blob: c12df88417103dd01c2030af94d4a3a74c8d73fc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.dataqueries.service;
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.PageSize;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.domain.JdbcSupport;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.exception.PlatformDataIntegrityException;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.core.service.RoutingDataSource;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.dataqueries.exception.ReportNotFoundException;
import org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.documentmanagement.contentrepository.FileSystemContentRepository;
import org.apache.fineract.useradministration.domain.AppUser;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class ReadReportingServiceImpl implements ReadReportingService {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReadReportingServiceImpl.class);
private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private final DataSource dataSource;
private final PlatformSecurityContext context;
private final GenericDataService genericDataService;
public ReadReportingServiceImpl(final PlatformSecurityContext context, final RoutingDataSource dataSource,
final GenericDataService genericDataService) {
this.context = context;
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(this.dataSource);
this.genericDataService = genericDataService;
public StreamingOutput retrieveReportCSV(final String name, final String type, final Map<String, String> queryParams,
final boolean isSelfServiceUserReport) {
return out -> {
try {
final GenericResultsetData result = retrieveGenericResultset(name, type, queryParams, isSelfServiceUserReport);
final StringBuilder sb = generateCsvFileBuffer(result);
final InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(sb.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
final byte[] outputByte = new byte[4096];
Integer readLen =, 0, 4096);
while (readLen != -1) {
out.write(outputByte, 0, readLen);
readLen =, 0, 4096);
// in.close();
// out.flush();
// out.close();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.exception.error", e.getMessage(), e);
private StringBuilder generateCsvFileBuffer(final GenericResultsetData result) {
final StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder();
final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders = result.getColumnHeaders();"NO. of Columns: {}", columnHeaders.size());
final Integer chSize = columnHeaders.size();
for (int i = 0; i < chSize; i++) {
writer.append('"' + columnHeaders.get(i).getColumnName() + '"');
if (i < (chSize - 1)) {
final List<ResultsetRowData> data = result.getData();
List<String> row;
Integer rSize;
// String currCol;
String currColType;
String currVal;
final String doubleQuote = "\"";
final String twoDoubleQuotes = doubleQuote + doubleQuote;"NO. of Rows: {}", data.size());
for (ResultsetRowData element : data) {
row = element.getRow();
rSize = row.size();
for (int j = 0; j < rSize; j++) {
// currCol = columnHeaders.get(j).getColumnName();
currColType = columnHeaders.get(j).getColumnType();
currVal = row.get(j);
if (currVal != null) {
if (currColType.equals("DECIMAL") || currColType.equals("DOUBLE") || currColType.equals("BIGINT")
|| currColType.equals("SMALLINT") || currColType.equals("INT")) {
} else {
writer.append('"' + this.genericDataService.replace(currVal, doubleQuote, twoDoubleQuotes) + '"');
if (j < (rSize - 1)) {
return writer;
public GenericResultsetData retrieveGenericResultset(final String name, final String type, final Map<String, String> queryParams,
final boolean isSelfServiceUserReport) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"STARTING REPORT: {} Type: {}", name, type);
final String sql = getSQLtoRun(name, type, queryParams, isSelfServiceUserReport);
final GenericResultsetData result = this.genericDataService.fillGenericResultSet(sql);
final long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;"FINISHING Report/Request Name: {} - {} Elapsed Time: {}", name, type, elapsed);
return result;
private String getSQLtoRun(final String name, final String type, final Map<String, String> queryParams,
final boolean isSelfServiceUserReport) {
String sql = getSql(name, type);
final Set<String> keys = queryParams.keySet();
for (final String key : keys) {
final String pValue = queryParams.get(key);
//"({} : {})", key, pValue);
sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, key, pValue);
final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
// Allows sql query to restrict data by office hierarchy if required
sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, "${currentUserHierarchy}", currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy());
// Allows sql query to restrict data by current user Id if required
// (typically used to return report lists containing only reports
// permitted to be run by the user
sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, "${currentUserId}", currentUser.getId().toString());
sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, "${isSelfServiceUser}", Integer.toString(isSelfServiceUserReport ? 1 : 0));
sql = this.genericDataService.wrapSQL(sql);
return sql;
private String getSql(final String name, final String type) {
final String inputSql = "select " + type + "_sql as the_sql from stretchy_" + type + " where " + type + "_name = ?";
final String inputSqlWrapped = this.genericDataService.wrapSQL(inputSql);
// the return statement contains the exact sql required
final SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(inputSqlWrapped, name);
if ( && rs.getString("the_sql") != null) {
return rs.getString("the_sql");
throw new ReportNotFoundException(name);
public String getReportType(final String reportName, final boolean isSelfServiceUserReport, final boolean isParameterType) {
if (isParameterType) {
return "Table";
final String sql = "SELECT ifNull(report_type,'') AS report_type FROM `stretchy_report` WHERE report_name = ? AND self_service_user_report = ?";
final String sqlWrapped = this.genericDataService.wrapSQL(sql);
final SqlRowSet rs = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(sqlWrapped, reportName, isSelfServiceUserReport);
if ( {
return rs.getString("report_type");
throw new ReportNotFoundException(reportName);
public String retrieveReportPDF(final String reportName, final String type, final Map<String, String> queryParams,
final boolean isSelfServiceUserReport) {
final String fileLocation = FileSystemContentRepository.FINERACT_BASE_DIR + File.separator + "";
if (!new File(fileLocation).isDirectory()) {
new File(fileLocation).mkdirs();
final String genaratePdf = fileLocation + File.separator + reportName + ".pdf";
try {
final GenericResultsetData result = retrieveGenericResultset(reportName, type, queryParams, isSelfServiceUserReport);
final List<ResultsetColumnHeaderData> columnHeaders = result.getColumnHeaders();
final List<ResultsetRowData> data = result.getData();
List<String> row;"NO. of Columns: {}", columnHeaders.size());
final Integer chSize = columnHeaders.size();
final Document document = new Document(PageSize.B0.rotate());
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(new File(fileLocation + reportName + ".pdf")));;
final PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(chSize);
for (int i = 0; i < chSize; i++) {
Integer rSize;
String currColType;
String currVal;"NO. of Rows: {}", data.size());
for (ResultsetRowData element : data) {
row = element.getRow();
rSize = row.size();
for (int j = 0; j < rSize; j++) {
currColType = columnHeaders.get(j).getColumnType();
currVal = row.get(j);
if (currVal != null) {
if (currColType.equals("DECIMAL") || currColType.equals("DOUBLE") || currColType.equals("BIGINT")
|| currColType.equals("SMALLINT") || currColType.equals("INT")) {
} else {
return genaratePdf;
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOG.error("error.msg.reporting.error:", e);
throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.exception.error", e.getMessage(), e);
public ReportData retrieveReport(final Long id) {
final Collection<ReportData> reports = retrieveReports(id);
for (final ReportData report : reports) {
return report;
return null;
public Collection<ReportData> retrieveReportList() {
return retrieveReports(null);
private Collection<ReportData> retrieveReports(final Long id) {
final ReportParameterJoinMapper rm = new ReportParameterJoinMapper();
final String sql = rm.schema(id);
final Collection<ReportParameterJoinData> rpJoins = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, rm,
id != null ? new Object[] { id } : new Object[] {});
final Collection<ReportData> reportList = new ArrayList<>();
if (rpJoins == null || rpJoins.size() == 0) {
return reportList;
Collection<ReportParameterData> reportParameters = null;
Long reportId = null;
String reportName = null;
String reportType = null;
String reportSubType = null;
String reportCategory = null;
String description = null;
Boolean coreReport = null;
Boolean useReport = null;
String reportSql = null;
Long prevReportId = (long) -1234;
Boolean firstReport = true;
for (final ReportParameterJoinData rpJoin : rpJoins) {
if (rpJoin.getReportId().equals(prevReportId)) {
// more than one parameter for report
if (reportParameters == null) {
reportParameters = new ArrayList<>();
reportParameters.add(new ReportParameterData(rpJoin.getReportParameterId(), rpJoin.getParameterId(),
rpJoin.getReportParameterName(), rpJoin.getParameterName()));
} else {
if (firstReport) {
firstReport = false;
} else {
// write report entry
reportList.add(new ReportData(reportId, reportName, reportType, reportSubType, reportCategory, description, reportSql,
coreReport, useReport, reportParameters));
prevReportId = rpJoin.getReportId();
reportId = rpJoin.getReportId();
reportName = rpJoin.getReportName();
reportType = rpJoin.getReportType();
reportSubType = rpJoin.getReportSubType();
reportCategory = rpJoin.getReportCategory();
description = rpJoin.getDescription();
reportSql = rpJoin.getReportSql();
coreReport = rpJoin.getCoreReport();
useReport = rpJoin.getUseReport();
if (rpJoin.getReportParameterId() != null) {
// report has at least one parameter
reportParameters = new ArrayList<>();
reportParameters.add(new ReportParameterData(rpJoin.getReportParameterId(), rpJoin.getParameterId(),
rpJoin.getReportParameterName(), rpJoin.getParameterName()));
} else {
reportParameters = null;
// write last report
reportList.add(new ReportData(reportId, reportName, reportType, reportSubType, reportCategory, description, reportSql, coreReport,
useReport, reportParameters));
return reportList;
public Collection<ReportParameterData> getAllowedParameters() {
final ReportParameterMapper rm = new ReportParameterMapper();
final String sql = rm.schema();
final Collection<ReportParameterData> parameters = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, rm);
return parameters;
private static final class ReportParameterJoinMapper implements RowMapper<ReportParameterJoinData> {
public String schema(final Long reportId) {
String sql = "select as reportId, r.report_name as reportName, r.report_type as reportType, "
+ " r.report_subtype as reportSubType, r.report_category as reportCategory, r.description, r.core_report as coreReport, r.use_report as useReport, "
+ " as reportParameterId, rp.parameter_id as parameterId, rp.report_parameter_name as reportParameterName, p.parameter_name as parameterName";
if (reportId != null) {
sql += ", r.report_sql as reportSql ";
sql += " from stretchy_report r" + " left join stretchy_report_parameter rp on rp.report_id ="
+ " left join stretchy_parameter p on = rp.parameter_id";
if (reportId != null) {
sql += " where = ?";
} else {
sql += " order by, rp.parameter_id";
return sql;
* used to only return reports that the use can run as done in report UI but not necessary as there is a
* read_report permission which should give user access to look all reports + " where exists" +
* " (select 'f'" + " from m_appuser_role ur " + " join m_role r on = ur.role_id" +
* " left join m_role_permission rp on rp.role_id =" +
* " left join m_permission p on = rp.permission_id" + " where ur.appuser_id = " + userId +
* " and (p.code in ('ALL_FUNCTIONS', 'ALL_FUNCTIONS_READ') or p.code = concat('READ_', r.report_name))) " ;
public ReportParameterJoinData mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int rowNum) throws SQLException {
final Long reportId = rs.getLong("reportId");
final String reportName = rs.getString("reportName");
final String reportType = rs.getString("reportType");
final String reportSubType = rs.getString("reportSubType");
final String reportCategory = rs.getString("reportCategory");
final String description = rs.getString("description");
final Boolean coreReport = rs.getBoolean("coreReport");
final Boolean useReport = rs.getBoolean("useReport");
String reportSql;
// reportSql might not be on the select list of columns
try {
reportSql = rs.getString("reportSql");
} catch (final SQLException e) {
reportSql = null;
final Long reportParameterId = JdbcSupport.getLong(rs, "reportParameterId");
final Long parameterId = JdbcSupport.getLong(rs, "parameterId");
final String reportParameterName = rs.getString("reportParameterName");
final String parameterName = rs.getString("parameterName");
return new ReportParameterJoinData(reportId, reportName, reportType, reportSubType, reportCategory, description, reportSql,
coreReport, useReport, reportParameterId, parameterId, reportParameterName, parameterName);
private static final class ReportParameterMapper implements RowMapper<ReportParameterData> {
public String schema() {
return "select as id, p.parameter_name as parameterName from stretchy_parameter p where ifnull(p.special,'') != 'Y' order by";
public ReportParameterData mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int rowNum) throws SQLException {
final Long id = rs.getLong("id");
final String parameterName = rs.getString("parameterName");
return new ReportParameterData(id, null, null, parameterName);
public GenericResultsetData retrieveGenericResultSetForSmsEmailCampaign(String name, String type, Map<String, String> queryParams) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"STARTING REPORT: {} Type: {}", name, type);
final String sql = sqlToRunForSmsEmailCampaign(name, type, queryParams);
final GenericResultsetData result = this.genericDataService.fillGenericResultSet(sql);
final long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;"FINISHING Report/Request Name: {} - {} Elapsed Time: {}", name, type, elapsed);
return result;
private String sqlToRunForSmsEmailCampaign(final String name, final String type, final Map<String, String> queryParams) {
String sql = getSql(name, type);
final Set<String> keys = queryParams.keySet();
for (String key : keys) {
final String pValue = queryParams.get(key);
key = "${" + key + "}";
sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, key, pValue);
sql = this.genericDataService.wrapSQL(sql);
return sql;
public ByteArrayOutputStream generatePentahoReportAsOutputStream(final String reportName, final String outputTypeParam,
final Map<String, String> queryParams, final Locale locale, final AppUser runReportAsUser, final StringBuilder errorLog) {
// This complete implementation should be moved to Pentaho Report
// Service
* String outputType = "HTML"; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(outputTypeParam)) { outputType = outputTypeParam; }
* if (!(outputType.equalsIgnoreCase("HTML") || outputType.equalsIgnoreCase("PDF") ||
* outputType.equalsIgnoreCase("XLS") || outputType .equalsIgnoreCase("CSV"))) { throw new
* PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.outputType", "No matching Output Type: " + outputType); }
* if (this.noPentaho) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("",
* "Pentaho is not enabled", "Pentaho is not enabled"); }
* final String reportPath = FileSystemContentRepository.FINERACT_BASE_DIR + File.separator + "pentahoReports" +
* File.separator + reportName + ".prpt";"Report path: {}", reportPath);
* // load report definition final ResourceManager manager = new ResourceManager(); manager.registerDefaults();
* Resource res;
* try { res = manager.createDirectly(reportPath, MasterReport.class); final MasterReport masterReport =
* (MasterReport) res.getResource(); final DefaultReportEnvironment reportEnvironment =
* (DefaultReportEnvironment) masterReport.getReportEnvironment();
* if (locale != null) { reportEnvironment.setLocale(locale); } addParametersToReport(masterReport, queryParams,
* runReportAsUser, errorLog);
* final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
* if ("PDF".equalsIgnoreCase(outputType)) { PdfReportUtil.createPDF(masterReport, baos); return baos; }
* if ("XLS".equalsIgnoreCase(outputType)) { ExcelReportUtil.createXLS(masterReport, baos); return baos; }
* if ("CSV".equalsIgnoreCase(outputType)) { CSVReportUtil.createCSV(masterReport, baos, "UTF-8"); return baos;
* }
* if ("HTML".equalsIgnoreCase(outputType)) { HtmlReportUtil.createStreamHTML(masterReport, baos); return baos;
* }
* } catch (final ResourceException e) { errorLog.
* append("ReadReportingServiceImpl.generatePentahoReportAsOutputStream method threw a Pentaho ResourceException "
* + "exception: " + e.getMessage() + " ---------- "); throw new
* PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.reporting.error", e.getMessage()); } catch (final
* ReportProcessingException e) { errorLog.
* append("ReadReportingServiceImpl.generatePentahoReportAsOutputStream method threw a Pentaho ReportProcessingException "
* + "exception: " + e.getMessage() + " ---------- "); throw new
* PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.reporting.error", e.getMessage()); } catch (final IOException e) {
* errorLog. append("ReadReportingServiceImpl.generatePentahoReportAsOutputStream method threw an IOException "
* + "exception: " + e.getMessage() + " ---------- "); throw new
* PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.reporting.error", e.getMessage()); }
* errorLog.
* append("ReadReportingServiceImpl.generatePentahoReportAsOutputStream method threw a PlatformDataIntegrityException "
* + "exception: No matching Output Type: " + outputType + " ---------- "); throw new
* PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.outputType", "No matching Output Type: " + outputType);
return null;