blob: 7c1e64e6af55d8fe77ccfefe005f4a2265d39427 [file] [log] [blame]
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<column name="report_sql" value="select details.edate entry_date, sum(details.debit_amount) debit_amount, sum(details.credit_amount) credit_amount, details.description, ifnull(opb.openingbalance,0) openingbalance, if (details.manual_entry=1,,'0system') transtype, if (actype in (1,5), (sum(details.debit_amount) - sum(details.credit_amount)), (sum(details.credit_amount) - sum(details.debit_amount))) as cumulative_sum from ( select a.account_id acid1 ,concat(gl.gl_code,'-', as report_header ,gl.classification_enum actype ,gl.gl_code as reportid ,j1.entry_date edate ,concat(gl1.gl_code,'-', as account_name ,if (j1.type_enum=1, j1.amount, 0) as debit_amount ,if (j1.type_enum=2, j1.amount , 0) as credit_amount , ,j1.office_id ,j1.transaction_id , j1.type_enum ,j1.office_running_balance as aftertxn ,j1.description as description ,j1.transaction_id as transactionid ,a.manual_entry from acc_gl_journal_entry j1 inner join (select distinct je.transaction_id tid,je.account_id,je.manual_entry from m_office o left join m_office ounder on ounder.hierarchy like concat(o.hierarchy,'%') inner join acc_gl_journal_entry je on je.office_id = where je.account_id =${GLAccountNO} and = ${officeId} and je.entry_date between ${startDate} and ${endDate})a on a.tid = j1.transaction_id and j1.account_id &lt;&gt; ${GLAccountNO} left join acc_gl_account gl on = a.account_id left join acc_gl_account gl1 on = j1.account_id order by j1.entry_date, details left join ( select je.account_id acid2, if(aga1.classification_enum in (1,5), (sum(if(je.type_enum=2,ifnull(je.amount,0),0))- sum(if(je.type_enum=1,ifnull(je.amount,0),0))), (sum(if(je.type_enum=1,ifnull(je.amount,0),0))- sum(if(je.type_enum=2,ifnull(je.amount,0),0)))) openingbalance from m_office o left join m_office ounder on ounder.hierarchy like concat(o.hierarchy,'%') left join acc_gl_journal_entry je on je.office_id = left join acc_gl_account aga1 on where je.entry_date &lt;= DATE_SUB(${startDate},INTERVAL 2 day) and je.office_running_balance is not null and (${officeId}) and je.account_id = ${GLAccountNO} group by je.account_id )opb on opb.acid2=details.acid1 left join ( select name branchname from m_office mo where )branch on details.office_id=${officeId} group by details.edate, details.acid1, details.report_header, details.reportid, details.account_name, branch.branchname ,transtype, details.description, openingbalance "/>
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<column name="use_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="self_service_user_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
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<column name="report_type" value="Table"/>
<column name="report_subtype"/>
<column name="report_category" value="Accounting"/>
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<column name="report_subtype"/>
<column name="report_category" value="Accounting"/>
<column name="report_sql" value="(select debits.glcode as 'glcode', as 'name', 'Assets' as BalanceType, (ifnull(debits.debitamount,0)-ifnull(credits.creditamount,0)) as 'balance' from (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'debitamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) debits LEFT OUTER JOIN (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'creditamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) credits on debits.glcode=credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as 'glcode', as 'name', 'Assets' as BalanceType, (ifnull(debits.debitamount,0)-ifnull(credits.creditamount,0)) as 'balance' from (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'debitamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) debits RIGHT OUTER JOIN (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'creditamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) credits on debits.glcode=credits.glcode UNION select debits.glcode as 'glcode', as 'name', 'Liability' as BalanceType, (ifnull(credits.creditamount,0)-ifnull(debits.debitamount,0)) as 'balance' from (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'debitamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) debits LEFT OUTER JOIN (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'creditamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) credits on debits.glcode=credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as 'glcode', as 'name', 'Liability' as BalanceType, (ifnull(credits.creditamount,0)-ifnull(debits.debitamount,0)) as 'balance' from (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'debitamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) debits RIGHT OUTER JOIN (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'creditamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) credits on debits.glcode=credits.glcode UNION select debits.glcode as 'glcode', as 'name', 'Equity' as BalanceType, (ifnull(credits.creditamount,0)-ifnull(debits.debitamount,0)) as 'balance' from (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'debitamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum=2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) debits LEFT OUTER JOIN (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'creditamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum= 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) credits on debits.glcode=credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as 'glcode', as 'name', 'Equity' as BalanceType, (ifnull(credits.creditamount,0)-ifnull(debits.debitamount,0)) as 'balance' from (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'debitamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum= 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) debits RIGHT OUTER JOIN (select acc_gl_account.gl_code as 'glcode',name,sum(amount) as 'creditamount' from acc_gl_journal_entry,acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum= 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= date('${endDate}') and (acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id=${officeId} or ${officeId}=1) group by glcode order by glcode) credits on debits.glcode=credits.glcode) "/>
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<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='Trial Balance Table')"/>
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<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='GeneralLedgerReport Table')"/>
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<column name="report_subtype"/>
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<column name="report_sql" value="select * from ( select debits.glcode as &quot;glcode&quot;, as &quot;name&quot;, (case when debits.type = 1 or debits.type = 5 then coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) - coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0)else null end ) as &quot;debit&quot;, (case when debits.type = 4 or debits.type = 3 or debits.type = 2 then coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0)else null end ) as &quot;credit&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;debitamount&quot;, acc_gl_account.classification_enum as &quot;type&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = ${officeId} or ${officeId} = 1 ) group by glcode,,acc_gl_account.classification_enum order by glcode ) debits left outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name as &quot;name&quot;, sum(amount) as &quot;creditamount&quot;, acc_gl_account.classification_enum as &quot;type&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = ${officeId} or ${officeId} = 1 ) group by glcode,acc_gl_account.classification_enum, order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as &quot;glcode&quot;, as &quot;name&quot;, (case when credits.type = 1 or credits.type = 5 then coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) - coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) else null end ) as &quot;debit&quot;, (case when credits.type = 4 or credits.type = 3 or credits.type = 2 then coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) else null end ) as &quot;credit&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;debitamount&quot;, acc_gl_account.classification_enum as &quot;type&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode,,acc_gl_account.classification_enum order by glcode ) debits right outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name as &quot;name&quot;, sum(amount) as &quot;creditamount&quot;, acc_gl_account.classification_enum as &quot;type&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = ${officeId} or ${officeId} = 1 ) group by glcode,,acc_gl_account.classification_enum order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode ) as fullouterjoinresult order by glcode"/>
<column name="description" value="Trial Balance Report"/>
<column name="core_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="use_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="self_service_user_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report">
<column name="report_name" value="GeneralLedgerReport Table"/>
<column name="report_type" value="Table"/>
<column name="report_subtype"/>
<column name="report_category" value="Accounting"/>
<column name= "report_sql" value = "select details.edate entry_date, sum(details.debit_amount) debit_amount, sum(details.credit_amount) credit_amount, details.description, coalesce(opb.openingbalance, 0) openingbalance, case when details.manual_entry then cast( as text) else cast('system' as text) end transtype, case when actype in (1, 5) then ( sum(details.debit_amount) - sum(details.credit_amount) ) else ( sum(details.credit_amount) - sum(details.debit_amount) ) end as cumulative_sum from ( select a.account_id acid1, concat(gl.gl_code, '-', as report_header, gl.classification_enum actype, gl.gl_code as reportid, j1.entry_date edate, concat(gl1.gl_code, '-', as account_name, case when j1.type_enum = 1 then j1.amount else 0 end as debit_amount, case when j1.type_enum = 2 then j1.amount else 0 end as credit_amount,, j1.office_id, j1.transaction_id, j1.type_enum, j1.office_running_balance as aftertxn, j1.description as description, j1.transaction_id as transactionid, a.manual_entry from acc_gl_journal_entry j1 inner join ( select distinct je.transaction_id tid, je.account_id, je.manual_entry from m_office o left join m_office ounder on ounder.hierarchy like concat(o.hierarchy, '%') inner join acc_gl_journal_entry je on je.office_id = where je.account_id = cast('${GLAccountNO}' as BIGINT) and = '${officeId}' and je.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' ) a on a.tid = j1.transaction_id and j1.account_id &lt;&gt; cast('${GLAccountNO}' as BIGINT) left join acc_gl_account gl on = a.account_id left join acc_gl_account gl1 on = j1.account_id order by j1.entry_date, ) details left join ( select je.account_id acid2, case when aga1.classification_enum in (1, 5) then (( sum(case when je.type_enum = 2 then coalesce(je.amount, 0) else 0 end)) - sum(case when je.type_enum = 1 then coalesce(je.amount, 0) else 0 end)) else( sum(case when je.type_enum = 1 then coalesce(je.amount, 0) else 0 end) - sum(case when je.type_enum = 2 then coalesce(je.amount, 0) else 0 end)) end as openingbalance from m_office o left join m_office ounder on ounder.hierarchy like concat(o.hierarchy, '%') left join acc_gl_journal_entry je on je.office_id = left join acc_gl_account aga1 on = je.account_id where je.entry_date &lt;= date('${startDate}')- interval '3 day' and je.office_running_balance is not null and ( = '${officeId}') and je.account_id = cast('${GLAccountNO}' as BIGINT) group by je.account_id, aga1.classification_enum ) opb on opb.acid2 = details.acid1 left join ( select name branchname from m_office mo where = 1 ) branch on details.office_id = '${officeId}' group by details.edate, details.acid1, details.report_header, details.reportid, details.account_name, branch.branchname, transtype, details.description, openingbalance, details.actype"/>
<column name="description"/>
<column name="core_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
<column name="use_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="self_service_user_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report">
<column name="report_name" value="Income Statement Table"/>
<column name="report_type" value="Table"/>
<column name="report_subtype"/>
<column name="report_category" value="Accounting"/>
<column name="report_sql" value="( select * from ( select debits.glcode as &quot;glcode&quot;, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Expense' as IncomeOrExpense, ( coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) - coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) ) as &quot;balance&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;debitamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (5) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by gl_code, order by glcode ) debits LEFT OUTER JOIN ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;creditamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (5) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by gl_code, ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as &quot;glcode&quot;, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Expense' as IncomeOrExpense, ( coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) - coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) ) as &quot;balance&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;debitamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (5) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by gl_code , order by glcode ) debits RIGHT OUTER JOIN ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name as &quot;name&quot;, sum(amount) as &quot;creditamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (5) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by gl_code , order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode ) as fullouterjoinresult order by glcode ) UNION ( select * from ( select debits.glcode as &quot;glcode&quot;, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Income' as IncomeOrExpense, ( coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) ) as &quot;balance&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;debitamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (4) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) debits LEFT OUTER JOIN ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;creditamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (4) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode , order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as &quot;glcode&quot;, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Income' as IncomeOrExpense, ( coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) ) as &quot;balance&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;debitamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (4) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode , order by glcode ) debits RIGHT OUTER JOIN ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name as &quot;name&quot;, sum(amount) as creditamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (4) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date between '${startDate}' and '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode , order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode ) as fullouterjoinresult order by glcode )"/>
<column name="description" value="Profit and Loss Statement"/>
<column name="core_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="use_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="self_service_user_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report">
<column name="report_name" value="Balance Sheet Table"/>
<column name="report_type" value="Table"/>
<column name="report_subtype"/>
<column name="report_category" value="Accounting"/>
<column name="report_sql" value=" ( select debits.glcode as glcode, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Assets' as BalanceType, ( coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) - coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) ) as balance from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as debitamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) debits left outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as creditamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as glcode, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Assets' as BalanceType, ( coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) - coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) ) as balance from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as debitamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) debits right outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as creditamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (1) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select debits.glcode as glcode, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Liability' as BalanceType, ( coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) ) as balance from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as debitamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) debits left outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as creditamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as glcode, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Liability' as BalanceType, ( coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) ) as &quot;balance&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;debitamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) debits right outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as &quot;glcode&quot;, name, sum(amount) as &quot;creditamount&quot; from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (2) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select debits.glcode as &quot;glcode&quot;, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Equity' as BalanceType, ( coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) ) as &quot;balance&quot; from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as debitamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) debits left outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as creditamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode union select credits.glcode as glcode, as &quot;name&quot;, 'Equity' as BalanceType, ( coalesce(credits.creditamount, 0) - coalesce(debits.debitamount, 0) ) as balance from ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as debitamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) debits right outer join ( select acc_gl_account.gl_code as glcode, name, sum(amount) as creditamount from acc_gl_journal_entry, acc_gl_account where = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id and acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 and acc_gl_account.classification_enum in (3) and acc_gl_journal_entry.entry_date &lt;= '${endDate}' and ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = '${officeId}' or '${officeId}' = 1 ) group by glcode, order by glcode ) credits on debits.glcode = credits.glcode )"/>
<column name="description" value="Balance Sheet"/>
<column name="core_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="use_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="self_service_user_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='Trial Balance Table')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="1"/>
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<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='Trial Balance Table')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="5"/>
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<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
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<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="2"/>
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<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
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<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="5"/>
<column name="report_parameter_name" value="officeId"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='GeneralLedgerReport Table')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="2"/>
<column name="report_parameter_name" value="endDate"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='GeneralLedgerReport Table')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="1"/>
<column name="report_parameter_name" value="startDate"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='Balance Sheet Table')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="5"/>
<column name="report_parameter_name" value="branch"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='Balance Sheet Table')"/>
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<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
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<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select from stretchy_report sr where sr.report_name ='Income Statement Table')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueNumeric="2"/>
<column name="report_parameter_name" value="toDate"/>
<changeSet id="2" author="fineract" context="mysql">
<update tableName="stretchy_report">
<column name="report_sql" value="select details.edate entry_date, sum(details.debit_amount) debit_amount, sum(details.credit_amount) credit_amount, details.description, ifnull(opb.openingbalance,0) openingbalance, if (details.manual_entry=1,,'0system') transtype, if (actype in (1,5), (sum(details.debit_amount) - sum(details.credit_amount)), (sum(details.credit_amount) - sum(details.debit_amount))) as cumulative_sum from ( select a.account_id acid1 ,concat(gl.gl_code,'-', as report_header ,gl.classification_enum actype ,gl.gl_code as reportid ,j1.entry_date edate ,concat(gl1.gl_code,'-', as account_name ,if (j1.type_enum=1, j1.amount, 0) as debit_amount ,if (j1.type_enum=2, j1.amount , 0) as credit_amount , ,j1.office_id ,j1.transaction_id , j1.type_enum ,j1.office_running_balance as aftertxn ,j1.description as description ,j1.transaction_id as transactionid ,a.manual_entry from acc_gl_journal_entry j1 inner join (select distinct je.transaction_id tid,je.account_id,je.manual_entry from m_office o left join m_office ounder on ounder.hierarchy like concat(o.hierarchy,'%') inner join acc_gl_journal_entry je on je.office_id = where je.account_id =${GLAccountNO} and = ${officeId} and je.entry_date between date('${startDate}') and date('${endDate}'))a on a.tid = j1.transaction_id and j1.account_id &lt;&gt; ${GLAccountNO} left join acc_gl_account gl on = a.account_id left join acc_gl_account gl1 on = j1.account_id order by j1.entry_date, details left join ( select je.account_id acid2, if(aga1.classification_enum in (1,5), (sum(if(je.type_enum=2,ifnull(je.amount,0),0))- sum(if(je.type_enum=1,ifnull(je.amount,0),0))), (sum(if(je.type_enum=1,ifnull(je.amount,0),0))- sum(if(je.type_enum=2,ifnull(je.amount,0),0)))) openingbalance from m_office o left join m_office ounder on ounder.hierarchy like concat(o.hierarchy,'%') left join acc_gl_journal_entry je on je.office_id = left join acc_gl_account aga1 on where je.entry_date &lt;= DATE_SUB('${startDate}',INTERVAL 2 day) and je.office_running_balance is not null and (${officeId}) and je.account_id = ${GLAccountNO} group by je.account_id )opb on opb.acid2=details.acid1 left join ( select name branchname from m_office mo where )branch on details.office_id=${officeId} group by details.edate, details.acid1, details.report_header, details.reportid, details.account_name, branch.branchname ,transtype, details.description, openingbalance "/>
<where>report_name = 'GeneralLedgerReport Table'</where>