metadata><![CDATA[ [Mixin] ]]></fx:Metadata>
<TestCase testID="customActionBarAtIndex0" keywords="[SDK-28267, overlay, view, tabBar, show, hide]" description="Verify can push view with custom actionbar skin when at index 0">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.buildNavigators()"/>
<Pause timeout="10" />
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.CustomActionBarAtIndex0)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.tabbedNavigator.activeView is CustomActionBarAtIndex0" value="true" />
<TestCase testID="showHideTabBar" keywords="[view, tabBar, show, hide]" description="Basic use of show and hide tabBar">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- hideTabBar() should change the visibility but not the value of tabBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="navigator().hideTabBar()"/>
<!-- transition should still be taking place -->
<Pause timeout="50"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = (navigator().tabBar.visible == true)" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = (navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false)" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = (activeView().tabBarVisible == true)" value="true" />
<!-- transition should be over -->
<Pause timeout="300"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<!-- showTabBar() should change the visibility but not the value of tabBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="navigator().showTabBar()"/>
<!-- transition should still be taking place -->
<Pause timeout="50"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<!-- transition should be over -->
<Pause timeout="300"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<TestCase testID="showHideTabBarTransitionsDisabled" keywords="[view, tabBar, show, hide, transitions]" description="Basic use of show and hide tabBar">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="navigator().transitionsEnabled = false"/>
<!-- hideTabBar() should change the visibility but not the value of tabBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="navigator().hideTabBar()"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<!-- showTabBar() should change the visibility but not the value of tabBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="navigator().showTabBar()"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- KEEP THIS! It needs time to catch up or the next test might fail -->
<TestCase testID="showHideTabBarNoAnimation" keywords="[view, tabBar, show, hide, animation]" description="Show and hide tabBar without animation">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- hideTabBar() should change the visibility but not the value of tabBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="navigator().hideTabBar(false)"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<!-- showTabBar() should change the visibility but not the value of tabBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="navigator().showTabBar(false)"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- KEEP THIS! It needs time to catch up or the next test might fail -->
<TestCase testID="showHideTabBarAnimations" keywords="[view, tabBar, show, hide, animation]" description="Default animations occur when showing and hiding tabBar">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<!-- NOTE: this doesn't actually test that an animation occurs.
However a default animation takes longer than no animation, so we verify that the final
properties still aren't set after the amount of time that the 'no animation' took in the previous test -->
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="navigator().hideTabBar(true)"/>
<Pause timeout="50"/>
<!-- animation should not be complete -->
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<Pause timeout="300"/>
<!-- animation should be complete -->
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<RunCode code="navigator().showTabBar(true)"/>
<Pause timeout="50"/>
<!-- animation should not be complete -->
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<Pause timeout="300"/>
<!-- animation should be complete -->
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<TestCase testID="showHideActionBar" keywords="[view, actionBar, show, hide]" description="Show and hide actionBar">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = (selectedNavigator().actionBar.x == 0)" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = (selectedNavigator().actionBar.y == 0)" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- hideActionBar() should change the visibility but not the value of actionBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().hideActionBar()"/>
<Pause timeout="400"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<!-- showActionBar() should change the visibility but not the value of actionBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().showActionBar()"/>
<Pause timeout="400"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<TestCase testID="showHideActionBarTransitionsDisabled" keywords="[view, actionBar, show, hide, transitions]" description="Basic use of show and hide actionBar">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().transitionsEnabled = false"/>
<!-- hideActionBar() should change the visibility but not the value of actionBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().hideActionBar()"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<!-- showActionBar() should change the visibility but not the value of actionBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().showActionBar()"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- KEEP THIS! It needs time to catch up or the next test might fail -->
<TestCase testID="showHideActionBarNoAnimations" keywords="[view, actionBar, show, hide, animation]" description="Default animations occur when showing and hiding actionBar">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- hideActionBar() should change the visibility but not the value of actionBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().hideActionBar(false)"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<!-- showActionBar() should change the visibility but not the value of actionBarVisible since it's still created and there, just hidden -->
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().showActionBar(false)"/>
<Pause timeout="10"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<!-- KEEP THIS! It needs time to catch up or the next test might fail -->
<TestCase testID="tabBarVisible" keywords="[view, tabBar, visible]" description="Set tabBar visible property">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="activeView().tabBarVisible = false"/>
<Pause timeout="400"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = (navigator().tabBar.visible == false)" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<RunCode code="activeView().tabBarVisible = true"/>
<Pause timeout="400"/>
<RunCode code="trace('a')"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="trace('b')"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = navigator().tabBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="trace('c')"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().tabBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="trace('d')"/>
<TestCase testID="actionBarVisible" keywords="[view, actionBar, visible]" description="Set actionBar visible property">
<RunCode code="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.resetApp()" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="myEvent" />
<RunCode code="resetProperties()" />
<RunCode code="selectedNavigator().pushView(views.Sect1View1)" waitTarget="tabbedNavigator" waitEvent="viewChangeComplete" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView() is Sect1View1" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />
<RunCode code="activeView().actionBarVisible = false"/>
<Pause timeout="400"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == false" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == false" value="true" />
<RunCode code="activeView().actionBarVisible = true"/>
<Pause timeout="400"/>
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.visible == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = selectedNavigator().actionBar.includeInLayout == true" value="true" />
<AssertMethodValue method="value = activeView().actionBarVisible == true" value="true" />