blob: ebbe306fba16905a4d5d47473c93fa4559568991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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// limitations under the License.
package models
public class MyModel extends EventDispatcher
public function MyModel()
public static const ARCHIVED:String = " (Archived)";
private var _configService:HTTPService;
public function get configService():HTTPService
return _configService;
public function set configService(value:HTTPService):void
if (value != _configService)
_configService = value;
_configService.addEventListener(HTTPService.EVENT_COMPLETE, completeHandler);
dispatchEvent(new Event("configServiceChanged"));
private var _reporterService:HTTPService;
public function get reporterService():HTTPService
return _reporterService;
public function set reporterService(value:HTTPService):void
if (value != _reporterService)
_reporterService = value;
_reporterService.addEventListener(HTTPService.EVENT_COMPLETE, reporterCompleteHandler);
dispatchEvent(new Event("reporterServiceChanged"));
private var _releaseService:HTTPService;
public function get releaseService():HTTPService
return _releaseService;
public function set releaseService(value:HTTPService):void
if (value != _releaseService)
_releaseService = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("releaseServiceChanged"));
private var _peopleService:HTTPService;
public function get peopleService():HTTPService
return _peopleService;
public function set peopleService(value:HTTPService):void
if (value != _peopleService)
_peopleService = value;
private var _projectName:String;
public function get projectName():String
return _projectName;
public function set projectName(value:String):void
if (value != _projectName)
_projectName = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("projectNameChanged"));
private var _projectTitle:String;
public function get projectTitle():String
return _projectTitle;
public function set projectTitle(value:String):void
if (value != _projectTitle)
_projectTitle = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("projectTitleChanged"));
private var _projectIcon:String;
public function get projectIcon():String
return _projectIcon;
public function set projectIcon(value:String):void
if (value != _projectIcon)
_projectIcon = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("projectIconChanged"));
private var _issueCounterURL:String;
public function get issueCounterURL():String
if (_issueCounterURL == null)
return "";
return _issueCounterURL;
public function set issueCounterURL(value:String):void
if (value != _issueCounterURL)
_issueCounterURL = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("issueCounterURLChanged"));
private var _peopleURL:String = "";
public function get peopleURL():String
return _peopleURL;
public function set peopleURL(value:String):void
if (value != _peopleURL)
_peopleURL = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("peopleURLChanged"));
private var _productList:Array;
public function get productList():Array
return _productList;
public function set productList(value:Array):void
if (value != _productList)
_productList = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("productListChanged"));
currentProduct = productList[0];
private var _currentProduct:Product;
public function get currentProduct():Product
return _currentProduct;
public function set currentProduct(value:Product):void
_currentProduct = value;
if (value.releases == null)
releases = value.releases;
releaseCount = value.releases.length;
dispatchEvent(new Event("currentProductChanged"));
public function get currentDescription():String
return _currentProduct.description;
private var _reporterURL:String = "";
public function get reporterURL():String
return _reporterURL;
public function set reporterURL(value:String):void
if (value != _reporterURL)
_reporterURL = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("reporterURLChanged"));
private var _archiveURL:String;
public function get archiveURL():String
return _archiveURL;
public function set archiveURL(value:String):void
if (value != _archiveURL)
_archiveURL = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("archiveURLChanged"));
private var _numOpenIssues:int;
public function get numOpenIssues():int
return _numOpenIssues;
public function set numOpenIssues(value:int):void
if (value != _numOpenIssues)
_numOpenIssues = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("numOpenIssuesChanged"));
private var _numForks:int;
public function get numForks():int
return _numForks;
public function set numForks(value:int):void
if (value != _numForks)
_numForks = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("numForksChanged"));
private var configData:Object;
private function completeHandler(event:Event):void
var svc:HTTPService = HTTPService(;
var data:Object = svc.json;
configData = data;
archiveURL = data['archiveURL'];
reporterURL = data['reporterURL'];
peopleURL = data['peopleURL'];
issueCounterURL = data['issueCounterURL'];
projectName = data['projectName'];
projectTitle = data['projectTitle'];
projectIcon = data['projectIcon'];
reporterKey = data['reporterKey'];
productList = createProducts(data['products']);
dispatchEvent(new Event("configChanged"));
private var reporterKey:String;
private var report:Object;
private function reporterCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
var svc:HTTPService = HTTPService(;
var headers:Array = svc.responseHeaders;
report = svc.json;
dispatchEvent(new Event("reportChanged"));
private var _numPMC:int = -1;
public function get numPMC():int
return _numPMC;
private var _numCommitters:int = -1;
public function get numCommitters():int
return _numCommitters;
private var _numDevSubscribers:int = -1;
public function get numDevSubscribers():int
if (_numDevSubscribers < 0)
_numDevSubscribers = countSubscribers(report["mail"][reporterKey][reporterKey + ""]);
return _numDevSubscribers;
private var _numUsersSubscribers:int = -1;
public function get numUsersSubscribers():int
if (_numUsersSubscribers < 0)
_numUsersSubscribers = countSubscribers(report["mail"][reporterKey][reporterKey + ""]);
return _numUsersSubscribers;
public function get devListName():String
return configData["devListName"];
public function get devListSubscribeURL():String
return configData["devListSubscribeURL"];
public function get devListUnsubscribeURL():String
return configData["devListUnsubscribeURL"];
public function get devListURL():String
return configData["devListURL"];
public function get devListArchiveURL():String
return configData["devListArchiveURL"];
public function get usersListName():String
return configData["usersListName"];
public function get usersListURL():String
return configData["usersListURL"];
public function get usersListSubscribeURL():String
return configData["usersListSubscribeURL"];
public function get usersListUnsubscribeURL():String
return configData["usersListUnsubscribeURL"];
public function get usersListArchiveURL():String
return configData["usersListArchiveURL"];
public function get issuesMainURL():String
return configData["issuesMainURL"];
public function get issuesCreateURL():String
return configData["issuesCreateURL"];
public var releases;
public var releaseCount;
private function countSubscribers(data:Object):int
var total:int = 0;
for (var p:String in data)
var delta:int = data[p];
total += delta;
return total;
private var archiveList:Array;
private var releaseList:Array;
private function archiveCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
var p:Product = currentProduct;
archiveList = findLinks(, p.excludes);
if (p.releaseURL.indexOf("http") == -1)
releaseService.url = p.releaseURL + "index.html";
releaseService.url = p.releaseURL;
releaseService.removeEventListener("complete", archiveCompleteHandler);
releaseService.addEventListener("complete", releaseCompleteHandler);
private function releaseCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
releaseService.removeEventListener("complete", releaseCompleteHandler);
var p:Product = currentProduct;
releaseList = findLinks(, p.excludes);
p.releases = mergeLists();
releases = p.releases;
releaseCount = p.releases.length;
private function createProducts(data:Array):Array
var n:int = data.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
var obj:Object = data[i];
var p:Product = new Product(obj);
data[i] = p;
return data;
private function findLinks(s:String, excludes:Array):Array
var arr:Array = [];
var c:int = s.indexOf("href=");
while (c != -1)
var c2:int = s.indexOf('"', c + 7);
var name:String = s.substring(c + 6, c2);
if (excludes.indexOf(name) == -1)
if (name.charAt(name.length - 1) == "/")
name = name.substr(0, name.length - 1);
c = s.indexOf("href=", c2);
return arr;
private function mergeLists():Array
var n:int = archiveList.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
var r:String = archiveList[i];
if (releaseList.indexOf(r) == -1)
releaseList.push(r + ARCHIVED);
return releaseList;
private function sortList(arr:Array):Array
return arr.sort(versionCompareFunction);
private function versionCompareFunction(a:String, b:String):int
var aparts:Array = a.split(".");
var bparts:Array = b.split(".");
var n:int = Math.max(aparts.length, bparts.length);
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
var avalue:int = 0;
if (i < aparts.length)
avalue = parseInt(aparts[i]);
var bvalue:int = 0;
if (i < bparts.length)
bvalue = parseInt(bparts[i]);
if (avalue < bvalue)
return 1;
if (avalue > bvalue)
return -1;
return 0;
private function getReleases():void
var p:Product = currentProduct;
if (p.archiveURL.indexOf("http") == -1)
releaseService.url = p.archiveURL + "index.html";
releaseService.url = p.archiveURL;
releaseService.addEventListener("complete", archiveCompleteHandler);
private function getPeopleData():void
if (peopleURL.indexOf("http") == -1)
peopleService.url = peopleURL + "index.html";
peopleService.url = peopleURL;
peopleService.addEventListener("complete", peopleCompleteHandler);
private function peopleCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
var s:String =;
var c:int = s.indexOf('id="' + configData["committerKey"] + '"');
var c2:int = s.indexOf("</table>", c);
var list:String = s.substring(c, c2);
c = list.indexOf("<tr");
_numCommitters = 0;
while (c != -1)
c = list.indexOf("<tr", c + 1);
c = s.indexOf('id="' + configData["pmcKey"] + '"');
c2 = s.indexOf("</table>", c);
list = s.substring(c, c2);
c = list.indexOf("<tr");
_numPMC = 0;
while (c != -1)
c = list.indexOf("<tr", c + 1);
dispatchEvent(new Event("peopleChanged"));