blob: 1a332c0b1264aa396e22a36512441d70a179cff9 [file] [log] [blame]
= Design Overview
NOTE: The implementation of the platform code to process commands through handlers whilst supporting maker-checker and authorisation checks is a little bit convoluted at present and is an area pin-pointed for clean up to make it easier to on board new platform developers. In the mean time below content is used to explain its workings at present.
Taking into account example shown above for the *users* resource.
* Query: GET /users
* HTTPS API: retrieveAll method on *org.apache.fineract.useradministration.api.UsersApiResource* invoked
* UsersApiResource.retrieveAll: Check user has permission to access this resources data.
* UsersApiResource.retrieveAll: Use 'read service' to fetch all users data ('read services' execute simple SQL queries against Database using JDBC)
* UsersApiResource.retrieveAll: Data returned to coverted into JSON response
* Command: POST /users (Note: data passed in request body)
* HTTPS API: create method on org.apache.fineract.useradministration.api.UsersApiResource invoked
.Create a CommandWrapper object that represents this create user command and JSON request body. Pass off responsiblity for processing to PortfolioCommandSourceWritePlatformService.logCommandSource
.Check user has permission for this action. if ok, a) parse the json request body, b) create a JsonCommand object to wrap the command details, c) use CommandProcessingService to handle command
NOTE: if a RollbackTransactionAsCommandIsNotApprovedByCheckerException occurs at this point. The original transaction will of been aborted and we only log an entry for the command in the audit table setting its status as 'Pending'.
* Check that if maker-checker configuration enabled for this action. If yes and this is not a 'checker' approving the command - rollback at the end. We rollback at the end in order to test if the command will pass 'domain validation' which requires commit to database for full check.
* findCommandHandler - Find the correct Hanlder to process this command.
* Process command using handler (In transactional scope).
* CommandSource object created/updated with all details for logging to 'm_portfolio_command_source' table.
* In update scenario, we check to see if there where really any changes/updates. If so only JSON for changes is stored in audit log.