blob: b6af745b1c3a57dd7fe16cce03c2611a75199993 [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Batch API
Scenario: As a user I would like to run a sample Batch API scenario
When Batch API sample call ran
Then Admin checks that all steps result 200OK
Scenario: As admin I would like to verify that idempotency applies correctly in case of BatchAPI call with the same idempotency key on two repayments
When Batch API call runs with idempotency key
Then Admin checks that all steps result 200OK for Batch API idempotency request
Then Batch API response has boolean value in header "x-served-from-cache": "true" in segment with requestId 6
Then Batch API response has 200 EUR value for transaction amount in segment with requestId 6
Then Batch API response has the same clientId and loanId in segment with requestId 6 as in segment with requestId 5
Then Batch API response has the same idempotency key in segment with requestId 6 as in segment with requestId 5
Then Loan has 1 "REPAYMENT" transactions on Transactions tab after Batch API run
Scenario: Verify Batch API call in case of enclosing transaction is TRUE and all steps result 200OK
When Batch API call with steps: createClient, createLoan, approveLoan, getLoanDetails runs with enclosingTransaction: "true"
Then Admin checks that all steps result 200OK
Scenario: Verify Batch API call in case of enclosing transaction is TRUE and one of the steps fails
When Batch API call with steps: createClient, createLoan, approveLoan, getLoanDetails runs with enclosingTransaction: "true", with failed approve step
Then Verify that step 3 throws an error with error code 404
Then Nr. 1 Client creation was rolled back
Then Nr. 1 Loan creation was rolled back
Scenario: Verify Batch API call in case of enclosing transaction is FALSE and all steps result 200OK
When Batch API call with steps: createClient, createLoan, approveLoan, getLoanDetails runs with enclosingTransaction: "false"
Then Admin checks that all steps result 200OK
Scenario: Verify Batch API call in case of enclosing transaction is FALSE, there is only one reference-tree and one of the steps fails
When Batch API call with steps: createClient, createLoan, approveLoan, getLoanDetails runs with enclosingTransaction: "false", with failed approve step
Then Verify that step Nr. 1 results 200
Then Verify that step Nr. 2 results 200
Then Verify that step 3 throws an error with error code 404
Then Verify that step Nr. 4 results 200
Then Nr. 1 Client was created
Then Nr. 1 Loan was created
Scenario: Verify Batch API call in case of enclosing transaction is FALSE, there are two reference-trees and all steps result 200
When Batch API call with steps done twice: createClient, createLoan, approveLoan, getLoanDetails runs with enclosingTransaction: "false"
Then Admin checks that all steps result 200OK
Scenario: Verify Batch API call in case of enclosing transaction is FALSE, there are two reference-trees and one of the steps in second tree fails
When Batch API call with steps done twice: createClient, createLoan, approveLoan, getLoanDetails runs with enclosingTransaction: "false", with failed approve step in second tree
Then Verify that step Nr. 1 results 200
Then Verify that step Nr. 2 results 200
Then Verify that step Nr. 3 results 200
Then Verify that step Nr. 4 results 200
Then Verify that step Nr. 5 results 200
Then Verify that step Nr. 6 results 200
Then Verify that step 7 throws an error with error code 404
Then Verify that step Nr. 8 results 200
Then Nr. 1 Client was created
Then Nr. 1 Loan was created
Then Nr. 1 Loan was approved
Then Nr. 2 Client was created
Then Nr. 2 Loan was created
Scenario: Verify Batch API call in case of enclosing transaction is FALSE and one of the steps is doubled
When Batch API call with steps: createClient, createLoan, approveLoan, getLoanDetails runs with enclosingTransaction: "false", and approveLoan is doubled
Then Admin checks that all steps result 200OK
Then Batch API response has no "x-served-from-cache" field in segment with requestId 3
Then Batch API response has boolean value in header "x-served-from-cache": "true" in segment with requestId 4
Scenario: Verify datatable Batch API calls, when the second request relies on the first response, but the first response is empty
When A datatable for "Loan" is created
And Batch API call with steps: queryDatatable, updateDatatable runs, with empty queryDatatable response
Then Verify that step Nr. 1 results 200
Then Verify that step Nr. 2 results 400