blob: 8ff31eaa595bfad0cdc559f90fc00a6796e9b2b1 [file] [log] [blame]
/***Set defaults for income from Penalties for existing Saving Products**/
ALTER TABLE `m_loan_transaction`
ADD COLUMN `overpayment_portion_derived` DECIMAL(19,6) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `penalty_charges_portion_derived`;
/**Add dummy liability account if organization already has a loan product with accounting enabled**/
INSERT INTO `acc_gl_account` (`name`, `hierarchy`, `gl_code`,`account_usage`, `classification_enum`,`description`)
select 'Loan Overpayments (Temp)', '.', '22000-Temp', 1, 2,'Temporary account to track Loan overpayments Liabilities'
FROM m_product_loan WHERE accounting_type != 1
limit 1;
/**Map a liability account for every loan which has accounting enabled**/
INSERT INTO `acc_product_mapping` (`gl_account_id`,`product_id`,`product_type`,`financial_account_type`)
select (select max(id) from acc_gl_account where classification_enum=2 and account_usage=1 LIMIT 1), mapping.product_id, mapping.product_type, 11
from acc_product_mapping mapping
where mapping.financial_account_type = 2 and mapping.product_type=1;