blob: 780906e4ea970f17b0f9bd82d5a8c7a049e155d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package spark.effects.supportClasses
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Transform;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import spark.components.Group;
import spark.effects.animation.Animation;
import spark.effects.animation.Keyframe;
import spark.effects.animation.MotionPath;
import spark.effects.easing.IEaser;
import spark.effects.easing.Linear;
import spark.effects.easing.Sine;
use namespace mx_internal;
* The AnimateTransformInstance class implements the instance class for the
* AnimateTransform effect. Flex creates an instance of this class when
* it plays a AnimateTransform effect; you do not create one yourself.
* @see spark.effects.AnimateTransform
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public class AnimateTransformInstance extends AnimateInstance
// Constructor
* Constructor.
* @param target The Object to animate with this effect.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function AnimateTransformInstance(target:Object)
// Variables
* @private
public var applyLocalProjection:Boolean = false;
* @private
public var autoCenterProjection:Boolean = false;
* @private
public var removeLocalProjectionWhenComplete:Boolean = false;
* @private
public var fieldOfView:Number;
* @private
public var focalLength:Number;
* @private
public var projectionX:Number = 0;
* @private
public var projectionY:Number = 0;
* @private
public var removeLocalPerspectiveOnEnd:Boolean = false;
* @private
protected var originalProjection:PerspectiveProjection;
* @private
private static var TRANSFORM_PROPERTIES:Array =
["translationX", "translationY", "translationZ",
"rotationX", "rotationY", "rotationZ",
"scaleX", "scaleY", "scaleZ",
"postLayoutTranslationX", "postLayoutTranslationY", "postLayoutTranslationZ",
"postLayoutRotationX", "postLayoutRotationY", "postLayoutRotationZ",
"postLayoutScaleX", "postLayoutScaleY", "postLayoutScaleZ"];
* Flag to indicate that this single instance of the transform-related
* effects has already started and should not be started again. If there
* are several transform effects running in the same effect tree, as children
* of a CompositeEffect, then they all run as part of a single instance which
* is started when the first transform effect is played. The remainder
* of the transform-related effects should not be separately started, since
* their animation data is already handled through the single instance.
private var started:Boolean = false;
* @private
* The time that the single transform effect instance will start, relative
* to the top-most Effect in the effect containment hierarchy. This time
* is used to compare against the start time of new effects adding their
* MotionPath data to this single instance to make sure that all keyframes
* are positioned correctly relative to each other.
private var instanceStartTime:Number = 0;
* Utility map used in applyValues()
private var currentValues:Object = {rotationX:NaN, rotationY:NaN, rotationZ:NaN,
scaleX:NaN, scaleY:NaN, scaleZ:NaN,
translationX:NaN, translationY:NaN, translationZ:NaN,
postLayoutRotationX:NaN, postLayoutRotationY:NaN, postLayoutRotationZ:NaN,
postLayoutScaleX:NaN, postLayoutScaleY:NaN, postLayoutScaleZ:NaN,
postLayoutTranslationX:NaN, postLayoutTranslationY:NaN, postLayoutTranslationZ:NaN};
* Utility structures used in applyValues()
private static var scale:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var rotation:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var position:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var offsetRotation:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var offsetTranslation:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private static var offsetScale:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
private var prevWidth:Number, prevHeight:Number;
* These maps hold the properties and layout constraints used to
* set up automatic property animations based on state changes. They
* are populated when the effect instance is set up according to
* the properties/constraints affected by each transform effect.
mx_internal var layoutConstraints:Object = {};
mx_internal var affectedProperties:Object = {};
// Properties
* If <code>true</code>, this single instance of the transform-related effects
* has already been initialized. This property is used by AnimateTransform to
* prevent duplicate initialization of the instance when there are multiple
* transform effects feeding into this single instance.
* @default false
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public var initialized:Boolean = false;
* The center around which the transformations in this effect
* occur. In particular, rotations rotate around this point,
* translations move this point, and scales scale centered
* around this point. This property will be ignored if
* <code>autoCenterTransform</code> is true. If <code>autoCenterTransform</code>
* is false and <code>transformCenter</code> is not supplied, then the center
* of the target object is used.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public var transformCenter:Vector3D;
* If <code>autoCenterTransform</code> is <code>true</code>, the transform
* center is recalculated as the effect progresses, updating to
* any changes in the width and height of the object. If the
* property is <code>false</code>, the <code>transformCenter</code> property
* is used instead.
* @copy spark.effects.AnimateTransform#animateTransform
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public var autoCenterTransform:Boolean;
// Methods
* @private
* This function is overridden to prevent starting the single instance more
* than once. It will be called whenever any of the transform effects are
* played, but it should only actually start the instance the first time.
override public function startEffect():void
if (!started)
started = true;
// TODO (chaase): This function appears in multiple places. Maybe
// put it in some util class instead?
* @private
* Utility function to determine whether a given value is 'valid',
* which means it's either a Number and it's not NaN, or it's not
* a Number and it's not null
private function isValidValue(value:Object):Boolean
return ((value is Number && !isNaN(Number(value))) ||
(!(value is Number) && value !== null));
* @private
* Insert a new keyframe into an existing keyframe Vector. Keyframes are sorted by
* time, so the new keyframe must be inserted in the proper place according to its
* time value and the startDelay time passed in
private function insertKeyframe(keyframes:Vector.<Keyframe>,
newKF:Keyframe, startDelay:Number = 0, first:Boolean = false):void
newKF.time += startDelay;
for (var i:int = 0; i < keyframes.length; i++)
if (keyframes[i].time >= newKF.time)
// a new keyframe at the same time as an existing one
// will get shifted briefly in time. This allows,
// for example, multiple effects to be combined correctly
// where one ends at the same time the next begins. We want the
// first interval to use the values in the old keyframe at that
// time, and the next interval to start from the values in the
// new keyframe.
// The direction of shift depends on whether this is the first
// keyframe in a sequence (shift it forward, because it must be starting
// *after* any existing effects) or not (shift it backward, because it must
// end *before* any existing effects.
if (keyframes[i].time == newKF.time)
if (first)
newKF.time += .01;
keyframes.splice(i+1, 0, newKF);
newKF.time -= .01;
keyframes.splice(i, 0, newKF);
keyframes.splice(i, 0, newKF);
// new keyframe must happen after last existing keyframe time
* Adds a MotionPath object to the set of MotionPath objects in this instance,
* with the start time relative to the outermost parent effect.
* If there is already a MotionPath object for this effect instance that
* is acting on the same property as the new MotionPath object,
* then the keyframes of the new MotionPath are simply added to the existing MotionPath.
* @param newMotionPath New MotionPath object.
* @param newEffectStartTime Start time, in milliseconds, of the new MotionPath object.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10
* @playerversion AIR 1.5
* @productversion Flex 4
public function addMotionPath(newMotionPath:MotionPath, newEffectStartTime:Number = 0):void
var added:Boolean = false;
if (motionPaths)
var i:int;
var j:int;
var mp:MotionPath;
var n:int = motionPaths.length;
if (newEffectStartTime < instanceStartTime)
var deltaStartTime:Number = instanceStartTime - newEffectStartTime;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
mp = MotionPath(motionPaths[i]);
for (j = 0; j < mp.keyframes.length; j++)
mp.keyframes[j].time += deltaStartTime;
instanceStartTime = newEffectStartTime;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
mp = MotionPath(motionPaths[i]);
if ( ==
// add mp's keyframes here
for (j = 0; j < newMotionPath.keyframes.length; j++)
insertKeyframe(mp.keyframes, newMotionPath.keyframes[j],
(newEffectStartTime - instanceStartTime), (j == 0));
added = true;
motionPaths = new Vector.<MotionPath>();
instanceStartTime = newEffectStartTime;
if (!added)
// MotionPath on does not exist yet; add it
if (newEffectStartTime > instanceStartTime)
for (j = 0; j < newMotionPath.keyframes.length; j++)
newMotionPath.keyframes[j].time +=
(newEffectStartTime - instanceStartTime);
// Now adjust the duration if new final time of any keyframe sequence
// is greater than our current duration
n = motionPaths.length;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
mp = MotionPath(motionPaths[i]);
var kf:Keyframe = mp.keyframes[mp.keyframes.length-1];
if (!isNaN(kf.time))
duration = Math.max(duration, kf.time);
* @private
* Set up the projection that will be used during the effect
private function initProjection():void
if (applyLocalProjection)
var parent:DisplayObject = target.parent;
if (parent != null)
var parentTransform:Transform =
(parent is UIComponent) ?
UIComponent(parent).$transform :
originalProjection = parentTransform.perspectiveProjection;
var p:PerspectiveProjection = new PerspectiveProjection();
if (!isNaN(fieldOfView))
p.fieldOfView = fieldOfView;
if (!isNaN(focalLength))
p.focalLength = focalLength;
var projectionPoint:Point;
// Get the location in local coordinates and then get
// that location in the parent's coordinate system
if (autoCenterProjection)
projectionPoint = new Point(target.getLayoutBoundsWidth(false)/2,
projectionPoint = new Point(projectionX, projectionY);
projectionPoint = target.localToGlobal(projectionPoint);
p.projectionCenter = parent.globalToLocal(projectionPoint);
parentTransform.perspectiveProjection = p;
* @private
* Restore the projection to what it was before the effect
* started.
private function removeProjection():void
if (applyLocalProjection && removeLocalProjectionWhenComplete)
var parent:DisplayObject= target.parent as DisplayObject;
if (parent != null)
var parentTransform:Transform =
(parent is UIComponent) ?
UIComponent(parent).$transform :
parentTransform.perspectiveProjection = originalProjection;
* @private
* The main reason for this override is to handle automatically animating
* properties which may not have been explicitly called out as keyframes
* on the effect.
override public function play():void
var autoProps:Object = {};
var s:String;
if (propertyChanges)
// autoProps holds the properties that we want to automatically
// create animations for. Only do this for properties that
// are directly related to this effect instance (affectedProperties)
// and which change between states (propertyChanges values).
// Skip width/height because these are only used to calculate
// autoCenterTransform; we don't want to animate those values as
// a side effect of a transform effect.
for (s in propertyChanges.end)
if (affectedProperties[s] !== undefined &&
propertyChanges.end[s] !== undefined &&
propertyChanges.start[s] !== undefined)
if (s != "width" && s!= "height" &&
(s == "postLayoutTranslationX" ||
s == "postLayoutTranslationY" ||
s == "postLayoutTranslationZ" ||
propertyChanges.start[s] != propertyChanges.end[s]))
autoProps[s] = s;
if (autoProps["postLayoutTranslationZ"] === undefined && motionPaths != null)
var has3DRotation:Boolean = false;
var has2DMove:Boolean = false;
for (var p:int = 0; p < motionPaths.length; ++p)
var propName:String = motionPaths[p].property;
if (!has3DRotation &&
(propName == "postLayoutRotationX" ||
propName == "postLayoutRotationY"))
has3DRotation = true;
if (has2DMove)
else if (!has2DMove &&
(propName == "translationX" ||
propName == "translationY"))
has2DMove = true;
if (has3DRotation)
if (has3DRotation && has2DMove)
autoProps["postLayoutTranslationZ"] = "postLayoutTranslationZ";
if (motionPaths)
var i:int;
var j:int;
var adjustXY:Boolean = (transformCenter.x != 0 || transformCenter.y != 0);
for (i = 0; i < motionPaths.length; ++i)
// don't auto-animate properties already explicitly animated
var animProp:MotionPath = motionPaths[i];
delete autoProps[];
// also, adjust for tx/ty with non-default transform center
if (adjustXY &&
( == "translationX" || == "translationY" || == "postLayoutTranslationX" || == "postLayoutTranslationY"))
for (j = 0; j < animProp.keyframes.length; ++j)
var kf:Keyframe = animProp.keyframes[j];
if (isValidValue(kf.value))
if ( == "translationX" || == "postLayoutTranslationX")
kf.value += transformCenter.x;
else // == translationY || postLayoutTranslationY
kf.value += transformCenter.y;
for (s in autoProps)
if (!motionPaths)
motionPaths = new Vector.<MotionPath>();
var autoPropsEaser:IEaser;
if (!autoPropsEaser)
// Attempt to use the same easer used in the existing keyframes. Assume that
// The first set of keyframes ends with the same easing that is applied elsewhere
// in this motion path. If that doesn't work, use Linear because we will already
// be easing the overall effect with the easer property
if (motionPaths.length > 0 &&
motionPaths[0] && motionPaths[0].keyframes &&
motionPaths[0].keyframes.length > 0 &&
autoPropsEaser = motionPaths[0].keyframes[motionPaths[0].keyframes.length-1].easer;
autoPropsEaser = new Linear();
var mp:MotionPath = new MotionPath(s);
var mpDone:Boolean = false;
if (s.indexOf("postLayoutTranslation") == 0)
// Special-case postLayoutTranslation: use any existing pre-layout values
var preLayoutProp:String = (s == "postLayoutTranslationX") ?
"translationX" :
(s == "postLayoutTranslationY") ?
"translationY" :
for (var k:int = 0; k < motionPaths.length; ++k)
var preLayoutMP:MotionPath = motionPaths[k];
if ( == preLayoutProp)
mp.keyframes = new Vector.<Keyframe>(preLayoutMP.keyframes.length);
for (var m:int = 0; m < mp.keyframes.length; ++m)
mp.keyframes[m] = preLayoutMP.keyframes[m].clone();
mpDone = true;
if (!mpDone)
mp.keyframes = new <Keyframe>[new Keyframe(0, null),
new Keyframe(duration, null)];
mp.keyframes[1].easer = autoPropsEaser;
if (propertyChanges && !disableLayout)
// automatically animate layout constraints affected by this
// effect instance if we are in a transition
for (s in layoutConstraints)
* @private
override public function animationStart(animation:Animation):void
* @private
override public function animationEnd(animation:Animation):void
started = false;
* @private
* Ensures that transformCenter has proper values for use in transform
* calculations
private function updateTransformCenter():void
if (!transformCenter)
transformCenter = new Vector3D(target.transformX,
target.transformY, target.transformZ);
if (autoCenterTransform)
transformCenter.x = target.width / 2;
transformCenter.y = target.height / 2;
transformCenter.z = 0;
* @private
* The superclass version of getCurrentValue() will only get values that
* actually exist on the target (as properties or styles). But we need to
* be able to get the translationXYZ values, which are fake values that
* we derive from the transform-related properties of the target.
* So we override this function to calculate and return the translation
* values appropriately.
override protected function getCurrentValue(property:String):*
// TODO (chaase): we're recalculating the transform for every
// component of the translation. We should store/retrieve the
// translation property as a structure instead of separate values
case "translationX":
case "translationY":
case "translationZ":
var position:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
position, null);
if (property == "translationX")
return position.x;
if (property == "translationY")
return position.y;
if (property == "translationZ")
return position.z;
case "postLayoutTranslationX":
case "postLayoutTranslationY":
case "postLayoutTranslationZ":
var postLayoutPosition:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
null, postLayoutPosition);
if (property == "postLayoutTranslationX")
return postLayoutPosition.x;
if (property == "postLayoutTranslationY")
return postLayoutPosition.y;
if (property == "postLayoutTranslationZ")
return postLayoutPosition.z;
case "postLayoutRotationX":
return (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)?
0 :
case "postLayoutRotationY":
return (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)?
0 :
case "postLayoutRotationZ":
return (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)?
0 :
case "postLayoutScaleX":
return (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)?
1 :
case "postLayoutScaleY":
return (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)?
1 :
case "postLayoutScaleZ":
return (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets == null)?
1 :
return super.getCurrentValue(property);
* @private
* We need to override this function because we need to apply all
* transform-related properties together, not one-by-one, which would be
* the case if we let the superclass handle this or just overrode
* setValue().
override protected function applyValues(anim:Animation):void
var tmpScale:Vector3D;
var tmpPosition:Vector3D;
var tmpRotation:Vector3D;
var tmpOffsetTranslation:Vector3D;
var tmpOffsetRotation:Vector3D;
var tmpOffsetScale:Vector3D;
// We override this function because we want to apply all values
// simultaneously to perform our composite transform operation
for (var i:int = 0; i < motionPaths.length; ++i)
// Collect all transform-related values in currentValues, but
// pass any other values, like constraints, to setValue()
if (currentValues[motionPaths[i].property] !== undefined)
currentValues[motionPaths[i].property] =
if (autoCenterTransform)
if (!disableLayout && target.parent is Group)
if (target.width != prevWidth || target.height != prevHeight)
prevWidth = target.width;
prevHeight = target.height;
if (!isNaN(currentValues.scaleX) ||
!isNaN(currentValues.scaleY) ||
scale.x = !isNaN(currentValues.scaleX) ?
currentValues.scaleX : target["scaleX"];
scale.y = !isNaN(currentValues.scaleY) ?
currentValues.scaleY : target["scaleY"];
scale.z = !isNaN(currentValues.scaleZ) ?
currentValues.scaleZ : target["scaleZ"];
tmpScale = scale;
if (!isNaN(currentValues.rotationX) ||
!isNaN(currentValues.rotationY) ||
rotation.x = !isNaN(currentValues.rotationX) ?
currentValues.rotationX : getCurrentValue("rotationX");
rotation.y = !isNaN(currentValues.rotationY) ?
currentValues.rotationY : getCurrentValue("rotationY");
rotation.z = !isNaN(currentValues.rotationZ) ?
currentValues.rotationZ : getCurrentValue("rotationZ");
tmpRotation = rotation;
position.x = !isNaN(currentValues.translationX) ?
currentValues.translationX :
position.y = !isNaN(currentValues.translationY) ?
currentValues.translationY :
position.z = !isNaN(currentValues.translationZ) ?
currentValues.translationZ :
tmpPosition = position;
if (target.postLayoutTransformOffsets != null)
if (!isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutRotationX) ||
!isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutRotationY) ||
offsetRotation.x = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutRotationX) ?
currentValues.postLayoutRotationX : getCurrentValue("postLayoutRotationX");
offsetRotation.y = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutRotationY) ?
currentValues.postLayoutRotationY : getCurrentValue("postLayoutRotationY");
offsetRotation.z = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutRotationZ) ?
currentValues.postLayoutRotationZ : getCurrentValue("postLayoutRotationZ");
tmpOffsetRotation = offsetRotation;
if (!isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutScaleX) ||
!isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutScaleY) ||
offsetScale.x = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutScaleX) ?
currentValues.postLayoutScaleX : getCurrentValue("postLayoutScaleX");
offsetScale.y = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutScaleY) ?
currentValues.postLayoutScaleY : getCurrentValue("postLayoutScaleY");
offsetScale.z = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutScaleZ) ?
currentValues.postLayoutScaleZ : getCurrentValue("postLayoutScaleZ");
tmpOffsetScale = offsetScale;
if (!isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutTranslationX) ||
!isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutTranslationY) ||
offsetTranslation.x = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutTranslationX) ?
currentValues.postLayoutTranslationX : getCurrentValue("postLayoutTranslationX");
offsetTranslation.y = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutTranslationY) ?
currentValues.postLayoutTranslationY : getCurrentValue("postLayoutTranslationY");
offsetTranslation.z = !isNaN(currentValues.postLayoutTranslationZ) ?
currentValues.postLayoutTranslationZ : getCurrentValue("postLayoutTranslationZ");
tmpOffsetTranslation = offsetTranslation;
tmpOffsetTranslation = tmpPosition;
target.transformAround(transformCenter, tmpScale, tmpRotation,