blob: 5e1ed29b8db9733b9ed57b0d5b6f86814ceefa6b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Optional
from distill.sessions.session import Session
from distill.sessions.utils import (
class Sessions_Type(Enum):
TAB = "tab"
DOMAIN = "domain"
DEFAULT = "default"
class Sessions:
A collection of Session objects.
def __init__(self, logs: Optional[Dict] = None, sessions=[], **kwargs):
Sessions initialization function.
:param logs ({}): Optional, Userale logs in the form of dictionary, if provided,
the logs will be parsed into sessions on initialization
:param sessions ({}): A dictionary that describe the parsed logs to sessions
**kwargs, Additional arguments passed to the user session parsing function,
if logs are provided
self.sessions = sessions
self.sessions_type = Sessions_Type.DEFAULT
# Chunk on initialization
if logs:
self.create_from_logs(logs, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self):
Allows Sessions to be iterable.
return iter(self.sessions)
def __len__(self):
Allows Sessions to return the number of sessions it contains.
return len(self.sessions)
def __str__(self):
Creates a readable string for Sessions.
sessions_in_str = "{"
for session in self.sessions:
# Remove the bracket
sessions_in_str += str(session)[1:-1] + ","
sessions_in_str = sessions_in_str[:-1] + "}"
# Remove the last "," and add the closing bracket
return sessions_in_str
def get_sessions_type(self):
Gets the type of a groupings/parsing that were used to create the sessions.
:return: The sessions type.
return self.sessions_type
def get_session_list(self):
Returns a list of Session objects in Sessions.
:return: A list of session objects.
return self.sessions
def get_session_names(self):
Returns the names session names (key of the session dictionary).
:return: A list of session names
session_names = []
for session in self.sessions:
return session_names
def create_from_logs(
self, logs, inactive_interval_s=60, group_by_type="None", url_re="."
Separate a raw log to sets of user sessions.
A user session is defined by: unique session ID,
user ID, and separated by idle time that exceeds
the specified inactive_interval (in seconds).
By default, the interval is 60 seconds. This set
is further separated by the windows tab in which
the user activities occurred.
:param logs: Userale logs in the form of dictionary
:param inactive_interval_s: Threshold of inactivity (no logged activity)
in seconds
:param url_re: Regular expression to filter the log
:param group_by_type: either group by tab, URL, browser (None)
:return: A dictionary that represent sets of user sessions
data_by_users = {}
data_by_users = group_by_user(logs)
chunk_data_by_users_sessions = {}
for user in data_by_users:
user_session_sets = {}
# Sort the logs associated by each users so we can create sets accordingly
sorted_data = sorted(
key=lambda item: item.get("clientTime", item.get("endTime")),
chunked_group = {}
# Separate by browser tab
if group_by_type == "tab":
chunked_group = chunk_by_tabId(sorted_data)
for g_id in chunked_group:
# For each set, detect if there is an idle time between the logs
# that exceed X seconds
user_session_sets[g_id] = chunk_by_idle_time(
chunked_group[g_id], inactive_interval_s
chunk_data_by_users_sessions[user] = user_session_sets
# Separate by domain application
elif group_by_type == "domain":
# Do something
chunked_group = chunk_by_domain(sorted_data, url_re)
for g_id in chunked_group:
# For each set, detect if there is an idle time between the logs
# that exceed X seconds
user_session_sets[g_id] = chunk_by_idle_time(
chunked_group[g_id], inactive_interval_s
chunk_data_by_users_sessions[user] = user_session_sets
# For each set, detect if there is an idle time between the logs
# that exceed X seconds
chunk_data_by_users_sessions[user] = chunk_by_idle_time(
sorted_data, inactive_interval_s
# Flatten the structure into a collection of sessions
flattened_results = flatten_dict(chunk_data_by_users_sessions)
parsed_sessions = []
for result in flattened_results:
parsed_sessions.append(Session({result: flattened_results[result]}))
# Update the sessions
self.sessions = parsed_sessions
# Set the sessions type
if group_by_type == "tab":
self.sessions_type = Sessions_Type.TAB
elif group_by_type == "domain":
self.sessions_type = Sessions_Type.DOMAIN