blob: 7aff4a3f57335e8e86b7f99867fbc23851948bb1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import macromedia.asc.embedding.WarningConstants;
* The <code>Configuration</code> interface allows clients to set compiler options for Application and Library.
* The client can not instantiate a <code>Configuration</code> object. It can be obtained by invoking the
* <code>getDefaultConfiguration()</code> method in <code>Application</code> and <code>Library</code>.
* <pre>
* Application app = new Application(new File("HelloWorld.mxml"));
* Configuration c1 = app.getDefaultConfiguration();
* Library lib = new Library();
* Configuration c2 = lib.getDefaultConfiguration();
* </pre>
* The compiler populates the default <code>Configuration</code> object with the values in <code>flex-config.xml</code>.
* If a local configuration file is also available (for example, <code>HelloWorld-config.xml</code>), the compiler also uses
* values in that file to populate the <code>Configuration</code> object. The local configuration file's values take precedence
* over options set in the <code>flex-config.xml</code> file. If you add a configuration file using the <code>addConfiguration()</code>
* method, that configuration file's options take precedence over those set in flex-config.xml or in a local configuration file; they
* do not take precedence over configuration options set using the <code>Configuration</code> interface's methods such as <code>setExterns()</code>.
* <p>
* The order of configuration option precedence is as follows (highest first):
* <PRE>
* 1. Methods of the <code>Configuration</code> interface such as <code>setExterns()</code>.
* 2. Configuration file loaded with the <code>addConfiguration()</code> method.
* 3. Local configuration file (such as <em>app_name</em>-config.xml).
* 4. The flex-config.xml file.
* 5. Default compiler settings.
* </PRE>
* @version 2.0.1
public interface Configuration
* Enables accessibility in the application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>accessible</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value that enables or disables accessibility.
void enableAccessibility(boolean b);
* Sets the ActionScript file encoding. The compiler uses this encoding to read
* the ActionScript source files.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>actionscript-file-encoding</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default encoding is <code>UTF-8</code>.
* @param encoding The character encoding; for example <code>UTF-8</code> or <code>Big5</code>.
void setActionScriptFileEncoding(String encoding);
* Allows some source path directories to be subdirectories of the other.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.allow-source-path-overlap</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* In some J2EE settings, directory overlapping should be allowed; for example:
* <pre>
* wwwroot/MyAppRoot
* wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/source_path1
* </pre>
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value that allows directory overlapping.
void allowSourcePathOverlap(boolean b);
* Uses the ActionScript 3 class-based object model for greater performance and better error reporting.
* In the class-based object model, most built-in functions are implemented as fixed methods of classes.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.as3</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value that determines whether to use the AS3 class-based object model.
void useActionScript3(boolean b);
* Sets the context root path so that the compiler can replace <code>{context.root}</code> tokens for
* service channel endpoints. This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.context-root</code> option
* for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* By default, this value is undefined.
* @param path An instance of String.
void setContextRoot(String path);
* Enables debugging in the application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.debug</code> and <code>-debug-password=true|false</code> options
* for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value <code>debug</code> is <code>false</code>. The default debug password is "".
* @param b Boolean value that enables or disables debugging.
* @param debugPassword A password that is embedded in the application.
void enableDebugging(boolean b, String debugPassword);
* Sets the location of the default CSS file.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.defaults-css-url</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers</code>.
* @param url An instance of <code></code>.
void setDefaultCSS(File url);
* Uses the ECMAScript edition 3 prototype-based object model to allow dynamic overriding
* of prototype properties. In the prototype-based object model, built-in functions are
* implemented as dynamic properties of prototype objects.
* This is equivalent to using the <code></code> option for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value that enables or disables the use of the ECMAScript edition 3 prototype-based object model.
void useECMAScript(boolean b);
* Sets the list of SWC files or directories to compile against, but to omit from linking.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.external-library-path</code> option of the
* mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param paths A list of paths. The <code>File.isDirectory()</code> method should return
* <code>true</code>; <code>File</code> instances should represent SWC files.
void setExternalLibraryPath(File[] paths);
* Adds to the existing list of SWC files.
* @see #setExternalLibraryPath(File[])
* @param paths A list of paths. The <code>File.isDirectory()</code> method should return
* <code>true</code>; <code>File</code> instances should represent SWC files.
void addExternalLibraryPath(File[] paths);
* Sets a range to restrict the number of font glyphs embedded into the application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.fonts.languages.language-range</code> option
* for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* For example:
* <pre>
* setFontLanguageRange("englishRange", "U+0020-U+007E");
* </pre>
* @param language Represents the language name.
* @param range Defines range of glyphs.
void setFontLanguageRange(String language, String range);
* Sets the location of the local font snapshot file. The file contains system font data produced by the
* <code></code> tool. This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.fonts.local-fonts-snapshot</code>
* option for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param file Local font snapshot file.
void setLocalFontSnapshot(File file);
* Sets the local font file paths to be searched by the compiler.
* This is equivalent to using <code>mxmlc/compc --compiler.fonts.local-font-paths</code>.
* @param paths an array of file paths.
void setLocalFontPaths(String[] paths);
* Adds local font paths to the existing local font path list.
* @see #setLocalFontPaths(String[])
* @param paths an array of local font file paths.
void addLocalFontPaths(String[] paths);
* Sets the font managers used by the compiler. Replaces the existing list of font managers.
* The default is <code>flash.fonts.JREFontManager</code>.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.fonts.managers</code> option for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* For example:
* <pre>
* setFontManagers("flash.fonts.BatikFontManager");
* </pre>
* @param classNames An array of Java class names.
void setFontManagers(String[] classNames);
* Adds font managers to the existing font manager list.
* @see #setFontManagers(String[])
* @param classNames An array of Java class names.
void addFontManagers(String[] classNames);
* Sets the maximum number of embedded font faces that can be cached.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.fonts.max-cached-fonts</code> option for the
* mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is 20.
* @param size An integer representing the maximum number of embedded font faces.
void setMaximumCachedFonts(int size);
* Sets the maximum number of character glyph outlines to cache for each font face.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.fonts.max-glyphs-per-face</code> option
* for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is 1000.
* @param size An integer representing the maximum number of character glyph outlines to cache for each font face.
void setMaximumGlyphsPerFace(int size);
* Sets the compiler when it runs on a server without a display.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.headless-server</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param b Boolean value that determines if the compiler is running on a server without a display.
void useHeadlessServer(boolean b);
* Sets the ActionScript metadata that the compiler keeps in the SWF.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.keep-actionscript-metadata</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>{Bindable, Managed, ChangeEvent, NonCommittingChangeEvent, Transient}</code>.
* @param md An array of ActionScript metadata names.
void setActionScriptMetadata(String[] md);
* Adds the list of ActionScript metadata names to the existing list of ActionScript metadata
* that the compiler keeps in the SWF.
* @see #setActionScriptMetadata(String[])
* @param md An array of ActionScript metadata names.
void addActionScriptMetadata(String[] md);
* Instructs the compiler to keep a style sheet's type selector in a SWF file, even if that type
* (the class) is not used in the application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.keep-all-type-selectors</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void keepAllTypeSelectors(boolean b);
* Saves temporary source files that are generated during MXML compilation.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.keep-generated-actionscript</code> option of the
* mxmlc and compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void keepCompilerGeneratedActionScript(boolean b);
* Instructs the linker to keep a report of the content that is included in the application.
* You can use the <code>Report.writeLinkReport()</code> method to retrieve the linker report.
* @param b Boolean value.
void keepLinkReport(boolean b);
* Instructs the linker to keep a SWF size summary.
* You can use the <code>Report.writeSizeReport()</code> method to retrieve the linker report.
* @param b Boolean value.
void keepSizeReport(boolean b);
* Instructs the compiler to keep a report of the compiler configuration settings.
* You can use the <code>Report.writeConfigurationReport()</code> method to retrieve the configuration report.
* @param b Boolean value.
void keepConfigurationReport(boolean b);
* Includes a list of SWC files to completely include in the application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.include-libraries</code> option of the mxmlc and compc compilers.
* @see #setIncludes(String[])
* @see #setExterns(File[])
* @see #setExterns(String[])
* @see #setExternalLibraryPath(File[])
* @param libraries An array of <code>File</code> objects. The <code>File.isDirectory()</code> method should return
* <code>true</code>; or instances must represent SWC files.
void includeLibraries(File[] libraries);
* Sets a list of SWC files or directories that contain SWC files.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.library-path</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param paths An array of <code>File</code> objects. The <code>File.isDirectory()</code> method should return
* <code>true</code>; instances must represent SWC files.
void setLibraryPath(File[] paths);
* Adds a list of SWC files or directories to the default library path.
* @see #setLibraryPath(File[])
* @param paths An array of <code>File</code> objects. The <code>File.isDirectory()</code> method should return
* <code>true</code>; instances must represent SWC files.
void addLibraryPath(File[] paths);
* Sets the locales that the compiler uses to replace <code>{locale}</code> tokens that appear in some configuration values.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.locale</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* For example:
* <pre>
* addSourcePath(new File[] { "locale/{locale}" });
* setLocales(new String[] { "en_US" });
* </pre>
* <p>
* The compiler adds the <code>locale/en_US</code> directory to the source path.
* @param locales An array of Strings specifying locales.
* @since 3.0
void setLocale(String[] locales);
* Sets the locale that the compiler uses to replace <code>{locale}</code> tokens that appear in some configuration values.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.locale</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers
* to set a single locale.
* <p>
* For example:
* <pre>
* addSourcePath(new File[] { "locale/{locale}" });
* setLocale(Locale.US);
* </pre>
* <p>
* The compiler adds the <code>locale/en_US</code> directory to the source path.
* @param locale A <code>java.util.Locale</code>.
* @deprecated As of 3.0, use setLocale(String[])
void setLocale(Locale locale);
* Specifies a URI to associate with a manifest of components for use as MXML elements.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.namespaces.namespace</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param namespaceURI A namespace URI.
* @param manifest A component manifest file (XML).
void setComponentManifest(String namespaceURI, File manifest);
* Enables post-link optimization. This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.optimize</code> option of the
* mxmlc or compc compilers. Application sizes are usually smaller with this option enabled.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void optimize(boolean b);
* Enables ZLIB compression on SWF file. This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.compress</code> option of the
* mxmlc or compc compilers. Application sizes are usually smaller with this option enabled.
* @param b Boolean value.
void compress(boolean b);
* Sets the location of the Flex Data Services service configuration file.
* This is equivalent to using the <code></code> option of the mxmlc and compc compilers.
* @param file Instance of the <code>File</code> class.
void setServiceConfiguration(File file);
* Runs the ActionScript compiler in a mode that detects legal but potentially incorrect code.
* This is equivalent to using the <code></code> option of the
* mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @see #checkActionScriptWarning(int, boolean)
* @param b Boolean value.
void showActionScriptWarnings(boolean b);
* Toggles whether warnings generated from data binding code are displayed.
* This is equivalent to using the <code></code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void showBindingWarnings(boolean b);
* Toggles whether the use of deprecated APIs generates a warning.
* This is equivalent to using the <code></code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void showDeprecationWarnings(boolean b);
* Toggles whether warnings are displayed when an embedded font name shadows
* a device font name.
* This is equivalent to using the <code></code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void showShadowedDeviceFontWarnings(boolean b);
* Toggles whether warnings generated from unused type selectors are displayed.
* This is equivalent to using the <code></code> option of the mxmlc or compc
* compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void showUnusedTypeSelectorWarnings(boolean b);
* Sets a list of path elements that form the roots of ActionScript class hierarchies.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.source-path</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param paths An array of <code></code> objects. The <code>File.isDirectory()</code> method
* must return <code>true</code>.
void setSourcePath(File[] paths);
* Adds a list of path elements to the existing source path list.
* @param paths An array of <code></code> objects. The <code>File.isDirectory()</code> method must return <code>true</code>.
* @see #setSourcePath(File[])
void addSourcePath(File[] paths);
* Runs the ActionScript compiler in strict error checking mode.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.strict</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void enableStrictChecking(boolean b);
* Sets a list of CSS or SWC files to apply as a theme.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.theme</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param files An array of <code></code> objects.
void setTheme(File[] files);
* Adds a list of CSS or SWC files to the existing list of theme files.
* @param files An array of <code></code> objects.
* @see #setTheme(File[])
void addTheme(File[] files);
* Determines whether resources bundles are included in the application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.use-resource-bundle-metadata</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void useResourceBundleMetaData(boolean b);
* Generates bytecodes that include line numbers. When a run-time error occurs,
* the stacktrace shows these line numbers. Enabling this option generates larger SWF files.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.verbose-stacktraces</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void enableVerboseStacktraces(boolean b);
* Enables FlashType for embedded fonts, which provides greater clarity for small fonts.
* This is equilvalent to using the <code>compiler.fonts.flash-type</code> option for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
* @deprecated
void enableFlashType(boolean b);
* Enables advanced anti-aliasing for embedded fonts, which provides greater clarity for small fonts.
* This is equilvalent to using the <code>compiler.fonts.advanced-anti-aliasing</code> option for the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
* @since 3.0
void enableAdvancedAntiAliasing(boolean b);
* <code>Array.toString()</code> format has changed.
int WARN_ARRAY_TOSTRING_CHANGES = WarningConstants.kWarning_ArrayToStringChanges;
* Assignment within conditional.
int WARN_ASSIGNMENT_WITHIN_CONDITIONAL = WarningConstants.kWarning_AssignmentWithinConditional;
* Possibly invalid Array cast operation.
int WARN_BAD_ARRAY_CAST = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadArrayCast;
* Non-Boolean value used where a <code>Boolean</code> value was expected.
int WARN_BAD_BOOLEAN_ASSIGNMENT = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadBoolAssignment;
* Invalid <code>Date</code> cast operation.
int WARN_BAD_DATE_CAST = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadDateCast;
* Unknown method.
int WARN_BAD_ES3_TYPE_METHOD = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadES3TypeMethod;
* Unknown property.
int WARN_BAD_ES3_TYPE_PROP = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadES3TypeProp;
* Illogical comparison with <code>NaN</code>. Any comparison operation involving <code>NaN</code> will evaluate to <code>false</code> because <code>NaN != NaN</code>.
int WARN_BAD_NAN_COMPARISON = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadNaNComparision;
* Impossible assignment to <code>null</code>.
int WARN_BAD_NULL_ASSIGNMENT = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadNullAssignment;
* Illogical comparison with <code>null</code>.
int WARN_BAD_NULL_COMPARISON = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadNullComparision;
* Illogical comparison with <code>undefined</code>. Only untyped variables (or variables of type <code>*</code>) can be <code>undefined</code>.
int WARN_BAD_UNDEFINED_COMPARISON = WarningConstants.kWarning_BadUndefinedComparision;
* <code>Boolean()</code> with no arguments returns <code>false</code> in ActionScript 3.0.
* <code>Boolean()</code> returned <code>undefined</code> in ActionScript 2.0.
int WARN_BOOLEAN_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_NO_ARGS = WarningConstants.kWarning_BooleanConstructorWithNoArgs;
* <code>__resolve</code> is deprecated.
int WARN_CHANGES_IN_RESOLVE = WarningConstants.kWarning_ChangesInResolve;
* <code>Class</code> is sealed. It cannot have members added to it dynamically.
int WARN_CLASS_IS_SEALED = WarningConstants.kWarning_ClassIsSealed;
* Constant not initialized.
int WARN_CONST_NOT_INITIALIZED = WarningConstants.kWarning_ConstNotInitialized;
* Function used in new expression returns a value. Result will be what the function returns, rather than a new instance of that function.
int WARN_CONSTRUCTOR_RETURNS_VALUE = WarningConstants.kWarning_ConstructorReturnsValue;
* EventHandler was not added as a listener.
int WARN_DEPRECATED_EVENT_HANDLER_ERROR = WarningConstants.kWarning_DepricatedEventHandlerError;
* Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 function.
int WARN_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_ERROR = WarningConstants.kWarning_DepricatedFunctionError;
* Unsupported ActionScript 2.0 property.
int WARN_DEPRECATED_PROPERTY_ERROR = WarningConstants.kWarning_DepricatedPropertyError;
* More than one argument by the same name.
int WARN_DUPLICATE_ARGUMENT_NAMES = WarningConstants.kWarning_DuplicateArgumentNames;
* Duplicate variable definition
int WARN_DUPLICATE_VARIABLE_DEF = WarningConstants.kWarning_DuplicateVariableDef;
* ActionScript 3.0 iterates over an object's properties within a "<code>for x in target</code>" statement in random order.
int WARN_FOR_VAR_IN_CHANGES = WarningConstants.kWarning_ForVarInChanges;
* Importing a package by the same name as the current class will hide that class identifier in this scope.
int WARN_IMPORT_HIDES_CLASS = WarningConstants.kWarning_ImportHidesClass;
* Use of the <code>instanceof</code> operator.
int WARN_INSTANCEOF_CHANGES = WarningConstants.kWarning_InstanceOfChanges;
* Internal error in compiler.
int WARN_INTERNAL_ERROR = WarningConstants.kWarning_InternalError;
* <code>_level</code> is no longer supported. For more information, see the <code>flash.display</code> package.
int WARN_LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED = WarningConstants.kWarning_LevelNotSupported;
* Missing namespace declaration (e.g. variable is not defined to be <code>public</code>, <code>private</code>, etc.).
int WARN_MISSING_NAMESPACE_DECL = WarningConstants.kWarning_MissingNamespaceDecl;
* Negative value will become a large positive value when assigned to a <code>uint</code> data type.
int WARN_NEGATIVE_UINT_LITERAL = WarningConstants.kWarning_NegativeUintLiteral;
* Missing constructor.
int WARN_NO_CONSTRUCTOR = WarningConstants.kWarning_NoConstructor;
* The <code>super()</code> statement was not called within the constructor.
int WARN_NO_EXPLICIT_SUPER_CALL_IN_CONSTRUCTOR = WarningConstants.kWarning_NoExplicitSuperCallInConstructor;
* Missing type declaration.
int WARN_NO_TYPE_DECL = WarningConstants.kWarning_NoTypeDecl;
* In ActionScript 3.0, white space is ignored and <code>''</code> returns <code>0</code>.
* <code>Number()</code> returns <code>NaN</code> in ActionScript 2.0 when the parameter is <code>''</code> or contains white space.
int WARN_NUMBER_FROM_STRING_CHANGES = WarningConstants.kWarning_NumberFromStringChanges;
* Change in scoping for the <code>this</code> keyword.
* Class methods extracted from an instance of a class will always resolve <code>this</code> back to that instance.
* In ActionScript 2.0, <code>this</code> is looked up dynamically based on where the method is invoked from.
int WARN_SCOPING_CHANGE_IN_THIS = WarningConstants.kWarning_ScopingChangeInThis;
* Inefficient use of <code>+=</code> on a <code>TextField</code>.
int WARN_SLOW_TEXTFIELD_ADDITION = WarningConstants.kWarning_SlowTextFieldAddition;
* Possible missing parentheses.
int WARN_UNLIKELY_FUNCTION_VALUE = WarningConstants.kWarning_UnlikelyFunctionValue;
* Possible usage of the ActionScript 2.0 <code>XML</code> class.
int WARN_XML_CLASS_HAS_CHANGED = WarningConstants.kWarning_XML_ClassHasChanged;
* Enables checking of the following ActionScript warnings:
* <pre>
* --compiler.warn-array-tostring-changes
* --compiler.warn-assignment-within-conditional
* --compiler.warn-bad-array-cast
* --compiler.warn-bad-bool-assignment
* --compiler.warn-bad-date-cast
* --compiler.warn-bad-es3-type-method
* --compiler.warn-bad-es3-type-prop
* --compiler.warn-bad-nan-comparison
* --compiler.warn-bad-null-assignment
* --compiler.warn-bad-null-comparison
* --compiler.warn-bad-undefined-comparison
* --compiler.warn-boolean-constructor-with-no-args
* --compiler.warn-changes-in-resolve
* --compiler.warn-class-is-sealed
* --compiler.warn-const-not-initialized
* --compiler.warn-constructor-returns-value
* --compiler.warn-deprecated-event-handler-error
* --compiler.warn-deprecated-function-error
* --compiler.warn-deprecated-property-error
* --compiler.warn-duplicate-argument-names
* --compiler.warn-duplicate-variable-def
* --compiler.warn-for-var-in-changes
* --compiler.warn-import-hides-class
* --compiler.warn-instance-of-changes
* --compiler.warn-internal-error
* --compiler.warn-level-not-supported
* --compiler.warn-missing-namespace-decl
* --compiler.warn-negative-uint-literal
* --compiler.warn-no-constructor
* --compiler.warn-no-explicit-super-call-in-constructor
* --compiler.warn-no-type-decl
* --compiler.warn-number-from-string-changes
* --compiler.warn-scoping-change-in-this
* --compiler.warn-slow-text-field-addition
* --compiler.warn-unlikely-function-value
* --compiler.warn-xml-class-has-changed
* </pre>
* @param warningCode Warning code.
* @param b Boolean value.
void checkActionScriptWarning(int warningCode, boolean b);
* Sets the default background color. You can override this by using the application code.
* This is the equivalent of the <code>default-background-color</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>0x869CA7</code>.
* @param color An RGB value.
void setDefaultBackgroundColor(int color);
* Sets the default frame rate to be used in the application.
* This is the equivalent of the <code>default-frame-rate</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>24</code>.
* @param rate Number of frames per second.
void setDefaultFrameRate(int rate);
* Sets the default script execution limits (which can be overridden by root attributes).
* This is equivalent to using the <code>default-script-limits</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default maximum recursion depth is <code>1000</code>.
* The default maximum execution time is <code>60</code>.
* @param maxRecursionDepth Recursion depth.
* @param maxExecutionTime Execution time, in seconds.
void setDefaultScriptLimits(int maxRecursionDepth, int maxExecutionTime);
* Sets the default application size.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>default-size</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default width is <code>500</code>.
* The default height is <code>375</code>.
* @param width The width of the application, in pixels.
* @param height The height of the application, in pixels.
void setDefaultSize(int width, int height);
* Sets a list of definitions to omit from linking when building an application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>externs</code> option of the mxmlc and compc compilers.
* @param definitions An array of definitions (for example, classes, functions, variables, or namespaces).
void setExterns(String[] definitions);
* Adds a list of definitions to the existing list of definitions.
* @see #setExterns(File[])
* @see #setExterns(String[])
* @param definitions An array of definitions (for example, classes, functions, variables, namespaces).
void addExterns(String[] definitions);
* Loads a file containing configuration options. The file format follows the format of the <code>flex-config.xml</code> file.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>load-config</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param file An instance of the <code></code> class.
void setConfiguration(File file);
* Adds a file to the existing list of configuration files.
* @see #setConfiguration(File)
* @param file An instance of the <code></code> class.
void addConfiguration(File file);
* Sets the configuration parameters. The input should be valid <code>mxmlc/compc</code> command-line arguments.<p>
* @param args <code>mxmlc/compc</code> command-line arguments
void setConfiguration(String[] args);
* Sets a list of definitions to omit from linking when building an application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>load-externs</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* This option is similar to the <code>setExterns(String[])</code> method. The following is an example of
* the file format:
* <pre>
* &lt;script>
* &lt;!-- use 'dep', 'pre' or 'dep' to specify a definition to be omitted from linking. -->
* &lt;def id="mx.skins:ProgrammaticSkin"/>
* &lt;pre id="mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject"/>
* &lt;dep id="String"/>
* &lt;/script>
* </pre>
* @see #setExterns(String[])
* @param files An array of <code></code> objects.
void setExterns(File[] files);
* Adds a list of files to the existing list of definitions to be omitted from linking.
* @see #setExterns(File[])
* @see #setExterns(String[])
* @param files An array of <code></code> objects.
void addExterns(File[] files);
* Sets a SWF frame label with a sequence of class names that are linked onto the frame.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>frames.frame</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param label A string.
* @param classNames An array of class names.
void setFrameLabel(String label, String[] classNames);
* Sets a list of definitions to always link in when building an application.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>includes</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param definitions An array of definitions (for example, classes, functions, variables, or namespaces).
void setIncludes(String[] definitions);
* Adds a list of definitions to the existing list of definitions.
* @see #setIncludes(String[])
* @param definitions An array of definitions (for example, classes, functions, variables, or namespaces).
void addIncludes(String[] definitions);
* Specifies the licenses that the compiler validates before compiling.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>licenses.license</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param productName A string representing the product name; for example "flexbuilder3".
* @param serialNumber A serial number.
void setLicense(String productName, String serialNumber);
* A contributor's name to store in the SWF metadata.
* A creator's name to store in the SWF metadata.
int CREATOR = 2;
* The creation date to store in the SWF metadata.
int DATE = 4;
* The default and localized RDF/XMP description to store in the SWF metadata.
* The default and localized RDF/XMP title to store in the SWF metadata.
int TITLE = 16;
* The language to store in the SWF metadata (i.e. EN, FR).
int LANGUAGE = 32;
* A publisher's name to store in the SWF metadata.
int PUBLISHER = 64;
* Sets the metadata section of the application SWF. This option is equivalent to using the following options of
* the mxmlc and compc compilers:
* <pre>
* metadata.contributor
* metadata.creator
* metadata.description
* metadata.language
* metadata.localized-description
* metadata.localized-title
* metadata.publisher
* metadata.title
* </pre>
* <p>
* The valid fields and types of value are specified below:
* <pre>
* CONTRIBUTOR java.lang.String
* CREATOR java.lang.String
* DATE java.util.Date
* DESCRIPTION java.util.Map<String, String>
* TITLE java.util.Map<String, String>
* LANGUAGE java.lang.String
* PUBLISHER java.lang.String
* </pre>
* For example:
* <pre>
* Map titles = new HashMap();
* titles.put("EN", "Adobe Flex 2 Application");
* Map descriptions = new HashMap();
* descriptions.put("EN", "");
* setSWFMetaData(Configuration.LANGUAGE, "EN");
* setSWFMetaData(Configuration.TITLE, titles);
* setSWFMetaData(Configuration.DESCRIPTION, descriptions);
* </pre>
* @param field One of: <code>CONTRIBUTOR</code>, <code>CREATOR</code>,
* <code>DATE</code>, <code>DESCRIPTION</code>, <code>TITLE</code>,
* <code>LANGUAGE</code>, or <code>PUBLISHER</code>.
* @param value A <code>String</code>, <code>Date</code>, or
* <code>Map</code> object.
* @see #CREATOR
* @see #DATE
* @see #TITLE
* @see #LANGUAGE
void setSWFMetaData(int field, Object value);
* Sets the path to the Flash Player executable when building a projector; for example:
* <pre>
* setProjector(new File("C:/.../SAFlashPlayer.exe"));
* </pre>
* This is equivalent to the <code>projector</code> option of the mxlmc or compc compilers.
* @param file The Flash Player executable.
// void setProjector(File file);
* Sets the metadata section of the application SWF.
* This is equivalent to the <code>raw-metadata</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* This option overrides anything set by the <code>setSWFMetaData()</code> method.
* @see #setSWFMetaData(int, Object)
* @param xml A well-formed XML fragment.
void setSWFMetaData(String xml);
* Sets a list of run-time shared library URLs to be loaded before the application starts.
* This is equivalent to the <code>runtime-shared-libraries</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* @param libraries An array of <code>java.lang.String</code> objects.
void setRuntimeSharedLibraries(String[] libraries);
* Adds a list of run-time shared library URLs to the existing list.
* @see #setRuntimeSharedLibraries(String[])
* @param libraries An array of <code>java.lang.String</code> objects.
void addRuntimeSharedLibraries(String[] libraries);
* Toggles whether the application SWF is flagged for access to network resources.
* This is equivalent to the <code>use-network</code> option of the mxmlc or compc compilers.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>true</code>.
* @param b Boolean value.
void useNetwork(boolean b);
* Set the default output directory for configuration settings.
* Defines a token that can be used for token substitutions. On the command line, you use token substitution in
* the following way:
* <pre>
* mxmlc +flexlib=path1 +foo=bar -var=${foo}
* </pre>
* Where <code>var=bar</code> occurs after the substitution of <code>${foo}</code>.
* @param name The name of the token.
* @param value The value of the token.
void setToken(String name, String value);
* Sets the version of the Flash Player that is being targeted by the application.
* Features requiring a later version of the Player will not be compiled into the application.
* The default Player targeted is 9.0.0.
* @param major The major version. Must be greater than or equal to nine.
* @param minor The minor version. Must be greater than or equal to zero.
* @param revision The revsion must be greater than or equal to zero.
* @since 3.0
void setTargetPlayer(int major, int minor, int revision);
* Sets the SDK compatibility version. For this release, the only valid value is 2.0.1.
* @param major The major version. For this release, this value must be 2.
* @param minor The minor version. For this release, this value must be 0.
* @param revision For this release, this value must be 1.
* @since 3.0
void setCompatibilityVersion(int major, int minor, int revision);
* Set the arguments required to use an RSL with optional failover RSLs.
* The arguments specify a SWC library and a set of RSL URLs and
* Policy File URLs.
* This method sets RSL information and removes any other RSL
* that may be set. To set additional RSLs see the
* <code>addRuntimeSharedLibraryPath</code> method.
* This is equivalent to the <code>-runtime-shared-library-path</code>
* option of the mxmlc compiler.
* @param swc path to the swc. The classes in the swc will be excluded from
* the compiled application.
* @param rslUrls array of URLs. The first RSL URL in the list is the primary RSL. The
* remaining RSL URLs will only be loaded if the primary RSL fails to load.
* @param policyFileUrls array of policy file URLs. Each entry in the rslUrls array must
* have a corresponding entry in this array. A policy file may be needed in
* order to allow the player to read an RSL from another domain. If
* a policy file is not required, then set it to an empty string.
* @since 3.0
* @see #addRuntimeSharedLibraryPath(String, String[], String[])
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length of the rslUrls array is not equal to
* the length of the policyFileUrls array.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are null.
public void setRuntimeSharedLibraryPath(String swc, String[] rslUrls, String[] policyFileUrls);
* This is equivalent to using more than one <code>runtime-shared-library-path</code>
* option when using the mxmlc compiler.
* @param swc path to the swc. The classes in the swc will be excluded from
* the compiled application.
* @param rslUrls array of URLs. The first RSL URL in the list is the primary RSL. The
* remaining RSL URLs will only be loaded if the primary RSL fails to load.
* @param policyFileUrls array of policy file URLs. Each entry in the rslUrls array must
* have a corresponding entry in this array. A policy file may be needed in
* order to allow the player to read an RSL from another domain. If
* a policy file is not required, then set it to an empty string.
* @since 3.0
* @see #setRuntimeSharedLibraryPath(String, String[], String[])
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the length of the rslUrls array is not equal to
* the length of the policyFileUrls array.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments is null.
public void addRuntimeSharedLibraryPath(String swc, String[] rslUrls, String[] policyFileUrls);
* Verifies the RSL loaded
* has the same digest as the RSL specified when the application was compiled.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>verify-digests</code>
* option in the mxmlc compiler.
* The default value is <code>true</code>
* @param verify set to true to verify
* the digest of the loaded RSL matches the digest of the
* expected RSL. Set to false to disable the checks during
* the development process but it is highly recommend that
* production applications be compiled with <code>verify</code>
* set to true.
* @since 3.0
void enableDigestVerification(boolean verify);
* Enable or disable the computation of a digest for the created swf library.
* This is equivalent to using the <code>compiler.computDigest</code> in the compc
* compiler.
* The default value is <code>true</code>
* @param compute set to <code>true</code> to create a digest for the compiled library.
* @since 3.0
void enableDigestComputation(boolean compute);
* Add a global AS3 compiler configuration value and preserve existing definitions.
* This is equivalent to a single <code>-define</code> option.
* @param name The qualified name of the configuration constant, e.g. "CONFIG::debugging" or "APP::version"
* @param value The value of the constant, e.g. "true" or "!CONFIG::release" or "3.0"
* @since 3.0
* @see #setDefineDirective(String[], String[])
public void addDefineDirective(String name, String value);
* Set global AS3 compiler configuration values and clear existing definitions.
* If either parameter is null, <u>or</u> the arrays of different lengths, this will <i>only</i>
* clear existing definitions.
* @param names A list of qualified names/configuration constants, e.g. "CONFIG::debugging" or "APP::version"
* @param values A list of values of the constants, e.g. "true" or "!CONFIG::release" or "3.0"
* @since 3.0
* @see #addDefineDirective(String, String)
public void setDefineDirective(String[] names, String[] values);
* @param libraries
public void setExtensionLibraries(Map<File, List<String>> extensions);
public void addExtensionLibraries(File extension, List<String> parameters);
* Enables the removal of RSLs associated with libraries
* that are not used by an application.
* This is equivalent to using the
* <code>remove-unused-rsls</code> option of the mxmlc compiler.
* <p>
* The default value is <code>false</code>.
* @param b Boolean value that enables or disables the removal.
* @since 4.5
void removeUnusedRuntimeSharedLibraryPaths(boolean b);
* Sets the SWCs that will have their associated RSLs loaded at runtime.
* The RSLs will be loaded whether they are used in the application or not.
* This option can be used to override decisions made by the compiler when
* using the <code>removed-used-rsls</code> option.
* This is equivalent to using the
* <code>runtime-shared-library-settings.force-rsls</code> option of the
* mxmlc compiler.
* @param paths An array of <code>File</code> objects. Each <code>File</code>
* instance should represent a SWC file. May not be null.
* @since 4.5
* @throws NullPointerException if path is null.
void setForceRuntimeSharedLibraryPaths(File[] paths);
* Adds SWCs to the existing set of SWCs whose RSLs will be loaded at runtime.
* This is equivalent to using the
* <code>runtime-shared-library-settings.force-rsls</code> option of the
* mxmlc compiler.
* @param paths An array of <code>File</code> objects. Each <code>File</code>
* instance should represent a SWC file. May not be null.
* @since 4.5
* @see #setForcedRuntimeSharedLibraryPaths(File[])
* @throws NullPointerException if path is null.
void addForceRuntimeSharedLibraryPaths(File[] paths);
* Set the application domain of a configured RSL to override the default
* settings. The default value is 'default'. Other valid values are
* "current", "parent", or "top-level". The actual application domain is
* resolved at runtime by the Flex Framework. The default behavior is to
* load an RSL into the topmost module factory's application domain that has
* a placeholder RSL. If no placeholder is found the RSL is loaded into the
* application domain of the loading module factory. The "current",
* "parent", and "top-level" applications are resolved relative to the
* module factory loading the RSL.
* This is equivalent to using the
* <code>runtime-shared-library-settings.application-domain</code> option of
* the mxmlc compiler.
* @param path The <code>File</code> instance represents a SWC file with RSL
* linkage. The RSL associated with the SWC will have its
* application domain modified as specified in the
* <code>applicationDomainTarget</code> parameter. Passing null
* resets the application domain settings.
* @param applicationDomainTarget The application domain an RSL will be loaded
* into. May only be null when the <code>path</code> parameter is null.
* @since 4.5
* @throws NullPointerException if applicationDomain is null and path is
* not null.
void setApplicationDomainForRuntimeSharedLibraryPath(File path, String applicationDomainTarget);
* Add application domain setting to the existing list of application domain
* settings.
* This is equivalent to using the
* <code>runtime-shared-library-settings.application-domain</code> option of
* the mxmlc compiler.
* @param path The <code>File</code> instance represents a SWC file with RSL
* linkage. The RSL associated with the SWC will have its
* application domain modified as specified in the
* <code>applicationDomainTarget</code> parameter. May not be
* null.
* @param applicationDomainTarget The application domain an RSL will be
* loaded into. May not be null.
* @since 4.5
* @see #setApplicationDomainForRuntimeSharedLibraryPath(File, String)
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the arguments are null.
void addApplicationDomainForRuntimeSharedLibraryPath(File path, String applicationDomainTarget);