blob: 41b24bff0613bf4ecce97c4abaf9d0b8061842df [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
* Utility class that tries to find an ActionScriptDecoder that will be able
* to convert the encoded object into an instance of the desired class.
* @see ActionScriptDecoder
public class DecoderFactory {
// The identity transform
private static final NativeDecoder nativeDecoder = new NativeDecoder();
// Special null transform, always returns null
private static final NullDecoder nullDecoder = new NullDecoder();
// Simple types (do not have the concept of a creating a placeholder or 'shell')
private static final NumberDecoder numberDecoder = new NumberDecoder();
private static final StringDecoder stringDecoder = new StringDecoder();
private static final BooleanDecoder booleanDecoder = new BooleanDecoder();
private static final CharacterDecoder characterDecoder = new CharacterDecoder();
// Historically dates are simple types, but they are now considered complex
// via AMF 3 (though they can not have empty placeholders or 'shells')
private static final DateDecoder dateDecoder = new DateDecoder();
private static final CalendarDecoder calendarDecoder = new CalendarDecoder();
// Complex types (can also be used to create empty placeholders to be populated at decode time)
private static final ArrayDecoder arrayDecoder = new ArrayDecoder();
private static EnumDecoder enumDecoder = new EnumDecoder();
private static final MapDecoder mapDecoder = new MapDecoder();
private static final CollectionDecoder collectionDecoder = new CollectionDecoder();
private static final TypedObjectDecoder typedObjectDecoder = new TypedObjectDecoder();
// If we require references to be tracked and restored, we use deep, recursive decoders
// however these are very expensive in terms of processing time
private static final ArrayDecoder deepArrayDecoder = new ReferenceAwareArrayDecoder();
private static final MapDecoder deepMapDecoder = new ReferenceAwareMapDecoder();
private static final CollectionDecoder deepCollectionDecoder = new ReferenceAwareCollectionDecoder();
private static final TypedObjectDecoder deepTypedObjectDecoder = new ReferenceAwareTypedObjectDecoder();
* A simple method for obtaining a placeholder or 'shell' object that will be subsequently
* populated by potentially some other deserializer. Decoders contain special logic to implement well
* known Collections interfaces such as java.util.Map, java.util.Set, etc
* and also contain utilities to create native Arrays, so this functionality has been
* made available to other classes besides decoders.
* @param desiredClass the desire class for the decoded object
* @return The <tt>ActionScriptDecoder</tt> to use for instances of the desired class.
public static ActionScriptDecoder getDecoderForShell(Class desiredClass) {
if (desiredClass == null)
return nullDecoder;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return collectionDecoder;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return mapDecoder;
if (desiredClass.isArray())
return arrayDecoder;
if (desiredClass.isEnum())
return enumDecoder;
return nativeDecoder;
* This is a faster implementation than getReferenceAwareDecoder as it doesn't track
* or care about restoring references in the event that an instance was converted to
* a new type. Since the all MessageDeserializes now convert directly to strongly
* typed instances it is less likely that references will need to be tracked.
* <p>
* A case where a reference may have needed to be tracked would be that a Class has
* several properties of a subtype of Object[] (i.e. Array), Collection or Map but these
* properties were not of the default type returned by the MessageDeserializer, that
* is ArrayList or HashMap, and that each property had the potential to point to the same
* instance. If we didn't track the reference, then the conversion to the subtype
* (say HashMap -> TreeMap) would effectively clone these instances.
* @param encodedObject the encoded object
* @param desiredClass the desire class for the decoded object
* @return The <tt>ActionScriptDecoder</tt> to use for instances of the desired class.
public static ActionScriptDecoder getDecoder(Object encodedObject, Class desiredClass) {
if (encodedObject != null) {
// If we already have a suitable instance, return immediately!
if (desiredClass.isAssignableFrom(encodedObject.getClass()))
return nativeDecoder;
if (String.class.equals(desiredClass))
return stringDecoder;
// We check Number and Boolean here as well as the encodedObejct == null case
// as they're very common property types...
if (isNumber(desiredClass))
return numberDecoder;
if (isBoolean(desiredClass))
return booleanDecoder;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return collectionDecoder;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return mapDecoder;
if (desiredClass.isArray())
return arrayDecoder;
// Special Case - we have a typed ASObject and we're expecting it to
// be converted into a new class... this would be an usual situation
// for Mistral, however, since we now create strongly typed instances
// from a stream
if (isTypedObject(encodedObject))
return typedObjectDecoder;
if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return dateDecoder;
if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return calendarDecoder;
// Null may have been sent to a primitive Java type, in which case
// we create a default value, such as new Integer(0) for int rather
// than create a null Integer() instance...
if (isNumber(desiredClass))
return numberDecoder;
if (isBoolean(desiredClass))
return booleanDecoder;
if (isCharacter(desiredClass))
return characterDecoder;
if (encodedObject == null)
return nullDecoder;
if (desiredClass.isEnum())
return enumDecoder;
DecoderFactory.invalidType(encodedObject, desiredClass);
// Never reached...
return nativeDecoder;
* A considerably slower entry point for decoders as it both changes the
* assumptions we can make about type translation and also keeps track of
* a lot of information when a complex type is converted.
* @param encodedObject the encoded object
* @param desiredClass the desire class for the decoded object
* @return The <tt>ActionScriptDecoder</tt> to use for instances of the desired class.
public static ActionScriptDecoder getReferenceAwareDecoder(Object encodedObject, Class desiredClass) {
if (encodedObject != null) {
if (String.class.equals(desiredClass))
return stringDecoder;
// We check Number and Boolean here as well as the encodedObejct == null case
// as they're very common property types...
if (isNumber(desiredClass))
return numberDecoder;
if (isBoolean(desiredClass))
return booleanDecoder;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return deepCollectionDecoder;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return deepMapDecoder;
if (desiredClass.isArray())
return deepArrayDecoder;
// Special Case - we have a typed ASObject and we're expecting it to
// be converted into a new class... this would be an usual situation
// for Mistral, however, since we now create strongly typed instances
// from a stream.
if (isTypedObject(encodedObject))
return deepTypedObjectDecoder;
if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return dateDecoder;
if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass))
return calendarDecoder;
if (isCharacter(desiredClass))
return characterDecoder;
// Last resort, just try and return the object undecoded if it's the right type
// We do this last because at this stage if it is a complex object we won't catch
// any Typed Object translations for properties on this type...
if (desiredClass.isAssignableFrom(encodedObject.getClass()))
return nativeDecoder;
// Null may have been sent to a primitive Java type, in which case
// we create a default value, such as new Integer(0) for int rather than create
// a null Integer() instance...
if (isNumber(desiredClass))
return numberDecoder;
if (isBoolean(desiredClass))
return booleanDecoder;
if (isCharacter(desiredClass))
return characterDecoder;
if (encodedObject == null)
return nullDecoder;
DecoderFactory.invalidType(encodedObject, desiredClass);
// Never reached...
return nativeDecoder;
public static boolean isNumber(Class desiredClass) {
boolean isNum = false;
if (desiredClass.isPrimitive()) {
if (desiredClass.equals(Integer.TYPE)
|| desiredClass.equals(Double.TYPE)
|| desiredClass.equals(Long.TYPE)
|| desiredClass.equals(Float.TYPE)
|| desiredClass.equals(Short.TYPE)
|| desiredClass.equals(Byte.TYPE)) {
isNum = true;
} else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(desiredClass)) {
isNum = true;
return isNum;
public static boolean isCharacter(Class desiredClass) {
boolean isChar = false;
if (desiredClass.isPrimitive() && desiredClass.equals(Character.TYPE)) {
isChar = true;
} else if (desiredClass.equals(Character.class)) {
isChar = true;
return isChar;
public static boolean isBoolean(Class desiredClass) {
boolean isBool = false;
if (desiredClass.isPrimitive() && desiredClass.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) {
isBool = true;
} else if (desiredClass.equals(Boolean.class)) {
isBool = true;
return isBool;
public static boolean isCharArray(Class desiredClass) {
boolean isCharArray = false;
if (desiredClass.isArray()) {
Class type = desiredClass.getComponentType();
if (type != null && type.equals(Character.TYPE)) {
isCharArray = true;
return isCharArray;
public static boolean isTypedObject(Object encodedObject) {
boolean typed = false;
if (encodedObject instanceof ASObject) {
typed = TypeMarshallingContext.getType(encodedObject) != null;
return typed;
public static void invalidType(Object object, Class desiredClass) {
String inputType = null;
if (object != null) {
inputType = object.getClass().getName();
StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer("Cannot convert ");
if (inputType != null) {
message.append("type ").append(inputType).append(" ");
if (object != null && (object instanceof String
|| object instanceof Number
|| object instanceof Boolean
|| object instanceof Date)) {
message.append("with value '").append(object.toString()).append("' ");
} else if (object instanceof ASObject) {
ASObject aso = (ASObject) object;
message.append("with remote type specified as '").append(aso.getType()).append("' ");
message.append("to an instance of ").append(desiredClass.toString());
TranslationException ex = new TranslationException(message.toString());
throw ex;