blob: 83f52ae20053efa2d6a8dfdc35d59a8e6b83fb78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.fineract.portfolio.savings.api;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.List;
* Created by Chirag Gupta on 12/31/17.
final class RecurringDepositAccountTransactionsApiResourceSwagger {
private RecurringDepositAccountTransactionsApiResourceSwagger() {}
@Schema(description = "GetRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTemplateResponse")
public static final class GetRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTemplateResponse {
private GetRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTemplateResponse() {}
static final class GetRecurringTransactionType {
private GetRecurringTransactionType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "savingsAccountTransactionType.deposit")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Deposit")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean deposit;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean withdrawal;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean interestPosting;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean feeDeduction;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean initiateTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean approveTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean withdrawTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean rejectTransfer;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean overdraftInterest;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean writtenoff;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean overdraftFee;
static final class GetRecurringCurrency {
private GetRecurringCurrency() {}
@Schema(example = "USD")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "4")
public Integer decimalPlaces;
@Schema(example = "100")
public Integer inMultiplesOf;
@Schema(example = "$")
public String displaySymbol;
@Schema(example = "currency.USD")
public String nameCode;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar ($)")
public String displayLabel;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
public GetRecurringTransactionType transactionType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long accountId;
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public String accountNo;
@Schema(example = "[2014, 6, 25]")
public LocalDate date;
public GetRecurringCurrency currency;
@Schema(example = "100000.000000")
public BigDecimal amount;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean reversed;
@Schema(example = "[]")
public List<Integer> paymentTypeOptions;
@Schema(description = "GetRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTransactionIdResponse")
public static final class GetRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTransactionIdResponse {
private GetRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTransactionIdResponse() {}
static final class GetRecurringTransactionsCurrency {
private GetRecurringTransactionsCurrency() {}
@Schema(example = "USD")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer decimalPlaces;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer inMultiplesOf;
@Schema(example = "$")
public String displaySymbol;
@Schema(example = "currency.USD")
public String nameCode;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar ($)")
public String displayLabel;
static final class GetRecurringTransactionsTransactionType {
private GetRecurringTransactionsTransactionType() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "savingsAccountTransactionType.withdrawal")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Withdrawal")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean deposit;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean withdrawal;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean interestPosting;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean feeDeduction;
static final class GetRecurringPaymentDetailData {
private GetRecurringPaymentDetailData() {}
static final class GetRecurringPaymentType {
private GetRecurringPaymentType() {}
@Schema(example = "11")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "cash")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "62")
public Long id;
public GetRecurringPaymentType paymentType;
@Schema(example = "")
public Integer accountNumber;
@Schema(example = "")
public Integer checkNumber;
@Schema(example = "")
public Integer routingCode;
@Schema(example = "")
public Integer receiptNumber;
@Schema(example = "")
public Integer bankNumber;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
public GetRecurringTransactionsTransactionType transactionType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long accountId;
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public String accountNo;
@Schema(example = "[2013, 8, 7]")
public LocalDate date;
public GetRecurringTransactionsCurrency currency;
public GetRecurringPaymentDetailData paymentDetailData;
@Schema(example = "5000")
public Float amount;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer runningBalance;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean reversed;
@Schema(description = "PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsRequest")
public static final class PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsRequest {
private PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "27 May 2013")
public String transactionDate;
@Schema(example = "500")
public Double transactionAmount;
@Schema(example = "14")
public Integer paymentTypeId;
@Schema(example = "acc123")
public String accountNumber;
@Schema(example = "che123")
public String checkNumber;
@Schema(example = "rou123")
public String routingCode;
@Schema(example = "rec123")
public String receiptNumber;
@Schema(example = "ban123")
public String bankNumber;
@Schema(description = "PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsResponse")
public static final class PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsResponse {
private PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsResponse() {}
static final class PostRecurringChanges {
private PostRecurringChanges() {}
@Schema(example = "acc123")
public String accountNumber;
@Schema(example = "che123")
public String checkNumber;
@Schema(example = "rou123")
public String routingCode;
@Schema(example = "rec123")
public String receiptNumber;
@Schema(example = "ban123")
public String bankNumber;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long savingsId;
@Schema(example = "47")
public Long resourceId;
public PostRecurringChanges changes;
@Schema(description = "PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTransactionIdResponse")
public static final class PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTransactionIdResponse {
private PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsTransactionIdResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long savingsId;
@Schema(example = "48")
public Long resourceId;
public PostRecurringDepositAccountsRecurringDepositAccountIdTransactionsResponse.PostRecurringChanges changes;