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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Demonstate how to control text wrapping in a DataGrid DefaultGridItemRenderer item renderer.
This DataGrid example demonstrates how to control text wrapping with the DefaultGridItemRenderer.
All cells in this example display the same lengthy string which does not contain newlines.
Note that the Flex text components unconditionally render newline characters that appear in the text.
The first "Implicit wordWrap" column's renderer is DefaultGridItemRenderer. By default it sets its
wordWrap property equal to the value of the DataGrid's varaiableRowHeight property.
The second "Explicit wordWrap" column's DefaultGridItemRenderer overrides the wordWrap property.
If the wordWrap property's value is set explicitly, the renderer ignores the DataGrid's
variableRowHeight property.
Note also: this example's column widths and row heights are defined by the DataGrid's typicalItem.
The typical item uses explicit newlines to create a string that occupies three lines and a
reasonable column width.
<fx:String id="sampleText">Lorem Ipsum is the standard dummy text of the typesetting industry.</fx:String>
<fx:int id="maxDisplayedLines">0</fx:int>
<s:Panel title="Spark DataGrid Control Example which demonstrates how to control text wrapping in a DefaultGridItemRenderer"
width="75%" height="75%"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
<s:CheckBox id="vrh" selected="@{dataGrid.variableRowHeight}"
<s:CheckBox id="wordWrapCheckBox" selected="true"
<s:DataGrid id="dataGrid" variableRowHeight="false" left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5">
DefaultGridItemRenderer doesn't break lines if the DataGrid's variableRowHeight property
is false (the default).
<s:GridColumn dataField="value" headerText="Implicit wordWrap"/>
Defeat line breaking in DefaultGridItemRenderer by setting wordWrap="false".
If wordWrap is set, the renderer ignores the DataGrid's variableRowHeight property.
<s:GridColumn dataField="value" headerText="Explicit wordWrap">
The typicalItem defines column widths and the default row height. The text
occpies three lines because we've used data binding to introduce two
Alternatively, we could have used the odd XML '&amp;#10;' escape to introduce
two newlines (the value of the newline character is decimal 10).
<s:DataItem value="Lorem Ipsum sample text.&amp;#10;newline&amp;#10;"/>
<s:DataItem value="{'Lorem Ipsum sample text.\nnewline\n'}"/>
<s:DataItem value="{sampleText}"/>
<s:DataItem value="{sampleText}"/>
<s:DataItem value="{sampleText}"/>