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== OAuth
Fineract has a (basic) OAuth2 support based on Spring Boot Security. Here's how to use it:
=== Build
You must re-build the distribution JAR (or WAR) using the special `-Psecurity=oauth` flag:
./gradlew bootRun -Psecurity=oauth
Downloads from, or using e.g. the container image, or on, this will not work, because they have not been built using this flag.
Previous versions of Fineract included a built-in authorisation server for issuing OAuth tokens. However, as the spring-security-oauth2 package was deprecated and replaced by built-in OAuth support in Spring Security, this is no longer supported as part of the package. Instead, you need to run a separate OAuth authorization server (e.g. or use a 3rd-party OAuth authorization provider (
This instruction describes how to get Fineract OAuth working with a Keycloak ( based authentication provider running in a Docker container. The steps required for other OAuth providers will be similar.
=== Set up Keycloak
1. From terminal, run: 'docker run -p 9000:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin'
1. Go to URL 'http://localhost:9000/auth/admin' and login with admin/admin
1. Hover your mouse over text "Master" and click on "Add realm"
1. Enter name "fineract" for your realm
1. Click on tab "Users" on the left, then "Add user" and create user with username "mifos"
1. Click on tab "Credentials" at the top, and set password to "password", turning "temporary" setting to off
1. Click on tab "Clients" on the left, and create client with ID 'community-app'
1. In settings tab, set 'access-type' to 'confidential' and enter 'localhost' in the valid redirect URIs.
1. In credentials tab, copy string in field 'secret' as this will be needed in the step to request the access token
Finally we need to change Keycloak configuration so that it uses the username as a subject of the token:
1. Choose client 'community-app' in the tab 'Clients'
1. Go to tab 'Mappers' and click on 'Create'
1. Enter 'usernameInSub' as 'Name'
1. Choose mapper type 'User Property'
1. Enter 'username' into the field 'Property' and 'sub' into the field 'Token Claim Name'. Choose 'String' as 'Claim JSON Type'
You are now ready to test out OAuth:
=== Retrieve an access token from Keycloak
curl --location --request POST \
'http://localhost:9000/auth/realms/fineract/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'username=mifos' \
--data-urlencode 'password=password' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=community-app' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<enter the client secret from credentials tab>'
The reply should contain a field 'access_token'. Copy the field's value and use it in the API call below:
=== Invoke APIs and pass `Authorization: bearer ...` header
curl --location --request GET \
'https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/api/v1/offices' \
--header 'Fineract-Platform-TenantId: default' \
--header 'Authorization: bearer <enter the value of the access_token field>'
NOTE: See also