blob: 4dd36b8a1d1c3f40f71e58dc5e695f4f77dcf982 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.components.gridClasses
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import mx.collections.IList;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import spark.components.DataGrid;
import spark.components.Grid;
import spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup;
import spark.components.Group;
import spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase;
import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase;
use namespace mx_internal;
* @private
* Virtual horizontal layout for each column header view Group. This is not a general
* purpose layout class, it's only intended for column header view Groups.
* This layout tracks the layout of the corresponding GridView.
public class GridHeaderViewLayout extends LayoutBase
* Constructor.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.5
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function GridHeaderViewLayout()
// Internal variables
* @private
* Layers for header renderers and separators.
private var rendererLayer:Group;
private var overlayLayer:Group;
* @private
* Cached header renderer heights maintained by the measure() method,
* and the current content height.
private const rendererHeights:Array = [];
private var maxRendererHeight:Number = 0;
* @private
* Bounds of all currently visible header renderers.
private const visibleRenderersBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
* @private
* Currently visible header renderers.
private const visibleHeaderRenderers:Vector.<IGridItemRenderer> = new Vector.<IGridItemRenderer>();
* @private
* Currently visible header separators.
private const visibleHeaderSeparators:Vector.<IVisualElement> = new Vector.<IVisualElement>();
* @private
* The elements available for reuse aka the "free list". Maps from an IFactory
* to a list of the elements that have been allocated by that factory and then freed.
* The list is represented by a Vector.<IVisualElement>.
private var freeElementMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
* @private
* Records the IFactory used to allocate a Element so that freeVisualElement()
* can find it again.
private var elementToFactoryMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
// Properties
// columns
private var _columnsView:IList;
* @private
* Returns a cached reference to gridView.columns. A local reference is kept so
* that we can remove the colllection change handler if the columns list changes.
private function get columnsView():IList
const gridView:GridView = this.gridView;
const newColumns:IList = (gridView) ? gridView.gridViewLayout.columnsView : null;
if (newColumns != _columnsView)
if (_columnsView)
_columnsView.removeEventListener(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, columns_collectionChangeHandler);
_columnsView = newColumns;
if (_columnsView)
_columnsView.addEventListener(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, columns_collectionChangeHandler);
return _columnsView;
// grid (private read-only)
* @private
private function get grid():Grid
const view:GridView = this.gridView;
return (view) ? view.parent as Grid : null;
// gridColumnHeaderGroup
private var _gridColumnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = null;
* The GridColumnHeaderGroup whose columns this header view is associated with.
* This property is set by GridColumnHeaderGroup.
public function get gridColumnHeaderGroup():GridColumnHeaderGroup
return _gridColumnHeaderGroup
* @private
public function set gridColumnHeaderGroup(value:GridColumnHeaderGroup):void
if (value == _gridColumnHeaderGroup)
_gridColumnHeaderGroup = value;
// gridView
private var _gridView:GridView = null;
* The GridView whose columns this header view is associated with.
* This property is set by GridColumnHeaderGroup.
public function get gridView():GridView
return _gridView
* @private
public function set gridView(value:GridView):void
if (value == _gridView)
_gridView = value;
// Overridden methods
* @private
override public function set target(value:GroupBase):void
{ = value;
const group:Group = value as Group;
if (!group)
rendererLayer = new Group();
rendererLayer.layout = new LayoutBase();
overlayLayer = new Group();
overlayLayer.layout = new LayoutBase();
* @private
override public function get useVirtualLayout():Boolean
return true;
* @private
override public function set useVirtualLayout(value:Boolean):void
* @private
* Clear everything.
override public function clearVirtualLayoutCache():void
visibleHeaderRenderers.length = 0;
visibleHeaderSeparators.length = 0;
rendererHeights.length = 0;
elementToFactoryMap = new Dictionary();
freeElementMap = new Dictionary();
if (gridColumnHeaderGroup)
gridColumnHeaderGroup.visibleSortIndicatorIndices = null;
* @private
override protected function scrollPositionChanged():void
const target:GroupBase =;
if (!target)
super.scrollPositionChanged(); // sets target's scrollRect
// Only invalidate if we're clipping and scrollR extends outside visibleRenderersBounds
const scrollR:Rectangle = target.scrollRect;
if (scrollR && !visibleRenderersBounds.containsRect(scrollR))
* @private
override public function measure():void
const target:GroupBase =;
if (!target)
const measuredWidth:Number = Math.max(0, target.minWidth);
const measuredHeight:Number = Math.max(maxRendererHeight, target.minHeight);
target.measuredWidth = Math.ceil(measuredWidth);
target.measuredHeight = Math.ceil(measuredHeight);
* @private
override public function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
const target:GroupBase =;
const gridColumnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = this.gridColumnHeaderGroup;
const gridView:GridView = this.gridView;
if (!target || !gridColumnHeaderGroup || !gridView)
// TBD explain about Grid relative column indices...
const visibleColumnIndices:Vector.<int> = gridView.gridViewLayout.getVisibleColumnIndices();
const visibleColumnCount:int = visibleColumnIndices.length;
const firstVisibleColumnIndex:int = (visibleColumnCount > 0) ? visibleColumnIndices[0] : -1;
const lastVisibleColumnIndex:int = (visibleColumnCount > 0) ? visibleColumnIndices[visibleColumnCount - 1] : -1;
const oldRenderers:Array = [];
const rendererLayer:Group = this.rendererLayer;
const overlayLayer:Group = this.overlayLayer;
const columnSeparatorFactory:IFactory = gridColumnHeaderGroup.columnSeparator;
var renderer:IGridItemRenderer;
var separator:IVisualElement;
var column:GridColumn;
var columnIndex:int = -1;
// Add all of the renderers whose column is still visible to oldRenderers and free the rest
for each (renderer in visibleHeaderRenderers)
column = renderer.column;
columnIndex = (column) ? column.columnIndex : -1;
if ((visibleColumnIndices.indexOf(columnIndex) != -1) && (oldRenderers[columnIndex] == null))
oldRenderers[columnIndex] = renderer;
visibleHeaderRenderers.length = 0;
// Add all of the separators to the free-list, since laying them out is cheap.
visibleHeaderSeparators.length = 0;
// Layout the header renderers and update the CHB's content size
// The loop below is written in terms of Grid - not GridView - column indices,
// and terminates when we reach GridColumnCount.
const gridColumns:IList = grid.columns; // TBD what if grid.columns is null?
const gridViewLayout:GridViewLayout = gridView.layout as GridViewLayout;
const gridColumnCount:int = gridViewLayout.viewColumnIndex + gridViewLayout.columnsView.length;
const rendererY:Number = 0;
const rendererHeight:Number = unscaledHeight;
const maxRendererX:Number = target.horizontalScrollPosition + unscaledWidth;
var visibleLeft:Number = 0;
var visibleRight:Number = 0;
// This isn't quite as simple as:
// for each (var columnIndex:int in visibleColumnIndices)
// since the GridColumnHeaderGroup may be wider than the grid because it
// spans the vertical scrollbar. If it does, we may need to display
// additional column headers (usually one).
for (var index:int = 0; /* termination conditions below */; index++)
if (index < visibleColumnIndices.length)
columnIndex = visibleColumnIndices[index];
columnIndex = grid.getNextVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex);
if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex >= gridColumnCount)
column = gridColumns.getItemAt(columnIndex) as GridColumn;
// reuse or create a new renderer
renderer = oldRenderers[columnIndex];
delete oldRenderers[columnIndex];
if (!renderer)
var factory:IFactory = column.headerRenderer;
if (!factory)
factory = gridColumnHeaderGroup.headerRenderer;
renderer = allocateVisualElement(factory) as IGridItemRenderer;
// initialize the renderer
initializeItemRenderer(renderer, columnIndex, column, true);
if (renderer.parent != rendererLayer)
// layout the renderer
var isLastColumn:Boolean = columnIndex == lastVisibleColumnIndex;
var headerViewColumnIndex:int = columnIndex - gridViewLayout.viewColumnIndex;
var rendererX:Number = gridViewLayout.gridDimensionsView.getCellX(0, headerViewColumnIndex);
var rendererWidth:Number = grid.getColumnWidth(columnIndex);
if (isLastColumn)
rendererWidth = horizontalScrollPosition + unscaledWidth - rendererX - 1; // TODO: this is a temporary hack
renderer.setLayoutBoundsSize(rendererWidth, rendererHeight);
renderer.setLayoutBoundsPosition(rendererX, rendererY);
if (index == 0)
visibleLeft = rendererX;
visibleRight = rendererX + rendererWidth;
if (isLastColumn || ((rendererX + rendererWidth) >= maxRendererX))
// allocate and layout a column separator
if (columnSeparatorFactory && !isLastColumn)
separator = allocateVisualElement(columnSeparatorFactory);
separator.visible = true;
if (separator.parent != overlayLayer)
var separatorWidth:Number = separator.getPreferredBoundsWidth();
var separatorX:Number = rendererX + rendererWidth;
separator.setLayoutBoundsSize(separatorWidth, rendererHeight);
separator.setLayoutBoundsPosition(separatorX, rendererY);
target.setContentSize(grid.contentWidth, rendererHeight);
visibleRenderersBounds.left = visibleLeft;
visibleRenderersBounds.right = visibleRight = 0; = rendererY;
visibleRenderersBounds.height = rendererHeight;
// We may have created new renderers or changed their visibility. Force
// validation to avoid a display list flash.
// Update the renderer heights cache.
// Invalidates the target's size if the maxRendererHeight has changed.
// Public methods
* Returns the column index corresponding to the specified coordinates,
* or -1 if the coordinates are out of bounds. The coordinates are
* resolved with respect to the column header view layout target.
* <p>If all of the columns or rows for the grid have not yet been scrolled
* into view, the returned index may only be an approximation,
* based on all of the columns' <code>typicalItem</code>s.</p>
* @param x The pixel's x coordinate relative to the target column header view
* @param y The pixel's y coordinate relative to the target column header view
* @return the index of the column or -1 if the coordinates are out of bounds.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function getHeaderIndexAt(x:Number, y:Number):int
var headerIndex:int = -1;
var globalPoint:Point = gridColumnHeaderGroup.localToGlobal(new Point(x, y));
var paddingLeftStyle:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingLeft");
var paddingLeft:Number = isNaN(paddingLeftStyle) ? 0 : paddingLeftStyle;
headerIndex = gridView.gridViewLayout.gridDimensionsView.getColumnIndexAt(x - paddingLeft + horizontalScrollPosition, y);
if(headerIndex == -1 && gridColumnHeaderGroup.containsGlobalCoordinates(globalPoint))
//then the point is either over the right padding, over the width of the vertical
//scroll bar, or over the space between the last separator and the width of the grid
headerIndex = grid.getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(columnsView.length);
return headerIndex;
* Returns the column separator index corresponding to the specified
* coordinates, or -1 if the coordinates don't overlap a separator. The
* coordinates are resolved with respect to the GridColumnHeaderGroup layout target.
* <p>A separator is considered to "overlap" the specified location if the
* x coordinate is within <code>separatorMouseWidth</code> of separator's
* horizontal midpoint.</p>
* <p>The separator index is the same as the index of the column on the left
* (assuming that this component's layoutDirection is "rtl"). That means
* that all column headers are flanked by two separators, except for the first
* visible column, which just has a separator on the right, and the last visible
* column, which just has a separator on the left.</p>
* <p>If all of the columns or rows for the grid have not yet been scrolled
* into view, the returned index may only be an approximation,
* based on all of the columns' <code>typicalItem</code>s.</p>
* @param x The pixel's x coordinate relative to the columnHeaderGroup
* @param y The pixel's y coordinate relative to the columnHeaderGroup
* @return the index of the column or -1 if the coordinates don't overlap a separator.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function getSeparatorIndexAt(x:Number, y:Number):int
const gdv:GridDimensionsView = gridView.gridViewLayout.gridDimensionsView;
const columnIndex:int = gdv.getColumnIndexAt(x, y);
if (columnIndex == -1)
return -1;
const isFirstColumn:Boolean = columnIndex == gridView.getNextVisibleColumnIndex(-1);
const isLastColumn:Boolean = false; //columnIndex == gridView.getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(gridView.viewColumnCount);
const columnLeft:Number = gdv.getCellX(0, columnIndex);
const columnRight:Number = columnLeft + gdv.getColumnWidth(columnIndex);
const smw:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("separatorAffordance");
if (!isFirstColumn && (x > (columnLeft - smw)) && (x < (columnLeft + smw)))
return grid.getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(columnIndex);
if (!isLastColumn && (x > (columnRight - smw)) && (x < columnRight + smw))
return columnIndex;
return -1;
* Returns the current pixel bounds of the specified header (renderer), or null if
* no such column exists. Header bounds are reported in GridColumnHeaderGroup coordinates.
* <p>If all of the visible columns preceeding the specified column have not
* yet been scrolled into view, the returned bounds may only be an approximation,
* based on all of the Grid's <code>typicalItem</code>s.</p>
* @param columnIndex The 0-based index of the column.
* @return A <code>Rectangle</code> that represents the column header's pixel bounds, or null.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function getHeaderBounds(columnIndex:int):Rectangle
const gridColumnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = this.gridColumnHeaderGroup;
const grid:Grid = this.grid;
if (!gridColumnHeaderGroup || !grid)
return null;
const columns:IList = columnsView;
const columnsLength:int = (columns) ? columns.length : 0;
if (columnIndex >= columnsLength)
return null;
const column:GridColumn = columns.getItemAt(columnIndex) as GridColumn;
if (!column.visible)
return null;
const paddingLeft:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingLeft");
const paddingRight:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingRight");
const paddingTop:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingTop");
const paddingBottom:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingBottom");
var isLastColumn:Boolean = columnIndex == grid.getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(columnsLength);
var rendererX:Number = grid.getCellX(0, columnIndex) + paddingLeft;
const rendererY:Number = paddingTop;
var rendererWidth:Number = grid.getColumnWidth(columnIndex);
const rendererHeight:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.height - paddingTop - paddingBottom;
if (isLastColumn)
rendererWidth = horizontalScrollPosition + gridColumnHeaderGroup.width - rendererX - paddingRight;
return new Rectangle(rendererX, rendererY, rendererWidth, rendererHeight);
* If the requested header renderer is visible, returns a reference to
* the header renderer currently displayed for the specified column.
* Note that once the returned header renderer is no longer visible it
* may be recycled and its properties reset.
* <p>If the requested header renderer is not visible then,
* each time this method is called, a new header renderer is created. The
* new item renderer is not visible</p>
* <p>The width of the returned renderer is the same as for item renderers
* returned by DataGrid/getItemRendererAt().</p>
* @param columnIndex The 0-based column index of the header renderer's column
* @return The item renderer or null if the column index is invalid.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 2.0
* @productversion Flex 4.5
public function getHeaderRendererAt(columnIndex:int):IGridItemRenderer
const gridColumnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = this.gridColumnHeaderGroup;
const grid:Grid = this.grid;
if (!gridColumnHeaderGroup || !grid || (columnIndex < 0))
return null;
// If columnIndex refers to a visible header renderer, return it
const rendererLayer:Group = rendererLayer;
const visibleColumnIndices:Vector.<int> = grid.getVisibleColumnIndices();
const eltIndex:int = visibleColumnIndices.indexOf(columnIndex);
if (eltIndex != -1)
const rendererLayerNumElements:int = rendererLayer.numElements;
for (var index:int = 0; index < rendererLayerNumElements; index++)
var elt:IGridItemRenderer = rendererLayer.getElementAt(index) as IGridItemRenderer;
if (elt && elt.visible && elt.column && (elt.column.columnIndex == columnIndex))
return elt;
return null;
// create a new renderer
const columns:IList = columnsView;
if (!columns || (columns.length <= columnIndex))
return null;
const column:GridColumn = columns.getItemAt(columnIndex) as GridColumn;
if (!column.visible)
return null;
var factory:IFactory = column.headerRenderer;
if (!factory)
factory = gridColumnHeaderGroup.headerRenderer;
const renderer:IGridItemRenderer = allocateVisualElement(factory) as IGridItemRenderer;
// initialize the renderer
initializeItemRenderer(renderer, columnIndex, column, renderer.visible);
// layout the renderer
const paddingLeft:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingLeft");
const paddingRight:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingRight");
const paddingTop:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingTop");
const paddingBottom:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.getStyle("paddingBottom");
const isLastColumn:Boolean = columnIndex == grid.getPreviousVisibleColumnIndex(columns.length);
const rendererX:Number = grid.getCellX(0, columnIndex) + paddingLeft;
const rendererY:Number = paddingTop;
const rendererHeight:Number = gridColumnHeaderGroup.height - paddingTop - paddingBottom;
var rendererWidth:Number = grid.getColumnWidth(columnIndex);
if (isLastColumn)
rendererWidth = horizontalScrollPosition + gridColumnHeaderGroup.width - rendererX - paddingRight;
renderer.setLayoutBoundsSize(rendererWidth, rendererHeight);
renderer.setLayoutBoundsPosition(rendererX, rendererY);
renderer.visible = false;
return renderer;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
// Internal methods, properties
* @private
private function initializeItemRenderer(renderer:IGridItemRenderer,
renderer.visible = visible;
renderer.column = column;
renderer.label = column.headerText;
const columnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = this.gridColumnHeaderGroup;
const dataGrid:DataGrid = columnHeaderGroup.dataGrid;
if (dataGrid)
renderer.owner = dataGrid;
renderer.hovered = columnIndex == columnHeaderGroup.hoverColumnIndex;
renderer.selected = columnIndex == columnHeaderGroup.selectedColumnIndex;
renderer.down = columnIndex == columnHeaderGroup.downColumnIndex;
* @private
* Let the allocateGridElement() caller know if the returned element was
* created or recycled.
private var createdVisualElement:Boolean = false;
* @private
private function createVisualElement(factory:IFactory):IVisualElement
createdVisualElement = true;
const newElement:IVisualElement = factory.newInstance() as IVisualElement;
elementToFactoryMap[newElement] = factory;
return newElement;
* @private
* If the freeElementMap "free list" contains an instance of this factory, then
* remove if from the free list and return it, otherwise create a new instance
* using createVisualElement().
private function allocateVisualElement(factory:IFactory):IVisualElement
createdVisualElement = false;
const freeElements:Vector.<IVisualElement> = freeElementMap[factory] as Vector.<IVisualElement>;
if (freeElements)
const freeElement:IVisualElement = freeElements.pop();
if (freeElements.length == 0)
delete freeElementMap[factory];
if (freeElement)
return freeElement;
return createVisualElement(factory);
* @private
* Move the specified element to the free list after hiding it. Note that we
* do not actually remove the element from its parent.
private function freeVisualElement(element:IVisualElement):void
const factory:IFactory = elementToFactoryMap[element];
var freeElements:Vector.<IVisualElement> = freeElementMap[factory];
if (!freeElements)
freeElements = new Vector.<IVisualElement>();
freeElementMap[factory] = freeElements;
element.visible = false;
private function freeVisualElements(elements:Vector.<IVisualElement>):void
for each (var elt:IVisualElement in elements)
elements.length = 0;
private function freeRenderer(renderer:IGridItemRenderer):void
freeVisualElement(renderer as IVisualElement);
private function freeRenderers(renderers:Vector.<IGridItemRenderer>):void
for each (var renderer:IGridItemRenderer in renderers)
renderers.length = 0;
* @private
* Updates the renderer heights cache and the current max renderer height.
* Invalidates the target's size if the max renderer height has changed.
* <p>If the max live renderer height is the same as the max cached height, then
* just update the cache.
* If the max live renderer height is greater than the max cached height, then
* update the cache, cache the new height, and invalidate the target's size if
* necessary.
* If the max live renderer height is less than the max cached height, then
* update the cache, check to see if the cached max height has lowered, and
* invalidate the target's size if necessary.
private function updateRendererHeights(inUpdateDisplayList:Boolean = false):void
const columns:IList = columnsView;
rendererHeights.length = (columns) ? columns.length : 0;
var newHeight:Number = 0;
// update cached renderer heights with live renderer heights.
for each (var renderer:IGridItemRenderer in visibleHeaderRenderers)
var preferredHeight:Number = renderer.getPreferredBoundsHeight();
rendererHeights[renderer.column.columnIndex] = preferredHeight;
if (preferredHeight > newHeight)
newHeight = preferredHeight;
// Do nothing if the heights are the same.
if (newHeight == maxRendererHeight)
if (newHeight < maxRendererHeight)
// If the live renderers' max height is less than the current
// max height, check if this also lowers the maxRendererHeight.
for each (var rendererHeight:Number in rendererHeights)
if (!isNaN(rendererHeight) && rendererHeight > newHeight)
newHeight = rendererHeight;
maxRendererHeight = newHeight;
if (inUpdateDisplayList) // TBD: should be target.invalidateSize()?
* @private
* Handles changes to the columns IList that might affect the visible sort
* indicators.
private function columns_collectionChangeHandler(event:CollectionEvent):void
// TODO (klin): The cache could be adjusted here too.
switch (event.kind)
case CollectionEventKind.ADD:
case CollectionEventKind.REMOVE:
case CollectionEventKind.MOVE:
case CollectionEventKind.REPLACE:
case CollectionEventKind.UPDATE:
// Do nothing.
case CollectionEventKind.REFRESH:
case CollectionEventKind.RESET:
* @private
* Adjusts the visibleSortIndicatorIndices to the correct columns
* after columns are added.
private function columns_collectionChangeAdd(event:CollectionEvent):void
const itemsLength:int = event.items.length;
if (itemsLength <= 0)
const chg:GridColumnHeaderGroup = gridColumnHeaderGroup;
const indices:Vector.<int> = chg.visibleSortIndicatorIndices;
const indicesLength:int = indices.length;
const startIndex:int = event.location;
for (var i:int = 0; i < indicesLength; i++)
if (indices[i] >= startIndex)
indices[i] += itemsLength;
chg.visibleSortIndicatorIndices = indices;
* @private
* Adjusts the visibleSortIndicatorIndices to the correct columns
* after columns are removed.
* TBD: Remove the rendererHeights cache entries for the corresponding columns.
private function columns_collectionChangeRemove(event:CollectionEvent):void
const itemsLength:int = event.items.length;
if (itemsLength <= 0)
const chg:GridColumnHeaderGroup = gridColumnHeaderGroup;
const indices:Vector.<int> = chg.visibleSortIndicatorIndices;
const indicesLength:int = indices.length;
const startIndex:int = event.location;
const lastIndex:int = startIndex + itemsLength;
const newIndices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
var index:int;
for each (index in indices)
if (index < startIndex)
else if (index >= lastIndex)
newIndices.push(index - lastIndex);
chg.visibleSortIndicatorIndices = newIndices;
* @private
* Adjusts the visibleSortIndicatorIndices to the correct columns
* after columns are moved.
private function columns_collectionChangeMove(event:CollectionEvent):void
const itemsLength:int = event.items.length;
if (itemsLength <= 0)
const gridColumnHeaderGroup:GridColumnHeaderGroup = this.gridColumnHeaderGroup;
const indices:Vector.<int> = gridColumnHeaderGroup.visibleSortIndicatorIndices;
const indicesLength:int = indices.length;
const oldStart:int = event.oldLocation;
const oldEnd:int = event.oldLocation + itemsLength;
const newStart:int = event.location;
const newEnd:int = event.location + itemsLength;
var index:int;
for (var i:int = 0; i < indicesLength; i++)
index = indices[i];
if (index >= oldStart && index < oldEnd)
// Moved items move up to new position
indices[i] = newStart + (index - oldStart);
// Two cases:
// 1) New position is greater than old position, so we
// decrement their position by the number of moved items.
// 2) New position is less than old position, so we
// increment their position by the number of moved items.
if (newStart > oldStart)
if (index >= oldEnd && index < newEnd)
indices[i] -= itemsLength;
else if (newStart < oldStart)
if (index >= newStart && index < oldStart)
indices[i] += itemsLength;
gridColumnHeaderGroup.visibleSortIndicatorIndices = indices;