blob: 520d443223a15b7d7932555d8768c1b688424961 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.fineract.portfolio.savings.api;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Chirag Gupta on 12/29/17.
final class SavingsAccountsApiResourceSwagger {
private SavingsAccountsApiResourceSwagger() {}
@Schema(description = "GetSavingsAccountsTemplateResponse")
public static final class GetSavingsAccountsTemplateResponse {
private GetSavingsAccountsTemplateResponse() {}
static final class GetSavingsProductOptions {
private GetSavingsProductOptions() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "Passbook Savings")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "small business")
public String clientName;
public Set<GetSavingsProductOptions> productOptions;
@Schema(description = "GetSavingsAccountsResponse")
public static final class GetSavingsAccountsResponse {
private GetSavingsAccountsResponse() {}
static final class GetSavingsPageItems {
private GetSavingsPageItems() {}
static final class GetSavingsStatus {
private GetSavingsStatus() {}
@Schema(example = "100")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Submitted and pending approval")
public String value;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean submittedAndPendingApproval;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean approved;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean rejected;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean withdrawnByApplicant;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closed;
static final class GetSavingsTimeline {
private GetSavingsTimeline() {}
@Schema(example = "[2013, 3, 1]")
public LocalDate submittedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "[2013, 4, 8]")
public LocalDate approvedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "[2014, 3, 1]")
public LocalDate activatedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "username")
public String submittedByUsername;
@Schema(example = "name")
public String submittedByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "lastname")
public String submittedByLastname;
@Schema(example = "mifos")
public String approvedByUsername;
@Schema(example = "name")
public String approvedByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "lastname")
public String approvedByLastname;
static final class GetSavingsCurrency {
private GetSavingsCurrency() {}
@Schema(example = "USD")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer decimalPlaces;
@Schema(example = "$")
public String displaySymbol;
@Schema(example = "currency.USD")
public String nameCode;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar ($)")
public String displayLabel;
static final class GetSavingsInterestCompoundingPeriodType {
private GetSavingsInterestCompoundingPeriodType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Daily")
public String value;
static final class GetSavingsInterestPostingPeriodType {
private GetSavingsInterestPostingPeriodType() {}
@Schema(example = "4")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Monthly")
public String value;
static final class GetSavingsInterestCalculationType {
private GetSavingsInterestCalculationType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Daily Balance")
public String value;
static final class GetSavingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType {
private GetSavingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType() {}
@Schema(example = "365")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "365 Days")
public String value;
static final class GetSavingsSummary {
private GetSavingsSummary() {}
public GetSavingsCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "0")
public BigDecimal accountBalance;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public String accountNo;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "small business")
public String clientName;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer savingsProductId;
@Schema(example = "Passbook Savings")
public String savingsProductName;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer fieldOfficerId;
public GetSavingsStatus status;
public GetSavingsTimeline timeline;
public GetSavingsCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "5")
public Double nominalAnnualInterestRate;
public GetSavingsInterestCompoundingPeriodType interestCompoundingPeriodType;
public GetSavingsInterestPostingPeriodType interestPostingPeriodType;
public GetSavingsInterestCalculationType interestCalculationType;
public GetSavingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType interestCalculationDaysInYearType;
public GetSavingsSummary summary;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer totalFilteredRecords;
public Set<GetSavingsPageItems> pageItems;
@Schema(description = "PostSavingsAccountsRequest")
public static final class PostSavingsAccountsRequest {
private PostSavingsAccountsRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer productId;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "01 March 2011")
public String submittedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "123")
public String externalId;
@Schema(description = "PostSavingsAccountsResponse")
public static final class PostSavingsAccountsResponse {
private PostSavingsAccountsResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer savingsId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer resourceId;
@Schema(description = "GetSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse")
public static final class GetSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse {
private GetSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse() {}
static final class GetSavingsAccountsSummary {
private GetSavingsAccountsSummary() {}
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "0")
public BigDecimal accountBalance;
@Schema(example = "0")
public BigDecimal availableBalance;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer id;
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public String accountNo;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "small business")
public String clientName;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer savingsProductId;
@Schema(example = "Passbook Savings")
public String savingsProductName;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer fieldOfficerId;
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsStatus status;
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsTimeline timeline;
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "5")
public Double nominalAnnualInterestRate;
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsInterestCompoundingPeriodType interestCompoundingPeriodType;
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsInterestPostingPeriodType interestPostingPeriodType;
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsInterestCalculationType interestCalculationType;
public GetSavingsAccountsResponse.GetSavingsPageItems.GetSavingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType interestCalculationDaysInYearType;
public GetSavingsAccountsSummary summary;
@Schema(description = "PutSavingsAccountsAccountIdRequest")
public static final class PutSavingsAccountsAccountIdRequest {
private PutSavingsAccountsAccountIdRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "5.9999999999")
public Double nominalAnnualInterestRate;
@Schema(description = "PutSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse")
public static final class PutSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse {
private PutSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse() {}
static final class PutSavingsAccountsChanges {
private PutSavingsAccountsChanges() {}
@Schema(example = "5.9999999999")
public Double nominalAnnualInterestRate;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer savingsId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer resourceId;
public PutSavingsAccountsChanges changes;
@Schema(description = "PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdRequest")
public static final class PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdRequest {
private PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "05 September 2014")
public String approvedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "05 September 2014")
public String activatedOnDate;
@Schema(description = "PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse")
public static final class PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse {
private PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse() {}
static final class PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdChanges {
private PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdChanges() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer officeId;
@Schema(example = "8")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "8")
public Integer resourceId;
public PostSavingsAccountsAccountIdChanges changes;
@Schema(description = "DeleteSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse")
public static final class DeleteSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse {
private DeleteSavingsAccountsAccountIdResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer resourceId;