blob: 0531270bc312c214708a0feb3246bcc9b4e51937 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import flex.messaging.Destination;
import flex.messaging.FlexContext;
import flex.messaging.MessageBroker;
import flex.messaging.MessageClient;
import flex.messaging.MessageDestination;
import flex.messaging.MessageException;
import flex.messaging.MessageRoutedNotifier;
import flex.messaging.client.FlushResult;
import flex.messaging.cluster.Cluster;
import flex.messaging.cluster.ClusterManager;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationConstants;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex.messaging.config.ServerSettings;
import flex.messaging.config.ServerSettings.RoutingMode;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.Message;
import flex.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils;
import flex.messaging.util.StringUtils;
* The MessageService class is the Service implementation that manages point-to-point
* and publish-subscribe messaging.
public class MessageService extends AbstractService implements MessagingConstants {
* Log category for <code>MessageService</code>.
public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.SERVICE_MESSAGE;
* Log category for <code>MessageService</code> that captures message timing.
public static final String TIMING_LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.MESSAGE_TIMING;
public static final String NOT_SUBSCRIBED_CODE = "Server.Processing.NotSubscribed";
// Errors
private static final int BAD_SELECTOR = 10550;
private static final int NOT_SUBSCRIBED = 10551;
private static final int UNKNOWN_COMMAND = 10552;
private boolean debug;
private MessageServiceControl controller;
private ReadWriteLock subscribeLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
// Constructor
* Constructs an unmanaged <code>MessageService</code>.
public MessageService() {
* Constructs an <code>MessageService</code> with the indicated management.
* @param enableManagement <code>true</code> if the <code>MessageService</code>
* is manageable; otherwise <code>false</code>.
public MessageService(boolean enableManagement) {
// Initialize, validate, start, and stop methods.
public void start() {
String serviceType = getClass().getName();
ClusterManager clm = getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
* For any destinations which are not using broadcast mode,
* we need to init the remote subscriptions. First we send out
* the requestSubscription messages, then we wait for the sendSubscriptions
* messages to come in.
for (String destName : destinations.keySet()) {
MessageDestination dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(destName);
if (dest.getServerSettings().getRoutingMode() == RoutingMode.SERVER_TO_SERVER && dest.isClustered()) {
/* Now go through and wait for the response to these messages... */
for (String destName : destinations.keySet()) {
MessageDestination dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(destName);
if (dest.getServerSettings().getRoutingMode() == RoutingMode.SERVER_TO_SERVER && dest.isClustered()) {
List members = clm.getClusterMemberAddresses(serviceType, destName);
for (Object addr : members) {
if (!clm.getLocalAddress(serviceType, destName).equals(addr)) {
RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = dest.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
debug = Log.isDebug();
// Public Getters and Setters for AbstractService properties
* Creates a <code>MessageDestination</code> instance, sets its id, sets it manageable
* if the <code>AbstractService</code> that created it is manageable,
* and sets its <code>Service</code> to the <code>AbstractService</code> that
* created it.
* @param id The id of the <code>MessageDestination</code>.
* @return The <code>Destination</code> instanced created.
public Destination createDestination(String id) {
if (id == null) {
// Cannot add ''{0}'' with null id to the ''{1}''
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(ConfigurationConstants.NULL_COMPONENT_ID, new Object[]{"Destination", "Service"});
throw ex;
// check with the message broker to make sure that no destination with the id already exists
getMessageBroker().isDestinationRegistered(id, getId(), true);
MessageDestination destination = new MessageDestination();
return destination;
* Casts the <code>Destination</code> into <code>MessageDestination</code>
* and calls super.addDestination.
* @param destination The <code>Destination</code> instance to be added.
public void addDestination(Destination destination) {
MessageDestination messageDestination = (MessageDestination) destination;
// Other Public APIs
public Object serviceMessage(Message message) {
return serviceMessage(message, true);
public Object serviceMessage(Message message, boolean throttle) {
return serviceMessage(message, throttle, null);
public Object serviceMessage(Message message, boolean throttle, MessageDestination dest) {
if (managed)
incrementMessageCount(false, message);
if (throttle) {
// Throttle the inbound message; also attempts to prevent duplicate messages sent by a client.
dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
ThrottleManager throttleManager = dest.getThrottleManager();
if (throttleManager != null && throttleManager.throttleIncomingMessage(message))
return null; // Message throttled.
// Block any sent messages that have a subtopic header containing
// wildcards - wildcards are only supported in subscribe/unsubscribe
// commands (see serviceCommand() and manageSubscriptions()).
Object subtopicObj = message.getHeader(AsyncMessage.SUBTOPIC_HEADER_NAME);
List<Subtopic> subtopics = null;
if (subtopicObj != null) {
if (subtopicObj instanceof Object[])
subtopicObj = Arrays.asList((Object[]) subtopicObj);
if (subtopicObj instanceof String) {
String subtopicString = (String) subtopicObj;
if (subtopicString != null && subtopicString.length() > 0) {
if (dest == null)
dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
Subtopic subtopic = testProducerSubtopic(dest.getServerSettings().getSubtopicSeparator(), subtopicString);
if (subtopics == null)
subtopics = new ArrayList<Subtopic>();
} else if (subtopicObj instanceof List) {
List<String> subtopicList = (List<String>) subtopicObj;
String subtopicSeperator = null;
for (String subtopicString : subtopicList) {
if (subtopicString != null && subtopicString.length() > 0) {
if (dest == null)
dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
subtopicSeperator = dest.getServerSettings().getSubtopicSeparator();
Subtopic subtopic = testProducerSubtopic(subtopicSeperator, subtopicString);
if (subtopics == null)
subtopics = new ArrayList<Subtopic>();
// Override TTL if there was one specifically configured for this destination
if (dest == null)
dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
ServerSettings destServerSettings = dest.getServerSettings();
if (destServerSettings.getMessageTTL() >= 0)
long start = 0;
if (debug)
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the send.
ServiceAdapter adapter = dest.getAdapter();
if (adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter) {
MessagingSecurityConstraintManager manager = ((MessagingAdapter) adapter).getSecurityConstraintManager();
if (manager != null)
Object result = adapter.invoke(message);
if (debug) {
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
Log.getLogger(TIMING_LOG_CATEGORY).debug("After invoke service: " + getId() + "; execution time = " + (end - start) + "ms");
return result;
public Object serviceCommand(CommandMessage message) {
if (managed)
incrementMessageCount(true, message);
Object commandResult = super.serviceCommonCommands(message);
if (commandResult == null)
commandResult = manageSubscriptions(message);
return commandResult;
* This method is called from a messaging adapter to handle the delivery
* of messages to one or more clients.
* If you pass in the <code>sendToAllSubscribers</code> parameter as <code>true</code>, the message is
* routed to all clients who are subscribed to receive messages
* from this destination. When you use this method, the selector expressions
* for all subscribing clients are not evaluated. If you want the selector
* expressions to be evaluated, use a combination of the <code>pushMessageToClients</code>
* method and the <code>sendPushMessageFromPeer</code> methods.
* @param message The <code>Message</code> to send.
* @param sendToAllSubscribers If <code>true</code>, send this message to all clients
* subscribed to the destination of this message. If <code>false</code>, send the message
* only to the clientId specified in the message.
public void serviceMessageFromAdapter(Message message, boolean sendToAllSubscribers) {
// Update management metrics.
if (managed) {
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message.getDestination());
if (destination != null && destination.isManaged()) {
MessageDestinationControl destinationControl = (MessageDestinationControl) destination.getControl();
if (destinationControl != null) // Should not happen but just in case.
// in this service's case, this invocation occurs when an adapter has asynchronously
// received a message from one of its adapters acting as a consumer
if (sendToAllSubscribers) {
pushMessageToClients(message, false);
sendPushMessageFromPeer(message, false);
} else {
// TODO - need to do something here to locate the proper qualified client.
// the adapter has already processed the subscribers
Set subscriberIds = new TreeSet();
pushMessageToClients(subscriberIds, message, false);
* Send the passed message to clients connected to other server peer nodes in the cluster.
* If you are using broadcast cluster-messaging-routing mode, the message is broadcast
* through the cluster. If you are using the server-to-server mode, the message is sent only
* to servers from which we have received a matching subscription request.
* @param message The <code>Message</code> to push to peer server nodes in the cluster.
* @param evalSelector <code>true</code> to evaluate each remote subscriber's selector
* before pushing the message to them; <code>false</code> to skip selector evaluation.
public void sendPushMessageFromPeer(Message message, boolean evalSelector) {
sendPushMessageFromPeer(message, (MessageDestination) getDestination(message), evalSelector);
* Same as the previous method but it accepts a destination parameter as well to avoid
* potentially costly destination lookup.
* @param message The <code>Message</code> to push to peer server nodes in the cluster.
* @param destination The destination to push the message to.
* @param evalSelector <code>true</code> to evaluate each remote subscriber's selector
* before pushing the message to them; <code>false</code> to skip selector evaluation.
public void sendPushMessageFromPeer(Message message, MessageDestination destination, boolean evalSelector) {
if (!destination.isClustered())
if (destination.getServerSettings().getRoutingMode() == RoutingMode.NONE)
ClusterManager clm = getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
if (destination.getServerSettings().isBroadcastRoutingMode()) {
if (debug)
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Broadcasting message to peer servers: " + message + " evalSelector: " + evalSelector);
// tell the message service on other nodes to push the message
clm.invokeServiceOperation(getClass().getName(), message.getDestination(),
ClusterManager.OPERATION_PUSH_MESSAGE_FROM_PEER, new Object[]{message, evalSelector});
} else {
RemoteSubscriptionManager mgr = destination.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
Set serverAddresses = mgr.getSubscriberIds(message, evalSelector);
if (debug)
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Sending message to peer servers: " + serverAddresses + StringUtils.NEWLINE + " message: " + message + StringUtils.NEWLINE + " evalSelector: " + evalSelector);
for (Object remoteAddress : serverAddresses) {
clm.invokePeerToPeerOperation(getClass().getName(), message.getDestination(),
ClusterManager.OPERATION_PUSH_MESSAGE_FROM_PEER_TO_PEER, new Object[]{message, evalSelector}, remoteAddress);
* This method is provided for a cluster peer broadcast from a single remote node. Because the
* cluster handling code adds the remote server's address as a paramter when you call invokePeerToPeerOperation
* we need a new variant of this method which takes the remote node's address.
public void pushMessageFromPeerToPeer(AsyncMessage message, Boolean evalSelector, Object address) {
pushMessageFromPeer(message, evalSelector);
* This method is provided for a cluster peer broadcast, it is not intended to be
* invoked locally.
public void pushMessageFromPeer(AsyncMessage message, Boolean evalSelector) {
if (!isStarted()) {
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Received message from peer server before server is started - ignoring: " + message + " evalSelector: " + evalSelector);
if (debug)
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Received message from peer server: " + message + " evalSelector: " + evalSelector);
// Update the FlexContext for this thread to indicate we're processing a message from
// a server peer.
// we are not confirming that replication is enabled again here, so if the remote
// peer has replication enabled and therefore broadcast to this peer, then this peer
// will complete the operation even if it locally does not have replication enabled
pushMessageToClients(message, evalSelector);
// And unset.
* Pushes a message to all clients that are subscribed to the destination targeted by this message.
* @param message The <code>Message</code> to push to the destination's subscribers.
* @param evalSelector <code>true</code> to evaluate each subscriber's selector before pushing
* the message to them; <code>false</code> to skip selector evaluation.
public void pushMessageToClients(Message message, boolean evalSelector) {
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
Set subscriberIds = subscriptionManager.getSubscriberIds(message, evalSelector);
if (debug)
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Sending message: " + message + StringUtils.NEWLINE + " to subscribed clientIds: " + subscriberIds);
if ((subscriberIds != null) && !subscriberIds.isEmpty()) {
/* We have already filtered based on the selector and so pass false below */
pushMessageToClients(destination, subscriberIds, message, false);
* Returns a Set of clientIds of the clients subscribed to receive this message.
* If the message has a subtopic header, the subtopics are used to gather the
* subscribers. If there is no subtopic header, subscribers to the destination
* with no subtopic are used. If a subscription has a selector expression associated
* with it and evalSelector is true, the subscriber is only returned if the selector
* expression evaluates to true.
* <p>
* In normal usage, you can use the pushMessageToClients(message, evalSelector) method
* to both find the subscribers and send the message. You use this method only if
* you want to do additional processing to the subscribers list - for example, merging
* it into another list of subscribers or logging the ids of the subscribers who should
* receive the message. Once this method returns, you can use the pushMessageToClients
* variant which takes the set of subscriber ids to deliver these messages.
* </p><p>
* This method only returns subscriptions maintained by the current server instance.
* It does not return any information for subscribers that might be connected to
* remote instances. To send the message to remotely connected servers, use the
* sendPushMessageFromPeer method.
* </p>
* @param message The <code>Messsage</code>
* Typically
* @param evalSelector whether we should evaluate the selector
* @return Set the set of the subscriber's IDs
public Set getSubscriberIds(Message message, boolean evalSelector) {
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
return subscriptionManager.getSubscriberIds(message, evalSelector);
* Returns the set of subscribers for the specified destination, subtopic/subtopic pattern
* and message headers. The message headers can be null. If specified, they are used
* to match against any selector patterns that were used for subscribers.
* @param destinationId the destination ID
* @param subtopicPattern the subtopic pattern
* @param messageHeaders the map of the message headers
* @return Set the set of the subscriber's IDs
public Set getSubscriberIds(String destinationId, String subtopicPattern, Map messageHeaders) {
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(destinationId);
SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
return subscriptionManager.getSubscriberIds(subtopicPattern, messageHeaders);
* This method is not invoked across a cluster, it is always locally invoked.
* The passed message will be pushed to the subscribers in the passed set, conditionally depending
* upon the execution of their selector expressions.
* @param subscriberIds The set of subscribers to push the message to.
* @param message The <code>Message</code> to push.
* @param evalSelector <code>true</code> to evaluate each subscriber's selector before pushing
* the message to them; <code>false</code> to skip selector evaluation.
public void pushMessageToClients(Set subscriberIds, Message message, boolean evalSelector) {
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
pushMessageToClients(destination, subscriberIds, message, evalSelector);
* This method is used by messaging adapters to send a message to a specific
* set of clients that are directly connected to this server. It does not
* propagate the message to other servers in the cluster.
public void pushMessageToClients(MessageDestination destination, Set subscriberIds, Message message, boolean evalSelector) {
if (subscriberIds != null) {
try {
// Place notifier in thread-local scope.
MessageRoutedNotifier routingNotifier = new MessageRoutedNotifier(message);
SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
// There is a deadlock potential here, as route message could involve a FlexClient.push(), outbound message queue process could end up with managing subscription
// See bug watson 2769398
for (Object clientId : subscriberIds) {
MessageClient client = subscriptionManager.getSubscriber(clientId);
// Skip if the client is null or invalidated.
if (client == null || !client.isValid()) {
if (debug)
Log.getLogger(MessageService.LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Warning: could not find MessageClient for clientId in pushMessageToClients: " + clientId + " for destination: " + destination.getId());
pushMessageToClient(client, destination, message, evalSelector);
// Done with the push, notify any listeners.
} finally {
// Unset the notifier for this message.
void pushMessageToClient(MessageClient client, MessageDestination destination, Message message,
boolean evalSelector) {
// Normally we'll process the message selector criteria as part of fetching the
// clients which should receive this message. However, because the API exposed the evalSelecor flag
// in pushMessageToClients(Set, Message, boolean), we need to run the client.testMessage() method
// here to make sure subtopic and selector expressions are evaluated correctly in this case.
// The general code path passes evalSelector as false, so the testMessage() method is not generally
// invoked as part of a message push operation.
if (evalSelector && !client.testMessage(message, destination)) {
// Push the message to the client. Note that client level outbound throttling
// might still happen at the FlexClientOutboundQueueProcessor level.
try {
// Only update client last use if the message is not a pushed server command.
if (!(message instanceof CommandMessage))
// Remove any data in the base message that should not be included in the multicast copies.
Map messageHeaders = message.getHeaders();
// Add the default message priority headers, if it's not already set.
int priority = destination.getServerSettings().getPriority();
if (priority != -1) {
Object header = message.getHeader(Message.PRIORITY_HEADER);
if (header == null)
message.setHeader(Message.PRIORITY_HEADER, priority);
// FIXME: [Pete] Investigate whether this is a performance issue.
// We also need to ensure message ids do not expose FlexClient ids
// We need a unique instance of the message for each client; both to prevent
// outbound queue processing for various clients from interfering with each other
// as well as needing to target the copy of the message to a specific MessageAgent
// instance on the client.
Message messageForClient = (Message) message.clone();
// the MPIUTil call will be a no-op if MPI is not enabled. Otherwise it will add
// a server pre-push processing timestamp to the MPI object
// Target the message to a specific MessageAgent on the client.
if (debug)
Log.getLogger(MessageService.LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Routing message to FlexClient id:" + client.getFlexClient().getId() + "', MessageClient id: " + client.getClientId());
getMessageBroker().routeMessageToMessageClient(messageForClient, client);
} catch (MessageException ignore) {
// Client is subscribed but has disconnected or the network failed.
// There's nothing we can do to correct this so just continue server processing.
* Issue messages to request the remote subscription table from each server in the cluster (except this one).
* @param destinationId the destination ID
public void initRemoteSubscriptions(String destinationId) {
ClusterManager clm = getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
String serviceType = getClass().getName();
MessageDestination dest = (MessageDestination) getDestination(destinationId);
Cluster cluster = clm.getCluster(serviceType, destinationId);
if (cluster != null)
List members = clm.getClusterMemberAddresses(serviceType, destinationId);
for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) {
Object addr = members.get(i);
if (!clm.getLocalAddress(serviceType, destinationId).equals(addr))
requestSubscriptions(destinationId, addr);
* This method is provided for a clustered messaging with the routing-mode set to point-to-point.
* On startup, a server invokes this method for each server to request its local subscription state.
public void requestSubscriptions(String destinationId, Object remoteAddress) {
ClusterManager clm = getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
clm.invokePeerToPeerOperation(getClass().getName(), destinationId,
ClusterManager.OPERATION_SEND_SUBSCRIPTIONS, new Object[]{destinationId}, remoteAddress);
* This method is invoked remotely via jgroups. It builds a snapshot of the local
* subscription state and sends it back to the requesting server by calling its
* receiveSubscriptions method.
public void sendSubscriptions(String destinationId, Object remoteAddress) {
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(destinationId);
Object subscriptions;
* Avoid trying to use the cluster stuff if this destination does not
* exist or is not clustered on this server.
if (destination == null) {
if (Log.isError())
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Destination: " + destinationId + " does not exist on this server but we received a request for the subscription info from a peer server where the destination exists as clustered. Check the cluster configuration for this destination and make sure it matches on all servers.");
} else if (!destination.isClustered()) {
if (Log.isError())
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Destination: " + destinationId + " is not clustered on this server but we received a request for the subscription info from a peer server which is clustered. Check the cluster configuration for this destination and make sure it matches on all servers.");
RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = destination.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
* The remote server has no subscriptions initially since it has not
* started yet. We initialize the server here so that when it sends
* the first add subscription request, we'll receive it. This is because
* servers will not process remote add/remove subscribe requests until
* they have received the subscription state from each server.
subMgr.setSubscriptionState(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, remoteAddress);
* To ensure that we send the remote server a clean copy of the subscription
* table we need to block out the code which adds/removes subscriptions and sends
* them to remote servers between here...
try {
subscriptions = destination.getSubscriptionManager().getSubscriptionState();
ClusterManager clm = getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
clm.invokePeerToPeerOperation(getClass().getName(), destinationId,
ClusterManager.OPERATION_RECEIVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS, new Object[]{destinationId, subscriptions}, remoteAddress);
} finally {
/* ... And here */
* This method is provided for a cluster peer broadcast, it is not invoked locally. It is used
* by remote clients to send their subscription table to this server.
public void receiveSubscriptions(String destinationId, Object subscriptions, Object senderAddress) {
Destination destination = getDestination(destinationId);
if (destination instanceof MessageDestination)
((MessageDestination) destination).getRemoteSubscriptionManager().setSubscriptionState(subscriptions, senderAddress);
else if (subscriptions != null && Log.isError())
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("receiveSubscriptions called with non-null value but destination: " + destinationId + " is not a MessageDestination");
* Called when we need to push a local subscribe/unsubscribe to all of the remote
* servers.
public void sendSubscribeFromPeer(String destinationId, Boolean subscribe, String selector, String subtopic) {
ClusterManager clm = getMessageBroker().getClusterManager();
String serviceType = getClass().getName();
clm.invokeServiceOperation(serviceType, destinationId,
ClusterManager.OPERATION_SUBSCRIBE_FROM_PEER, new Object[]{destinationId, subscribe, selector, subtopic, clm.getLocalAddress(serviceType, destinationId)});
* This is called remotely from other cluster members when a new remote subscription is identified.
* <p>
* We add or remove a remote subscription...
* @param destinationId the destination ID
* @param subscribe whehter it is a subscribe or unsubscribe
* @param selector the selector string
* @param subtopic the subtopic string
* @param remoteAddress the remote node address in the cluster
public void subscribeFromPeer(String destinationId, Boolean subscribe, String selector, String subtopic, Object remoteAddress) {
Destination destination = getDestination(destinationId);
RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = ((MessageDestination) destination).getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
if (destination instanceof MessageDestination) {
if (debug)
Log.getLogger(MessageService.LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Received subscription from peer: " + remoteAddress + " subscribe? " + subscribe + " selector: " + selector + " subtopic: " + subtopic);
if (subscribe)
subMgr.addSubscriber(remoteAddress, selector, subtopic, null);
subMgr.removeSubscriber(remoteAddress, selector, subtopic, null);
} else if (Log.isError())
Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("subscribeFromPeer called with destination: " + destinationId + " that is not a MessageDestination");
// Protected/private APIs
* Used to increment the message count metric for the <code>MessageService</code>. This value is
* stored in the corresponding MBean. The <code>MessageService</code> already invokes this method
* in its <code>serviceMessage()</code> and <code>serviceCommand()</code> implementations, but if
* a subclass overrides these methods completely it should invoke this method appropriately as
* it processes messages.
* @param commandMessage Pass <code>true</code> if the message being processed is a <code>CommandMessage</code>;
* otherwise <code>false</code>.
protected void incrementMessageCount(boolean commandMessage, Message message) {
if (managed) // Update management metrics.
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message.getDestination());
if (destination != null && destination.isManaged()) {
MessageDestinationControl destinationControl = (MessageDestinationControl) destination.getControl();
if (destinationControl != null) // Should not happen but just in case.
if (commandMessage)
* Processes subscription related <code>CommandMessage</code>s. Subclasses that perform additional
* custom subscription management should invoke <code>super.manageSubscriptions()</code> if they
* choose to override this method.
* @param command The <code>CommandMessage</code> to process.
protected Message manageSubscriptions(CommandMessage command) {
Message replyMessage = null;
MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(command);
SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
Object clientId = command.getClientId();
String endpointId = (String) command.getHeader(Message.ENDPOINT_HEADER);
String subtopicString = (String) command.getHeader(AsyncMessage.SUBTOPIC_HEADER_NAME);
ServiceAdapter adapter = destination.getAdapter();
if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION) {
String selectorExpr = (String) command.getHeader(CommandMessage.SELECTOR_HEADER);
getMessageBroker().inspectChannel(command, destination);
// Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the subscribe.
if ((adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter)) {
MessagingSecurityConstraintManager manager = ((MessagingAdapter) adapter).getSecurityConstraintManager();
if (manager != null)
try {
* This allows parallel add/remove subscribe calls (protected by the
* concurrent hash table) but prevents us from doing any table mods
* when the getSubscriptionState method is active
if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions()) {
replyMessage = (Message) adapter.manage(command);
} else {
testSelector(selectorExpr, command);
* Even if the adapter is managing the subscription, we still need to
* register this with the subscription manager so that we can match the
* endpoint with the clientId. I am not sure I like this though because
* now the subscription is registered both with the adapter and with our
* system so keeping them in sync is potentially problematic. Also, it
* seems like the adapter should have the option to manage endpoints themselves?
// Extract the maxFrequency that might have been specified by the client.
int maxFrequency = processMaxFrequencyHeader(command);
subscriptionManager.addSubscriber(clientId, selectorExpr, subtopicString, endpointId, maxFrequency);
} finally {
if (replyMessage == null)
replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
} else if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.UNSUBSCRIBE_OPERATION) {
// Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the unsubscribe, as long as
// the subscription has not been invalidated.
if ((adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter) && command.getHeader(CommandMessage.SUBSCRIPTION_INVALIDATED_HEADER) == null) {
MessagingSecurityConstraintManager manager = ((MessagingAdapter) adapter).getSecurityConstraintManager();
if (manager != null)
String selectorExpr = (String) command.getHeader(CommandMessage.SELECTOR_HEADER);
try {
if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions()) {
replyMessage = (Message) adapter.manage(command);
subscriptionManager.removeSubscriber(clientId, selectorExpr, subtopicString, endpointId);
} finally {
if (replyMessage == null)
replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
} else if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.MULTI_SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION) {
getMessageBroker().inspectChannel(command, destination);
// Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the multi subscribe.
if ((adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter)) {
MessagingSecurityConstraintManager manager = ((MessagingAdapter) adapter).getSecurityConstraintManager();
if (manager != null)
try {
* This allows parallel add/remove subscribe calls (protected by the
* concurrent hash table) but prevents us from doing any table mods
* when the getSubscriptionState method is active
if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions()) {
replyMessage = (Message) adapter.manage(command);
// Deals with legacy collection setting
Object[] adds = getObjectArrayFromHeader(command.getHeader(CommandMessage.ADD_SUBSCRIPTIONS));
Object[] rems = getObjectArrayFromHeader(command.getHeader(CommandMessage.REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS));
if (adds != null) {
// Extract the maxFrequency that might have been specified
// by the client for every subscription (selector/subtopic).
int maxFrequency = processMaxFrequencyHeader(command);
for (int i = 0; i < adds.length; i++) {
// Use the maxFrequency by default.
int maxFrequencyPerSubscription = maxFrequency;
String ss = (String) adds[i];
int ix = ss.indexOf(CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR);
if (ix != -1) {
String subtopic = (ix == 0 ? null : ss.substring(0, ix));
String selector = null;
String selectorAndMaxFrequency = ss.substring(ix + CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR.length());
if (selectorAndMaxFrequency.length() != 0) {
int ix2 = selectorAndMaxFrequency.indexOf(CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR);
if (ix2 != -1) {
selector = (ix2 == 0 ? null : selectorAndMaxFrequency.substring(0, ix2));
String maxFrequencyString = selectorAndMaxFrequency.substring(ix2 + CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR.length());
if (maxFrequencyString.length() != 0) {
// Choose the minimum of Consumer level maxFrequency and subscription level maxFrequency.
int maxFrequencyCandidate = Integer.parseInt(maxFrequencyString);
maxFrequencyPerSubscription = maxFrequencyPerSubscription == 0 ? maxFrequencyCandidate : Math.min(maxFrequencyPerSubscription, maxFrequencyCandidate);
} else {
selector = selectorAndMaxFrequency;
subscriptionManager.addSubscriber(clientId, selector, subtopic, endpointId, maxFrequencyPerSubscription);
// invalid message
if (rems != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < rems.length; i++) {
String ss = (String) rems[i];
int ix = ss.indexOf(CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR);
if (ix != -1) {
String subtopic = (ix == 0 ? null : ss.substring(0, ix));
String selector = null;
String selectorAndMaxFrequency = ss.substring(ix + CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR.length());
if (selectorAndMaxFrequency.length() != 0) {
int ix2 = selectorAndMaxFrequency.indexOf(CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR);
if (ix2 != -1)
selector = ix2 == 0 ? null : selectorAndMaxFrequency.substring(0, ix2);
selector = selectorAndMaxFrequency;
subscriptionManager.removeSubscriber(clientId, selector, subtopic, endpointId);
} finally {
if (replyMessage == null)
replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
} else if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION) {
// This code path handles poll messages sent by Consumer.receive().
// This API should not trigger server side waits, so we invoke poll
// and if there are no queued messages for this Consumer instance we
// return an empty acknowledgement immediately.
MessageClient client = null;
try {
client = subscriptionManager.getMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);
if (client != null) {
if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions()) {
List missedMessages = (List) adapter.manage(command);
if (missedMessages != null && !missedMessages.isEmpty()) {
MessageBroker broker = getMessageBroker();
for (Iterator iter = missedMessages.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
broker.routeMessageToMessageClient((Message), client);
FlushResult flushResult = client.getFlexClient().poll(client);
List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty()) {
replyMessage = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
} else {
replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
// Adaptive poll wait is never used in responses to Consumer.receive() calls.
} else {
ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
se.setMessage(NOT_SUBSCRIBED, new Object[]{destination.getId()});
throw se;
} finally {
} else {
ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
se.setMessage(UNKNOWN_COMMAND, new Object[]{new Integer(command.getOperation())});
throw se;
return replyMessage;
* Returns the log category of the <code>MessageService</code>.
* @return The log category of the component.
protected String getLogCategory() {
* This method is invoked to allow the <code>MessageService</code> to instantiate and register its
* MBean control.
* @param broker The <code>MessageBroker</code> to pass to the <code>MessageServiceControl</code> constructor.
protected void setupServiceControl(MessageBroker broker) {
controller = new MessageServiceControl(this, broker.getControl());
* Tests a selector in an attempt to avoid runtime errors that we could catch at startup.
* @param selectorExpression The expression to test.
* @param msg A test message.
private void testSelector(String selectorExpression, Message msg) {
if (selectorExpression != null && !selectorExpression.equals(""))
ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
se.setMessage(BAD_SELECTOR, new Object[]{selectorExpression});
se.setRootCause(new RuntimeException("JMSSelector removed"));
throw se;
JMSSelector selector = new JMSSelector(selectorExpression);
catch (Exception e)
ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
se.setMessage(BAD_SELECTOR, new Object[]{selectorExpression});
throw se;
private int processMaxFrequencyHeader(CommandMessage command) {
Object maxFrequencyHeader = command.getHeader(CommandMessage.MAX_FREQUENCY_HEADER);
if (maxFrequencyHeader != null)
return ((Integer) maxFrequencyHeader).intValue();
return 0;
private Subtopic testProducerSubtopic(String subtopicSeparator, String subtopicString) {
Subtopic subtopic = new Subtopic(subtopicString, subtopicSeparator);
if (subtopic.containsSubtopicWildcard()) {
ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
se.setMessage(10556, new Object[]{subtopicString});
throw se;
return subtopic;
private Object[] getObjectArrayFromHeader(Object header) {
if (header instanceof Object[])
return (Object[]) header;
else if (header instanceof List)
return ((List) header).toArray();
else if (header == null)
return null;
ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
se.setMessage("Invalid header: " + header + " in message. expected array or list and found: " + header.getClass().getName());
throw se;
* This is override the method stop().
* It is needed to provide locking of MessageService.subcribeLock first
public void stop() {
try {
} finally {