blob: a9bd7b8424ae98d00dc913a07d97cb72bb1a1db3 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<s:Application width="800" height="900" xmlns:fx="" xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:Components="Components.*" backgroundColor="0x008800" >
This file uses @Resource instead of [ResourceBundle(...)] to cause the
appropriate resources to be compiled in. That's why these controls are
here and appear to be unused.
@namespace s "library://";
@namespace mx "library://";
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf");
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
embedAsCFF: false;
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf");
fontWeight: bold;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
embedAsCFF: false;
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Italic.ttf");
fontStyle: italic;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
embedAsCFF: false;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana;
fontAntiAliasType: normal;
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf");
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana2;
embedAsCFF: true;
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf");
fontWeight: bold;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana2;
embedAsCFF: true;
@font-face {
src: url("../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Italic.ttf");
fontStyle: italic;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana2;
embedAsCFF: true;
fontFamily: EmbeddedVerdana2;
fontLookup: embeddedCFF;
fontAntiAliasType: normal;
<s:State name="setOne" />
<s:State name="setTwo" />
<!-- Fields needed by RTL_ResourceManager_Methods_ATResource_1Locale.mxml -->
<mx:DateField visible="@Resource(bundle='bundle1', key='TESTBOOL_TRUE')" />
<mx:DateField visible="@Resource(bundle='bundle2', key='BUNDLETWOBOOLEANTRUE')" />
<mx:DateField visible="@Resource(bundle='bundle3', key='BUNDLETHREEBOOLEANTRUE')" />
<mx:DateField visible="@Resource(bundle='bundle4', key='BUNDLEFOURBOOLEANTRUE')" />
<mx:NumberValidator />
<mx:NumberFormatter />
<fx:Array />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="Feel free to change the locale chain manually here." />
<mx:TextInput id="tiLocaleChain" width="100" />
<mx:Button label="Apply!" click="{resourceManager.localeChain=tiLocaleChain.text.split(',')}" />
@Resource Properties
<mx:Label color="0xffffff" text="Property @Resource Tests:" includeIn="setOne"/>
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="Framework string:" />
<Components:CLabelTextGetStringFramework_ATResource id="lbl1" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="Non-framework string, as a property:" />
<Components:CLabelTextGetStringCustom_ATResource id="lbl2" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="Number (alpha=0.3 for French, 0.7 for English, 0.5 for Japanese):" />
<Components:CTextInputAlphaGetNumber_ATResource id="ti1" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="int (maxChars=7 for French, 12 for English, 3 for Japanese):" />
<Components:CTextInputMaxCharsGetInt_ATResource id="ti2" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="uint (selectedColor=blue for French, green for English, red for Japanese):" />
<Components:CColorPickerSelectedColorGetUint_ATResource id="cp1" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="Boolean (unchecked/checked for French, checked/unchecked for English, both checked for Japanese):" />
<Components:CCheckBoxSelectedGetBooleanLeft_ATResource id="ck1" />
<Components:CCheckBoxSelectedGetBooleanRight_ATResource id="ck2" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="StringArray (month names begin with fr, en, or ja):" />
<Components:CDateChooserMonthNamesGetStringArray_ATResource id="dc1" />
<mx:HBox id="img1Container" includeIn="setOne">
<mx:Label text="Class with Embed (image is the country's flag.):" />
<Components:CImageSourceGetClass_ATResource id="img1" />
@Resource Styles
<mx:Label color="0xffffff" text="Style @Resource Tests:" includeIn="setTwo"/>
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="String (right italicized for French, left one for English, both for Japanese):" />
<Components:CLabelFontStyleGetStringLeft_ATResource id="lbl3" />
<Components:CLabelFontStyleGetStringRight_ATResource id="lbl4" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="Number (right tiny for French, left tiny for English, both tiny for Japanese):" />
<Components:CLabelFontSizeGetNumberLeft_ATResource id="lbl5" />
<Components:CLabelFontSizeGetNumberRight_ATResource id="lbl6" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="int (3 zeroes for French, 4 for English, 6 for Japanese):" />
<Components:CSliderPrecisionGetInt id="slider1" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="uint (Red for French, blue for English, green for Japanese):" />
<Components:CLabelColorGetUint_ATResource id="lbl7" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="Boolean (left's lineThrough is false, right's lineThrough is true, for French):" />
<Components:CFxButtonLineThroughGetBooleanLeft_ATResource id="btn1" />
<Components:CFxButtonLineThroughGetBooleanRight_ATResource id="btn2" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="StringArray (alternating colors are green and blue for French, red and blue for English, white and red for Japanese):" />
<Components:CListAlternatingColorsGetStringArray_ATResource id="list1" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="Class style using Embed (Button skins are the country's flag):" />
<Components:CButtonOverSkinGetClass_ATResource id="btn3" />
<mx:HBox includeIn="setTwo">
<mx:Label text="Class style using ClassReference (French has a backwards check, English has a forwards one, Japanese has a square):" />
<Components:CCheckBoxSelectedIconsGetClass_ATResource id="ck3" />