blob: c179e86f5d71f407c004474b26ed0a21ab8b9172 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.flexcapacitor.utils {
import com.flexcapacitor.model.IDocument;
import com.flexcapacitor.utils.supportClasses.ComponentDescription;
import com.flexcapacitor.views.supportClasses.Styles;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.JPEGEncoderOptions;
import flash.display.PNGEncoderOptions;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import mx.core.IUIComponent;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import mx.core.IVisualElementContainer;
import mx.styles.IStyleClient;
import mx.utils.Base64Encoder;
import spark.components.BorderContainer;
import spark.components.HGroup;
import spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase;
import spark.layouts.BasicLayout;
import spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout;
import spark.layouts.TileLayout;
import spark.layouts.VerticalLayout;
import spark.utils.BitmapUtil;
* Exports a document to HTML
* */
public class HTMLDocumentExporter extends DocumentExporter {
public function HTMLDocumentExporter() {
* Sets explicit size regardless if size is explicit
* */
public var setExplicitSize:Boolean = true;
* Sets styles inline
* */
public var useInlineStyles:Boolean;
* Name of token in the template that is replaced by the
* */
public var contentToken:String = "<!--template_content-->";
* CSS to add to
* */
public var css:String;
* Adds border box CSS
* */
public var borderBoxCSS:String;
* Show outline
* */
public var showBordersCSS:String;
* Zoom CSS
* */
public var zoomCSS:String;
* Page zoom level
* */
public var scaleLevel:Number;
* CSS for SVG button
* */
public var buttonCSS:String;
public var buttonCSS2:String;
public var stylesheets:String;
public var template:String;
* Creates a snapshot of the application and sets it as the background image
* */
public var showScreenshotBackground:Boolean = false;
* Alpha of the background image
* */
public var backgroundImageAlpha:Number = .5;
* Used to create PNG images
* */
public var pngEncoder:PNGEncoder;
* Used to create JPEG images
* */
public var jpegEncoder:JPEGEncoder;
* Extension of the document when exporting to a file.
* */
public var extension:String;
* Indicates when the user has typed in the text area
* */
public var isCodeModifiedByUser:Boolean;
* Show borders around HTML elements
* */
public var showBorders:Boolean;
* Use SVG button class
* */
public var useSVGButtonClass:Boolean = true;
* Show full HTML page source
* */
public var showFullHTMLPageSource:Boolean = false;
* Last source code
* */
public var sourceCode:String;
public var includePreviewCode:Boolean;
public var horizontalPositions:Array = ["x","left","right","horizontalCenter"];
public var horizontalCenterPosition:String = "horizontalCenter";
public var verticalPositions:Array = ["y","top","bottom","verticalCenter"];
public var verticalCenterPosition:String = "verticalCenter";
public var sizesPositions:Array = ["width","height"];
public var addZoom:Boolean;
public var output:String = "";
public var cssOutput:String = "";
public var wrapInPreview:Boolean;
* */
public var useWrapperDivs:Boolean;
public var showOnlyHTML:Boolean;
public var showOnlyCSS:Boolean;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function export(iDocument:IDocument, reference:Boolean = false, target:Object = null):String {
var XML1:XML;
var application:Object = iDocument ? iDocument.instance : null;
var targetDescription:ComponentDescription;
var componentTree:ComponentDescription;
var zoomOutput:String;
var xml:XML;
componentTree = iDocument.componentDescription;
cssOutput = "";
// find target in display list and get it's code
targetDescription = DisplayObjectUtils.getTargetInComponentDisplayList(target, componentTree);
if (targetDescription) {
// see the top of this document on how to generate source code
getAppliedPropertiesFromHistory(iDocument, targetDescription);
if (!reference) {
//output = getHTMLOutputString(iDocument, iDocument.componentDescription);
var includePreviewCode:Boolean = true;
var tabDepth:String = "";
if (showFullHTMLPageSource) {
tabDepth = ""; //"\t\t\t";
output = getHTMLOutputString(iDocument, targetDescription, true, tabDepth, includePreviewCode);
output += "\n";
var applicationContainerID:String = "applicationContainer";
var zoomInID:String = wrapInPreview ? : applicationContainerID;
// not enabled at the moment - see code inspector
if (wrapInPreview) {
var wrapper:String = "<div id=\"" + applicationContainerID +"\" style=\"position:absolute;";
//output += "width:" + (component.instance.width + 40) + "px;";
wrapper += "width:100%;";
wrapper += "height:" + (targetDescription.instance.height + 40) + "px;";
wrapper += "background-color:#666666;\">\n" + output + "</div>";
output = wrapper;
if (stylesheets) {
output += "\n" + stylesheets;
var styles:String = "";
if (showOnlyCSS) {
// you have to include css options in another spot as well below
// refactor
if (!useInlineStyles) {
styles = "\n" + cssOutput;
if (css) {
styles += "\n" + css;
if (useSVGButtonClass) {
styles += "\n" + buttonCSS2;
if (showBorders) {
styles += "\n" + showBordersCSS;
if (addZoom) {
//zoomOutput = zoomCSS.replace(/IFRAME_ID/g, "#" +;
zoomOutput = zoomCSS.replace(/IFRAME_ID/g, "#" + zoomInID);
zoomOutput = zoomOutput.replace(/ZOOM_VALUE/g, iDocument.scale);
styles += "\n" + zoomOutput;
output = styles;
else if (showOnlyHTML) {
if (showFullHTMLPageSource) {
output = template.replace(contentToken, output);
else {
// You have to include CSS options in another place as well
// see spot number 1
if (!useInlineStyles) {
styles += "\n" + cssOutput;
if (css) {
styles += "\n" + css;
if (useSVGButtonClass) {
styles += "\n" + buttonCSS2;
if (showBorders) {
styles += "\n" + showBordersCSS;
if (addZoom) {
//zoomOutput = zoomCSS.replace(/IFRAME_ID/g, "#" +;
zoomOutput = zoomCSS.replace(/IFRAME_ID/g, "#" + zoomInID);
zoomOutput = zoomOutput.replace(/ZOOM_VALUE/g, iDocument.scale);
styles += "\n" + zoomOutput;
// add styles in style tags and add to output
if (styles!="") {
output += "\n" + wrapInStyleTags(styles);
if (showFullHTMLPageSource) {
output = template.replace(contentToken, output);
isValid = XMLUtils.isValidXML(output);
if (!isValid) {
error = XMLUtils.validationError;
errorMessage = XMLUtils.validationErrorMessage;
else {
error = null;
errorMessage = null;
var checkValidXML:Boolean = false;
if (checkValidXML) {
try {
// don't use XML for HTML output because it converts this:
// <div ></div>
// to this:
// <div />
// and that breaks the html page
// we can still try it to make sure it's valid
// we could be saving CPU cycles here?
var time:int = getTimer();
// check if valid XML
// we could also use XMLUtils.isValid but this is also for formatting
xml = new XML(output);
time = getTimer() -time;
//trace("xml validation parsing time=" + time);
sourceCode = output;
catch (error:Error) {
// Error #1083: The prefix "s" for element "Group" is not bound.
// <s:Group x="93" y="128">
// <s:Button x="66" y="17"/>
time = getTimer() -time;
//trace("xml validation parsing time with error=" + time);
sourceCode = output;
else {
sourceCode = output;
else {// this should not be here - it should be in DocumentData
XML1 = <document />;
XML1.@host =;
XML1.@id =;
XML1.@name =;
XML1.@uid = iDocument.uid;
XML1.@uri = iDocument.uri;
output = XML1.toXMLString();
return output;
* Gets the formatted output from a component.
* Yes, this is a mess. It needs refactoring.
* I wanted to see if I could quickly generate valid HTML
* from the component tree.
* There is partial work with CSS properties objects but those are not implemented yet.
* */
public function getHTMLOutputString(iDocument:IDocument, component:ComponentDescription, addLineBreak:Boolean = false, tabs:String = "", includePreview:Boolean = false):String {
var property:Object =;
var componentName:String = ? : "";
var htmlName:String = componentName ? componentName : "";
var componentChild:ComponentDescription;
var contentToken:String = "[child_content]";
var styleValue:String = "position:absolute;";
var styles:Styles = new Styles();
var wrapperStyles:Styles = new Styles();
var isHorizontalLayout:Boolean;
var isVerticalLayout:Boolean;
var isBasicLayout:Boolean;
var isTileLayout:Boolean;
var childContent:String = "";
var wrapperTag:String = "";
var centeredHorizontally:Boolean;
var wrapperTagStyles:String = "";
var properties:String = "";
var outlineStyle:String;
var output:String = "";
var type:String = "";
var instance:Object;
var numElements:int;
var index:int;
var value:*;
var gap:int;
// we are setting the styles in a string now
// the next refactor should use the object so we can output to CSS
styles.position = Styles.ABSOLUTE;
outlineStyle = "outline:1px solid red;"; // we should enable or disable outlines via code not markup on in the export
// get layout positioning
if (component.parent && component.parent.instance is IVisualElementContainer) {
if (component.parent.instance.layout is HorizontalLayout) {
isHorizontalLayout = true;
styleValue = styleValue.replace("absolute", "relative");
//styleValue += "vertical-align:middle;";
styles.position = Styles.RELATIVE;
index = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).getElementIndex(component.instance as IVisualElement);
numElements = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).numElements;
wrapperTagStyles += hasExplicitSizeSet(component.instance as IVisualElement) ? "display:inline-block;" : "display:inline;";
wrapperStyles.display = hasExplicitSizeSet(component.instance as IVisualElement) ? Styles.INLINE_BLOCK : Styles.INLINE;
gap = HorizontalLayout(component.parent.instance.layout).gap - 4;
if (index<numElements-1 && numElements>1) {
//wrapperTagStyles += "padding-right:" + gap + "px;";
wrapperTagStyles += Styles.MARGIN_RIGHT+":" + gap + "px;";
wrapperStyles.marginRight = gap + "px";
wrapperTag = "div";
else if (component.parent.instance.layout is TileLayout) {
//isHorizontalLayout = true;
isTileLayout = true;
styleValue = styleValue.replace("absolute", "relative");
styles.position = Styles.RELATIVE;
index = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).getElementIndex(component.instance as IVisualElement);
numElements = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).numElements;
wrapperTagStyles += hasExplicitSizeSet(component.instance as IVisualElement) ? "display:inline-block;" : "display:inline;";
wrapperStyles.display = hasExplicitSizeSet(component.instance as IVisualElement) ? Styles.INLINE_BLOCK : Styles.INLINE;
gap = TileLayout(component.parent.instance.layout).horizontalGap - 4;
if (index<numElements-1 && numElements>1) {
//wrapperTagStyles += "padding-right:" + gap + "px;";
// using "margin-right" because if you set a fixed width padding was not doing anything
wrapperTagStyles += Styles.MARGIN_RIGHT+":" + gap + "px;";
//wrapperStyles.paddingRight = gap + "px";
wrapperStyles.marginRight = gap + "px";
wrapperTag = "div";
else if (component.parent.instance.layout is VerticalLayout) {
isVerticalLayout = true;
styleValue = styleValue.replace("absolute", "relative");
styles.position = Styles.RELATIVE;
index = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).getElementIndex(component.instance as IVisualElement);
numElements = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).numElements;
gap = VerticalLayout(component.parent.instance.layout).gap;
if (index<numElements-1 && numElements>1) {
//wrapperTagStyles += "padding-bottom:" + gap + "px;";
wrapperTagStyles += Styles.MARGIN_BOTTOM+":" + gap + "px;";
//wrapperStyles.paddingBottom = gap + "px";
wrapperStyles.marginBottom = gap + "px";
wrapperTag = "div";
else if (component.parent.instance.layout is BasicLayout) {
isBasicLayout = true;
//styleValue = styleValue.replace("absolute", "relative");
//styles.position = Styles.RELATIVE;
/*index = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).getElementIndex(component.instance as IVisualElement);
numElements = GroupBase(component.parent.instance).numElements;
gap = BasicLayout(component.parent.instance.layout).gap;*/
/*if (index<numElements-1 && numElements>1) {
wrapperTagStyles += "padding-bottom:" + gap + "px";
wrapperTag = "div";*/
// constraints take higher authority
var isHorizontalSet:Boolean;
var isVerticalSet:Boolean;
// loop through assigned properties
for (var propertyName:String in property) {
value = property[propertyName];
if (value===undefined || value==null) {
if (verticalPositions.indexOf(propertyName)!=-1 && !isVerticalSet) {
styleValue = getVerticalPositionHTML(component.instance as IVisualElement, styles, styleValue, isBasicLayout);
isVerticalSet = true;
else if (horizontalPositions.indexOf(propertyName)!=-1 && !isHorizontalSet) {
styleValue = getHorizontalPositionHTML(component.instance as IVisualElement, styles, styleValue, isBasicLayout);
isHorizontalSet = true;
if (htmlName) {
// create code for element type
if (htmlName=="application") {
htmlName = "div";
// container div
if (includePreview) {
/*output = "<div style=\"position:absolute;";
//output += "width:" + (component.instance.width + 40) + "px;";
output += "width:100%;";
output += "height:" + (component.instance.height + 40) + "px;";
output += "background-color:#666666;\">";*/
output += "<div";
//output = getNameString(component.instance, output);
output += properties ? " " + properties : " ";
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
styleValue = styleValue.replace("absolute", "relative");
styles.position = Styles.ABSOLUTE;
styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
styleValue += "margin:0 auto;";
styleValue += "left:8px;top:14px;";
styleValue += "overflow:auto;";
styleValue += "background-color:" + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(component.instance.getStyle("backgroundColor"), true) + ";";
//output += properties ? " " : "";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
if (showScreenshotBackground) {
var backgroundImageID:String = "backgroundComparisonImage";
var imageDataFormat:String = "png";//"jpeg";
var imageData:String = getDataURI(component.instance, imageDataFormat);
var backgroundSnapshot:String = "\n" + tabs + "\t" + "<img ";
backgroundSnapshot += "id=\"" + backgroundImageID +"\"";
backgroundSnapshot += " src=\"" + imageData + "\" ";
output += backgroundSnapshot;
output += setStyles("#"+backgroundImageID, "position:absolute;opacity:"+backgroundImageAlpha+";top:0px;left:0px;", true);
/* background-image didn't work in FF on mac. didn't test on other browsers
var imageDataStyle:String = "#" + getIdentifierOrName(target) + " {\n";
//imageDataStyle = "\tbackground-image: url(data:image/jpeg;base64,"+imageData+");";
imageDataStyle += "\tbackground-repeat: no-repeat;\n";
imageDataStyle += "\tbackground-image: url(data:image/"+imageDataFormat+";base64,"+imageData+");\n}";
styles += "\n" + imageDataStyle;*/
output += contentToken;
//output += "\n </div>\n</div>";
output += "\n</div>";
else {
//output = "<div style=\"position: absolute;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#666666;\">";
output = "<div";
output += properties ? " " + properties : " ";
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
//output = getNameString(component.instance, output);
output += properties ? " " + properties : "";
styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue += "border:1px solid black";
styleValue += "background-color:" + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(component.instance.getStyle("backgroundColor"), true) + ";";
//output += properties ? " " : "";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += contentToken;
output += "\n</div>";
else if (htmlName=="group" || htmlName=="vgroup") {
htmlName = "div";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<div " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
output += properties ? " " : "";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
//styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += contentToken;
output += "\n" + tabs + "</div>";
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="bordercontainer") {
htmlName = "div";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<div " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
output += properties ? " " : "";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
styleValue += getBorderString(component.instance as BorderContainer);
//styleValue += getColorString(component.instance as BorderContainer);
//styles += component.instance as BorderContainer);
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += contentToken;
output += "\n" + tabs + "</div>";
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="hgroup" || htmlName=="tilegroup") {
htmlName = "div";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<div " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
//styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue);
if ("HGroup") {
styleValue += "width:" + Math.max(HGroup(component.instance).contentWidth, component.instance.width)+ "px;";
else {
styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
//var verical:String = component.instance.getStyle("verticalAlign");
var vericalAlign:String = component.instance.verticalAlign;
if (componentName.toLowerCase()=="hgroup" && vericalAlign=="middle") {
styleValue += "line-height:" + component.instance.height + "px;";
output += properties ? " " : "";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += contentToken;
output += "\n" + tabs + "</div>";
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="button" || htmlName=="togglebutton") {
htmlName = "button";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<input " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
output += " type=\"" + htmlName.toLowerCase() + "\"" ;
output += properties ? " " + properties : "";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
output += " value=\"" + component.instance.label + "\"";
output += " class=\"buttonSkin\"";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="checkbox") {
if (component.instance.label!="") {
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<label ";
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output, "_Label");
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
//styleValue += "width:" + (component.instance.width + 6)+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
output += setStyles("#"+getIdentifierOrName(component.instance, true, "_Label"), styleValue);
output += "<input ";
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
output += " type=\"" + htmlName.toLowerCase() + "\" ";
output += "/>" ;
else {
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<input " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
output += " type=\"" + htmlName.toLowerCase() + "\" " + properties;
//styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue);
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
if (component.instance.label!="") {
output += " " + component.instance.label + "</label>";
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="radiobutton") {
htmlName = "radio";
if (component.instance.label!="") {
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<label ";
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output, "_Label");
//styleValue += "width:" + (component.instance.width + 8)+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
output += setStyles("#"+getIdentifierOrName(component.instance, true, "_Label"), styleValue);
output += "<input type=\"radio\" " ;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
//styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue);
output += "/>" ;
else {
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<input type=\"" + htmlName.toLowerCase() + "\" " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
//styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue);
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
if (component.instance.label!="") {
output += " " + component.instance.label + "</label>";
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="textinput" || htmlName=="combobox") {
htmlName = "input";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<input ";
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
output += " type=\"input\" " + properties;
//styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
styleValue += "padding:0;border:1px solid " + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(component.instance.getStyle("borderColor"), true) + ";";
if (htmlName=="combobox") {
output += " list=\"listdata\"";
//<datalist id="listData">
//<option value="value 1">
//<option value="value 2">
//<option value="value 3">
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="dropdownlist") {
htmlName = "select";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<select ";
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
output += " type=\"input\" " + properties;
//styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
styleValue += "padding:0;border:1px solid " + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(component.instance.getStyle("borderColor"), true) + ";";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += "</select>";
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="linkbutton") {
htmlName = "a";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<a " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
//styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
//styles += getBorderString(component.instance as IStyleClient);
output += properties ? " " : "";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += component.instance.label;
output += "</a>";
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="label") {
htmlName = "label";
if (useWrapperDivs) {
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
else {
output = tabs;
output += "<label " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
//styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet, isVerticalSet);
//styleValue += wrapperTagStyles;
styleValue += "color:" + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(component.instance.getStyle("color"), true) + ";";
styleValue += "font-weight:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontWeight") + ";";
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
styleValue += "line-height:" + "1;";
//styles += getBorderString(component.instance as IStyleClient);
output += properties ? " " : "";
// remove wrapperTagStyles since we are trying to not use wrapper tags
//output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue+wrapperTagStyles);
output += setStyles(component.instance, wrapperTagStyles+styleValue);
output += component.instance.text;
output += "</label>";
if (useWrapperDivs) {
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else if (htmlName=="image") {
htmlName = "img";
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<img " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
//styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
output += properties ? " " : "";
if (component.instance.source is BitmapData) {
output += " src=\"" + getDataURI(component.instance.source, "jpeg") + "\"";
else if (component.instance.source is String) {
output += " src=\"" + component.instance.source + "\"";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
else {
// show placeholder NOT actual component
htmlName = "label";
if (useWrapperDivs) {
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
else {
output = tabs;
output += "<label " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
//styleValue += "width:" + component.instance.width+ "px;";
//styleValue += "height:" + component.instance.height+ "px;";
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet, isVerticalSet);
//styleValue += wrapperTagStyles;
styleValue += "color:" + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(component.instance.getStyle("color"), true) + ";";
styleValue += "font-weight:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontWeight") + ";";
styleValue += "font-family:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontFamily") + ";";
styleValue += "font-size:" + component.instance.getStyle("fontSize") + "px;";
styleValue += "line-height:" + "1;";
//styles += getBorderString(component.instance as IStyleClient);
output += properties ? " " : "";
// remove wrapperTagStyles since we are trying to not use wrapper tags
//output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue+wrapperTagStyles);
output += setStyles(component.instance, wrapperTagStyles+styleValue);
output += getIdentifierOrName(component.instance);
output += "</label>";
if (useWrapperDivs) {
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);
output = tabs + getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, false, wrapperTagStyles);
output += "<" + htmlName.toLowerCase() + " " + properties;
output = getIdentifierAttribute(component.instance, output);
styleValue = getSizeString(component.instance as IVisualElement, styleValue, isHorizontalSet);
output += properties ? " " : "";
output += setStyles(component.instance, styleValue);
output += getWrapperTag(wrapperTag, true);*/
// add children
if (component.children && component.children.length>0) {
//output += ">\n";
for (var i:int;i<component.children.length;i++) {
componentChild = component.children[i];
getAppliedPropertiesFromHistory(iDocument, componentChild);
if (i>0) {
childContent += "\n";
childContent += getHTMLOutputString(iDocument, componentChild, false, tabs + "\t");
output = output.replace(contentToken, "\n" + childContent);
else {
output = output.replace(contentToken, "\n");
else {
output = "";
return output;
* Get a tag with less than or greater than wrapped around it.
* */
private function getWrapperTag(wrapperTag:String = "", end:Boolean = false, styles:String = ""):String {
var output:String = "";
if (wrapperTag=="") return "";
if (end) {
output = "</" + wrapperTag + ">";
return output;
output += "<" + wrapperTag;
if (styles) {
output += " style=\"" + styles + "\"" ;
output += ">";
return output;
* Get width and height styles
* If explicit width is set then we should use inline-block
* because inline does not respect width and height
* */
public function getSizeString(instance:IVisualElement, styleValue:String = "", isHorizontalAlignSet:Boolean = false, isVerticalSet:Boolean = false):String {
var hasExplicitSize:Boolean;
var hasBorder:Boolean;
var border:int;
if (instance is IStyleClient && IStyleClient(instance).getStyle("borderWeight")) {
if (!isNaN(instance.percentWidth)) {
styleValue += "width:" + instance.percentWidth + "%;";
else if ("explicitWidth" in instance) {
if (Object(instance).explicitWidth!=null && !isNaN(Object(instance).explicitWidth)
|| setExplicitSize) {
styleValue += "width:" + instance.width + "px;";
hasExplicitSize = true;
else {
//styleValue += "width:" + instance.width + "px;";
if (!isNaN(instance.percentHeight)) {
styleValue += "height:" + instance.percentHeight + "%;";
else if ("explicitHeight" in instance) {
if (Object(instance).explicitHeight!=null && !isNaN(Object(instance).explicitHeight)
|| setExplicitSize) {
styleValue += "height:" + instance.height + "px;";
hasExplicitSize = true;
else {
//styleValue += "height:" + instance.height + "px;";
// If explicit width is set then we should use inline-block
// because inline does not respect width and height
if (!isHorizontalAlignSet && hasExplicitSize) {
styleValue += "display:" + Styles.INLINE_BLOCK + ";";
return styleValue;
* Checks if size is explicitly set
* If explicit width is set then we should use inline-block
* because inline does not respect width and height
* */
public function hasExplicitSizeSet(instance:IVisualElement):Boolean {
if ("explicitWidth" in instance && Object(instance).explicitWidth!=null) {
return true;
else if ("explicitHeight" in instance && Object(instance).explicitHeight!=null) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the horizontal position string for HTML
* */
public function getHorizontalPositionHTML(instance:IVisualElement, propertyModel:Styles, stylesValue:String = "", isBasicLayout:Boolean = true):String {
if (!isBasicLayout) return stylesValue;
// horizontal center trumps left and x properties
if (instance.horizontalCenter!=null) {
stylesValue += "display:block;margin:" + instance.horizontalCenter + " auto;left:0;right:0;";
//stylesValue = stylesValue.replace("absolute", "relative");
propertyModel.display = Styles.BLOCK;
//propertyModel.position = Styles.RELATIVE;
propertyModel.position = Styles.ABSOLUTE;
propertyModel.margin = instance.horizontalCenter + " auto;left:0;right:0;";
return stylesValue;
else if (instance.left!=null || instance.right!=null) {
stylesValue += instance.left!=null ? "left:" + instance.left + "px;" : "";
stylesValue += instance.right!=null ? "right:" + instance.right + "px;" : "";
if (instance.left!=null) propertyModel.left = instance.left + "px";
if (instance.right!=null) propertyModel.right = instance.right + "px";
return stylesValue;
else {
stylesValue += "left:" + instance.x + "px;";
propertyModel.left = instance.x + "px;";
return stylesValue;
* Get the vertical position string for HTML
* */
public function getVerticalPositionHTML(instance:IVisualElement, propertyModel:Styles, stylesValue:String = "", isBasicLayout:Boolean = true):String {
if (!isBasicLayout) return stylesValue;
if (instance.verticalCenter!=null) {
stylesValue += "display:block;margin:" + instance.verticalCenter + " auto;";
stylesValue = stylesValue.replace("absolute", "relative");
propertyModel.display = Styles.BLOCK;
propertyModel.position = Styles.RELATIVE;
propertyModel.margin = instance.verticalCenter + " auto;";
return stylesValue;
else if (!=null || instance.bottom!=null) {
stylesValue +=!=null ? "top:" + + "px;" : "";
stylesValue += instance.bottom!=null ? "bottom:" + instance.bottom + "px;" : "";
if (!=null) = + "px";
if (instance.bottom!=null) propertyModel.bottom = instance.bottom + "px";
return stylesValue;
else {
stylesValue += "top:" + instance.y + "px;"; = instance.y + "px;";
return stylesValue;
* Get border and background styles of a border container
* */
public function getBorderString(element:IStyleClient):String {
var value:String = "";
if (element.getStyle("backgroundAlpha")!=0) {
value += "background-color:" + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(element.getStyle("backgroundColor"), true) + ";";
value += "background-alpha:" + element.getStyle("backgroundAlpha") + ";";
if (element.getStyle("borderVisible")) {
value += "border-width:" + element.getStyle("borderWeight") + "px;";
value += "border-style:solid;";
if (element.getStyle("borderColor")!==undefined) {
value += "border-color:" + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(element.getStyle("borderColor"), true) + ";";
if (element.getStyle("color")!==undefined) {
value += "color:" + DisplayObjectUtils.getColorInHex(element.getStyle("color"), true) + ";";
return value;
* Set styles
* */
public function setStyles(component:Object, styles:String = "", singleton:Boolean = false):String {
var out:String = ">";
if (useInlineStyles) {
return " style=\"" + styles + "\"" + (singleton?"\>":">");
else {
var formatted:String= "\t" + styles.replace(/;/g, ";\n\t");
//styles += ";";
//cssOutput += "#" + getIdentifierOrName(component) + " {\n\n";
//cssOutput += "" + styles.replace(/;/g, ";\n") + "\n\n} ";
if (component is String) {
out = component + " {\n";
else {
out = "#" + getIdentifierOrName(component) + " {\n";
out += formatted;
out += "}\n\n";
out = out.replace(/\t}/g, "}");
cssOutput += out;
return (singleton?"\>":">");
* Wrap in style tags
* */
public function wrapInStyleTags(value:String):String {
var out:String = "<style>\n" + value + "\n</style>";
return out;
* Gets the ID of the target object
* @param name if id is not available then if the name parameter is true then use name
* returns id or name
* */
public function getIdentifierOrName(element:Object, name:Boolean = true, appendID:String = ""):String {
if (element && "id" in element && {
return + appendID;
else if (element && name && "name" in element && {
return + appendID;
return "";
* Get ID from ID or else name attribute
* */
public function getIdentifierAttribute(instance:Object, value:String = "", appendID:String = ""):String {
if (instance && "id" in instance && {
value += "id=\"" + + appendID + "\"";
else if (instance && "name" in instance && {
value += "id=\"" + + appendID + "\"";
return value;
* Get name and ID attribute
* */
public function getIdentifierOrNameAttribute(instance:Object, propertyValue:String = ""):String {
if (instance && "id" in instance && {
propertyValue += "id=\"" + + "\"";
if (instance && "name" in instance && {
propertyValue += "name=\"" + + "\"";
return propertyValue;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function exportXML(document:IDocument, reference:Boolean = false):XML {
return null;
* @inheritDoc
* */
public function exportJSON(document:IDocument, reference:Boolean = false):JSON {
return null;
* Get data URI from object.
* Encoding to JPG took 2000ms in some cases where PNG took 200ms.
* I have not extensively tested this but it seems to be 10x faster
* than JPG.
* */
public function getDataURI(target:Object, type:String = "png"):String {
var output:String;
if (type.toLowerCase()=="jpg") {
type = "jpeg";
output = "data:image/" + type + ";base64," + getBase64ImageData(target, type);
return output;
* Returns base64 image string.
* Encoding to JPG took 2000ms in some cases where PNG took 200ms.
* I have not extensively tested this but it seems to be 10x faster
* than JPG.
* Performance:
* get snapshot. time=14
* encode to png. time=336 // encode to jpg. time=2000
* encode to base 64. time=35
* Don't trust these numbers. Test it yourself. First runs are always longer than previous.
* This function gets called multiple times sometimes. We may be encoding more than we have too.
* But is probably a bug somewhere.
* */
public function getBase64ImageData(target:Object, type:String = "png", checkCache:Boolean = false):String {
var component:IUIComponent = target as IUIComponent;
var bitmapData:BitmapData;
var byteArray:ByteArray;
var base64Encoder:Base64Encoder;
var base64Encoder2:Base64;
var useEncoder:Boolean;
var rectangle:Rectangle;
var jpegEncoderOptions:JPEGEncoderOptions;
var pngEncoderOptions:PNGEncoderOptions;
var quality:int = 80;
var fastCompression:Boolean = true;
var timeEvents:Boolean = false;
var altBase64:Boolean = true;
var results:String;
if (base64BitmapCache[target] && checkCache) {
return base64BitmapCache[target];
if (timeEvents) {
var time:int = getTimer();
if (component) {
bitmapData = BitmapUtil.getSnapshot(component);
else if (target is DisplayObject) {
bitmapData = DisplayObjectUtils.getBitmapDataSnapshot2(target as DisplayObject);
else if (target is BitmapData) {
bitmapData = target as BitmapData;
else {
return null;
rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapData.width, bitmapData.height);
if (timeEvents) {
trace ("get snapshot. time=" + (getTimer()-time));
time = getTimer();
if (type=="png") {
if (useEncoder) {
if (!pngEncoder) {
pngEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
byteArray = pngEncoder.encode(bitmapData);
else {
if (!pngEncoderOptions) {
pngEncoderOptions = new PNGEncoderOptions(fastCompression);
byteArray = bitmapData.encode(rectangle, pngEncoderOptions);
else if (type=="jpg" || type=="jpeg") {
if (useEncoder) {
if (!jpegEncoder) {
jpegEncoder = new JPEGEncoder();
byteArray = jpegEncoder.encode(bitmapData);
else {
if (!jpegEncoderOptions) {
jpegEncoderOptions = new JPEGEncoderOptions(quality);
byteArray = bitmapData.encode(rectangle, jpegEncoderOptions);
else {
// raw bitmap image data
byteArray = bitmapData.getPixels(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapData.width, bitmapData.height));
if (timeEvents) {
trace ("encode to " + type + ". time=" + (getTimer()-time));
time = getTimer();
if (!altBase64) {
if (!base64Encoder) {
base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
results = base64Encoder.toString();
else {
results = Base64.encode(byteArray);
if (timeEvents) {
trace ("encode to base 64. time=" + (getTimer()-time));
base64BitmapCache[target] = results;
return results;
public var base64BitmapCache:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true)