blob: ddbe59ca735b6a56257f5fd077dc2d0116b47226 [file] [log] [blame]
= Plugins
Apache Fineract is extensible through plugin JARs ([FINERACT-1177]; based on[Spring Boot's support]). To launch Fineract with plugin JARs in `libs/*.jar`, use:
java -Dloader.path=libs/ -jar fineract-provider.jar
The Fineract "Docker" container image's `ENTRYPOINT` uses this, see our `Dockerfile`. You could therefore build your customized Fineract distribution container image with your own `Dockerfile` using e.g. `FROM apache/fineract:latest` and then drop some plugin JARs into `/app/libs/`.
The WAR distribution does not directly support such plugins, but one could "explode" the WAR and drop JARs into `WEB-INF/lib`; if you know what you are doing, and feel nostalgic of the 1990s still using WARs, instead of the recommended modern Spring Boot distribution.
Here is a list of known 3rd-party plugin projects which can be dropped into `libs/`:
NOTE: The reporting module became our first module experiment out of necessity. We are currently developing a strategy to split up even more internals of Fineract into proper modules. Those that have an incompatible license will be hosted in a separate Git repository (probably on Github under the Mifos organisation). We'll send out an announcement as soon as we have more to say on this topic.