blob: b71d498266a0e04aa166801374849da01fd820fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import static lombok.AccessLevel.PROTECTED;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE;
import static org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
public class ApiGlobalErrorResponse {
* A developer friendly plain English description of why the HTTP error response was returned from the API.
private String developerMessage;
* The HTTP status code of the response.
private String httpStatusCode;
* A user friendly plain English description of why the HTTP error response was returned from the API that can be
* presented to end users.
private String defaultUserMessage;
* A code that can be used for globalisation support by client applications of the API.
private String userMessageGlobalisationCode;
* A list of zero or more of the actual reasons for the HTTP error should they be needed. Typically used to express
* data validation errors with parameters passed to API.
private List<ApiParameterError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
protected ApiGlobalErrorResponse() {}
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse create(int statusCode, String msgCode, String developerMessage, String defaultUserMessage,
List<ApiParameterError> errors) {
ApiGlobalErrorResponse response = new ApiGlobalErrorResponse();
return response;
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse create(int statusCode, String msgCode, String developerMessage, String defaultUserMessage) {
return create(statusCode, msgCode, developerMessage, defaultUserMessage, null);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse unAuthenticated() {
return create(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "error.msg.not.authenticated", "Invalid authentication details were passed in api request.",
"Unauthenticated. Please login.");
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse invalidTenantIdentifier() {
return create(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "error.msg.invalid.tenant.identifier", "Invalid tenant details were passed in api request.",
"Invalid tenant identifier provided with request.");
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse invalidInstanceTypeMethod(final String method) {
return create(SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "error.msg.invalid.instance.type",
"Invalid instance type called in api request for the method " + method,
"Invalid method " + method + " used with request to this instance type.");
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse loanIsLocked(final Long loanId) {
String msg = "Loan is locked by the COB job. Loan ID: " + loanId;
return create(SC_CONFLICT, "", msg, msg);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse conflict(String type, String identifier) {
String details = "";
if (type == null) {
type = "unknown";
} else {
details = " on " + type;
if (identifier != null) {
details += " [" + identifier + ']';
String msg = "The server is currently unable to handle the request due to concurrent modification " + details
+ ", please try again";
return create(SC_CONFLICT, "error.msg.platform.service." + type + ".conflict", msg, msg);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse unAuthorized(final String defaultUserMessage) {
String msgCode = "error.msg.not.authorized";
final List<ApiParameterError> errors = List.of(ApiParameterError.generalError(msgCode, defaultUserMessage));
return create(SC_FORBIDDEN, msgCode,
"The user associated with credentials passed on this request does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action.",
"Insufficient privileges to perform this action.", errors);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse domainRuleViolation(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage,
final Object... defaultUserMessageArgs) {
final List<ApiParameterError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
errors.add(ApiParameterError.generalError(globalisationMessageCode, defaultUserMessage, defaultUserMessageArgs));
return create(SC_FORBIDDEN, "validation.msg.domain.rule.violation", "Request was understood but caused a domain rule violation.",
"Errors contain reason for domain rule violation.", errors);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse dataIntegrityError(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage,
final String parameterName, final Object... defaultUserMessageArgs) {
final List<ApiParameterError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
errors.add(ApiParameterError.parameterError(globalisationMessageCode, defaultUserMessage, parameterName, defaultUserMessageArgs));
return create(SC_FORBIDDEN, globalisationMessageCode, "The request caused a data integrity issue to be fired by the database.",
defaultUserMessage, errors);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse notFound(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage,
final Object... defaultUserMessageArgs) {
String msg = "The requested resource is not available.";
final List<ApiParameterError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
errors.add(ApiParameterError.resourceIdentifierNotFound(globalisationMessageCode, defaultUserMessage, defaultUserMessageArgs));
return create(SC_NOT_FOUND, "error.msg.resource.not.found", msg, msg, errors);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse badClientRequest(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage,
final List<ApiParameterError> errors) {
return create(SC_BAD_REQUEST, globalisationMessageCode,
"The request was invalid. This typically will happen due to validation errors which are provided.", defaultUserMessage,
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse badClientRequest(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage) {
return badClientRequest(globalisationMessageCode, defaultUserMessage, Collections.emptyList());
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse jobIsDisabled(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage) {
return create(SC_FORBIDDEN, globalisationMessageCode, defaultUserMessage, defaultUserMessage);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse serverSideError(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage,
final Object... defaultUserMessageArgs) {
String msg = "An unexpected error occured on the platform server.";
final List<ApiParameterError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
errors.add(ApiParameterError.generalError(globalisationMessageCode, defaultUserMessage, defaultUserMessageArgs));
return create(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "error.msg.platform.server.side.error", msg, msg, errors);
public static ApiGlobalErrorResponse serviceUnavailable(final String globalisationMessageCode, final String defaultUserMessage,
final Object... defaultUserMessageArgs) {
String msg = "The server is currently unable to handle the request , please try after some time.";
final List<ApiParameterError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
errors.add(ApiParameterError.generalError(globalisationMessageCode, defaultUserMessage, defaultUserMessageArgs));
return create(SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "error.msg.platform.service.unavailable", msg, msg, errors);
public List<ApiParameterError> getErrors() {
return this.errors;
public String toJson() {
final Gson gson = new Gson();
return gson.toJson(this);