blob: bc8306afa19be740789d14804638049da7fa13b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mx.controls.videoClasses
import flash.utils.Timer;
import mx.managers.ISystemManager;
import mx.managers.SystemManager;
import mx.resources.IResourceManager;
import mx.resources.ResourceManager;
* @private
* Creates <code>NetConnection</code> for <code>VideoPlayer</code>, a
* helper class for that user facing class.
public class NCManager implements INCManager
include "../../core/";
// Class constants
* Default connection timeout in milliseconds.
* @see #timeout
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public static const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT:Number = 60000;
* @private
private static const DEFAULT_NC_TIMEOUT:uint = 1500; // .5 seconds
// Class variables
* @private
* List of connections tried by connectRTMP, in order tried.
private static var RTMP_CONN:Array =
{ protocol: "rtmp:/", port: "1935" },
{ protocol: "rtmp:/", port:"443" },
{ protocol: "rtmpt:/", port:"80" },
{ protocol: "rtmps:/", port:"443" }
// Constructor
* @private
* Constructor.
public function NCManager()
// intervals
owner = null;
_netConnection = null;
ncConnected = false;
// actually calls setter
// Variables
* <p>fallbackServerName is exposed in two ways:</p>
* <p>User can supply second <meta base> in smil and that base
* attr will be taken as the fallbackServerName (note that only
* the server name will be taken from this and not the application
* name or anything else).</p>
* <p>The second way is the user can directly set this by
* accessing the ncMgr property in FLVPlayback or VideoPlayer and
* set fallbackServerName property directly.</p>
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var fallbackServerName:String;
* @private
* Reference to the VideoPlayer instance associated with this INCManager.
private var owner:VideoPlayer;
* @private
* The path to the content.
private var contentPath:String;
* @private
private var protocol:String;
* @private
* The host name portion of the URL.
private var serverName:String;
* @private
* The port number portion of the URL.
private var portNumber:String;
* @private
private var wrappedURL:String;
* @private
private var appName:String;
* @private
* Multiple streams for multiple bandwidths.
private var streams:Array;
* @private
* Whether the protocol is RTMP.
* -1: undefined
* 0: no
* 1: yes
private var _isRTMP:int = -1;
* @private
* Timer for connection timeout.
private var connectionTimer:Timer;
* @private
private var autoSenseBW:Boolean;
* @private
* Bandwidth detection stuff.
public var payload:uint;
* @private
* Value of the NetConnection instance's uri property. This is saved upon
* connection and reused for reconnecting.
private var ncURI:String;
* @private
private var ncConnected:Boolean;
* @private
* Info on multiple connections we try.
public var tryNC:Array;
* @private
private var tryNCTimer:Timer;
* @private
* Counter that tracks the next type to try in RTMP_CONN.
private var connTypeCounter:uint;
* @private
* Used for accessing localized Error messages.
private var resourceManager:IResourceManager =
// Public Properties
// timeout
* @private
* Storage for timeout property.
private var _timeout:uint;
* @see INCManager#timeout
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get timeout():uint
return _timeout;
public function set timeout(t:uint):void
_timeout = t;
connectionTimer = new Timer(_timeout, 1);
connectionTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onFCSConnectTimeOut);
// bitrate
* @private
* Storage for bitrate property.
private var _bitrate:Number;
* For RTMP streams, returns value calculated from autodetection,
* not value set via bitrate.
* @see INCManager#bitrate
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get bitrate():Number
return _bitrate;
* This value is only used with progressive download (HTTP), with
* RTMP streaming uses autodetection.
* @see INCManager#bitrate
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function set bitrate(b:Number):void
if (_isRTMP == 0)
_bitrate = b;
// videoPlayer
* @see INCManager#videoPlayer
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get videoPlayer():VideoPlayer
return owner;
* @private
public function set videoPlayer(value:VideoPlayer):void
owner = value;
// netConnection
* @private
private var _netConnection:NetConnection;
* @see INCManagernetConnection
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get netConnection():NetConnection
return _netConnection;
// streamName
* @private
* Storage for streamName property.
private var _streamName:String;
* @see INCManager#streamName
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get streamName():String
return _streamName;
// streamLength
* @private
* Storage for streamLength property.
private var _streamLength:Number;
* @see INCManager#streamLength
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get streamLength():Number
return _streamLength;
// streamWidth
* @private
* Storage for streamWidth property.
private var _streamWidth:Number;
* @see INCManager#streamWidth
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get streamWidth():Number
return _streamWidth;
// streamHeight
* @private
* Storage for streamHeight property.
private var _streamHeight:Number;
* @see INCManager#streamHeight
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get streamHeight():Number
return _streamHeight;
// Public methods
* @see INCManager#isRTMP
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function isRTMP():Boolean
return _isRTMP != 0;
* @see INCManager#connectToURL()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function connectToURL(url:String):Boolean
contentPath = url;
if (!contentPath || contentPath == "")
throw new VideoError(VideoError.INVALID_CONTENT_PATH);
// parse URL to determine what to do with it
var parseResults:Object = parseURL(contentPath);
if (!parseResults.streamName || parseResults.streamName == "")
throw new VideoError(VideoError.INVALID_CONTENT_PATH, url);
// connect to either rtmp or http or download and parse smil
if (parseResults.isRTMP)
var canReuseRTMP:Boolean = canReuseOldConnection(parseResults);
_isRTMP = 1;
protocol = parseResults.protocol;
_streamName = parseResults.streamName;
serverName = parseResults.serverName;
wrappedURL = parseResults.wrappedURL;
portNumber = parseResults.portNumber;
appName = parseResults.appName;
if ( !appName || appName == "" ||
!_streamName || _streamName == "" )
throw new VideoError(VideoError.INVALID_CONTENT_PATH, url);
autoSenseBW = (_streamName.indexOf(",") >= 0);
return (canReuseRTMP || connectRTMP());
var canReuseHTTP:Boolean = canReuseOldConnection(parseResults);
_isRTMP = 0;
_streamName = parseResults.streamName;
return (canReuseHTTP || connectHTTP());
* @see INCManager#connectAgain()
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function connectAgain():Boolean
var slashIndex:Number = appName.indexOf("/");
if (slashIndex < 0)
// return the appName and streamName back to original form
// so we can start this process all over again with the
// fallback server if necessary
slashIndex = _streamName.indexOf("/");
if (slashIndex >= 0)
appName += "/";
appName += _streamName.slice(0, slashIndex);
_streamName = _streamName.slice(slashIndex + 1);
return false;
var newStreamName:String = appName.slice(slashIndex + 1);
newStreamName += "/";
newStreamName += _streamName;
_streamName = newStreamName;
appName = appName.slice(0, slashIndex);
payload = 0;
connTypeCounter = 0;
return true;
* INCManager#reconnect
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function reconnect():void
if (!_isRTMP)
var message:String = resourceManager.getString(
"controls", "invalidCall");
throw new Error(message);
_netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, reconnectOnStatus);
_netConnection.client = new NCManagerReconnectClient(this);
_netConnection.connect(ncURI, false);
* @see INCManager#close
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function close():void
if (_netConnection)
ncConnected = false;
// Private Methods
* @private
* Initialization.
private function initNCInfo():void
_isRTMP = -1;
serverName = null;
wrappedURL = null;
portNumber = null;
appName = null;
private function initOtherInfo():void
contentPath = null;
_streamName = null;
_streamLength = -1;
_streamWidth = -1;
_streamHeight = -1;
streams = null;
autoSenseBW = false;
payload = 0;
connTypeCounter = 0;
* matches bitrate with stream
* @private
private function bitrateMatch():void
var whichStream:Number;
var checkBitrate:Number = _bitrate;
if (isNaN(checkBitrate))
checkBitrate = 0;
for (var j:uint = 0; j < streams.length; j++)
if (isNaN(streams[j].bitrate) || checkBitrate >= streams[j].bitrate)
whichStream = j;
if (isNaN(whichStream))
throw new VideoError(VideoError.NO_BITRATE_MATCH);
if (_streamName)
_streamName += streams[whichStream].src;
_streamName = streams[whichStream].src;
_streamLength = streams[whichStream].dur;
* <p>Parses URL to determine if it is http or rtmp. If it is rtmp,
* breaks it into pieces to extract server URL and port, application
* name and stream name. If .flv is at the end of an rtmp URL, it
* will be stripped off.</p>
* @private
private function parseURL(url:String):Object
var parseResults:Object = {};
// get protocol
var startIndex:uint = 0;
var endIndex:int = url.indexOf(":/", startIndex);
if (endIndex >= 0)
endIndex += 2;
parseResults.protocol = url.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
parseResults.isRelative = false;
parseResults.isRelative = true;
if ( parseResults.protocol != null &&
( parseResults.protocol == "rtmp:/" ||
parseResults.protocol == "rtmpt:/" ||
parseResults.protocol == "rtmps:/" ||
parseResults.protocol == "rtmpe:/" ||
parseResults.protocol == "rmpte:/" ) )
parseResults.isRTMP = true;
startIndex = endIndex;
if (url.charAt(startIndex) == '/')
// get server (and maybe port)
var colonIndex:Number = url.indexOf(":", startIndex);
var slashIndex:Number = url.indexOf("/", startIndex);
if (slashIndex < 0)
if (colonIndex < 0)
parseResults.serverName = url.slice(startIndex);
endIndex = colonIndex;
parseResults.portNumber = url.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
parseResults.serverName = url.slice(startIndex);
return parseResults;
if (colonIndex >= 0 && colonIndex < slashIndex)
endIndex = colonIndex;
parseResults.serverName = url.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
endIndex = slashIndex;
parseResults.portNumber = url.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
endIndex = slashIndex;
parseResults.serverName = url.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
// handle wrapped RTMP servers bit recursively, if it is there
if (url.charAt(startIndex) == '?')
var subURL:String = url.slice(startIndex + 1);
var subParseResults:Object = parseURL(subURL);
if (!subParseResults.protocol || !subParseResults.isRTMP)
throw new VideoError(VideoError.INVALID_CONTENT_PATH, url);
parseResults.wrappedURL = "?";
parseResults.wrappedURL += subParseResults.protocol;
if (subParseResults.serverName != null)
parseResults.wrappedURL += "/";
parseResults.wrappedURL += subParseResults.server;
if (subParseResults.wrappedURL != null)
parseResults.wrappedURL += "/?";
parseResults.wrappedURL += subParseResults.wrappedURL;
parseResults.appName = subParseResults.appName;
parseResults.streamName = subParseResults.streamName;
return parseResults;
// get application name
endIndex = url.indexOf("/", startIndex);
if (endIndex < 0)
parseResults.appName = url.slice(startIndex);
return parseResults;
parseResults.appName = url.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
// check for instance name to be added to application name
endIndex = url.indexOf("/", startIndex);
if (endIndex < 0)
parseResults.streamName = url.slice(startIndex);
// strip off .flv and .flv2 if included
if (parseResults.streamName.slice(-5).toLowerCase() == ".flv2")
parseResults.streamName = parseResults.streamName.slice(0, -5);
else if (parseResults.streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv")
parseResults.streamName = parseResults.streamName.slice(0, -4);
return parseResults;
parseResults.appName += "/";
parseResults.appName += url.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
startIndex = endIndex + 1;
// get flv name
parseResults.streamName = url.slice(startIndex);
// strip off .flv and .flv2 if included
if (parseResults.streamName.slice(-5).toLowerCase() == ".flv2")
parseResults.streamName = parseResults.streamName.slice(0, -5);
else if (parseResults.streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv")
parseResults.streamName = parseResults.streamName.slice(0, -4);
// is http, just return the full url received as streamName
parseResults.isRTMP = false;
parseResults.streamName = url;
return parseResults;
* @private
* <p>Handles creating <code>NetConnection</code> instance for
* progressive download of FLV via http.</p>
private function connectHTTP():Boolean
_netConnection = new NetConnection();
_netConnection.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
ncConnected = true;
return true;
* @private
* <p>Top level function for creating <code>NetConnection</code>
* instance for streaming playback of FLV via rtmp. Actually
* tries to create several different connections using different
* protocols and ports in a pipeline, so multiple connection
* attempts may be occurring simultaneously, and will use the
* first one that connects successfully.</p>
private function connectRTMP():Boolean
// setup timeout
tryNC = [];
tryNCTimer = new Timer(DEFAULT_NC_TIMEOUT);
tryNCTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nextConnect);
for (var i:uint = 0; i < RTMP_CONN.length; i++)
tryNC[i] = new NetConnection();
tryNC[i].objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
tryNC[i].client = new NCManagerConnectClient(tryNC[i], this, i);
tryNC[i].addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, connectOnStatus);
return false;
* @private
* <p>Does work of trying to open rtmp connections. Called either
* by <code>connectRTMP</code> or <code>Timer</code> set up in
* that method.</p>
* <p>For creating rtmp connections.</p>
* @see #connectRTMP()
private function nextConnect(event:Event):void
var tempProtocol:String;
var port:String;
if (connTypeCounter == 0)
tempProtocol = protocol;
if (portNumber)
port = portNumber;
for (var i:Number = 0; i < RTMP_CONN.length; i++)
if (protocol == RTMP_CONN[i].protocol)
port = RTMP_CONN[i].port;
tempProtocol = RTMP_CONN[connTypeCounter].protocol;
port = RTMP_CONN[connTypeCounter].port;
var connectionURL:String = tempProtocol + ((!serverName) ? "" :
"/" + serverName + ":" + port + "/") + ((!wrappedURL) ? "" :
wrappedURL + "/") + appName;
tryNC[connTypeCounter].client.pending = true;
tryNC[connTypeCounter].connect(connectionURL, autoSenseBW);
if (connTypeCounter < RTMP_CONN.length - 1)
* @private
* <p>Stops all timers, closes all unneeded connections, and other
* cleanup related to the <code>connectRTMP</code> strategy of
* pipelining connection attempts to different protocols and
* ports.</p>
* <p>For creating rtmp connections.</p>
* @see #connectRTMP()
private function cleanConns():void
if (tryNCTimer != null)
tryNCTimer = null;
if (tryNC)
for (var i:uint = 0; i < tryNC.length; i++)
if (tryNC[i])
tryNC[i].removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, connectOnStatus);
if (tryNC[i].client.pending)
tryNC[i].addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, disconnectOnStatus);
tryNC[i] = null;
tryNC = null;
* @private
* <p>Starts another pipelined connection attempt with
* <code>connectRTMP</code> with the fallback server.</p>
* <p>For creating rtmp connections.</p>
* @see #connectRTMP()
private function tryFallBack():void
if (serverName == fallbackServerName || !fallbackServerName)
//it's not connected
_netConnection = null;
ncConnected = false;
connTypeCounter = 0;
serverName = fallbackServerName;
// Callbacks and event handlers
* @private
* dispatches reconnect event, called by
* <code>NetConnection.onBWDone</code>
public function onReconnected():void
_netConnection.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, connectOnStatus);
ncConnected = true;
* @private
* <p>Starts another pipelined connection attempt with
* <code>connectRTMP</code> with the fallback server.</p>
* <p>For creating rtmp connections.</p>
* @see #connectRTMP()
public function onConnected(p_nc:NetConnection, p_bw:Number):void
// avoid timeout
// ditch these now unneeded functions and listeners
// Don't need to assign the client to null
// since it will anyways get reassigned on
// reconnection.
// p_nc.client = null;
p_nc.removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, connectOnStatus);
// store pointers to the successful connection and uri
_netConnection = p_nc;
ncURI = _netConnection.uri;
ncConnected = true;
if (autoSenseBW)
_bitrate = p_bw * 1024;
if (streams)
var sSplit:Array = _streamName.split(",");
// remove leading and trailing whitespace from string
for (var i:uint = 0; i < sSplit.length; i+=2)
var sName:String = sSplit[i].replace(/^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/, "$1");
if (i + 1 < sSplit.length)
// If we have less bw than the next threshold or if
// there isn't another threshold (last string)
if (p_bw <= Number(sSplit[i+1]))
_streamName = sName;
_streamName = sName;
} // for
// strip off .flv and .flv2 if included
if (_streamName.slice(-5).toLowerCase() == ".flv2")
_streamName = _streamName.slice(0, -5);
else if (_streamName.slice(-4).toLowerCase() == ".flv")
_streamName = _streamName.slice(0, -4);
// if we need to get the stream length from the server, do it here
// Donot call getStreamLength when main.asc is not present
// since getStreamLength is defined in main.asc
if ((!owner.isLive && _streamLength == -1) && owner.autoBandWidthDetection)
var res:Responder = new Responder(getStreamLengthResult,
getStreamLengthStatus);"getStreamLength", res, _streamName);
* @private
* netStatus event listener when connecting
public function connectOnStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
var stuff:Object;
var target:NetConnection = NetConnection(;
target.client.pending = false;
if ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Success")
_netConnection = tryNC[target.client.connIndex];
// Force call to onConnected when main.asc is not present
// which would call this function through onBWDone
if (!owner.autoBandWidthDetection)
onConnected(_netConnection, 0);
tryNC[target.client.connIndex] = null;
else if ((( == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed")
|| ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected"))
&& (target.client.connIndex == (RTMP_CONN.length - 1)))
// Try rearranging the app URL, then the fallbackServer
if (!connectAgain())
* @private
* netStatus event listener when reconnecting
public function reconnectOnStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
if (( == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed")
|| ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected"))
// Try the fallbackServer
_netConnection = null;
ncConnected = false;
* @private
* netStatus event listener for disconnecting extra
* NetConnections that were opened in parallel
public function disconnectOnStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
if ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Success")
* @private
* Responder function to receive streamLength result from
* server after making rpc
private function getStreamLengthResult(length:Number):void
if (length > 0)
_streamLength = length;
* @private
* Responder function to receive status messages for rpc to
* get streamLength
private function getStreamLengthStatus(item:Object):void
* @private
* <p>Called by timer to timeout all connection attempts.</p>
* <p>For creating rtmp connections.</p>
* @see #connectRTMP()
private function onFCSConnectTimeOut(event:Event):void
_netConnection = null;
ncConnected = false;
if (!connectAgain())
* @private
* <p>Compares connection info with previous NetConnection,
* will reuse existing connection if possible.
private function canReuseOldConnection(parseResults:Object):Boolean
// no reuse if no prior connection
if (_netConnection == null || !ncConnected)
return false;
// http connection
if (!parseResults.isRTMP)
// can reuse if prev connection was http
if (!_isRTMP)
return true;
// cannot reuse if was rtmp--close
_netConnection = null;
ncConnected = false;
return false;
// rtmp connection
if (_isRTMP)
if (parseResults.serverName == serverName && parseResults.appName == appName &&
parseResults.protocol == protocol && parseResults.portNumber == portNumber &&
parseResults.wrappedURL == wrappedURL)
return true;
// cannot reuse this rtmp--close
_netConnection = null;
ncConnected = false;
return false;
} // class mx.controls.videoClasses.NCManager