blob: 5b43875008aee6babc7df9e677c91449a2942143 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project name="radii8" default="main" basedir=".">
<property name="RADII8_HOME" location="${basedir}"/>
<!-- Required for OSX 10.6 / Snow Leopard Performance. -->
<!-- Java 7 on Mac requires OSX 10.7.3 or higher and is 64-bit only -->
<!-- local.d32 is set/used in so this needs to be done first. -->
<condition property="local.d32" value="-d32">
<os family="windows"/>
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="64"/>
<equals arg1="${os.arch}" arg2="x86_64"/>
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="1.6"/>
<property file="${RADII8_HOME}/"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<property file="${RADII8_HOME}/"/>
<property file="${RADII8_HOME}/"/>
<property name="debug" value="true"/>
<property name="strict" value="true"/>
<property name="javac.src" value="1.5"/>
<property name="kit.prefix" value="apache-flex-radii8-${release.version}"/>
<property name="source.kit" value="${kit.prefix}-src"/>
<property name="binary.kit" value="${kit.prefix}-bin"/>
Optional jars but should be in place for a real release build.
For <grep> put antelopetasks*.jar in this path.
See version-update.
For <rat> apache-rat-0.8.jar and apache-rat-tasks-0.8.jar should be in classpath.
See rat-check.
<path id="anttask.classpath">
<fileset dir="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib">
<include name="**/antelopetasks*.jar"/>
<include name="**/apache-rat*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${user.home}">
<include name=".ant/lib/**/antelopetasks*.jar"/>
<include name=".ant/lib/**/apache-rat*.jar"/>
Notes: If you're running the main target, then there is no need to call clean first.
Each of the main targets for the modules will call clean themselves before proceeding.
<target name="main" depends="rat-check" description="Just run Rat for now">
<target name="rat-taskdef" description="Rat taskdef">
<available property="have.rattasks"
<antcall target="have-rattasks"/>
<antcall target="no-rattasks"/>
<target name="have-rattasks" if="have.rattasks">
<typedef resource="org/apache/rat/anttasks/antlib.xml"
<target name="no-rattasks" unless="have.rattasks">
<echo message="Rat report not generated."/>
<echo message="rat jars (apache-rat-*.jar, apache-rat-tasks-*.jar)"/>
<echo message="not found in anttask.classpath"/>
Run the Apache Rat audit tool against the source in the source kit.
The report is written to
To check a subset of files run with -Drat.dir=<dir>.
You need to place apache-rat-tasks-0.8.jar and apache-rat-0.8.jar in the
anttask.classpath in order to do this. If the jar isn't found, the report
will not be generated.
<target name="rat-check" depends="rat-taskdef" if="have.rattasks"
description="Report on licenses in source kit.">
<property name="rat.dir" value="${basedir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/rat" />
<property name="" value="${basedir}/rat/"/>
<echo message="Checking files at ${rat.dir}, report is rat/${}"/>
<rat:report xmlns:rat="antlib:org.apache.rat.anttasks" reportFile="${}">
<fileset dir="${rat.dir}">
<!-- Start of binary files -->
<!-- exclude media (png, gif, jpg, mp3, flv) -->
<exclude name="**/*.png"/>
<exclude name="**/*.gif"/>
<exclude name="**/*.jpg"/>
<exclude name="**/*.mp3"/>
<exclude name="**/*.flv"/>
<!-- exclude psd files -->
<exclude name="**/*.psd"/>
<!-- End of binary files -->
<!-- exclude the report -->
<exclude name="rat/**"/>
<!-- exclude Base64 (MIT License) -->
<exclude name="Radii8Library/src/com/flexcapacitor/utils/"/>
<!-- exclude EventListeners.mxml (MIT License) -->
<exclude name="Radii8Library/src/com/flexcapacitor/views/panels/EventListeners.mxml"/>
<!-- exclude normalize.css (MIT License) -->
<exclude name="Radii8Designer/src/css/normalize/2.1.2/normalize.css"/>
<!-- exclude swfobject.js (MIT License) -->
<exclude name="**/swfobject.js"/>
<!-- exclude syntax highlighter (Apache License) -->
<exclude name="Radii8Library/src/com/flexcapacitor/utils/"/>
<!-- exclude Flash Builder data files (no creativity) -->
<exclude name="**/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs"/>
<!-- exclude some other files (no creativity) -->
<exclude name="Radii8Designer/src/blankpage.html"/>
<exclude name="Radii8Designer/build.number"/>
<exclude name="Radii8Designer/todo.txt"/>