blob: 5517848b5423ac6b21997fd44f405ea1334f8be8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
The RichTextEditor control lets users enter and format text. The text characteristics that users can vary
include the font family, color, size, and style, and other properties such as text alignment, bullets and
URL links. The control consists of a Panel control with two direct children:
<li>A Text Area control where users can enter text.</li>
<li>A Container with format controls that let a
user specify the text characteristics. The format controls affect text being typed or selected text.</li>
<p>The RichTextEditor has a default height and width of 300 by 325 pixels
and a default minimum height and width of 200 by 220 pixels.
If you put a RichTextEditor control in a DividedBox control, make sure that
the DividedBox control is large enough to contain the RichTextEditor control
at its minimum dimensions.
Also, you can explicitly set the RichTextEditor control's minHeight or
minWidth property to <code>NaN</code> to let the DividedBox container
reduce the control's dimensions to 0.</p>
<p>The following table describes the subcontrols that you can access and modify:</p>
<table class="innertable" >
<th>Control Type </th>
<td><a href="../controls/TextArea.html">TextArea</a></td>
<td>Area where the user can enter text.</td>
<td><a href="../core/Container.html">Container</a></td>
<td>The container for the formatting controls; puts the controls in a single
horizontal row, if they fit, or multiple rows, otherwise.</td>
<td><a href="../controls/ComboBox.html">ComboBox</a></td>
<td>Specifies the text font family. The ComboBox dataProvider is an Array of Strings with the following values:
<li>Courier New</li>
<li>Times New Roman</li>
<li>Verdana (default)</li>
<td><a href="../controls/ComboBox.html">ComboBox</a></td>
<td>Specifies the font size. The ComboBox dataProvider is an Array of Strings with the following values:
8, 9, 10 (default), 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72.
<p><strong>Note:</strong>This specification is the actual pixel value for the font size. These sizes are not equivalent to the
relative font sizes specified in HTML using the <code>size</code> attribute of the &lt;font&gt; tag.</p></td>
<td><a href="../containers/HBox.html">HBox</a></td>
<td>Contains the font characteristic buttons.</td>
<td><a href="../controls/Button.html">Button</a></td>
<td>When toggled to selected=&quot;true&quot;, sets the font to bold. </td>
<td><a href="../controls/Button.html">Button</a></td>
<td>When toggled to selected=&quot;true&quot;, sets the font to italic. </td>
<td><a href="../controls/Button.html">Button</a></td>
<td>When toggled to selected=&quot;true&quot;, sets the font to underlined.</td>
<td><a href="../controls/ColorPicker.html">ColorPicker</a></td>
<td>Specifies the color of the text. </td>
<td><a href="../controls/ToggleButtonBar.html">ToggleButtonBar</a></td>
<td>Specifies the text alignment. The control's data provider consists of an Array Of objects, with the object <code>action</code> field specifying the justification type. The available actions are as follows:
<li>left (default) </li>
<td><a href="../controls/Button.html">Button</a></td>
<td>When toggled to selected=&quot;true&quot;, sets the current line, or the selected line, to a list item, preceded by a bullet.</td>
<td><a href="../controls/TextInput.html">TextInput</a></td>
<td>This field is enabled only when text is selected.
When the user enters a URL in this field and presses the Enter key, Flex inserts
the equivalent of an HTML <code>&lt;a href=&quot;<em>user_text</em>&quot;
target=&quot;blank&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</code> tag in the TextArea subcontrol
at around the currently selected text.
<p>Flex initially fills this control with the text specified by the
<code>defaultLinkProtocol</code> property; users can append the rest of the link
to this text, or replace it.</p>
<p>To access one of the subcontrols, you can use syntax similar to the following:
myRTE.toolBar2.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xCC6633);
<p>The RichTextEditor control has the following default sizing
<table class="innertable">
<td>Default size</td>
<td>325 pixels wide by 300 pixels high</td>
<td>Minimum size</td>
<td>220 pixels wide by 200 pixels high</td>
<td>Maximum size</td>
<td>10000 by 10000 pixels</td>
<p>The &lt;mx:RichTextEditor&gt; tag inherits all the members
of its parent and adds the following members:</p>
showControlBar="true | false"
showToolTips="false | true"
@see mx.containers.ControlBar
@see mx.containers.Panel
@see mx.controls.ToggleButtonBar
@see mx.controls.Button
@see mx.controls.ColorPicker
@see mx.controls.ComboBox
@see mx.controls.TextArea
@see mx.controls.TextInput
@includeExample examples/RichTextEditorExample.mxml
@langversion 3.0
@playerversion Flash 9
@playerversion AIR 1.1
@productversion Flex 3
<mx:Panel xmlns:mx="" xmlns="*" minWidth="220" minHeight="200" width="325" height="300">
* Dispatched when the user changes the contents or format of the text in the
* TextArea control.
* This event is not dispatched if you change the TextArea contents by
* resetting the <code>text</code> or <code>htmlText</code> property.
* @eventType
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Event(name="change", type="")]
* Name of the CSS Style declaration to use for the styles for the TextArea.
* By default, the TextArea uses the the RichTextEditor's inheritable styles.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
[Style(name="textAreaStyleName", type="String", inherit="no")]
[Exclude(name="alignButtons", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="boldButton", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="bulletButton", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="colorPicker", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="defaultButton", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="fontFamilyArray", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="fontFamilyCombo", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="fontSizeArray", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="fontSizeCombo", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="icon", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="italicButton", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="label", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="layout", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="linkTextInput", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="toolBar", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="toolBar2", kind="property")]
[Exclude(name="underlineButton", kind="property")]
<mx:Array id="fontFamilyArray">
<mx:String>Courier New</mx:String>
<mx:String>Times New Roman</mx:String>
<mx:Array id="fontSizeArray">
import mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.core.IUITextField;
import mx.core.UITextFormat;
use namespace mx_internal;
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the font drop-down list. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Font Family"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var fontFamilyToolTip:String = "Font Family";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the font size drop-down list. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Font Size"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var fontSizeToolTip:String = "Font Size";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the text bold button. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Bold"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var boldToolTip:String = "Bold";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the text italic button. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Italic"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var italicToolTip:String = "Italic";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the text underline button. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Underline"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var underlineToolTip:String = "Underline";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the ColorPicker control. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Color"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var colorPickerToolTip:String = "Color";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the text alignment buttons. All the buttons
* share the same ToolTip. To view ToolTips, you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code>
* property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Align"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var alignToolTip:String = "Align";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the bulleted list button. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Bullet"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var bulletToolTip:String = "Bullet";
* The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the link text input field. To view ToolTips,
* you must also set the <code>showToolTips</code> property of the RichTextEditor control to <code>true</code>.
* @default "Link"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public var linkToolTip:String = "Link";
private var linkTextCommitted:Boolean = false;
private var showControlBarChanged:Boolean = false;
private var showToolTipsChanged:Boolean = false;
private var textChanged:Boolean = false;
private var htmlTextChanged:Boolean = false;
private var previousTextFormat:TextFormat = null;
private var textFormatChanged:Boolean = false;
// -1 is used to force updation of the ToolBar styles
private var lastCaretIndex:int = -1;
private var invalidateToolBarFlag:Boolean = false;
private var firstTime:Boolean = true;
public function RichTextEditor()
// Properties
// defaultLinkProtocol
private var _defaultLinkProtocol:String = "http://";
* The default protocol string to use at the start of link text.
* This string appears in the LinkTextInput subcontrol, so users do
* not have to type the protocol identifier when entering link text.
* @default "http://"
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get defaultLinkProtocol():String
return _defaultLinkProtocol;
* @private
public function set defaultLinkProtocol(value:String):void
_defaultLinkProtocol = value;
if (linkTextInput)
linkTextInput.text = _defaultLinkProtocol;
// showControlBar
private var _showControlBar:Boolean = true;
[Inspectable(category="General", defaultValue="true")]
* Specifies whether to display the control bar that contains the text
* formatting controls.
* @default true
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get showControlBar():Boolean
return _showControlBar;
* @private
public function set showControlBar(value:Boolean):void
_showControlBar = value;
showControlBarChanged = true;
// showToolTips
private var _showToolTips:Boolean = false;
* Specifies whether to display tooltips for the text formatting controls.
* @default false
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get showToolTips():Boolean
return _showToolTips;
* @private
public function set showToolTips(value:Boolean):void
_showToolTips = value;
showToolTipsChanged = true;
// selection
* A TextRange object containing the selected text in the TextArea subcontrol.
* @see mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get selection():TextRange
return new TextRange(this, true);
// text
private var _text:String = "";
* Plain text without markup that displays in the RichTextEditor control's TextArea subcontrol.
* You cannot set this property and the <code>htmlText</code> property simultaneously.
* If you set one property, it replaces any value set using the other property.
* You can get both properties; the <code>text</code> property always returns a plain
* text String with no formatting information.
* For more information on using this property, see the TextArea documentation.
* @default ""
* @see mx.controls.TextArea
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get text():String
return textArea ? textArea.text : _text;
* @private
public function set text(value:String):void
_text = value;
textChanged = true;
// htmlText
private var _htmlText:String = "";
* Text containing HTML markup that displays in the RichTextEditor
* control's TextArea subcontrol.
* You cannot set this property and the <code>text</code> property simultaneously.
* If you set one property, it replaces any value set using the other property.
* You can get both properties; the <code>htmlText</code> property always returns
* a String containing HTML markup that represents the current text formatting.
* For more information on using this property, see the TextArea documentation.
* @default ""
* @see mx.controls.TextArea
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get htmlText():String
return textArea ? textArea.htmlText : _htmlText;
* @private
public function set htmlText(value:String):void
_htmlText = value;
htmlTextChanged = true;
// Overridden methods
* @private
override protected function commitProperties():void
if (firstTime)
firstTime = false;
var textAreaStyleName:String = getStyle(
if (textAreaStyleName)
textArea.styleName = textAreaStyleName;
textArea.getTextField().alwaysShowSelection = true;
if (showControlBarChanged)
if (_showControlBar)
controlBar.height = NaN;
controlBar.visible = true;
controlBar.height = 0;
controlBar.visible = false;
showControlBarChanged = false;
if (showToolTipsChanged)
if (_showToolTips)
fontFamilyCombo.toolTip = fontFamilyToolTip;
fontSizeCombo.toolTip = fontSizeToolTip;
boldButton.toolTip = boldToolTip;
italicButton.toolTip = italicToolTip;
underlineButton.toolTip = underlineToolTip;
colorPicker.toolTip = colorPickerToolTip;
alignButtons.toolTip = alignToolTip;
bulletButton.toolTip = bulletToolTip;
linkTextInput.toolTip = linkToolTip;
fontFamilyCombo.toolTip = "";
fontSizeCombo.toolTip = "";
boldButton.toolTip = "";
italicButton.toolTip = "";
underlineButton.toolTip = "";
colorPicker.toolTip = "";
alignButtons.toolTip = "";
bulletButton.toolTip = "";
linkTextInput.toolTip = "";
showToolTipsChanged = false;
if (textChanged || htmlTextChanged)
// Revert previously set TextFormat.
var tf:UITextFormat = IUITextField(textArea.getTextField()).getUITextFormat();
// bullet style is not exposed in flex
// hence has to be explicitly defaulted.
tf.bullet = false;
textArea.getTextField().defaultTextFormat = tf;
if (textChanged)
textArea.text = _text;
textChanged = false;
textArea.htmlText = _htmlText;
htmlTextChanged = false;
* @private
override protected function measure():void
// Called only when explicitWidth and
// explicitHeight are set to NaN, since
// we have set width and height explicitly
// for RTE's panel.
measuredMinWidth = 220;
measuredWidth = 320;
measuredMinHeight = 200;
measuredHeight = 300;
* @private
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void
if (styleProp == null || styleProp == "textAreaStyleName")
if (textArea)
var textAreaStyleName:String = getStyle("textAreaStyleName");
textArea.styleName = textAreaStyleName;
if (!invalidateToolBarFlag)
invalidateToolBarFlag = true;
// Methods
private function setTextStyles(type:String, value:Object = null):void
var tf:TextFormat;
var beginIndex:int = textArea.getTextField().selectionBeginIndex;
var endIndex:int = textArea.getTextField().selectionEndIndex;
if (beginIndex == endIndex)
tf = previousTextFormat;
tf = new TextFormat();
if (type == "bold" || type == "italic" || type == "underline")
tf[type] = value;
else if (type == "align" || type == "bullet")
if (beginIndex == endIndex)
tf = new TextFormat();
// Apply the paragraph styles to the whole paragraph instead of just
// the selected text
beginIndex = textArea.getTextField().getFirstCharInParagraph(beginIndex) - 1;
beginIndex = Math.max(0, beginIndex);
endIndex = textArea.getTextField().getFirstCharInParagraph(endIndex) +
textArea.getTextField().getParagraphLength(endIndex) - 1;
tf[type] = value;
previousTextFormat[type] = value;
if (!endIndex)
textArea.getTextField().defaultTextFormat = tf;
else if (type == "font")
tf[type] = fontFamilyCombo.text;
else if (type == "size")
var fontSize:uint = uint(fontSizeCombo.text);
if (fontSize > 0)
tf[type] = fontSize;
else if (type == "color")
tf[type] = uint(colorPicker.selectedColor);
else if (type == "url")
if (value != defaultLinkProtocol && value != "")
tf[type] = value;
tf["target"] = "_blank";
else if (tf[type] != "")
tf[type] = "";
tf["target"] = "";
textFormatChanged = true;
if (beginIndex == endIndex)
previousTextFormat = tf;
dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
var caretIndex:int = textArea.getTextField().caretIndex;
var lineIndex:int = textArea.getTextField().getLineIndexOfChar(caretIndex);
// Scroll to make the line containing the caret under viewable area
while (lineIndex >= textArea.getTextField().bottomScrollV)
private function getTextStyles():void
if (!textArea)
var tf:TextFormat;
var beginIndex:int = textArea.getTextField().selectionBeginIndex;
var endIndex:int = textArea.getTextField().selectionEndIndex;
if (beginIndex == endIndex)
linkTextInput.enabled = false;
linkTextInput.enabled = true;
if (textFormatChanged)
previousTextFormat = null;
if (beginIndex == endIndex)
tf = textArea.getTextField().defaultTextFormat;
if (tf.url != "")
var carIndex:int = textArea.getTextField().caretIndex;
if (carIndex < textArea.getTextField().length)
var tfNext:TextFormat=textArea.getTextField().getTextFormat(carIndex, carIndex + 1);
if (!tfNext.url || tfNext.url == "")
tf.url = = "";
tf.url = = "";
tf = textArea.getTextField().getTextFormat(beginIndex,endIndex);
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.font != tf.font)
setComboSelection(fontFamilyCombo, tf.font ? tf.font : "");
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.size != tf.size)
setComboSelection(fontSizeCombo, tf.size ? String(tf.size) : "");
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.color != tf.color)
colorPicker.selectedColor = Number(tf.color);
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.bold != tf.bold)
boldButton.selected = tf.bold;
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.italic != tf.italic)
italicButton.selected = tf.italic;
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.underline != tf.underline)
underlineButton.selected = tf.underline;
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.align != tf.align)
if (tf.align == "left")
alignButtons.selectedIndex = 0;
else if (tf.align == "center")
alignButtons.selectedIndex = 1;
else if (tf.align == "right")
alignButtons.selectedIndex = 2;
else if (tf.align == "justify")
alignButtons.selectedIndex = 3;
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.bullet != tf.bullet)
bulletButton.selected = tf.bullet;
if (!previousTextFormat || previousTextFormat.url != tf.url)
linkTextInput.text = (tf.url == "" || tf.url == null) ? defaultLinkProtocol : tf.url;
if (textArea.getTextField().defaultTextFormat != tf)
textArea.getTextField().defaultTextFormat = tf;
previousTextFormat = tf;
textFormatChanged = false;
lastCaretIndex = textArea.getTextField().caretIndex;
invalidateToolBarFlag = false;
private function setComboSelection(combo:ComboBox,val:String):void
var length:uint = combo.dataProvider.length;
for (var i:uint = 0; i < length; i++)
if (combo.dataProvider.getItemAt(i).toLowerCase() == val.toLowerCase())
combo.selectedIndex = i;
combo.selectedIndex = -1;
combo.text = val;
* @private
* This method is called when the user clicks on the textArea, drags
* out of it and releases the mouse button outside the TextArea.
private function systemManager_mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (lastCaretIndex != textArea.getTextField().caretIndex)
if (textArea.getTextField().selectionBeginIndex == textArea.getTextField().selectionEndIndex)
linkTextInput.enabled = false;
linkTextInput.enabled = true;
MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, systemManager_mouseUpHandler, true);
<!--- @private -->
<mx:TextArea id="textArea" height="100%" width="100%" minHeight="0" minWidth="0"
keyDown="if (textFormatChanged)
textFormatChanged = false;
MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, systemManager_mouseUpHandler, true);"
<!--- @private -->
<mx:ToolBar id="toolbar" width="100%" horizontalGap="7">
<mx:ComboBox id="fontFamilyCombo" editable="true"
creationComplete="getTextStyles();lastCaretIndex = -1;"
dataProvider = "{fontFamilyArray}"
<mx:ComboBox id="fontSizeCombo" editable="true"
paddingLeft="2" paddingRight="2"
dataProvider = "{fontSizeArray}"
<mx:HBox id="toolBar2" horizontalGap="0">
<mx:Button id="boldButton" width="20" toggle="true"
click="setTextStyles('bold', event.currentTarget.selected);" />
<mx:Button id="italicButton" width="20" toggle="true"
click="setTextStyles('italic', event.currentTarget.selected);" />
<mx:Button id="underlineButton" width="20" toggle="true"
click="setTextStyles('underline', event.currentTarget.selected);" />
<mx:ColorPicker id="colorPicker" width="22" height="22"
<mx:VRule height="{alignButtons.height}"/>
<mx:ToggleButtonBar id="alignButtons" buttonWidth="20"
itemClick="setTextStyles('align', ToggleButtonBar(event.currentTarget).dataProvider.getItemAt(ToggleButtonBar(event.currentTarget).selectedIndex).action); " >
<mx:Object icon="@Embed('assets/icon_align_left.png')" action="left"/>
<mx:Object icon="@Embed('assets/icon_align_center.png')" action="center"/>
<mx:Object icon="@Embed('assets/icon_align_right.png')" action="right"/>
<mx:Object icon="@Embed('assets/icon_align_justify.png')" action="justify"/>
<mx:Button id="bulletButton" width="20" toggle="true"
click="setTextStyles('bullet', event.currentTarget.selected);" />
<mx:VRule height="{linkTextInput.height}"/>
<mx:TextInput id="linkTextInput" width="140"
focusOut="if (linkTextCommitted)
{ trace('already committed'); linkTextCommitted = false; }
{ trace('not committed'); setTextStyles('url', linkTextInput.text); linkTextInput.text=defaultLinkProtocol;}"
enter="setTextStyles('url', linkTextInput.text); linkTextInput.text = defaultLinkProtocol; linkTextCommitted = true;"/>