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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
The Application container above has a currentState property defined to loginState.
The loginState is the second application state defined in the states block.
Setting the Application container's currentState property to the loginState will
make the loginState appear by default when the application loads.
<!-- Exercise 4.07: Creating and navigating application states -->
<!-- Properties of the parent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<s:BasicLayout />
The states property defines the application state of the component.
In this case the component in question is the Application container.
The states block below defines two application states: portalState and loginState.
The first State defined is the default state.
<s:State name="portalState"/>
<s:State name="loginState"/>
<!-- Metadata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Styles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<fx:Style source="Styles.css"/>
<!-- Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Declarations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<!-- UI components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<s:Label text="Employee Portal"
x="24" y="25"
width="800" height="45"
This container exists in both states and has different x, y and width properties
in each state. The default state is the portalState, so the properties defined
without a period and a state name refer to the portalState. The properties that
have ".loginState" after them are the property values in the loginState.
<s:Panel id="employeeOfTheMonth"
x="24" y="95"
x.loginState="434" y.loginState="95"
width.loginState="390" height.loginState="200">
<s:VerticalLayout gap="15"
paddingTop="15" paddingLeft="15" paddingRight="15" paddingBottom="15"/>
<s:HGroup gap="15"
<s:BitmapImage source="assets/aparker.jpg"/>
<s:Label text="ATHENA PARKER"
fontWeight="bold" />
<s:Label text="Hardware Engineering Product Manager"
width="128" height="30"/>
This Label control has different text properties for the
default portalState and the loginState.
<s:Label width="100%"
text.loginState="Congratulations to Athena Parker! She has been ranked #1 by our customers three months in a row.">Congratulations to Athena our Employee of the Month. Athena has been instrumental in planning and overseeing our new wind power unit development.
Her dedication and infectious enthusiasm has helped to increase our wind-powered sales by 8% throughout the nation."
The following Panel instance only exists in the portalState as defined by the includeIn property.
<s:Panel id="search"
x="24" y="410"
width="250" height="160"
<s:VerticalLayout gap="15"
paddingTop="15" paddingLeft="15" paddingRight="15" paddingBottom="15"/>
<s:Label text="SEARCH:"
<s:TextInput width="139"/>
<s:Button label="SUBMIT"
The following Panel instance only exists in the portalState as defined by the includeIn property.
<s:Panel id="cafeteriaSpecial"
x="299" y="95"
width="250" height="475"
<s:VerticalLayout gap="10"
paddingTop="15" paddingLeft="15" paddingRight="15" paddingBottom="15"/>
<s:BitmapImage source="assets/app_chixSatay.jpg"/>
<s:Label fontWeight="bold"
<s:Label fontWeight="bold"
text="Calorie Information"/>
<s:Label width="220">Water content (grams per 100g): 47.31
Calorie content of Food (kcals per 3.5oz): 283
Protein content (grams per 100g): 13.25
Fat content (lipids) (grams per 100g): 16.18
Ash content (grams per 100g): 2
Carbohydrate content (grams per 100g): 21.26
Dietary Fiber content (grams per 100g): N/A
Sugar content (grams per 100g): N/A
<s:Button label="DESKTOP DELIVERY"
The following Panel instance only exists in the portalState as defined by the includeIn property.
<s:Panel id="monthlyEvents"
x="574" y="95"
width="250" height="475"
<s:VerticalLayout gap="15"
paddingTop="15" paddingLeft="15" paddingRight="15" paddingBottom="15"/>
<s:Label width="200" height="407">Remember that our annual company picnic is this weekend at Osage Park. If you have not picked up your tickets yet please make sure to pick them up by Friday no later than 3 PM. We are expecting to have the largest turn out this year and are excited that almost all of our employees and their families and friends will be joining us.
There are lots of different activities including, baseball, rock climbing, gyro ride, swimming and water slide. For the younger children we have face painting, balloon animals, arts and crafts booths and much much more! Sally L., Lucy B. and Violet P. have spent a lot of time organizing all of the events to ensure that everyone will have a great time.
As usual, due to the great response from our previous company picnics we will be offering an all you can eat catered buffet of short ribs, rib eye, filet mignon, roasted chicken, barbeque pork, hot dogs, some dim sum samplings, a bevy of salads and vegetarian dishes and lots more. We decided to also add shaved ice to the large repertoire of the dessert bar as well.
This year's raffle is filled with wonderful prizes donated by our partners and the grand prize is a first class trip for two to Africa to any 2 cities of your choice as well as an African Safari! We look forward to spending a fun filled Saturday with our dedicated and hard working employees.
The click event for this Button control will switch the application state
from the portalState to the loginState. Note that this Button only exists
in the portalState since the excludeFrom property explicitly declares that
it does not exist in the loginState.
<s:Button label="LOGOUT"
x="730" y="37"
The following Panel instance only exists in the loginState as defined by the includeIn property.
<s:Panel id="login"
x="24" y="95"
width="390" height="200">
<s:VerticalLayout gap="10"
paddingTop="15" paddingLeft="15" paddingRight="15" paddingBottom="15"/>
<s:Label text="Username:"/>
<s:Label text="Password:"/>
<s:Button label="Submit"