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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.fineract.integrationtests;
import static org.apache.fineract.infrastructure.businessdate.domain.BusinessDateType.BUSINESS_DATE;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.fineract.client.models.BusinessDateRequest;
import org.apache.fineract.client.models.GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentLevelDelinquency;
import org.apache.fineract.client.models.GetLoansLoanIdResponse;
import org.apache.fineract.client.models.PostLoanProductsRequest;
import org.apache.fineract.client.models.PostLoanProductsResponse;
import org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.common.ClientHelper;
import org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.common.SchedulerJobHelper;
import org.apache.fineract.integrationtests.common.products.DelinquencyBucketsHelper;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
public class InstallmentLevelDelinquencyAPIIntegrationTests extends BaseLoanIntegrationTest {
private SchedulerJobHelper schedulerJobHelper = new SchedulerJobHelper(this.requestSpec);
public void testInstallmentLevelDelinquencyFourRangesInTheBucket() {
runAt("31 May 2023", () -> {
// Create Client
Long clientId = clientHelper.createClient(ClientHelper.defaultClientCreationRequest()).getClientId();
// Create DelinquencyBuckets
Integer delinquencyBucketId = DelinquencyBucketsHelper.createDelinquencyBucket(requestSpec, responseSpec, List.of(//
Pair.of(1, 10), //
Pair.of(11, 30), //
Pair.of(31, 60), //
Pair.of(61, null)//
// Create Loan Product
PostLoanProductsRequest loanProductsRequest = create1InstallmentAmountInMultiplesOf4Period1MonthLongWithInterestAndAmortizationProduct(
InterestType.FLAT, AmortizationType.EQUAL_INSTALLMENTS);
PostLoanProductsResponse loanProductResponse = loanProductHelper.createLoanProduct(loanProductsRequest);
// Apply and Approve Loan
Long loanId = applyAndApproveLoan(clientId, loanProductResponse.getResourceId(), "01 January 2023", 1250.0, 4);
// Disburse Loan
disburseLoan(loanId, BigDecimal.valueOf(1250), "01 January 2023");
// Verify Repayment Schedule and Due Dates
verifyRepaymentSchedule(loanId, //
installment(0, null, "01 January 2023"), //
installment(313.0, false, "31 January 2023"), // 120 days delinquent -> range4
installment(313.0, false, "02 March 2023"), // 90 days delinquent -> range4
installment(313.0, false, "01 April 2023"), // 60 days delinquent -> range3
installment(311.0, false, "01 May 2023") // 30 days delinquent -> range2
// since the current day is 31 May 2023, therefore all the installments are delinquent
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 120, "1250.0", //
delinquency(11, 30, "311.0"), // 4th installment
delinquency(31, 60, "313.0"), // 3rd installment
delinquency(61, null, "626.0") // 1st installment + 2nd installment
// Repayment of the first two installments
addRepaymentForLoan(loanId, 626.0, "31 May 2023");
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 60, "624.0", //
delinquency(11, 30, "311.0"), // 4th installment
delinquency(31, 60, "313.0") // 3rd installment
// Partial repayment
addRepaymentForLoan(loanId, 100.0, "31 May 2023");
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 60, "524.0", //
delinquency(11, 30, "311.0"), // 4th installment
delinquency(31, 60, "213.0") // 3rd installment
// Repay the loan fully
addRepaymentForLoan(loanId, 524.0, "31 May 2023");
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 0, "0.0");
public void testInstallmentLevelDelinquencyTwoRangesInTheBucket() {
runAt("31 May 2023", () -> {
// Create Client
Long clientId = clientHelper.createClient(ClientHelper.defaultClientCreationRequest()).getClientId();
// Create DelinquencyBuckets
Integer delinquencyBucketId = DelinquencyBucketsHelper.createDelinquencyBucket(requestSpec, responseSpec, List.of(//
Pair.of(1, 60), //
Pair.of(61, null)//
// Create Loan Product
PostLoanProductsRequest loanProductsRequest = create1InstallmentAmountInMultiplesOf4Period1MonthLongWithInterestAndAmortizationProduct(
InterestType.FLAT, AmortizationType.EQUAL_INSTALLMENTS);
PostLoanProductsResponse loanProductResponse = loanProductHelper.createLoanProduct(loanProductsRequest);
// Apply and Approve Loan
Long loanId = applyAndApproveLoan(clientId, loanProductResponse.getResourceId(), "01 January 2023", 1250.0, 4);
// Disburse Loan
disburseLoan(loanId, BigDecimal.valueOf(1250), "01 January 2023");
// Verify Repayment Schedule and Due Dates
verifyRepaymentSchedule(loanId, //
installment(0, null, "01 January 2023"), //
installment(313.0, false, "31 January 2023"), // 120 days delinquent -> range2
installment(313.0, false, "02 March 2023"), // 90 days delinquent -> range2
installment(313.0, false, "01 April 2023"), // 60 days delinquent -> range1
installment(311.0, false, "01 May 2023") // 30 days delinquent -> range1
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 120, "1250.0", //
delinquency(1, 60, "624.0"), // 4th installment
delinquency(61, null, "626.0") // 1st installment + 2nd installment
// repay the first installment
addRepaymentForLoan(loanId, 313.0, "31 May 2023");
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 90, "937.0", //
delinquency(1, 60, "624.0"), // 4th installment
delinquency(61, null, "313.0") // 1st installment + 2nd installment
public void testInstallmentLevelDelinquencyIsTurnedOff() {
runAt("31 May 2023", () -> {
// Create Client
Long clientId = clientHelper.createClient(ClientHelper.defaultClientCreationRequest()).getClientId();
// Create DelinquencyBuckets
Integer delinquencyBucketId = DelinquencyBucketsHelper.createDelinquencyBucket(requestSpec, responseSpec, List.of(//
Pair.of(1, 60), //
Pair.of(61, null)//
// Create Loan Product
PostLoanProductsRequest loanProductsRequest = create1InstallmentAmountInMultiplesOf4Period1MonthLongWithInterestAndAmortizationProduct(
InterestType.FLAT, AmortizationType.EQUAL_INSTALLMENTS);
PostLoanProductsResponse loanProductResponse = loanProductHelper.createLoanProduct(loanProductsRequest);
// Apply and Approve Loan
Long loanId = applyAndApproveLoan(clientId, loanProductResponse.getResourceId(), "01 January 2023", 1250.0, 4);
// Disburse Loan
disburseLoan(loanId, BigDecimal.valueOf(1250), "01 January 2023");
// Verify Repayment Schedule and Due Dates
verifyRepaymentSchedule(loanId, //
installment(0, null, "01 January 2023"), //
installment(313.0, false, "31 January 2023"), // 120 days delinquent -> range2
installment(313.0, false, "02 March 2023"), // 90 days delinquent -> range2
installment(313.0, false, "01 April 2023"), // 60 days delinquent -> range1
installment(311.0, false, "01 May 2023") // 30 days delinquent -> range1
// this should be empty as the installment level delinquency is not enabled for this loan
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 120, "1250.0");
public void testInstallmentLevelDelinquencyUpdatedWhenCOBIsExecuted() {
runAt("01 February 2023", () -> {
// Create Client
Long clientId = clientHelper.createClient(ClientHelper.defaultClientCreationRequest()).getClientId();
// Create DelinquencyBuckets
Integer delinquencyBucketId = DelinquencyBucketsHelper.createDelinquencyBucket(requestSpec, responseSpec, List.of(//
Pair.of(1, 1), //
Pair.of(2, null)//
// Create Loan Product
PostLoanProductsRequest loanProductsRequest = create1InstallmentAmountInMultiplesOf4Period1MonthLongWithInterestAndAmortizationProduct(
InterestType.FLAT, AmortizationType.EQUAL_INSTALLMENTS);
PostLoanProductsResponse loanProductResponse = loanProductHelper.createLoanProduct(loanProductsRequest);
// Apply and Approve Loan
Long loanId = applyAndApproveLoan(clientId, loanProductResponse.getResourceId(), "01 January 2023", 1250.0, 4);
// Disburse Loan
disburseLoan(loanId, BigDecimal.valueOf(1250), "01 January 2023");
// Verify Repayment Schedule and Due Dates
verifyRepaymentSchedule(loanId, //
installment(0, null, "01 January 2023"), installment(313.0, false, "31 January 2023"),
installment(313.0, false, "02 March 2023"), installment(313.0, false, "01 April 2023"),
installment(311.0, false, "01 May 2023"));
// The first installment falls into the first range
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 1, "313.0", //
delinquency(1, 1, "313.0") // 4th installment
// Let's go one day ahead in the time
updateBusinessDateAndExecuteCOBJob("2 February 2023");
// The first installment is not two days delinquent and therefore falls into the second range
verifyDelinquency(loanId, 2, "313.0", //
delinquency(2, null, "313.0") // 4th installment
private void updateBusinessDateAndExecuteCOBJob(String date) {
new BusinessDateRequest().type(BUSINESS_DATE.getName()).date(date).dateFormat(DATETIME_PATTERN).locale("en"));
schedulerJobHelper.executeAndAwaitJob("Loan COB");
public static class DelinquencyData {
Integer minAgeDays;
Integer maxAgeDays;
BigDecimal delinquentAmount;
private static DelinquencyData delinquency(Integer minAgeDays, Integer maxAgeDays, String delinquentAmount) {
return new DelinquencyData(minAgeDays, maxAgeDays, new BigDecimal(delinquentAmount));
private void verifyDelinquency(Long loanId, Integer loanLevelDelinquentDays, String loanLevelDelinquentAmount,
DelinquencyData... expectedInstallmentLevelDelinquencyData) {
GetLoansLoanIdResponse loan = loanTransactionHelper.getLoan(requestSpec, responseSpec, loanId.intValue());
List<GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentLevelDelinquency> installmentLevelDelinquency = loan.getDelinquent()
if (expectedInstallmentLevelDelinquencyData != null && expectedInstallmentLevelDelinquencyData.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < expectedInstallmentLevelDelinquencyData.length; i++) {
} else {