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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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The DefaultListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers
of a List control when the data in the data provider changes.
When an item in the List control is removed, this effect first fades out the item,
then collapses the size of the item to 0.
When you add an item to the List control, this effect expands the slot for the item,
then fades in the new item.
<p>You use the <code>itemsChangeEffect</code> style property to apply
this effect to a List control. The default value of
the <code>itemsChangeEffect</code> style property is <code>undefined</code>,
meaning it does not use any effect.</p>
<p>Because the DefaultListEffect effect grows and shrinks item renderers as it plays,
you must set the <code>List.variableRowHeight</code> property to <code>true</code>
to enable the List control to dynalically change its row height.</p>
<p>The &lt;mx:DefaultListEffect&gt; tag inherits all the members
of its parent and adds the following members:</p>
@see mx.controls.List
@includeExample examples/DefaultListEffectExample.mxml
@langversion 3.0
@playerversion Flash 9
@playerversion AIR 1.1
@productversion Flex 3
<mx:Parallel xmlns:mx="">
// Variables
* @private
private var _fadeOutDuration:Number = 300;
* @private
private var _fadeInDuration:Number = 300;
* @private
private var _shrinkDuration:Number = 300;
* @private
private var _growDuration:Number = 300;
* @private
private var _removedElementOffset:Number = 60;
* @private
private var _color:uint = 0xFFFFFF;
// Properties
// fadeOutDuration
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="300")]
* The duration, in milliseconds, used for
* fading out renderers for added and removed items.
* @default 300
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get fadeOutDuration():Number
return _fadeOutDuration;
* @private
public function set fadeOutDuration(value:Number):void
_fadeOutDuration = value;
fadeOut1.duration = value;
fadeOut2.duration = value;
// fadeInDuration
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="300")]
* The duration, in milliseconds, for fading
* in renderers for added and removed items.
* @default 300
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get fadeInDuration():Number
return _fadeInDuration;
* @private
public function set fadeInDuration(value:Number):void
_fadeInDuration = value;
fadeIn1.duration = value;
fadeIn2.duration = value;
// shrinkDuration
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="300")]
* The duration, in milliseconds,
* applied to renderers for added and removed items.
* @default 300
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get shrinkDuration():Number
return _shrinkDuration;
* @private
public function set shrinkDuration(value:Number):void
_shrinkDuration = value;
shrink.duration = value;
// growDuration
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="300")]
* The duration, in milliseconds,
* applied to renderers for added and removed items.
* @default 300
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get growDuration():Number
return _growDuration;
* @private
public function set growDuration(value:Number):void
_growDuration = value;
grow.duration = value;
// removedElementOffset
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="100")]
* The offset in milliseconds between the effects applied
* to the renderers representing multiple items deleted
* at the same time. If 0, all renderers will fade and shrink
* simultaneously.
* @default 100
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get removedElementOffset():Number
return _removedElementOffset;
* @private
public function set removedElementOffset(value:Number):void
_removedElementOffset = value;
fadeOut1.perElementOffset = value;
// color
[Inspectable(category="General", format="Color", defaultValue="0xFFFFFF")]
* Hex value that represents the color used when fading
* the added and removed item.
* @default 0xFFFFFF
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get color():Number
return _color;
* @private
public function set color(value:Number):void
_color = value;
fadeOut1.color = value;
fadeOut2.color = value;
fadeIn1.color = value;
fadeIn2.color = value;
dissolve1.color = value;
// Overridden methods: Effect
* @private
public override function createInstances(targets:Array = null):Array
// Temporary workaround for beta
// persistAfterEnd will become a public property after API
// changes are finalized.
fadeOut1.mx_internal::persistAfterEnd = true;
wipeUp1.mx_internal::persistAfterEnd = true;
dissolve1.mx_internal::persistAfterEnd = true;
return super.createInstances(targets);
<!-- Removed items fade out sequentially, then collapse down to nothing -->
<mx:Sequence filter="removeItem" >
<!-- To work with device fonts, Dissolve instead of Fade -->
<mx:Dissolve id="fadeOut1" alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.0" duration="300" color="0xffffff" perElementOffset="60" />
<!-- Resizing is tricky with device fonts...even though the Dissolve rectangle will stay in -->
<!-- place it will resize along with the renderer. But the resizing doesn't clip the text -->
<!-- in the default renderer, so we do a simultaneous Wipe -->
<mx:Parallel id="shrink" duration="300" >
<mx:Resize heightTo="0.0" />
<mx:WipeUp id="wipeUp1" showTarget="false" />
<!-- temporary workaround for issue in how Sequence end events are triggered -->
<mx:Resize duration="1"/>
<!-- suspendBackgroundProcessing helps reduce flicker noticeably here -->
<mx:Sequence filter="addItem" suspendBackgroundProcessing="true" >
<mx:Dissolve id="dissolve1" alphaTo="0.0" duration="1" color="0xffffff" />
<mx:Parallel id="grow" duration="300">
<mx:Resize heightFrom="0.0"/>
<mx:Dissolve id="fadeIn1" alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0" duration="300"/>
<mx:Dissolve id="fadeOut2" alphaTo="0.0" duration="300" color="0xffffff" filter="replacedItem" />
<mx:RemoveItemAction filter="replacedItem" />
<mx:AddItemAction filter="replacementItem"/>
<mx:Dissolve id="fadeIn2" alphaTo="1.0" duration="300" color="0xffffff" filter="replacementItem"/>