blob: d93575ab667527317030710e6e8c217f56aee42e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.fineract.portfolio.loanaccount.api;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.fineract.portfolio.delinquency.api.DelinquencyApiResourceSwagger.GetDelinquencyRangesResponse;
* Created by Chirag Gupta on 12/09/17.
final class LoansApiResourceSwagger {
private LoansApiResourceSwagger() {}
@Schema(description = "GetLoansApprovalTemplateResponse")
public static final class GetLoansApprovalTemplateResponse {
private GetLoansApprovalTemplateResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate approvalDate;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double approvalAmount;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double netDisbursalAmount;
@Schema(description = "GetLoansTemplateResponse")
public static final class GetLoansTemplateResponse {
private GetLoansTemplateResponse() {}
static final class GetLoansTemplateTimeline {
private GetLoansTemplateTimeline() {}
@Schema(example = "[2013, 3, 8]")
public LocalDate expectedDisbursementDate;
static final class GetLoansTemplateProductOptions {
private GetLoansTemplateProductOptions() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "Kampala first Client")
public String clientName;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long clientOfficeId;
public GetLoansTemplateTimeline timeline;
public Set<GetLoansTemplateProductOptions> productOptions;
@Schema(description = "GetLoansLoanIdResponse")
public static final class GetLoansLoanIdResponse {
private GetLoansLoanIdResponse() {}
static final class GetLoansLoanIdStatus {
private GetLoansLoanIdStatus() {}
@Schema(example = "300")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Active")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean pendingApproval;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean waitingForDisbursal;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedObligationsMet;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedRescheduled;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closed;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean overpaid;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanType {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "loanType.individual")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Individual")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdCurrency {
private GetLoansLoanIdCurrency() {}
@Schema(example = "UGX")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Uganda Shilling")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer decimalPlaces;
@Schema(example = "USh")
public String displaySymbol;
@Schema(example = "currency.UGX")
public String nameCode;
@Schema(example = "Uganda Shilling (USh)")
public String displayLabel;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdTermPeriodFrequencyType {
private GetLoansLoanIdTermPeriodFrequencyType() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "termFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Months")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentFrequencyType {
private GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentFrequencyType() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Months")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdInterestRateFrequencyType {
private GetLoansLoanIdInterestRateFrequencyType() {}
@Schema(example = "3")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Per year")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdAmortizationType {
private GetLoansLoanIdAmortizationType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "amortizationType.equal.installments")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Equal installments")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdInterestType {
private GetLoansLoanIdInterestType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "interestType.flat")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Flat")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdInterestCalculationPeriodType {
private GetLoansLoanIdInterestCalculationPeriodType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Same as repayment period")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdTimeline {
private GetLoansLoanIdTimeline() {}
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate submittedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "admin")
public String submittedByUsername;
@Schema(example = "App")
public String submittedByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "Administrator")
public String submittedByLastname;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate approvedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "admin")
public String approvedByUsername;
@Schema(example = "App")
public String approvedByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "Administrator")
public String approvedByLastname;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 10]")
public LocalDate expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 10]")
public LocalDate actualDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "admin")
public String disbursedByUsername;
@Schema(example = "App")
public String disbursedByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "Administrator")
public String disbursedByLastname;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 10]")
public LocalDate expectedMaturityDate;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 10]")
public LocalDate actualMaturityDate;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate closedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 10]")
public LocalDate chargedOffOnDate;
@Schema(example = "admin")
public String chargedOffByUsername;
@Schema(example = "App")
public String chargedOffByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "Administrator")
public String chargedOffByLastname;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentSchedule {
private GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentSchedule() {}
public GetLoansLoanIdCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "30")
public Long loanTermInDays;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double totalPrincipalDisbursed;
@Schema(example = "200.00")
public Double totalPrincipalExpected;
@Schema(example = "200.00")
public Double totalPrincipalPaid;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double totalInterestCharged;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double totalFeeChargesCharged;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double totalPenaltyChargesCharged;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double totalWaived;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double totalWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "200.00")
public Double totalRepaymentExpected;
@Schema(example = "200.00")
public Double totalPaidInAdvance;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double totalPaidLate;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double totalOutstanding;
public List<GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentPeriod> periods;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentPeriod {
private GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentPeriod() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer period;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate fromDate;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate dueDate;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate obligationsMetOnDate;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean complete;
@Schema(example = "30")
public Long daysInPeriod;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double principalOriginalDue;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double principalDue;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double principalPaid;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double principalWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double principalOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double principalLoanBalanceOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestOriginalDue;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestDue;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestPaid;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestWaived;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double feeChargesDue;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double feeChargesPaid;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double feeChargesWaived;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double feeChargesWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double feeChargesOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesDue;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesPaid;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesWaived;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalOriginalDueForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalDueForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalPaidForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalPaidInAdvanceForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalPaidLateForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalWaivedForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalWrittenOffForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double totalOutstandingForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "20.000000")
public Double totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double totalInstallmentAmountForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "2.000000")
public Double totalCredits;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean downPaymentPeriod;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdDisbursementDetails {
private GetLoansLoanIdDisbursementDetails() {}
@Schema(example = "71")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate actualDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "22000.000000")
public Double principal;
@Schema(example = "22000.000000")
public Double netDisbursalAmount;
@Schema(example = "1")
public String loanChargeId;
@Schema(example = "22000.000000")
public Double chargeAmount;
@Schema(example = "22000.000000")
public Double waivedChargeAmount;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "de_DE")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "some note")
public String note;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdSummary {
private GetLoansLoanIdSummary() {}
static final class GetLoansLoanIdEmiVariations {
private GetLoansLoanIdEmiVariations() {}
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLinkedAccount {
private GetLoansLoanIdLinkedAccount() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public String accountNo;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdOverdueCharges {
private GetLoansLoanIdOverdueCharges() {}
static final class GetLoansLoanIdChargeTimeType {
private GetLoansLoanIdChargeTimeType() {}
@Schema(example = "9")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "chargeTimeType.overdueInstallment")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "overdue fees")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdChargeCalculationType {
private GetLoansLoanIdChargeCalculationType() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "% Amount")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdChargePaymentMode {
private GetLoansLoanIdChargePaymentMode() {}
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "chargepaymentmode.regular")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Regular")
public String description;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdFeeFrequency {
private GetLoansLoanIdFeeFrequency() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "feeFrequencyperiodFrequencyType.weeks")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Weeks")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "20")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "overdraft penality")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean penalty;
public LoanChargesApiResourceSwagger.GetLoansLoanIdChargesChargeIdResponse.GetLoanChargeCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "3.000000")
public Float amount;
public GetLoansLoanIdChargeTimeType chargeTimeType;
public LoanChargesApiResourceSwagger.GetLoansLoanIdChargesTemplateResponse.GetLoanChargeTemplateChargeOptions.GetLoanChargeTemplateChargeAppliesTo chargeAppliesTo;
public GetLoansLoanIdChargeCalculationType chargeCalculationType;
public GetLoansLoanIdChargePaymentMode chargePaymentMode;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer feeInterval;
public GetLoansLoanIdFeeFrequency feeFrequency;
public GetLoansLoanIdCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "1000000.000000")
public Double principalDisbursed;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double principalPaid;
@Schema(example = "0.00")
public Double principalAdjustments;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double principalWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "1000000.000000")
public Double principalOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "833333.300000")
public Double principalOverdue;
@Schema(example = "240000.000000")
public Double interestCharged;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestPaid;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestWaived;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double interestWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "240000.000000")
public Double interestOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "200000.000000")
public Double interestOverdue;
@Schema(example = "18000.000000")
public Double feeChargesCharged;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double feeChargesDueAtDisbursementCharged;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double feeChargesPaid;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double feeChargesWaived;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double feeChargesWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "18000.000000")
public Double feeChargesOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "15000.000000")
public Double feeChargesOverdue;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesCharged;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesPaid;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesWaived;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesOverdue;
@Schema(example = "1258000.000000")
public Double totalExpectedRepayment;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalRepayment;
@Schema(example = "258000.000000")
public Double totalExpectedCostOfLoan;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalCostOfLoan;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalWaived;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "1258000.000000")
public Double totalOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "1048333.30000")
public Double totalOverdue;
@Schema(example = "2456.30000")
public Double totalRecovered;
@Schema(example = "[2012, 5, 10]")
public LocalDate overdueSinceDate;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long writeoffReasonId;
@Schema(example = "reason")
public String writeoffReason;
public GetLoansLoanIdLinkedAccount linkedAccount;
public Set<GetLoansLoanIdDisbursementDetails> disbursementDetails;
@Schema(example = "1100.000000")
public Double fixedEmiAmount;
@Schema(example = "35000.000000")
public Double maxOutstandingLoanBalance;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean canDisburse;
public Set<GetLoansLoanIdEmiVariations> emiAmountVariations;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean inArrears;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean isNPA;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalMerchantRefund;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalMerchantRefundReversed;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalPayoutRefund;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalPayoutRefundReversed;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalGoodwillCredit;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalGoodwillCreditReversed;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalChargeAdjustment;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalChargeAdjustmentReversed;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalChargeback;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalCreditBalanceRefund;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalCreditBalanceRefundReversed;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalRepaymentTransaction;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public Double totalRepaymentTransactionReversed;
public Set<GetLoansLoanIdOverdueCharges> overdueCharges;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long chargeOffReasonId;
@Schema(example = "reason")
public String chargeOffReason;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdPaymentType {
private GetLoansLoanIdPaymentType() {}
@Schema(example = "11")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "Cash")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "Cash Payment")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isCashPayment;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long position;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdTransactions {
private GetLoansLoanIdTransactions() {}
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanTransactionEnumData {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanTransactionEnumData() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "loanTransactionType.repayment")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "2")
public String value;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean disbursement;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean repaymentAtDisbursement;
@Schema(example = "true")
public boolean repayment;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean merchantIssuedRefund;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean payoutRefund;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean goodwillCredit;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean contra;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean waiveInterest;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean waiveCharges;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean accrual;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean writeOff;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean recoveryRepayment;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean initiateTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean approveTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean withdrawTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean rejectTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean chargePayment;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean refund;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean refundForActiveLoans;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean creditBalanceRefund;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean chargeAdjustment;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean chargeoff;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdPaymentDetailData {
private GetLoansLoanIdPaymentDetailData() {}
@Schema(example = "62")
public Long id;
public GetLoansLoanIdPaymentType paymentType;
@Schema(example = "acc123")
public String accountNumber;
@Schema(example = "che123")
public String checkNumber;
@Schema(example = "rou123")
public String routingCode;
@Schema(example = "rec123")
public String receiptNumber;
@Schema(example = "ban123")
public String bankNumber;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanChargePaidByData {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanChargePaidByData() {}
@Schema(example = "11")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double amount;
@Schema(example = "9679")
public Integer installmentNumber;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long chargeId;
@Schema(example = "636")
public Long transactionId;
@Schema(example = "name")
public String name;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdCodeValueData {
private GetLoansLoanIdCodeValueData() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "code name")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer position;
@Schema(example = "code description")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean mandatory;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanRepaymentScheduleInstallmentData {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanRepaymentScheduleInstallmentData() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "11")
public Integer installmentId;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate date;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public BigDecimal amount;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanTransactionRelation {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanTransactionRelation() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long fromLoanTransaction;
@Schema(example = "10")
public Long toLoanTransaction;
@Schema(example = "10")
public Long toLoanCharge;
@Schema(example = "CHARGEBACK")
public String relationType;
@Schema(example = "100.00")
public Double amount;
@Schema(example = "Repayment Adjustment Chargeback")
public String paymentType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "Head Office")
public String officeName;
@Schema(description = "Transaction type")
public GetLoansLoanIdLoanTransactionEnumData type;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate date;
@Schema(description = "Currency")
public GetLoansLoanIdCurrency currency;
@Schema(description = "Payment detail")
public GetLoansLoanIdPaymentDetailData paymentDetailData;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double amount;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double netDisbursalAmount;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double principalPortion;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double interestPortion;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double feeChargesPortion;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double penaltyChargesPortion;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double overpaymentPortion;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double unrecognizedIncomePortion;
@Schema(example = "3")
public String externalId;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double fixedEmiAmount;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double outstandingLoanBalance;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate submittedOnDate;
public boolean manuallyReversed;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate possibleNextRepaymentDate;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdLoanChargePaidByData")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdLoanChargePaidByData> loanChargePaidByList;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdPaymentType")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdPaymentType> paymentTypeOptions;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdCodeValueData")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdCodeValueData> writeOffReasonOptions;
@Schema(example = "4")
public Integer numberOfRepayments;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "de_DE")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double transactionAmount;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate transactionDate;
@Schema(example = "101")
public Integer paymentTypeId;
@Schema(example = "acct123")
public String accountNumber;
@Schema(example = "10001")
public Integer checkNumber;
@Schema(example = "6337")
public Integer routingCode;
@Schema(example = "67863")
public Integer receiptNumber;
@Schema(example = "34645568")
public Integer bankNumber;
@Schema(example = "7327")
public Long accountId;
@Schema(example = "repayment")
public String transactionType;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdLoanRepaymentScheduleInstallmentData")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdLoanRepaymentScheduleInstallmentData> loanRepaymentScheduleInstallments;
@Schema(example = "95174ff9-1a75-4d72-a413-6f9b1cb988b7")
public String reversalExternalId;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 9, 19]")
public LocalDate reversedOnDate;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdLoanTransactionRelationData")
public Set<GetLoansLoanIdLoanTransactionRelation> transactionRelations;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanChargeData {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanChargeData() {}
static final class GetLoansLoanIdEnumOptionData {
private GetLoansLoanIdEnumOptionData() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Specified due date")
public String value;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentChargeData {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentChargeData() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer installmentNumber;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate dueDate;
@Schema(example = "13.560000")
public Double amount;
@Schema(example = "13.560000")
public Double amountOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "13.560000")
public Double amountWaived;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean paid;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean waived;
@Schema(example = "13.560000")
public Double amountAccrued;
@Schema(example = "13.560000")
public Double amountUnrecognized;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "5")
public Long chargeId;
@Schema(example = "snooze fee")
public String name;
@Schema(description = "Enum option data")
public GetLoansLoanIdEnumOptionData chargeTimeType;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate dueDate;
@Schema(description = "Enum option data")
public GetLoansLoanIdEnumOptionData chargeCalculationType;
@Schema(example = "3.400000")
public Double percentage;
@Schema(example = "13.560000")
public Double amountPercentageAppliedTo;
@Schema(description = "currency")
public GetLoansLoanIdCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "102.000000")
public Double amount;
@Schema(example = "12.000000")
public Double amountPaid;
@Schema(example = "14.000000")
public Double amountWaived;
@Schema(example = "102.000000")
public Double amountWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "102.000000")
public Double amountOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "102.000000")
public Double amountOrPercentage;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean penalty;
@Schema(description = "Enum option data")
public GetLoansLoanIdEnumOptionData chargePaymentMode;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean paid;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean waived;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean chargePayable;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Long loanId;
@Schema(example = "30.000000")
public Double minCap;
@Schema(example = "30.000000")
public Double maxCap;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentChargeData")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentChargeData> installmentChargeData;
@Schema(example = "30.000000")
private Double amountAccrued;
@Schema(example = "30.000000")
private Double amountUnrecognized;
@Schema(example = "3ert3453")
private String externalId;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdDelinquencySummary {
private GetLoansLoanIdDelinquencySummary() {}
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double availableDisbursementAmount;
@Schema(example = "12")
public Integer pastDueDays;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate nextPaymentDueDate;
@Schema(example = "4")
public Integer delinquentDays;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate delinquentDate;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double delinquentAmount;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate lastPaymentDate;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double lastPaymentAmount;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 01]")
public LocalDate lastRepaymentDate;
@Schema(example = "100.000000")
public Double lastRepaymentAmount;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdDelinquencyPausePeriod")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdDelinquencyPausePeriod> delinquencyPausePeriods;
@Schema(description = "List of GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentLevelDelinquency")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentLevelDelinquency> installmentLevelDelinquency;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdDelinquencyPausePeriod {
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 05]")
public LocalDate pausePeriodStart;
@Schema(example = "[2022, 07, 10]")
public LocalDate pausePeriodEnd;
static final class GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentLevelDelinquency {
private GetLoansLoanIdLoanInstallmentLevelDelinquency() {}
@Schema(example = "112")
public Long rangeId;
@Schema(example = "Delinquency Range 3 to 5 days")
public String classification;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Integer minimumAgeDays;
@Schema(example = "5")
public Integer maximumAgeDays;
@Schema(example = "250.0")
public BigDecimal delinquentAmount;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "95174ff9-1a75-4d72-a413-6f9b1cb988b7")
public String externalId;
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public String accountNo;
public GetLoansLoanIdStatus status;
@Schema(example = "false")
public boolean disallowExpectedDisbursements;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "5e77989e-aa11-11bc-b109-0242ac120004")
public String clientExternalId;
@Schema(example = "Kampala first Client")
public String clientName;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long clientOfficeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long loanProductId;
@Schema(example = "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)")
public String loanProductName;
@Schema(example = "Typical Kampala loan product with cash accounting enabled for testing.")
public String loanProductDescription;
@Schema(example = "22")
public Long loanPurposeId;
@Schema(example = "option.HousingImprovement")
public String loanPurposeName;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long loanOfficerId;
@Schema(example = "LoanOfficer, Kampala")
public String loanOfficerName;
public GetLoansLoanIdLoanType loanType;
public GetLoansLoanIdCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "1000000.00")
public BigDecimal principal;
@Schema(example = "1000.000000")
public Double approvedPrincipal;
@Schema(example = "1001.000000")
public Double proposedPrincipal;
@Schema(example = "200.000000")
public Double netDisbursalAmount;
@Schema(example = "12")
public Integer termFrequency;
public GetLoansLoanIdTermPeriodFrequencyType termPeriodFrequencyType;
@Schema(example = "12")
public Integer numberOfRepayments;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer repaymentEvery;
public GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentFrequencyType repaymentFrequencyType;
@Schema(example = "24")
public BigDecimal interestRatePerPeriod;
public GetLoansLoanIdInterestRateFrequencyType interestRateFrequencyType;
@Schema(example = "24")
public Integer annualInterestRate;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean isFloatingInterestRate;
public GetLoansLoanIdAmortizationType amortizationType;
@Schema(example = "5.5")
public BigDecimal fixedPrincipalPercentagePerInstallment;
public GetLoansLoanIdInterestType interestType;
public GetLoansLoanIdInterestCalculationPeriodType interestCalculationPeriodType;
@Schema(example = "mifos-standard-strategy")
public String transactionProcessingStrategyCode;
public GetLoansLoanIdTimeline timeline;
public GetLoansLoanIdSummary summary;
public GetLoansLoanIdRepaymentSchedule repaymentSchedule;
@Schema(description = "Set of GetLoansLoanIdTransactions")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdTransactions> transactions;
@Schema(description = "Set of GetLoansLoanIdDisbursementDetails")
public Set<GetLoansLoanIdDisbursementDetails> disbursementDetails;
@Schema(description = "Delinquent data")
public GetLoansLoanIdDelinquencySummary delinquent;
@Schema(description = "Set of charges")
public List<GetLoansLoanIdLoanChargeData> charges;
public GetDelinquencyRangesResponse delinquencyRange;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean fraud;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean enableInstallmentLevelDelinquency;
@Schema(example = "250.000000")
public Double totalOverpaid;
public LocalDate lastClosedBusinessDate;
@Schema(example = "[2013, 11, 1]")
public LocalDate overpaidOnDate;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean chargedOff;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Integer inArrearsTolerance;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean enableDownPayment;
@Schema(example = "0.000000")
public BigDecimal disbursedAmountPercentageForDownPayment;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean enableAutoRepaymentForDownPayment;
@Schema(example = "CUMULATIVE")
public EnumOptionData loanScheduleType;
@Schema(example = "HORIZONTAL")
public EnumOptionData loanScheduleProcessingType;
@Schema(description = "GetLoansResponse")
public static final class GetLoansResponse {
private GetLoansResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer totalFilteredRecords;
public Set<GetLoansLoanIdResponse> pageItems;
@Schema(description = "PostLoansRequest")
public static final class PostLoansRequest {
static final class PostLoansDisbursementData {
private PostLoansDisbursementData() {}
@Schema(example = "[2013, 11, 1]")
public LocalDate expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "1000.00")
public Double principal;
private PostLoansRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "en_GB")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long productId;
@Schema(example = "1000.00")
public BigDecimal principal;
@Schema(example = "12")
public Integer loanTermFrequency;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer loanTermFrequencyType;
@Schema(example = "12")
public Integer numberOfRepayments;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer repaymentEvery;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer repaymentFrequencyType;
@Schema(example = "2")
public BigDecimal interestRatePerPeriod;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer amortizationType;
@Schema(example = "5.5")
public BigDecimal fixedPrincipalPercentagePerInstallment;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer interestType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer interestCalculationPeriodType;
@Schema(example = "20 September 2011")
public String expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "mifos-standard-strategy")
public String transactionProcessingStrategyCode;
@Schema(example = "360", allowableValues = "1, 360, 364, 36")
public Integer daysInYearType;
@Schema(example = "individual")
public String loanType;
@Schema(example = "20 September 2011")
public String submittedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "786444UUUYYH7")
public String externalId;
@Schema(description = "List of PostLoansDisbursementData")
public List<PostLoansDisbursementData> disbursementData;
@Schema(description = "Maximum allowed outstanding balance")
public BigDecimal maxOutstandingLoanBalance;
@Schema(example = "[2011, 10, 20]")
public LocalDate repaymentsStartingFromDate;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer graceOnInterestCharged;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer graceOnPrincipalPayment;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer graceOnInterestPayment;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer graceOnArrearsAgeing;
@Schema(example = "HORIZONTAL")
public String loanScheduleProcessingType;
@Schema(description = "PostLoansResponse")
public static final class PostLoansResponse {
private PostLoansResponse() {}
static final class PostLoansRepaymentSchedulePeriods {
private PostLoansRepaymentSchedulePeriods() {}
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer period;
@Schema(example = "[2011, 9, 20]")
public LocalDate dueDate;
@Schema(example = "100000")
public Long principalDisbursed;
@Schema(example = "100000")
public Long principalLoanBalanceOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long feeChargesDue;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long feeChargesOutstanding;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalOriginalDueForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalDueForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalOutstandingForPeriod;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalOverdue;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod;
public GetLoansLoanIdResponse.GetLoansLoanIdCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "366")
public Integer loanTermInDays;
@Schema(example = "100000")
public Long totalPrincipalDisbursed;
@Schema(example = "100000")
public Long totalPrincipalExpected;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalPrincipalPaid;
@Schema(example = "13471.52")
public Double totalInterestCharged;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalFeeChargesCharged;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalPenaltyChargesCharged;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalWaived;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "113471.52")
public Double totalRepaymentExpected;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalRepayment;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Long totalOutstanding;
public Set<PostLoansRepaymentSchedulePeriods> periods;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long loanId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "95174ff9-1a75-4d72-a413-6f9b1cb988b7")
public String resourceExternalId;
@Schema(description = "PutLoansLoanIdRequest")
public static final class PutLoansLoanIdRequest {
private PutLoansLoanIdRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
public String submittedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long productId;
@Schema(example = "5000")
public Long principal;
@Schema(example = "10")
public Integer loanTermFrequency;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer loanTermFrequencyType;
@Schema(example = "10")
public Integer numberOfRepayments;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer repaymentEvery;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer repaymentFrequencyType;
@Schema(example = "2")
public BigDecimal interestRatePerPeriod;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer interestType;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer interestCalculationPeriodType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer amortizationType;
@Schema(example = "5.5")
public BigDecimal fixedPrincipalPercentagePerInstallment;
@Schema(example = "04 March 2014")
public String expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "mifos-standard-strategy")
public String transactionProcessingStrategyCode;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long linkAccountId;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean createStandingInstructionAtDisbursement;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer repaymentFrequencyNthDayType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer repaymentFrequencyDayOfWeekType;
public String repaymentsStartingFromDate;
public String interestChargedFromDate;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isEqualAmortization;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean fraud;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer graceOnArrearsAgeing;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long loanIdToClose;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isTopup;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long maxOutstandingLoanBalance;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "individual")
public String loanType;
public List<PutLoansLoanIdChanges> charges;
public List<PutLoansLoanIdCollateral> collateral;
public List<PutLoansLoanIdDisbursementData> disbursementData;
@Schema(example = "HORIZONTAL")
public String loanScheduleProcessingType;
static final class PutLoansLoanIdChanges {
private PutLoansLoanIdChanges() {}
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long chargeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public BigDecimal amount;
public String dueDate;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer chargeTimeType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer chargeCalculationType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer chargePaymentMode;
static final class PutLoansLoanIdCollateral {
private PutLoansLoanIdCollateral() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientCollateralId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public BigDecimal quantity;
static final class PutLoansLoanIdDisbursementData {
private PutLoansLoanIdDisbursementData() {}
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
public String expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isEqualAmortization;
@Schema(example = "1")
public BigDecimal principal;
@Schema(example = "1")
public BigDecimal netDisbursalAmount;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer interestType;
@Schema(description = "PutLoansLoanIdResponse")
public static final class PutLoansLoanIdResponse {
private PutLoansLoanIdResponse() {}
static final class PutLoansLoanIdChanges {
private PutLoansLoanIdChanges() {}
@Schema(example = "5000")
public Long principal;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean fraud;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long loanId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "95174ff9-1a75-4d72-a413-6f9b1cb988b7")
public String resourceExternalId;
public PutLoansLoanIdChanges changes;
@Schema(description = "DeleteLoansLoanIdResponse")
public static final class DeleteLoansLoanIdResponse {
private DeleteLoansLoanIdResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long loanId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "95174ff9-1a75-4d72-a413-6f9b1cb988b7")
public String resourceExternalId;
@Schema(description = "PostLoansLoanIdRequest")
public static final class PostLoansLoanIdRequest {
private PostLoansLoanIdRequest() {}
static final class PostLoansLoanIdDisbursementData {
private PostLoansLoanIdDisbursementData() {}
@Schema(example = "[2012, 4, 3]")
public LocalDate expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "22000")
public Double principal;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer toLoanOfficerId;
@Schema(example = "02 September 2014")
public String assignmentDate;
@Schema(example = "02 September 2014")
public String unassignedDate;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "")
public Integer fromLoanOfficerId;
@Schema(example = "3e7791ce-aa10-11ec-b909-0242ac120002")
public String externalId;
@Schema(example = "5000.33")
public BigDecimal transactionAmount;
@Schema(example = "Description of disbursement details.")
public String note;
@Schema(example = "28 June 2022")
public String actualDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Integer paymentTypeId;
@Schema(example = "28 June 2022")
public String approvedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "1000")
public BigDecimal approvedLoanAmount;
@Schema(example = "28 June 2022")
public String expectedDisbursementDate;
@Schema(example = "28 June 2022")
public String rejectedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "28 June 2022")
public String withdrawnOnDate;
@Schema(description = "List of PostLoansLoanIdDisbursementData")
public List<PostLoansLoanIdDisbursementData> disbursementData;
@Schema(description = "PostLoansLoanIdResponse")
public static final class PostLoansLoanIdResponse {
private PostLoansLoanIdResponse() {}
static final class PostLoansLoanIdStatus {
private PostLoansLoanIdStatus() {}
@Schema(example = "300")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "loanStatusType.approved")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Approved")
public String value;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean pendingApproval;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean waitingForDisbursal;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedObligationsMet;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedRescheduled;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closed;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean overpaid;
static final class PostLoansLoanIdChanges {
private PostLoansLoanIdChanges() {}
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "28 June 2022")
public String approvedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "Loan approval note")
public String note;
@Schema(description = "PostLoansLoanIdStatus")
public PostLoansLoanIdStatus status;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer officeId;
@Schema(example = "6")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Long loanId;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "95174ff9-1a75-4d72-a413-6f9b1cb988b7")
public String resourceExternalId;
@Schema(example = "22")
public Long subResourceId;
@Schema(example = "b4f8fefd-a14d-4487-8d80-6f2fb0e07836")
public String subResourceExternalId;
@Schema(description = "PostLoansLoanIdChanges")
public PostLoansLoanIdChanges changes;