blob: f41ed191523970748c725b069f7bf5293bbafb51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import flash.util.Trace;
public class PlayerSession implements Session, DProtocolNotifierIF, Runnable, IsolateController
public static final int MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 256;
public static final long MAX_TERMINATE_WAIT_MILLIS = 10000;
private Socket m_socket;
private DProtocol m_protocol;
private DManager m_manager;
private IDebuggerCallbacks m_debuggerCallbacks;
private Process m_process;
private Map<String, Object> m_prefs; // WARNING -- accessed from multiple threads
private static final String s_newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private volatile boolean m_isConnected; // WARNING -- accessed from multiple threads
private volatile boolean m_isHalted; // WARNING -- accessed from multiple threads
private volatile boolean m_incoming; // WARNING -- accessed from multiple threads
private volatile boolean m_lastResponse; // whether there was a reponse from the last message to the Player
private volatile HashMap<Integer, PlayerSessionIsolateStatus> m_isolateStatus = new HashMap<Integer, PlayerSessionIsolateStatus>();
private int m_watchTransactionTag;
private Boolean m_playerCanCallFunctions;
private Boolean m_playerSupportsWatchpoints;
private Boolean m_playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions;
private Boolean m_playerSupportsConcurrency;
private Boolean m_playerSupportsWideLine;
private ILauncher launcher;
* The URL that was launched, or <code>null</code> if not known. Note:
* This is NOT the value returned by getURI(). getURI() returns the
* URL that came from the Player, and is therefore probably the URI of
* the SWF; but m_launchedUrl contains the URL that we tried to launch,
* which might be an HTML wrapper, e.g. http://localhost/myapp.html
private String m_launchUrl;
private AIRLaunchInfo m_airLaunchInfo; // null if this is not an AIR app
static volatile boolean m_debugMsgOn; // debug ONLY; turned on with "set $debug_messages = 1"
volatile int m_debugMsgSize; // debug ONLY; controlled with "set $debug_message_size = NNN"
static volatile boolean m_debugMsgFileOn; // debug ONLY for file dump; turned on with "set $debug_message_file = 1"
volatile int m_debugMsgFileSize; // debug ONLY for file dump; controlled with "set $debug_message_file_size = NNN"
//FIXME: Make this concurrency aware
* A simple cache of previous "is" and "instanceof" queries, in order to
* avoid having to send redundant messages to the player.
private Map<String, Boolean> m_evalIsAndInstanceofCache = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
private volatile int m_lastPreIsolate = Isolate.DEFAULT_ID;
private final Map<Integer, IsolateSession> m_isolateSessions;
private static final String DEBUG_MESSAGES = "$debug_messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DEBUG_MESSAGE_SIZE = "$debug_message_size"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DEBUG_MESSAGE_FILE = "$debug_message_file"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DEBUG_MESSAGE_FILE_SIZE = "$debug_message_file_size"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CONSOLE_ERRORS = "$console_errors"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String FLASH_PREFIX = "$flash_"; //$NON-NLS-1$
PlayerSession(Socket s, DProtocol proto, DManager manager, IDebuggerCallbacks debuggerCallbacks)
m_isConnected = false;
m_isHalted = false;
m_socket = s;
m_protocol = proto;
m_manager = manager;
m_prefs = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Object>());
m_incoming = false;
m_debugMsgOn = false;
m_debugMsgSize = 16;
m_debugMsgFileOn = false;
m_debugMsgFileSize = 128;
m_watchTransactionTag = 1; // number that is sent for each watch transaction that occurs
m_playerCanCallFunctions = null;
m_debuggerCallbacks = debuggerCallbacks;
m_isolateSessions = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, IsolateSession>());
private static PlayerSession createFromSocketHelper(Socket s, IDebuggerCallbacks debuggerCallbacks, DProtocol proto) throws IOException
// let the manager hear incoming messages
DManager manager = new DManager();
PlayerSession session = new PlayerSession(s, proto, manager, debuggerCallbacks);
return session;
* @deprecated Use createFromSocketWithOptions
* @param s
* @param debuggerCallbacks
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static PlayerSession createFromSocket(Socket s, IDebuggerCallbacks debuggerCallbacks) throws IOException
DProtocol proto = DProtocol.createFromSocket(s);
return createFromSocketHelper(s, debuggerCallbacks, proto);
* Creates a session from the socket. Sets session specific
* socket settings and stores the callback object.
* @param s
* @param debuggerCallbacks
* @param sessionManager
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static PlayerSession createFromSocketWithOptions(Socket s, IDebuggerCallbacks debuggerCallbacks, SessionManager sessionManager) throws IOException
DProtocol proto = DProtocol.createFromSocket(s, sessionManager);
return createFromSocketHelper(s, debuggerCallbacks, proto);
/* getter */
public DMessageCounter getMessageCounter() { return m_protocol.getMessageCounter(); }
public String getURI() { return m_manager.getURI(); }
public boolean playerSupportsGet() { return m_manager.isGetSupported(); }
public int playerVersion() { return m_manager.getVersion(); }
public SourceLocator getSourceLocator() { return m_manager.getSourceLocator(); }
* @see
public void setSourceLocator(SourceLocator sourceLocator)
* If the manager started the process for us, then note it here. We will attempt to kill
* it when we go down
void setProcess(Process proc)
m_process = proc;
* @see
public Process getLaunchProcess()
return m_process;
* Set preference
* If an invalid preference is passed, it will be silently ignored.
public void setPreferences(Map<String, ? extends Object> map) { m_prefs.putAll(map); mapBack(); }
public Set<String> keySet() { return m_prefs.keySet(); }
public Object getPreferenceAsObject(String pref) { return m_prefs.get(pref); }
* Set a property. Special logic for debug message boolean
public void setPreference(String pref, int value)
m_prefs.put(pref, new Integer(value));
// change in console messages?
if (pref.equals(CONSOLE_ERRORS))
sendConsoleErrorsAsTrace(value == 1);
// generic message for flash player wherein "$flash_xxx" causes "xxx" to be sent
if (pref.startsWith(FLASH_PREFIX))
sendOptionMessage(pref.substring(FLASH_PREFIX.length()), Integer.toString(value));
// helper for mapBack()
private int mapBackOnePreference(String preferenceName, int defaultValue)
Object prefValue = getPreferenceAsObject(preferenceName);
if (prefValue != null)
return ((Integer)prefValue).intValue();
return defaultValue;
// helper for mapBack()
private boolean mapBackOnePreference(String preferenceName, boolean defaultValue)
Object prefValue = getPreferenceAsObject(preferenceName);
if (prefValue != null)
return ((Integer)prefValue).intValue() != 0 ? true : false;
return defaultValue;
// look for preferences, that map back to variables
private void mapBack()
m_debugMsgOn = mapBackOnePreference(DEBUG_MESSAGES, m_debugMsgOn);
m_debugMsgSize = mapBackOnePreference(DEBUG_MESSAGE_SIZE, m_debugMsgSize);
m_debugMsgFileOn = mapBackOnePreference(DEBUG_MESSAGE_FILE, m_debugMsgFileOn);
m_debugMsgFileSize = mapBackOnePreference(DEBUG_MESSAGE_FILE_SIZE, m_debugMsgFileSize);
public int getPreference(String pref)
int val = 0;
Integer i = (Integer)m_prefs.get(pref);
if (i == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
val = i.intValue();
return val;
* @see
public boolean isConnected()
return m_isConnected;
* @see
public boolean isSuspended() throws NotConnectedException
if (!isConnected())
throw new NotConnectedException();
return m_isHalted;
* @see
public boolean isWorkerSuspended(int isolateId) throws NotConnectedException
if (isolateId == Isolate.DEFAULT_ID)
return isSuspended();
if (!isConnected())
throw new NotConnectedException();
if (m_isolateStatus.containsKey(isolateId)) {
return m_isolateStatus.get(isolateId).m_isHalted;
return false;
* Start up the session listening for incoming messages on the socket
public boolean bind() throws VersionException
boolean bound = false;
if (m_isConnected)
return false;
// mark that we are connected
m_isConnected = true;
// attach us to the pipe (we are last to ensure that DManager and msg counter
// get updated first
m_protocol.addListener(ListenerIndex.PlayerSession, this);
// start up the receiving thread
bound = m_protocol.bind();
// transmit our first few adjustment messages
boolean responded = sendSquelch(true, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
// now note in our preferences whether get is working or not.
setPreference(SessionManager.PLAYER_SUPPORTS_GET, playerSupportsGet() ? 1 : 0);
if (supportsConcurrency()) {
if (supportsWideLineNumbers()) {
// Spawn a background thread which fetches the SWF and SWD
// from the Player and uses them to build function name tables
// for each source file
Thread t = new Thread(this, "SWF/SWD reader"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// we're probably using a bad version
if (!responded)
throw new VersionException();
return bound;
* Permanently stops the debugging session and breaks the
* connection to the Player
public void unbind()
* @param requestTerminate
* if true, and if the player to which we are attached is capable
* of terminating itself (e.g. Adobe AIR), then the player will
* be told to terminate.
* @return true if the player is capable of terminating itself and has been
* told to do so
private boolean unbind(boolean requestTerminate)
// If the caller asked us to terminate the player, then we first check
// whether the player to which we are connected is capable of that.
// (The web-based players are not; Adobe AIR is.)
requestTerminate = requestTerminate && playerCanTerminate();
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(1);
dm.putByte((byte)(requestTerminate ? 1 : 0));
// unbind from the socket, so that we don't receive any more messages
// kill the socket
try { m_socket.close(); } catch(IOException io) {}
m_isConnected = false;
m_isHalted = false;
return requestTerminate; // true if player was told to terminate
* Execute the specified AppleScript by passing it to /usr/bin/osascript.
* @param appleScript
* the AppleScript to execute, as a series of lines
* @param argv
* any arguments; these can be accessed from within your
* AppleScript via "item 1 or argv", "item 2 of argv", etc.
* @return any text which was sent to stdout by /usr/bin/osascript, with the
* trailing \n already removed
private String executeAppleScript(String[] appleScript, String[] argv)
StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder();
List<String> execArgs = new LinkedList<String>();
// "osascript" is the command-line way of executing AppleScript.
execArgs.add("/usr/bin/osascript"); //$NON-NLS-1$
execArgs.add("-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (argv != null)
for (int i=0; i<argv.length; ++i)
Process osascript = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execArgs.toArray(new String[execArgs.size()]));
// feed our AppleScript code to osascript's stdin
OutputStream outputStream = osascript.getOutputStream();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(outputStream, true);
writer.println("on run argv"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // this gives the name "argv" to the command-line args
for (int i=0; i<appleScript.length; ++i)
writer.println("end run"); //$NON-NLS-1$
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(osascript.getInputStream());
int ch;
while ( ( != -1 )
catch (IOException e)
// ignore
return retval.toString().replaceAll("\n$", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* Execute the specified AppleScript by passing it to /usr/bin/osascript.
* @param appleScriptFilename
* The name of the file containing AppleScript to execute. This
* must be relative to
* @param argv
* any arguments; these can be accessed from within your
* AppleScript via "item 1 or argv", "item 2 of argv", etc.
* @return any text which was sent to stdout by /usr/bin/osascript, with the
* trailing \n already removed
* @throws IOException
private String executeAppleScript(String appleScriptFilename, String[] argv) throws IOException
InputStream stm = null;
try {
stm = PlayerSession.class.getResourceAsStream(appleScriptFilename);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stm));
String line;
List<String> appleScriptLines = new ArrayList<String>();
while ( (line=reader.readLine()) != null )
String[] lines = appleScriptLines.toArray(new String[appleScriptLines.size()]);
return executeAppleScript(lines, argv);
} finally {
if (stm != null) {
* Checks whether the specified Macintosh web browser is currently
* running. You should only call this function if you have already
* checked that you are running on a Mac.
* @param browserName a name, e.g. "Safari", "Firefox", "Camino"
* @return true if currently running
private Set<String> runningApplications()
String running = executeAppleScript(
new String[]
"tell application \"System Events\"", //$NON-NLS-1$
" name of processes", //$NON-NLS-1$
"end tell" //$NON-NLS-1$
String[] apps = running.split(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
Set<String> retval = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i=0; i<apps.length; ++i)
return retval;
* Destroys all objects related to the connection
* including the process that was tied to this
* session via SessionManager.launch(), if it
* exists.
public void terminate()
boolean playerWillTerminateItself = false;
// unbind first
// Tell player to end session. Note that this is just a hint, and will often
// do nothing. For example, the Flash player running in a browser will
// currently never terminate when you tell it to, but the AIR player will
// terminate.
playerWillTerminateItself = unbind(true);
} catch(Exception e)
if (!playerWillTerminateItself)
if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().startsWith("mac os x")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (m_airLaunchInfo != null)
// nothing we need to do -- Process.destroy() will kill the AIR app
else if (m_launchUrl != null && m_launchUrl.length() > 0)
boolean closedAnyWindows = false;
Set<String> runningApps = runningApplications();
if (!closedAnyWindows && runningApps.contains("Safari")) //$NON-NLS-1$
try {
String url = m_launchUrl.replaceAll(" ", "%20"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
String safariClosedAnyWindows = executeAppleScript("appleScriptCloseSafariWindow.txt", new String[] { url }); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ("true".equals(safariClosedAnyWindows)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
closedAnyWindows = true;
else if ( "appquit".equals(safariClosedAnyWindows) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
closedAnyWindows = true;
//we closed Safari, verify safari was closed
runningApps = waitForMacAppQuit("Safari"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
if (!closedAnyWindows && runningApps.contains("Camino")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// For local file: URLs, Camino uses "file://localhost/..." instead of "file:///..."
String url = m_launchUrl.replaceFirst("^file:///", "file://localhost/"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
try {
String caminoClosedAnyWindows = executeAppleScript("appleScriptCloseCaminoWindow.txt", new String[] { url }); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ("true".equals(caminoClosedAnyWindows)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
closedAnyWindows = true;
else if ( "appquit".equals(caminoClosedAnyWindows) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
closedAnyWindows = true;
//we closed camino, verify camino was closed
runningApps = waitForMacAppQuit("Camino"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
// The standalone player on the Mac has gone through several name changes,
// so we have to look for all of these.
String[] macStandalonePlayerNames =
"Flash Player Debugger", // New name as of Player 10.1 //$NON-NLS-1$
"Flash Player", // New name as of 12/4/06 //$NON-NLS-1$
"SAFlashPlayer", // An older name //$NON-NLS-1$
"standalone" // Another older name //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i=0; !closedAnyWindows && i<macStandalonePlayerNames.length; ++i)
if (runningApps.contains(macStandalonePlayerNames[i]))
executeAppleScript(new String[] { "tell application \"" + macStandalonePlayerNames[i] + "\" to quit" }, null); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
closedAnyWindows = true;
// if we have a process pop it
if (m_process != null)
//if a launcher is set for handling the launcher operations then use it.
if(null != launcher)
catch (IOException e)
// ignore
else if (m_process != null) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
// now clear it all
m_isConnected = false;
m_isHalted = false;
* Utility function to wait for a mac application to quit.
* This waits for a maximum of MAX_TERMINATE_WAIT_MILLIS.
* Waiting is important because applescript "quit" is not
* synchronous and launching a URL while the browser is
* quitting is not good. (See FB-21879)
* @return Set<String> of running applications.
private Set<String> waitForMacAppQuit(String browser) {
Set<String> runningApps;
boolean appClosed = true;
final long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long waitMillis = 100;
do {
runningApps = runningApplications();
if ( runningApps.contains(browser) ) {
appClosed = false;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return runningApps;
long currentMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ( currentMillis - startMillis >= MAX_TERMINATE_WAIT_MILLIS )
else {
appClosed = true;
while ( !appClosed );
return runningApps;
* @see
public void resume() throws NotSuspendedException, NotConnectedException, NoResponseException
* @see
public void suspend() throws SuspendedException, NotConnectedException, NoResponseException
* Obtain all the suspend information
public DSuspendInfo getSuspendInfo()
return getSuspendInfoIsolate(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
* Return the reason that the player has suspended itself.
public int suspendReason()
DSuspendInfo info = getSuspendInfo();
return info.getReason();
* Return the offset in which the player has suspended itself. The BreakReason
* message contains both reason and offset.
public int getSuspendOffset()
DSuspendInfo info = getSuspendInfo();
return info.getOffset();
* Return the offset in which the player has suspended itself. The BreakReason
* message contains both reason and offset.
public int getSuspendActionIndex()
DSuspendInfo info = getSuspendInfo();
return info.getActionIndex();
* Obtain information about the various SWF(s) that have been
* loaded into the Player, for this session.
* Note: As SWFs are loaded by the Player a SwfLoadedEvent is
* fired. At this point, a call to getSwfInfo() will provide
* updated information.
* @return array of records describing the SWFs
public SwfInfo[] getSwfs() throws NoResponseException
return getSwfsWorker(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
* Request information on a particular swf, used by DSwfInfo
* to fill itself correctly
public void requestSwfInfo(int at, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException
// nope don't have it...might as well go out and ask for all of them.
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(4);
dm.setType( DMessage.OutSwfInfo );
dm.putWord(0); // rserved
int to = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_CONTEXT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InSwfInfo, to))
throw new NoResponseException(to);
* Request a set of actions from the player
public byte[] getActions(int which, int at, int len) throws NoResponseException
byte[] actions = null;
// send a actions message
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(12);
dm.setType( DMessage.OutGetActions );
dm.putWord(0); // rsrvd
// request action bytes
int to = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_CONTEXT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
if (simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InGetActions, to))
actions = m_manager.getActions();
throw new NoResponseException(to);
return actions;
* @see
public void stepInto() throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
* @see
public void stepOut() throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
* @see
public void stepOver() throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
* @see
public void stepContinue() throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
if (!isSuspended())
throw new NotSuspendedException();
// send a step-continue message and then wait for the Flash player to tell us that is has
// resumed execution
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessage(DMessage.OutStepContinue, DMessage.InContinue))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
* Sends a request to the player to obtain function names.
* The resultant message end up populating the function name array
* for the given DModule.
* @param moduleId
* @param lineNbr
* @return
public void requestFunctionNames(int moduleId, int lineNbr, int isolateId) throws VersionException, NoResponseException
// only player 9 supports this message
if (m_manager.getVersion() >= 9)
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(8);
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InGetFncNames))
throw new NoResponseException(0);
throw new VersionException();
* From a given file identifier return a source file object
public SourceFile getFile(int fileId, int isolateId)
return m_manager.getSource(fileId, isolateId);
* Get a list of breakpoints
public Location[] getBreakpointList()
return m_manager.getBreakpoints(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
* @see, int)
public Location setBreakpoint(int fileId, int lineNum) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
return setBreakpointWorker(fileId, lineNum, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
* @see
public Location clearBreakpoint(Location local)
/* first find it */
SourceFile source = local.getFile();
int fileId = source.getId();
int lineNum = local.getLine();
int bp = DLocation.encodeId(fileId, lineNum);
int isolateId = local.getIsolateId();
Location l = null;
l = m_manager.getBreakpoint(bp, isolateId);
if (l != null)
/* send the message */
int wideLineSize = 0;
if (supportsWideLineNumbers())
wideLineSize = 4;
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(8 + wideLineSize);
if (!supportsWideLineNumbers())
else {
/* no callback from the player so we remove it ourselves */
m_manager.removeBreakpoint(bp, isolateId);
return l;
* @see
public Watch[] getWatchList() throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
return getWatchListWorker(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
* @see
public Watch[] getWatchListWorker(int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
return m_manager.getWatchpoints(isolateId);
private Watch setWatch(long varId, String memberName, int kind, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, NotSupportedException
// we really have two cases here, one where we add a completely new
// watchpoint and the other where we modify an existing one.
// In either case the DManager logic is such that the last watchpoint
// in the list will contain our id if successful.
Watch w = null;
int tag = m_watchTransactionTag++;
if (addWatch(varId, memberName, kind, tag, isolateId))
// good that we got a response now let's check that
// it actually worked.
int count = m_manager.getWatchpointCount(isolateId);
if (count > 0)
DWatch lastWatch = m_manager.getWatchpoint(count-1, isolateId);
if (lastWatch.getTag() == tag)
w = lastWatch;
return w;
* @see, java.lang.String, int)
public Watch setWatch(Value v, String memberName, int kind) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, NotSupportedException
return setWatch(v.getId(), memberName, kind, v.getIsolateId());
public Watch setWatch(Watch watch) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, NotSupportedException
return setWatch(watch.getValueId(), watch.getMemberName(), watch.getKind(), watch.getIsolateId());
* @see
public Watch clearWatch(Watch watch) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
Watch[] list = getWatchListWorker(watch.getIsolateId());
Watch w = null;
if ( removeWatch(watch.getValueId(), watch.getMemberName(), watch.getIsolateId()) )
// now let's first check the size of the list, it
// should now be one less
if (m_manager.getWatchpointCount(watch.getIsolateId()) < list.length)
// ok we made a change. So let's compare list and see which
// one went away
Watch[] newList = getWatchListWorker(watch.getIsolateId());
for(int i=0; i<newList.length; i++)
// where they differ is the missing one
if (list[i] != newList[i])
w = list[i];
// might be the last one...
if (w == null)
w = list[list.length-1];
return w;
* @see
public Variable[] getVariableList() throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, VersionException
return getVariableListWorker(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public Variable[] getVariableListWorker(int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, VersionException
// make sure the player has stopped and send our message awaiting a response
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
requestFrame(0, isolateId); // our 0th frame gets our local context
// now let's request all of the special variables too
getValueWorker(Value.GLOBAL_ID, isolateId);
getValueWorker(Value.THIS_ID, isolateId);
getValueWorker(Value.ROOT_ID, isolateId);
// request as many levels as we can get
int i = 0;
Value v = null;
v = getValueWorker(Value.LEVEL_ID-i, isolateId);
while( i++ < 128 && v != null);
// now that we've primed the DManager we can request the base variable whose
// children are the variables that are available
v = m_manager.getValue(Value.BASE_ID, isolateId);
if (v == null)
throw new VersionException();
return v.getMembers(this);
* @see
public Frame[] getFrames() throws NotConnectedException
return m_manager.getFrames(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
* Asks the player to return information regarding our current context which includes
* this pointer, arguments for current frame, locals, etc.
public void requestFrame(int depth, int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
if (playerSupportsGet())
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
int timeout = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_CONTEXT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(4);
dm.putDWord(depth); // depth of zero
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InFrame, timeout)) {
throw new NoResponseException(timeout);
pullUpActivationObjectVariables(depth, isolateId);
* The compiler sometimes creates special local variables called
* "activation objects." When it decides to do this (e.g. if the
* current function contains any anonymous functions, try/catch
* blocks, complicated E4X expressions, or "with" clauses), then
* all locals and arguments are actually stored as children of
* this activation object, rather than the usual way.
* We need to hide this implementation detail from the user. So,
* if we find any activation objects among the locals of the current
* function, then we will "pull up" its members, and represent them
* as if they were actually args/locals of the function itself.
* @param depth the depth of the stackframe we are fixing; 0 is topmost
private void pullUpActivationObjectVariables(int depth, int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
DValue frame = m_manager.getValue(Value.BASE_ID-depth, isolateId);
if (frame == null)
DStackContext context = m_manager.getFrame(depth, isolateId);
DVariable[] frameVars = (DVariable[]) frame.getMembers(this);
Map<String, DVariable> varmap = new LinkedHashMap<String, DVariable>(frameVars.length); // preserves order
List<DVariable> activationObjects = new ArrayList<DVariable>();
Pattern activationObjectNamePattern = Pattern.compile("^.*\\$\\d+$"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// loop through all frame variables, and separate them into two
// groups: activation objects, and all others (locals and arguments)
for (int i=0; i<frameVars.length; ++i)
DVariable member = frameVars[i];
Matcher matcher = activationObjectNamePattern.matcher(member.getName());
if (matcher.matches())
varmap.put(member.getName(), member);
// If there are no activation objects, then we don't need to do anything
if (activationObjects.size() == 0)
// overwrite existing args and locals with ones pulled from the activation objects
for (int i=0; i<activationObjects.size(); ++i)
DVariable activationObject = activationObjects.get(i);
DVariable[] activationMembers = (DVariable[]) activationObject.getValue().getMembers(this);
for (int j=0; j<activationMembers.length; ++j)
DVariable member = activationMembers[j];
int attributes = member.getAttributes();
// For some odd reason, the activation object often contains a whole bunch of
// other variables that we shouldn't be displaying. I don't know what they
// are, but I do know that they are all marked "static".
if ((attributes & VariableAttribute.IS_STATIC) != 0)
// No matter what the activation object member's scope is, we want all locals
// and arguments to be considered "public"
attributes &= ~(VariableAttribute.PRIVATE_SCOPE | VariableAttribute.PROTECTED_SCOPE | VariableAttribute.NAMESPACE_SCOPE);
attributes |= VariableAttribute.PUBLIC_SCOPE;
String name = member.getName();
DVariable oldvar = varmap.get(name);
int vartype;
if (oldvar != null)
vartype = oldvar.getAttributes() & (VariableAttribute.IS_ARGUMENT | VariableAttribute.IS_LOCAL);
vartype = VariableAttribute.IS_LOCAL;
member.setAttributes(member.getAttributes() | vartype);
varmap.put(name, member);
for (DVariable var: varmap.values())
if (var.isAttributeSet(VariableAttribute.IS_LOCAL))
else if (var.isAttributeSet(VariableAttribute.IS_ARGUMENT))
if (var.getName().equals("this")) //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see
public Value getValue(long valueId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
return getValueWorker(valueId, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public Value getValueWorker(long valueId, int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
DValue val = null;
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
// get it from cache if we can
val = m_manager.getValue(valueId, isolateId);
if (val == null)
// if a special variable, then we need to trigger a local frame call, otherwise just use id to get it
if (valueId < Value.UNKNOWN_ID)
requestFrame(0, isolateId); // force our current frame to get populated, BASE_ID will be available
else if (valueId > Value.UNKNOWN_ID)
requestVariable(valueId, null, isolateId);
// after all this we should have our variable cache'd so try again if it wasn't there the first time
val = m_manager.getValue(valueId, isolateId);
return val;
* Returns the current value object for the given id; never requests it from the player.
public Value getRawValue(long valueId, int isolateId)
return m_manager.getValue(valueId, isolateId);
* Returns the previous value object for the given id -- that is, the value that that
* object had the last time the player was suspended. Never requests it from the
* player (because it can't, of course). Returns <code>null</code> if we don't have
* a value for that id.
public Value getPreviousValue(long valueId, int isolateId)
return m_manager.getPreviousValue(valueId, isolateId);
* Launches a request to obtain all the members of the specified variable, and
* store them in the variable which would be returned by
* {@link DManager#getVariable(long)}.
* @param valueId id of variable whose members we want; underlying Variable must
* already be known by the PlayerSessionManager.
* @throws NoResponseException
* @throws NotConnectedException
* @throws NotSuspendedException
void obtainMembers(long valueId, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, NotSuspendedException
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
// Get it from cache. Normally, this should never fail; however, in
// the case of Flex Builder, which is multithreaded, it is possible
// that a thread has called this even after a different thread has
// single-stepped, so that the original variable is no longer valid.
// So, we'll check for a null return value.
DValue v = m_manager.getValue(valueId, isolateId);
if (v != null && !v.membersObtained())
requestVariable(valueId, null, false, true, isolateId);
public Value getGlobal(String name) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
return getGlobalWorker(name, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public Value getGlobalWorker(String name, int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
Value v = getValue(0, name, isolateId);
if (v==null || v.getType() == VariableType.UNDEFINED)
return null;
return v;
* Get the value of the variable named 'name' using varId
* as the context id for the Variable.
* This call is used to fire getters, where the id must
* be that of the original object and not the object id
* of where the getter actually lives. For example
* a getter a() may live under o.__proto__.__proto__
* but you must use the id of o and the name of 'a'
* in order for the getter to fire correctly. [Note: This
* paragraph was written for AS2; __proto__ doesn't exist
* in AS3. TODO: revise this paragraph]
public Value getValue(long varId, String name, int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
Value v = null;
if (isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
int fireGetter = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_INVOKE_GETTERS);
// disable children attaching to parent variables and clear our
// most recently seen variable
m_manager.enableChildAttach(false, isolateId);
requestVariable(varId, name, (fireGetter != 0), false, isolateId);
DVariable lastVariable = m_manager.lastVariable(isolateId);
if (lastVariable != null)
v = lastVariable.getValue();
v = DValue.forPrimitive(Value.UNDEFINED, isolateId);
catch (NoResponseException e)
if (fireGetter != 0)
// We fired a getter -- most likely, what happened is that that getter
// (which is actual code in the user's movie) just took too long to
// calculate its value. So rather than throwing an exception, we store
// some error text for the value of the variable itself.
// TODO [mmorearty 4/20/06] Even though I wrote the below code, I now
// am wondering if it is incorrect that I am calling addVariableMember(),
// because in every other case, this function does not add members to
// existing objects. Need to revisit this.
v = new DValue(VariableType.STRING, "String", "String", ValueAttribute.IS_EXCEPTION, //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
e.getLocalizedMessage(), isolateId);
if (varId != 0) {
DVariable var = new DVariable(name, (DValue)v, isolateId);
m_manager.enableChildAttach(true, isolateId);
m_manager.addVariableMember(varId, var, isolateId);
throw e; // re-throw
// reset our attach flag, so that children attach to parent variables.
m_manager.enableChildAttach(true, isolateId);
throw new NotSuspendedException();
return v;
private void requestVariable(long id, String name, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, NotSuspendedException
requestVariable(id, name, false, false, isolateId);
* @param thisValue the value of the "this" pointer; meaningless if isConstructor is true
* @param isConstructor whether we're calling a constructor as opposed to a regular function
* @param funcname the name of the function to call (or class whose constructor we're calling)
* @param args the args to the function
* @return the return value of the function
private Value callFunction(Value thisValue, boolean isConstructor, String funcname, Value[] args, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
if (!playerCanCallFunctions(isolateId))
throw new NotSupportedException(PlayerSessionManager.getLocalizationManager().getLocalizedTextString("functionCallsNotSupported")); //$NON-NLS-1$
// name = getRawMemberName(id, name);
DMessage dm = buildCallFunctionMessage(isConstructor, thisValue, funcname, args);
// make sure any exception during the setter gets held onto
// TODO wrong timeout
int timeout = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
timeout += 500; // give the player enough time to raise its timeout exception
boolean result = simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InCallFunction, timeout);
// tell manager we're done; ignore returned FaultEvent
if (!result)
throw new NoResponseException(timeout);
DVariable lastFunctionCall = m_manager.lastFunctionCall(isolateId);
if (lastFunctionCall != null)
return lastFunctionCall.getValue();
return DValue.forPrimitive(Value.UNDEFINED, isolateId);
* @see, java.lang.String,[])
public Value callFunction(Value thisValue, String funcname, Value[] args) throws PlayerDebugException
return callFunctionWorker(thisValue, funcname, args, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public Value callFunctionWorker(Value thisValue, String funcname, Value[] args, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException
Value retval = callPseudoFunction(thisValue, funcname, args, isolateId);
if (retval != null) {
return retval;
return callFunction(thisValue, false, funcname, args, isolateId);
* Checks to see if the function being called is a debugger pseudofunction such as
* $obj(), and if so, handles that directly rather than calling the player. Returns
* null if the function being called is not a pseudofunction.
private Value callPseudoFunction(Value thisValue, String funcname, Value[] args, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException{
if (thisValue.getType() == VariableType.UNDEFINED || thisValue.getType() == VariableType.NULL) {
if ("$obj".equals(funcname)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return callObjPseudoFunction(args, isolateId);
return null;
* Handles a call to the debugger pseudofunction $obj() -- e.g. $obj(1234) returns
* a pointer to the object with id 1234.
private Value callObjPseudoFunction(Value[] args, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException {
if (args.length != 1) {
return DValue.forPrimitive(DValue.UNDEFINED, isolateId);
double arg = ECMA.toNumber(this, args[0]);
long id = (long) arg;
if (id != arg) {
return DValue.forPrimitive(DValue.UNDEFINED, isolateId);
DValue value = m_manager.getValue(id, isolateId);
if (value == null) {
return DValue.forPrimitive(DValue.UNDEFINED, isolateId);
return value;
public Value callConstructor(String funcname, Value[] args) throws PlayerDebugException
return callConstructorWorker(funcname, args, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public Value callConstructorWorker(String funcname, Value[] args, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException
return callFunction(DValue.forPrimitive(null, isolateId), true, funcname, args, isolateId);
private DMessage buildCallFunctionMessage(boolean isConstructor, Value thisValue, String funcname, Value[] args)
funcname = (funcname == null) ? "" : funcname; //$NON-NLS-1$
int messageSize = 8; // DWORD representing flags + DWORD representing frame
String thisType = DVariable.typeNameFor(thisValue.getType());
String thisValueString = thisValue.getValueAsString();
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(thisType)+1;
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(thisValueString)+1;
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(funcname)+1;
messageSize += 4; // DWORD representing the number of args
String[] argTypes = new String[args.length];
String[] argValues = new String[args.length];
for (int i=0; i<args.length; ++i)
argTypes[i] = DVariable.typeNameFor(args[i].getType());
argValues[i] = args[i].getValueAsString();
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(argValues[i])+1;
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(argTypes[i])+1;
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(messageSize);
dm.putDWord(isConstructor ? 1 : 0);
dm.putDWord(0); // TODO: the currently active frame number
for (int i=0; i<args.length; ++i)
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
// couldn't write out the string, so just terminate it and complete anyway
return dm;
private void requestVariable(long id, String name, boolean fireGetter, boolean alsoGetChildren, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, NotSuspendedException
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
name = getRawMemberName(id, name, isolateId);
DMessage dm = buildOutGetMessage(id, name, fireGetter, alsoGetChildren);
// make sure any exception during the setter gets held onto
int timeout = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
timeout += 500; // give the player enough time to raise its timeout exception
boolean result = simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InGetVariable, timeout);
// tell manager we're done; ignore returned FaultEvent
if (!result)
throw new NoResponseException(timeout);
private DMessage buildOutGetMessage(long id, String name, boolean fireGetter, boolean alsoGetChildren)
final int FLAGS_SIZE = 4;
name = (name == null) ? "" : name; //$NON-NLS-1$
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(DMessage.getSizeofPtr() + DMessage.getStringLength(name)+1 + FLAGS_SIZE);
dm.setType( (!fireGetter) ? DMessage.OutGetVariable : DMessage.OutGetVariableWhichInvokesGetter );
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
// couldn't write out the string, so just terminate it and complete anyway
// as an optimization, newer player builds allow us to tell them not to
// send all the children of an object along with the object, because
// frequently we don't care about the children
int flags = GetVariableFlag.DONT_GET_FUNCTIONS; // we never want functions
if (fireGetter)
flags |= GetVariableFlag.INVOKE_GETTER;
if (alsoGetChildren)
flags |= GetVariableFlag.ALSO_GET_CHILDREN | GetVariableFlag.GET_CLASS_HIERARCHY;
return dm;
public FaultEvent setScalarMember(long varId, String memberName, int type, String value, int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
// If the varId is that of a stack frame, then we need to check whether that
// stack frame has an "activation object". If it does, then all of the
// arguments and locals are actually kept as members of that activation
// object, and so we need to change varId to be the ID of that activation
// object -- that way, the player will modify the member of the activation
// object rather than modifying the "regular" argument or local. See bug
// 155031.
if (varId <= Value.BASE_ID && varId > Value.LEVEL_ID)
int depth = (int) (Value.BASE_ID - varId);
DStackContext context = m_manager.getFrame(depth,isolateId);
DVariable activationObject = context.getActivationObject();
if (activationObject != null)
varId = activationObject.getValue().getId();
memberName = getRawMemberName(varId, memberName, isolateId);
// see if it is our any of our special variables
FaultEvent faultEvent = requestSetVariable( isPseudoVarId(varId) ? 0 : varId, memberName, type, value, isolateId);
// now that we sent it out, we need to clear our variable cache
// if it is our special context then mark the frame as stale.
if (isPseudoVarId(varId) && m_manager.getFrameCount(isolateId) > 0)
m_manager.getFrame(0, isolateId).markStale();
DValue parent = m_manager.getValue(varId,isolateId);
if (parent != null)
return faultEvent;
* Returns whether a variable ID is "real" or not. For example,
* Value.THIS_ID is a "pseudo" varId, as are all the other special
* hard-coded varIds in the Value class.
private boolean isPseudoVarId(long varId)
* Unfortunately, this is actually just taking a guess. The old code
* used "varId &lt; 0"; however, the Linux player sometimes has real
* variable IDs which are less than zero.
return (varId < 0 && varId > -65535);
* <code>memberName</code> might be just <code>"varname"</code>, or it
* might be <code>"namespace::varname"</code>, or it might be
* <code>"namespace@hexaddr::varname"</code>. In the third case, it is
* fully resolved, and there is nothing we need to do. But in the first
* and second cases, we may need to fully resolve it so that the Player
* will recognize it.
private String getRawMemberName(long parentValueId, String memberName, int isolateId)
if (memberName != null)
DValue parent = m_manager.getValue(parentValueId, isolateId);
if (parent != null)
int doubleColon = memberName.indexOf("::"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String shortName = (doubleColon==-1) ? memberName : memberName.substring(doubleColon+2);
DVariable member = parent.findMember(shortName);
if (member != null)
memberName = member.getRawName();
return memberName;
* @return null for success, or fault event if a setter in the player threw an exception
private FaultEvent requestSetVariable(long id, String name, int t, String value, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException
// convert type to typeName
String type = DVariable.typeNameFor(t);
DMessage dm = buildOutSetMessage(id, name, type, value);
FaultEvent faultEvent = null;
// System.out.println("setmsg id="+id+",name="+name+",t="+type+",value="+value);
// make sure any exception during the setter gets held onto
// turn off squelch so we can hear the response
sendSquelch(false, isolateId);
int timeout = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, (t == VariableType.STRING) ? DMessage.InSetVariable : DMessage.InSetVariable2, timeout))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
// turn it back on
sendSquelch(true, isolateId);
// tell manager we're done, and get exception if any
faultEvent = m_manager.endPlayerCodeExecution(isolateId);
// hammer the variable cache and context array
return faultEvent;
private DMessage buildOutSetMessage(long id, String name, String type, String v)
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(DMessage.getSizeofPtr()+
try { dm.putString(name); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
try { dm.putString(type); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
try { dm.putString(v); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
return dm;
* @see
public void waitForEvent() throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException
Object eventNotifier = m_manager.getEventNotifier();
synchronized (eventNotifier)
while (getEventCount() == 0 && isConnected())
// We should NOT call isConnected() to test for a broken connection! That
// is because we may have received one or more events AND lost the connection,
// almost simultaneously. If there are any messages available for the
// caller to process, we should not throw an exception.
if (getEventCount() == 0 && !isConnected())
throw new NotConnectedException();
* @see
public int getEventCount()
return m_manager.getEventCount();
* @see
public DebugEvent nextEvent()
return m_manager.nextEvent();
* Adds a watchpoint on the given expression
* @throws NotConnectedException
* @throws NoResponseException
* @throws NotSupportedException
* @throws NotSuspendedException
public boolean addWatch(long varId, String varName, int type, int tag, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException, NotSupportedException
// TODO check for NoResponse, NotConnected
if (!supportsWatchpoints(isolateId))
throw new NotSupportedException(PlayerSessionManager.getLocalizationManager().getLocalizedTextString("watchpointsNotSupported")); //$NON-NLS-1$
varName = getRawMemberName(varId, varName, isolateId);
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(4+DMessage.getSizeofPtr()+DMessage.getStringLength(varName)+1);
try { dm.putString(varName); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
int timeout = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
boolean result = simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InWatch2, timeout);
return result;
* Removes a watchpoint on the given expression
* @throws NotConnectedException
* @throws NoResponseException
* @throws NotSuspendedException
public boolean removeWatch(long varId, String memberName, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException
memberName = getRawMemberName(varId, memberName, isolateId);
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(DMessage.getSizeofPtr()+DMessage.getStringLength(memberName)+1);
try { dm.putString(memberName); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
int timeout = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
boolean result = simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InWatch2, timeout);
return result;
* Send a message that contains no data
void sendMessage(int message)
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(0);
* Send a message that contains no data
void sendMessageIsolate(int message, int isolateId)
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(0);
* Send a fully formed message and release it when done
synchronized void sendMessage(DMessage dm)
if (dm.getType() != DMessage.OutSetActiveIsolate) {
int isolate = dm.getTargetIsolate();
if (isolate != getActiveIsolate().getId()) {
DMessage dm1 = DMessageCache.alloc(4);
/* Use sendMessage here to avoid waiting for a response.
* The assumption is that once the message is sent, subsequent
* messages are for that isolate regardless of the player confirming
* it. With this change, performance has improved considerably; player
* debugger has not gone out of sync since the ProcessTag messages
* flood issue was resolved. */
if (m_debugMsgOn || m_debugMsgFileOn)
trace(dm, false);
catch(IOException io)
if (Trace.error)
Trace.trace("Attempt to send message "+dm.outToString()+" failed"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* Tell the player to shut-up
boolean sendSquelch(boolean on, int isolateId)
boolean responded;
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(4);
dm.putDWord( on ? 1 : 0);
responded = simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InSquelch);
return responded;
void sendStopWarning()
// Currently, "disable_script_stuck_dialog" only works for AS2, not for AS3.
String option = "disable_script_stuck_dialog"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
// HACK: Completely disable the script-stuck notifications, so that we can
// get AS3 debugging working.
option = "disable_script_stuck"; //$NON-NLS-1$
value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendStopOnFault()
String option = "break_on_fault"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendEnumerateOverride()
String option = "enumerate_override"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendFailureNotify()
String option = "notify_on_failure"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendInvokeSetters()
String option = "invoke_setters"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendSwfloadNotify()
String option = "swf_load_messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendConsoleErrorsAsTrace(boolean on)
String option = "console_errors"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = (on) ? "on" : "off"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendGetterTimeout()
String option = "getter_timeout"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "" + getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendSetterTimeout()
String option = "setter_timeout"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "" + getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_SETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendConcurrentDebugger()
String option = "concurrent_debugger"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendWideLineDebugger()
String option = "wide_line_debugger"; //$NON-NLS-1$
String value = "on"; //$NON-NLS-1$
sendOptionMessage(option, value);
void sendOptionMessage(String option, String value)
int msgSize = DMessage.getStringLength(option)+DMessage.getStringLength(value)+2; // add 2 for trailing nulls of each string
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(msgSize);
try { dm.putString(option); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
try { dm.putString(value); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InOption);
public boolean supportsWatchpoints()
return supportsWatchpoints(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean supportsWatchpoints(int isolateId)
if (m_playerSupportsWatchpoints == null)
m_playerSupportsWatchpoints = new Boolean(getOption("can_set_watchpoints", false, isolateId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return m_playerSupportsWatchpoints.booleanValue();
public boolean playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions()
return playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions(int isolateId)
if (m_playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions == null)
m_playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions = new Boolean(getOption("can_break_on_all_exceptions", false, isolateId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return m_playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions.booleanValue();
public boolean supportsConcurrency(int isolateId)
if (m_playerSupportsConcurrency == null)
m_playerSupportsConcurrency = new Boolean(getOption("concurrent_player", false, isolateId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return m_playerSupportsConcurrency.booleanValue();
public boolean supportsConcurrency()
return supportsConcurrency(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean supportsWideLineNumbers()
return supportsWideLineNumbers(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean supportsWideLineNumbers(int isolateId)
if (m_playerSupportsWideLine == null)
m_playerSupportsWideLine = new Boolean(getOption("wide_line_player", false, isolateId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return m_playerSupportsWideLine.booleanValue();
public boolean playerCanTerminate()
return getOption("can_terminate", false, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID); //$NON-NLS-1$
public boolean playerCanCallFunctions()
return playerCanCallFunctions(Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean playerCanCallFunctions(int isolateId)
if (m_playerCanCallFunctions == null)
m_playerCanCallFunctions = new Boolean(getOption("can_call_functions", false, isolateId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return m_playerCanCallFunctions.booleanValue();
* Returns the value of a Flash Player boolean option that was requested by
* OutGetOption and returned by InOption.
* @param optionName
* the name of the option
* @return its value, or null
public boolean getOption(String optionName, boolean defaultValue, int isolateId)
boolean retval = defaultValue;
String optionValue = getOption(optionName, null, isolateId);
if (optionValue != null)
retval = Boolean.valueOf(optionValue).booleanValue();
return retval;
* Returns the value of a Flash Player string option that was requested by
* OutGetOption and returned by InOption.
* @param optionName
* the name of the option
* @return its value, or null
public String getOption(String optionName, String defaultValue, int isolateId)
String optionValue = defaultValue;
int msgSize = DMessage.getStringLength(optionName)+1; // add 1 for trailing null of string
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(msgSize);
try { dm.putString(optionName); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { dm.putByte((byte)'\0'); }
if (simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InOption))
optionValue = m_manager.getOption(optionName);
return optionValue;
long getMessageInCount(DMessageCounter counter, long isolate, int msgType) {
if (isolate == Isolate.DEFAULT_ID) {
return counter.getInCount(msgType);
else {
return counter.getIsolateInCount(isolate, msgType);
Object getMessageInLock(DMessageCounter counter, long isolate) {
if (isolate == Isolate.DEFAULT_ID) {
return counter.getInLock();
else {
return counter.getIsolateInLock(isolate);
* Send our message and assume that the next response that is received is
* ours. Primitive but there is no use in setting up a full request / response
* pattern since the player doesn't follow it.
* @return false is no response.
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessage(DMessage msg, int msgType, int timeout)
boolean response = false;
//FIXME: Check if timeout needs to adjust to the isolate switching
// delay
// use default or user supplied timeout
timeout = (timeout > 0) ? timeout : getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
// note the number of messages of this type before our send
DMessageCounter msgCounter = getMessageCounter();
int isolate = msg.getTargetIsolate();
long num = getMessageInCount(msgCounter, isolate, msgType);
long expect = num+1;
// send the message
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// System.out.println("sending- "+DMessage.outTypeName(msg.getType())+",timeout="+timeout+",start="+start);
// now wait till we see a message come in
m_incoming = false;
synchronized (getMessageInLock(msgCounter, isolate))
while( (expect > getMessageInCount(msgCounter, isolate, msgType)) &&
System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + timeout &&
// block until the message counter tells us that some message has been received
getMessageInLock(msgCounter, isolate).wait(timeout);
catch (InterruptedException e)
// this should never happen
//FIXME: Will resetting the interrupted status here
//cause any problems?
// Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
// if we see incoming messages, then we should reset our timeout
synchronized (this)
if (m_incoming)
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
m_incoming = false;
if (getMessageInCount(msgCounter, isolate, msgType) >= expect)
response = true;
else if (timeout <= 0 && Trace.error)
Trace.trace("Timed-out waiting for "+DMessage.inTypeName(msgType)+" response to message "+msg.outToString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// System.out.println(" response- "+response+",timeout="+timeout+",elapsed="+(endTime-startTime));
m_lastResponse = response;
return response;
// use default timeout
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessage(DMessage msg, int msgType) { return simpleRequestResponseMessage(msg, msgType, -1); }
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage msg, int msgType, int isolateId) {
return simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(msg, msgType, -1, isolateId);
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage msg, int msgType, int timeout, int isolateId)
return simpleRequestResponseMessage(msg, msgType, timeout);
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessage(int msg, int msgType) { return simpleRequestResponseMessage(msg, msgType, -1); }
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(int msg, int msgType, int isolateId) {
return simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(msg, msgType, -1, isolateId);
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(int msg, int msgType, int timeout, int isolateId)
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(0);
return simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, msgType, timeout);
// Convenience function
boolean simpleRequestResponseMessage(int msg, int msgType, int timeout)
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(0);
return simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, msgType, timeout);
* We register ourself as a listener to DMessages from the pipe for the
* sole purpose of monitoring the state of the debugger. All other
* object management occurs with DManager
* Issued when the socket connection to the player is cut
public void disconnected()
m_isHalted = false;
m_isConnected = false;
* This is the core routine for decoding incoming messages and deciding what should be
* done with them. We have registered ourself with DProtocol to be notified when any
* incoming messages have been received.
* It is important to note that we should not rely on the contents of the message
* since it may be reused after we exit this method.
public void messageArrived(DMessage msg, DProtocol which)
preMessageArrived(msg, which);
msg.reset(); // allow the message to be re-parsed
m_manager.messageArrived(msg, which);
msg.reset(); // allow the message to be re-parsed
postMessageArrived(msg, which);
* Processes the message before it is passed to the DManager.
private void preMessageArrived(DMessage msg, DProtocol which)
switch (msg.getType())
case DMessage.InIsolate:
m_lastPreIsolate = (int)msg.getDWord();
case DMessage.InAskBreakpoints:
case DMessage.InBreakAt:
case DMessage.InBreakAtExt:
// We need to set m_isHalted to true before the DManager processes
// the message, because the DManager may add a BreakEvent to the
// event queue, which the host debugger may immediately process;
// if the debugger calls back to the Session, the Session must be
// correctly marked as halted.
if (m_lastPreIsolate == Isolate.DEFAULT_ID)
m_isHalted = true;
updateHaltIsolateStatus(m_lastPreIsolate, true);
* Processes the message after it has been passed to the DManager.
private void postMessageArrived(DMessage msg, DProtocol which)
if (m_debugMsgOn || m_debugMsgFileOn)
trace(msg, true);
/* at this point we just open up a big switch statement and walk through all possible cases */
int type = msg.getType();
case DMessage.InExit:
m_isConnected = false;
case DMessage.InProcessTag:
// need to send a response to this message to keep the player going
sendMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutProcessedTag, msg.getTargetIsolate());
case DMessage.InContinue:
if (msg.getTargetIsolate() == Isolate.DEFAULT_ID)
m_isHalted = false;
else {
updateHaltIsolateStatus(msg.getTargetIsolate(), false);
case DMessage.InOption:
//workers inherit options, so only store options
//from main thread.
if (msg.getTargetIsolate() == Isolate.DEFAULT_ID) {
String s = msg.getString();
String v = msg.getString();
// add it to our properties, for DEBUG purposes only
m_prefs.put(s, v);
case DMessage.InSwfInfo:
case DMessage.InScript:
case DMessage.InRemoveScript:
//FIXME: Clear this cache only for affected
//workers. Right now, the key contains worker
//id, so we are safe. But we unnecessarily flush
//the queue.
m_incoming = true;
* Simple indicator that we have received a message. We
* put this indicator in default so that InProcessTag msgs
* wouldn't generate false triggers. Mainly, we want to
* reset our timeout counter when we receive trace messages.
m_incoming = true;
// something came in so assume that we can now talk
// to the player
m_lastResponse = true;
private void updateHaltIsolateStatus(int targetIsolate, boolean value) {
if (!m_isolateStatus.containsKey(targetIsolate)) {
PlayerSessionIsolateStatus status = new PlayerSessionIsolateStatus();
status.m_isHalted = value;
m_isolateStatus.put(targetIsolate, status);
else {
m_isolateStatus.get(targetIsolate).m_isHalted = value;
* A background thread which wakes up periodically and fetches the SWF and SWD
* from the Player for new movies that have loaded. It then uses these to create
* an instance of MovieMetaData (a class shared with the Profiler) from which
* fdb can cull function names.
* This work is done on a background thread because it can take several
* seconds, and we want the fdb user to be able to execute other commands
* while it is happening.
public void run()
long last = 0;
// try every 250ms
try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}
// let's make sure that the traffic level is low before
// we do our requests.
long current = m_protocol.messagesReceived();
long delta = last - current;
last = current;
// if the last message that went out was not responded to
// or we are not suspended and have high traffic
// then wait for later.
if (!m_lastResponse || (!isSuspended() && delta > 5))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
// we are either suspended or low enough traffic
// get the list of swfs we have
for (Isolate isolate : m_manager.getIsolates()) {
int isolateId = isolate.getId();
if (isolateId != Isolate.DEFAULT_ID && !isWorkerSuspended(isolateId) && delta > 5) {
throw new NotSuspendedException();
int count = m_manager.getSwfInfoCount(isolateId);
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
DSwfInfo info = m_manager.getSwfInfo(i, isolateId);
// no need to process if it's been removed
if (info == null || info.isUnloaded() || info.isPopulated() || (info.getVmVersion() > 0) )
// see if the swd has been loaded, throws exception if unable to load it.
// Also triggers a callback into the info object to freshen its contents
// if successful
//FIXME: remove sysout
// check since our vm version info could get updated in between.
if (info.getVmVersion() > 0)
// mark it populated if we haven't already done so
// so by this point we know that we've got good swd data,
// or we've made too many attempts and gave up.
if (!info.isSwdLoading() && !info.isUnloaded())
// now load the swf, if we haven't already got it
if (info.getSwf() == null && !info.isUnloaded())
// only get the swd if we haven't got it
if (info.getSwd() == null && !info.isUnloaded())
// now go populate the functions tables...
if (!info.isUnloaded())
catch(Throwable e)
// oh this is not good and means that we should probably
// give up.
if (Trace.error)
Trace.trace("Error while parsing swf/swd '"+info.getUrl()+"'. Giving up and marking it processed"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
catch(InProgressException ipe)
// swd is still loading so give us a bit of
// time and then come back and try again
catch(NoResponseException nre)
// timed out on one of our requests so don't bother
// continuing right now, try again later
catch(NotSuspendedException nse)
// probably want to wait until we are halted before
// doing this heavy action
catch(Exception e)
// maybe not good
if (Trace.error)
Trace.trace("Exception in background swf/swd processing thread"); //$NON-NLS-1$
byte[] requestSwf(int index) throws NoResponseException
/* send the message */
int to = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_SWFSWD_LOAD_TIMEOUT);
byte[] swf = null;
// the query
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(2);
if (simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InGetSwf, to))
swf = m_manager.getSWF();
throw new NoResponseException(to);
return swf;
byte[] requestSwd(int index) throws NoResponseException
/* send the message */
int to = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_SWFSWD_LOAD_TIMEOUT);
byte[] swd = null;
// the query
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(2);
if (simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InGetSwd, to))
swd = m_manager.getSWD();
throw new NoResponseException(to);
return swd;
// Debug purposes only. Dump contents of our messages to the screen
// and/or file.
synchronized void trace(DMessage dm, boolean in)
if (m_debugMsgOn) {
System.out.println( (in) ? dm.inToString(m_debugMsgSize) : dm.outToString(m_debugMsgSize) );
if (m_debugMsgFileOn)
traceFile().write( (in) ? dm.inToString(m_debugMsgFileSize) : dm.outToString(m_debugMsgFileSize) );
catch(Exception e) {}
// i/o for tracing m_trace; traceFile() throws IOException
if (m_trace == null)
m_trace = new"mm_debug_api_trace.txt"); //$NON-NLS-1$
try { m_trace.write(new java.util.Date().toString()); } catch(Exception e) { m_trace.write("Date unknown"); } //$NON-NLS-1$
// java properties dump
java.util.Properties props = System.getProperties();
// property dump
for (String key: m_prefs.keySet())
Object value = m_prefs.get(key);
m_trace.write(" = "); //$NON-NLS-1$
catch(Exception e) { if (Trace.error) e.printStackTrace(); }
return m_trace;
public void setLaunchUrl(String url)
if (url.startsWith("/")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
url = "file://" + url; //$NON-NLS-1$
m_launchUrl = url;
public void setAIRLaunchInfo(AIRLaunchInfo airLaunchInfo)
m_airLaunchInfo = airLaunchInfo;
public void breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean b) throws NotSupportedException, NoResponseException {
breakOnCaughtExceptions(b, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public void breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean b, int isolateId) throws NotSupportedException, NoResponseException {
if (!playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions(isolateId))
throw new NotSupportedException(PlayerSessionManager.getLocalizationManager().getLocalizedTextString("exceptionBreakpointsNotSupported")); //$NON-NLS-1$
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(1);
dm.putByte((byte)(b ? 1 : 0));
/* TODO: Verify that sendMessage below is a bug */
// sendMessage(dm);
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InPassAllExceptionsToDebugger))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
public boolean evalIs(Value value, Value type) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Is, value, type, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean evalIs(Value value, String type) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Is, value, type, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean evalInstanceof(Value value, Value type) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Instanceof, value, type, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean evalInstanceof(Value value, String type) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Instanceof, value, type, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
// isolate version
public boolean evalIsWorker(Value value, Value type, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Is, value, type, isolateId);
public boolean evalIsWorker(Value value, String type, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Is, value, type, isolateId);
public boolean evalInstanceofWorker(Value value, Value type, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Instanceof, value, type, isolateId);
public boolean evalInstanceofWorker(Value value, String type, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp.Instanceof, value, type, isolateId);
private boolean evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp op, Value value, Value type, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
String key = value.getTypeName() + " " + op + " " + type.getTypeName() + " " + String.valueOf(isolateId); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Boolean retval = m_evalIsAndInstanceofCache.get(key);
if (retval == null)
retval = new Boolean(ECMA.toBoolean(evalBinaryOp(op, value, type, isolateId)));
m_evalIsAndInstanceofCache.put(key, retval);
return retval.booleanValue();
private boolean evalIsOrInstanceof(BinaryOp op, Value value, String type, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
String key = value.getTypeName() + " " + op + " " + type + " " + String.valueOf(isolateId); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
Boolean retval = m_evalIsAndInstanceofCache.get(key);
if (retval == null)
Value typeval = getGlobalWorker(type, isolateId);
if (typeval == null)
retval = Boolean.FALSE;
retval = new Boolean(ECMA.toBoolean(evalBinaryOp(op, value, typeval, isolateId)));
m_evalIsAndInstanceofCache.put(key, retval);
return retval.booleanValue();
public boolean evalIn(Value property, Value object) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return ECMA.toBoolean(evalBinaryOp(BinaryOp.In, property, object, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID));
public Value evalAs(Value value, Value type) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException {
return evalBinaryOp(BinaryOp.As, value, type, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
private Value evalBinaryOp(BinaryOp op, Value lhs, Value rhs, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
if (!playerCanCallFunctions(isolateId))
Map<String,String> parameters = new HashMap<String,String>();
parameters.put("operator", op.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
String message = PlayerSessionManager.getLocalizationManager().getLocalizedTextString("operatorNotSupported", parameters); //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new NotSupportedException(message);
int id = (int) (Math.random() * 65536); // good 'nuff
DMessage dm = buildBinaryOpMessage(id, op, lhs, rhs);
// make sure any exception gets held onto
// TODO wrong timeout
int timeout = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT);
timeout += 500; // give the player enough time to raise its timeout exception
boolean result = simpleRequestResponseMessage(dm, DMessage.InBinaryOp, timeout);
// tell manager we're done; ignore returned FaultEvent
if (!result)
throw new NoResponseException(timeout);
DVariable lastBinaryOp = m_manager.lastBinaryOp(isolateId);
Value v;
if (lastBinaryOp != null)
v = lastBinaryOp.getValue();
v = DValue.forPrimitive(Value.UNDEFINED, isolateId);
if (v.isAttributeSet(ValueAttribute.IS_EXCEPTION))
throw new PlayerFaultException(new ExceptionFault(v.getValueAsString(), false, v, isolateId));
return v;
private DMessage buildBinaryOpMessage(int id, BinaryOp op, Value lhs, Value rhs) {
int messageSize = 5; // DWORD representing id + byte representing op
String lhsType = DVariable.typeNameFor(lhs.getType());
String lhsValueString = lhs.getValueAsString();
String rhsType = DVariable.typeNameFor(rhs.getType());
String rhsValueString = rhs.getValueAsString();
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(lhsType)+1;
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(lhsValueString)+1;
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(rhsType)+1;
messageSize += DMessage.getStringLength(rhsValueString)+1;
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(messageSize);
dm.putByte((byte) op.getValue());
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
// couldn't write out the string, so just terminate it and complete anyway
return dm;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public Exception getDisconnectCause() {
if (m_protocol != null)
return m_protocol.getDisconnectCause();
return null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
public Isolate[] refreshWorkers() throws NotSupportedException,
NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
if (!supportsConcurrency()) {
throw new NotSupportedException(PlayerSessionManager.getLocalizationManager().getLocalizedTextString("concurrencyNotSupported")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!isSuspended())
throw new NotSuspendedException();
boolean response = simpleRequestResponseMessage(DMessage.OutIsolateEnumerate, DMessage.InIsolateEnumerate);
if (response) {
return m_manager.getIsolates();
return null;
private Isolate getActiveIsolate() {
return m_manager.getActiveIsolate();
public Isolate[] getWorkers() {
return m_manager.getIsolates();
public void resumeWorker(int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException,
NotConnectedException, NoResponseException {
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutContinue, DMessage.InContinue, isolateId))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
public int suspendReasonWorker(int isolateId) throws NotConnectedException {
DSuspendInfo info = getSuspendInfoIsolate(isolateId);
return info.getReason();
public DSuspendInfo getSuspendInfoIsolate(int isolateId)
DSuspendInfo info = m_manager.getSuspendInfo(isolateId);
if (info == null)
if (simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutGetBreakReason, DMessage.InBreakReason, isolateId))
info = m_manager.getSuspendInfo(isolateId);
// if we still can't get any info from the manager...
if (info == null)
info = new DSuspendInfo(); // empty unknown break information
return info;
public void stepContinueWorker(int isolateId)
throws NotSuspendedException, NoResponseException,
NotConnectedException {
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NotSuspendedException();
// send a step-continue message and then wait for the Flash player to tell us that is has
// resumed execution
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutStepContinue, DMessage.InContinue, isolateId))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
public Location setBreakpointWorker(int fileId, int lineNum, int isolateId)
throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
/* send the message to the player and await a response */
Location l = null;
int bp = DLocation.encodeId(fileId, lineNum);
int wideLineSize = 0;
if (supportsWideLineNumbers())
wideLineSize = 4;
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(8 + wideLineSize);
if (!supportsWideLineNumbers())
else {
boolean gotResponse = simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(dm, DMessage.InSetBreakpoint, isolateId);
/* even though we think we got an answer check that the breakpoint was added */
l = m_manager.getBreakpoint(bp, isolateId);
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
return l;
public Frame[] getFramesWorker(int isolateId) throws NotConnectedException {
return m_manager.getFrames(isolateId);
public SwfInfo[] getSwfsWorker(int isolateId) throws NoResponseException {
int swfCount = 0;
swfCount = m_manager.getSwfInfoCount(isolateId);
if (swfCount == 0)
// need to help out on the first one since the player
// doesn't send it
requestSwfInfo(0, isolateId);
//SwfInfo[] swfs = m_manager.getSwfInfos();
ArrayList<SwfInfo> swfList = new ArrayList<SwfInfo>();
for ( SwfInfo info : m_manager.getSwfInfos(isolateId) ) {
return swfList.toArray(new SwfInfo[0]);
public void stepIntoWorker(int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException,
NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
if (isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
// send a step-into message and then wait for the Flash player to tell us that is has
// resumed execution
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutStepInto, DMessage.InContinue, isolateId))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
throw new NotSuspendedException();
public void stepOutWorker(int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException,
NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
if (isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
// send a step-out message and then wait for the Flash player to tell us that is has
// resumed execution
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutStepOut, DMessage.InContinue, isolateId))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
throw new NotSuspendedException();
public void stepOverWorker(int isolateId) throws NotSuspendedException,
NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
if (isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
// send a step-over message and then wait for the Flash player to tell us that is has
// resumed execution
if (!simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutStepOver, DMessage.InContinue, isolateId))
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
throw new NotSuspendedException();
public boolean evalInWorker(Value property, Value object, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException
return ECMA.toBoolean(evalBinaryOp(BinaryOp.In, property, object, isolateId));
public Value evalAsWorker(Value value, Value type, int isolateId) throws PlayerDebugException, PlayerFaultException {
return evalBinaryOp(BinaryOp.As, value, type, isolateId);
public void suspendWorker(int isolateId) throws SuspendedException,
NotConnectedException, NoResponseException {
// send a halt message
int wait = getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_SUSPEND_WAIT);
int every = 50; // wait this long for a response. The lower the number the more aggressive we are!
if (isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new SuspendedException();
while (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId) && wait > 0)
simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(DMessage.OutStopDebug, DMessage.InBreakAtExt, every, isolateId);
wait -= every;
if (!isWorkerSuspended(isolateId))
throw new NoResponseException(wait);
public IsolateSession getWorkerSession(int isolateId) {
if (m_isolateSessions.containsKey(isolateId)) {
return m_isolateSessions.get(isolateId);
else {
IsolateSession workerSession = new IsolatePlayerSession(isolateId, this);
m_isolateSessions.put(isolateId, workerSession);
return workerSession;
public boolean setExceptionBreakpoint(String exceptionClass) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
return setExceptionBreakpointWorker(exceptionClass, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean setExceptionBreakpointWorker(String exceptionClass, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
int messageSize = DMessage.getStringLength(exceptionClass) + 1;
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(messageSize);
try {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// couldn't write out the string, so just terminate it and complete anyway
boolean gotResponse = simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(dm, DMessage.InSetExceptionBreakpoint, isolateId);
return true;
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
public boolean clearExceptionBreakpoint(String exceptionClass) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
return clearExceptionBreakpointWorker(exceptionClass, Isolate.DEFAULT_ID);
public boolean clearExceptionBreakpointWorker(String exceptionClass, int isolateId) throws NoResponseException, NotConnectedException {
int messageSize = DMessage.getStringLength(exceptionClass) + 1;
DMessage dm = DMessageCache.alloc(messageSize);
try {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// couldn't write out the string, so just terminate it and complete anyway
boolean gotResponse = simpleRequestResponseMessageIsolate(dm, DMessage.InRemoveExceptionBreakpoint, isolateId);
return true;
throw new NoResponseException(getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT));
public void setLauncher(ILauncher launcher) {
this.launcher = launcher;