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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Examples of custom GridItemRenderers that use data binding to configure visual properties.
The application's control bar slider can be used to change the the dataProvider items.
The GridItemRenderer class is a Group that implements
IGridItemRenderer and can be used as the top level "container" for a
custom item renderer. Its data property is the dataProvider item for
the row the item renderer appears on and its components can configure
themselves by binding to the data property, or by overriding the
renderer's prepare() method and configuring themselves imperatively
with ActionScript code. All of the item renderers in this example
use binding, which makes the code a little easier to read and modify.
It's also less efficient than using a prepare() method override. The
performance difference is most noticeable when the DataGrid is configured
so that a large number of item renderers are visible.
DataGrid item renderers are always sized to exactly fit the cell that
they're rendering: their size matches the width of their column and the height of their row.
The DataGrid enables interactive column resizing by default, so all of
the item renderers need to defend against the possibility that their
width will become arbitrarily small. The first column's item renderer
just contains a Label. By specifying maxDisplayedLines="1" we ensure
that the Label will truncate its text to fit the width it's given.
The other columns' item renderers specify
clipAndEnableScrolling="true" which just means that their fixed size
contents will always be clipped to the bounds of the GridItemRenderer.
This property -enables- scrolling, which means that one could actually
scroll the contents of the item renderers when their width gets small,
by setting the renderer's horizontalScrollPosition property. We
do not do as much here.
The "Name" column's item renderer demonstrates a special case: if the
renderer contains a text component with id="labelDisplay", GridItemRenderer
automatically sets the labelDisplay's text property to the value
of data[column.dataField] per the GridItemRenderer label property. The
first colunm also demonstrates using the styleName property to configure
the Label's left, right, top, and fontSize styles.
The "Statistics" column's item renderer demonstrates how binding can be used to
configure the geometry of graphic elememnts. The data items' min, max, and
value properties have been normalized to the range [0 100] to keep the bindings simple.
The "Value" column's item renderer allows one to change data item's value
property with a Slider.
The "Call" column's item renderer demonstrates a slightly more complicated component
layout and it also demonstates how the data item's value can be both displayed
and edited.
// Incrementally change all of the date items' min, max, value, and call properties.
private function changeData(delta:Number):void
for each (var item:Object in dataGrid.dataProvider)
item.value = (item.value + delta) % 100;
item.min = item.value * 0.5;
item.max = item.value + ((100 - item.value) * 0.5); = item.value > 50;
.nameColumn {
fontSize: 18;
left: 5;
right: 5;
top: 9;
<s:Panel title="Spark DataGrid Control Example of custom GridItemRenderers that use data binding to configure visual properties"
width="75%" height="75%"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="baseline">
<s:Label text="Shake Data"/>
<s:HSlider id="hsl" minimum="0" maximum="25" change="changeData(hsl.value)"/>
<s:DataGrid id="dataGrid" left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5">
By specifying id="labelDisplay" the Label component's text property is automatically
set to the renderer's label, which is effectively the value of the item's name property.
We've used styleName here to refer to a set of styles that could have also have been set inline.
<s:GridColumn dataField="name" headerText="Name">
<s:Label id="labelDisplay" maxDisplayedLines="1" styleName="nameColumn"/>
This column's renderer displays the item's value, min, and max properties with a simple dial
and bar chart defined with graphic primitives. The bar chart s:Rect elements specify
scaleY="-1" so that the rectangles grow from the bottom of the renderer upwards. To keep
things simple, most of the elements geometry is specified explicitly. Note also that
min, max, and value have all been normalized to [0, 100].
<s:GridColumn dataField="value" headerText="Statistics">
<s:GridItemRenderer clipAndEnableScrolling="true">
<s:Group left="5" top="5" bottom="5">
<s:Ellipse x="0" y="0" width="30" height="30">
<s:SolidColorStroke color="0x272F32" weight="2"/>
<s:SolidColor color="0x9DBDC6"/>
<s:Line rotation="{(data.value / 100) * 360}" transformX="15" transformY="15"
xFrom="15" yFrom="15" xTo="27" yTo="15">
<s:SolidColorStroke color="0xFF3D2E" weight="3"/>
<s:Rect x="40" y="30" scaleY="-1" width="15" height="{(data.min / 100) * 30}">
<s:SolidColor color="0xFF3D2E"/>
<s:Rect x="60" y="30" scaleY="-1" width="15" height="{(data.max / 100) * 30}">
<s:SolidColor color="0xFF3D2E"/>
This column's renderer displays the data item's value property with a slider. The binding is specified
with "@{data.value}", which indicates that it's bidirection, so changing the slider also changes
the dataProvider item.
<s:GridColumn dataField="value" headerText="Value">
<s:GridItemRenderer clipAndEnableScrolling="true">
<s:HSlider left="5" right="5" verticalCenter="0"
minimum="{data.min}" maximum="{data.max}" value="@{data.value}"/>
Display the boolean data item call property with a checkbox, radio button, and a text field. The
call value can be changed with the checkbox.
<s:GridColumn dataField="call" headerText="Call">
<s:GridItemRenderer clipAndEnableScrolling="true">
<s:HGroup left="5" top="9" right="5" verticalAlign="baseline">
<s:CheckBox selected="@{}"/>
<s:RadioButton selected="{}" enabled="false"/>
<s:TextInput text="{}" enabled="false"/>
<s:DataItem min="10" max="85" value="15" name="Abrasive" price="100.11" call="false"/>
<s:DataItem min="15" max="75" value="25" name="Brush" price="110.01" call="true"/>
<s:DataItem min="30" max="65" value="45" name="Clamp" price="120.02" call="false"/>
<s:DataItem min="20" max="85" value="65" name="Drill" price="130.03" call="true"/>
<s:DataItem min="40" max="95" value="85" name="Epoxy" price="140.04" call="false"/>
<s:DataItem min="70" max="99" value="95" name="File" price="150.05" call="true"/>
<s:DataItem min="60" max="85" value="80" name="Gouge" price="160.06" call="false"/>
<s:DataItem min="40" max="70" value="60" name="Hook" price="170.07" call="true"/>
<s:DataItem min="10" max="40" value="20" name="Ink" price="180.08" call="false"/>
<s:DataItem min="5" max="30" value="10" name="Jack" price="190.09" call="true"/>