blob: aaf119b7e99b271213c629f03afc9a94f0066584 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill;
import flash.display.GraphicsStroke;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
use namespace mx_internal;
* The LinearGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke.
* You use the LinearGradientStroke class, along with the GradientEntry class,
* to define a gradient stroke.
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @see flash.display.Graphics
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public class LinearGradientStroke extends GradientStroke
include "../core/";
// Constructor
* Constructor.
* @param weight Specifies the line weight, in pixels.
* This parameter is optional,
* with a default value of <code>1</code>.
* @param pixelHinting A Boolean value that specifies
* whether to hint strokes to full pixels.
* This affects both the position of anchors of a curve
* and the line stroke size itself.
* With <code>pixelHinting</code> set to <code>true</code>,
* Flash Player and AIR hint line widths to full pixel widths.
* With <code>pixelHinting</code> set to <code>false</code>,
* disjoints can appear for curves and straight lines.
* This parameter is optional,
* with a default value of <code>false</code>.
* @param scaleMode A value from the LineScaleMode class
* that specifies which scale mode to use.
* Valid values are <code>LineScaleMode.HORIZONTAL</code>,
* <code>LineScaleMode.NONE</code>, <code>LineScaleMode.NORMAL</code>,
* and <code>LineScaleMode.VERTICAL</code>.
* This parameter is optional,
* with a default value of <code>LineScaleMode.NONE</code>.
* @param caps A value from the CapsStyle class
* that specifies the type of caps at the end of lines.
* Valid values are <code>CapsStyle.NONE</code>,
* <code>CapsStyle.ROUND</code>, and <code>CapsStyle.SQUARE</code>.
* A <code>null</code> value is equivalent to
* <code>CapsStyle.ROUND</code>.
* This parameter is optional,
* with a default value of <code>CapsStyle.ROUND</code>.
* @param joints A value from the JointStyle class
* that specifies the type of joint appearance used at angles.
* Valid values are <code>JointStyle.BEVEL</code>,
* <code>JointStyle.MITER</code>, and <code>JointStyle.ROUND</code>.
* A <code>null</code> value is equivalent to
* <code>JointStyle.ROUND</code>.
* This parameter is optional,
* with a default value of <code>JointStyle.ROUND</code>.
* @param miterLimit A number that indicates the limit
* at which a miter is cut off.
* Valid values range from 1 to 255
* (and values outside of that range are rounded to 1 or 255).
* This value is only used if the <code>jointStyle</code> property
* is set to <code>miter</code>.
* The <code>miterLimit</code> value represents the length that a miter
* can extend beyond the point at which the lines meet to form a joint.
* The value expresses a factor of the line <code>thickness</code>.
* For example, with a <code>miterLimit</code> factor of 2.5 and a
* <code>thickness</code> of 10 pixels, the miter is cut off at 25 pixels.
* This parameter is optional,
* with a default value of <code>3</code>.
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function LinearGradientStroke(weight:Number = 1,
pixelHinting:Boolean = false,
scaleMode:String = "normal",
caps:String = "round",
joints:String = "round",
miterLimit:Number = 3)
super(weight, pixelHinting, scaleMode, caps, joints, miterLimit);
* @private
private static var commonMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
// Properties
// matrix
* @private
override public function set matrix(value:Matrix):void
scaleX = NaN;
super.matrix = value;
// scaleX
private var _scaleX:Number;
* The horizontal scale of the gradient transform, which defines the width of the (unrotated) gradient
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
public function get scaleX():Number
return compoundTransform ? compoundTransform.scaleX : _scaleX;
* @private
public function set scaleX(value:Number):void
if (value != scaleX)
var oldValue:Number = scaleX;
if (compoundTransform)
// If we have a compoundTransform, only non-NaN values are allowed
if (!isNaN(value))
compoundTransform.scaleX = value;
_scaleX = value;
dispatchGradientChangedEvent("scaleX", oldValue, value);
// Methods
* @inheritDoc
* @langversion 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 9
* @playerversion AIR 1.1
* @productversion Flex 3
override public function apply(graphics:Graphics, targetBounds:Rectangle, targetOrigin:Point):void
graphics.lineStyle(weight, 0, 1, pixelHinting, scaleMode,
caps, joints, miterLimit);
if (targetBounds)
calculateTransformationMatrix(targetBounds, commonMatrix, targetOrigin);
graphics.lineGradientStyle(GradientType.LINEAR, colors,
alphas, ratios,
commonMatrix, spreadMethod,
* @private
override public function createGraphicsStroke(targetBounds:Rectangle, targetOrigin:Point):GraphicsStroke
// The parent class sets the gradient stroke properties common to
// LinearGradientStroke and RadialGradientStroke
var graphicsStroke:GraphicsStroke = super.createGraphicsStroke(targetBounds, targetOrigin);
if (graphicsStroke)
// Set other properties specific to this LinearGradientStroke
GraphicsGradientFill(graphicsStroke.fill).type = GradientType.LINEAR;
calculateTransformationMatrix(targetBounds, commonMatrix, targetOrigin);
GraphicsGradientFill(graphicsStroke.fill).matrix = commonMatrix;
return graphicsStroke;
* @private
* Calculates this LinearGradientStroke's transformation matrix.
private function calculateTransformationMatrix(targetBounds:Rectangle, matrix:Matrix, targetOrigin:Point):void
if (!compoundTransform)
var tx:Number = x;
var ty:Number = y;
var length:Number = scaleX;
if (isNaN(length))
// Figure out the two sides
if (rotation % 90 != 0)
// Normalize angles with absolute value > 360
var normalizedAngle:Number = rotation % 360;
// Normalize negative angles
if (normalizedAngle < 0)
normalizedAngle += 360;
// Angles wrap at 180
normalizedAngle %= 180;
// Angles > 90 get mirrored
if (normalizedAngle > 90)
normalizedAngle = 180 - normalizedAngle;
var side:Number = targetBounds.width;
// Get the hypotenuse of the largest triangle that can fit in the bounds
var hypotenuse:Number = Math.sqrt(targetBounds.width * targetBounds.width + targetBounds.height * targetBounds.height);
// Get the angle of that largest triangle
var hypotenuseAngle:Number = Math.acos(targetBounds.width / hypotenuse) * 180 / Math.PI;
// If the angle is larger than the hypotenuse angle, then use the height
// as the adjacent side of the triangle
if (normalizedAngle > hypotenuseAngle)
normalizedAngle = 90 - normalizedAngle;
side = targetBounds.height;
// Solve for the hypotenuse given an adjacent side and an angle.
length = side / Math.cos(normalizedAngle / 180 * Math.PI);
// Use either width or height based on the rotation
length = (rotation % 180) == 0 ? targetBounds.width : targetBounds.height;
// If only x or y is defined, force the other to be set to 0
if (!isNaN(tx) && isNaN(ty))
ty = 0;
else if (isNaN(tx) && !isNaN(ty))
tx = 0;
// If x and y are specified, then move the gradient so that the
// top left corner is at 0,0
if (!isNaN(tx) && !isNaN(ty))
matrix.translate(GRADIENT_DIMENSION / 2, GRADIENT_DIMENSION / 2); // 1638.4 / 2
// Force the length to a absolute minimum of 2. Values of 0, 1, or -1 have undesired behavior
if (length >= 0 && length < 2)
length = 2;
else if (length < 0 && length > -2)
length = -2;
// Scale the gradient in the x direction. The natural size is 1638.4px. No need
// to scale the y direction because it is infinite
matrix.rotate (!isNaN(_angle) ? _angle : rotationInRadians);
if (isNaN(tx))
tx = targetBounds.left + targetBounds.width / 2;
tx += targetOrigin.x;
if (isNaN(ty))
ty = + targetBounds.height / 2;
ty += targetOrigin.y;
matrix.translate(tx, ty);
matrix.translate(targetOrigin.x, targetOrigin.y);