blob: f5f64b2f9dac37dee8bcd27164c3b4cdd57df94d [file] [log] [blame]
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<databaseChangeLog xmlns=""
<changeSet author="fineract" id="1">
<insert tableName="stretchy_report">
<column name="report_name" value="Trial Balance Summary Report with Asset Owner"/>
<column name="report_type" value="Table"/>
<column name="report_subtype"/>
<column name="report_category" value="Accounting"/>
<column name="report_sql"
value="select * from(SELECT distinct '${endDate}' AS postingdate, loan.pname AS product, loan.gl_code AS glacct, loan.glname AS description, COALESCE( (select external_id from m_external_asset_owner where id = loan.assetowner),'self') as assetowner, loan.openingbalance AS beginningbalance, (loan.debitamount * 1) AS debitmovement, (loan.creditamount *-1) AS creditmovement, ( loan.openingbalance + loan.debitamount - loan.creditamount) AS endingbalance FROM ( SELECT distinct COALESCE(g.pname,loanproduct.productname) pname, COALESCE(g.gl_code,loanproduct.glcode) gl_code, COALESCE(g.glname,loanproduct.glname) glname, COALESCE(debits.assetowner,loanproduct.assetowner) assetowner, COALESCE(debits.debitamount, 0) - COALESCE(debits.creditamount, 0) AS openingbalance, COALESCE(loanproduct.debitamount, 0) AS debitamount, COALESCE(loanproduct.creditamount, 0) AS creditamount FROM ( SELECT distinct ag.gl_code,, pl.NAME AS pname, ag.NAME AS glname FROM acc_gl_account ag JOIN acc_product_mapping am ON am.gl_account_id = AND am.product_type = 1 JOIN m_product_loan pl ON = am.product_id ) g LEFT JOIN ( SELECT lp.NAME AS productname, acc_gl_account.gl_code AS glcode, acc_gl_account.NAME AS glname, case when aw.owner_id is null then 0 else aw.owner_id end assetowner, Sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS debitamount, Sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS creditamount FROM acc_gl_account JOIN acc_gl_journal_entry ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id JOIN m_loan m ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_id JOIN m_product_loan lp ON = m.product_id left join m_external_asset_owner_journal_entry_mapping aw on aw.journal_entry_id = WHERE acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_type_enum = 1 AND acc_gl_journal_entry.manual_entry = false AND acc_gl_journal_entry.submitted_on_date &lt; '${endDate}' AND ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = ${officeId} ) GROUP BY productname, glcode, glname, assetowner ORDER BY glcode ) debits ON g.gl_code = debits.glcode AND debits.productname = g.pname left JOIN ( SELECT lp.NAME AS productname, account_id, acc_gl_account.gl_code AS glcode, acc_gl_account.NAME AS glname, case when aw.owner_id is null then 0 else aw.owner_id end assetowner, sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS debitamount, sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS creditamount FROM acc_gl_journal_entry JOIN acc_gl_account ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id JOIN m_loan m ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_id JOIN m_product_loan lp ON = m.product_id left join m_external_asset_owner_journal_entry_mapping aw on aw.journal_entry_id = WHERE acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_type_enum = 1 AND acc_gl_journal_entry.manual_entry = false AND acc_gl_journal_entry.submitted_on_date = '${endDate}' AND ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = ${officeId} ) GROUP BY productname, account_id, glcode, glname, assetowner ORDER BY glcode ) loanproduct ON g.gl_code = loanproduct.glcode AND loanproduct.productname = g.pname and debits.assetowner = loanproduct.assetowner union SELECT distinct COALESCE(g.pname,loanproduct.productname) pname, COALESCE(g.gl_code,loanproduct.glcode) gl_code, COALESCE(g.glname,loanproduct.glname) glname, COALESCE(debits.assetowner,loanproduct.assetowner) assetowner, COALESCE(debits.debitamount, 0) - COALESCE(debits.creditamount, 0) AS openingbalance, COALESCE(loanproduct.debitamount, 0) AS debitamount, COALESCE(loanproduct.creditamount, 0) AS creditamount FROM ( SELECT distinct ag.gl_code,, pl.NAME AS pname, ag.NAME AS glname FROM acc_gl_account ag JOIN acc_product_mapping am ON am.gl_account_id = AND am.product_type = 1 JOIN m_product_loan pl ON = am.product_id ) g LEFT JOIN ( SELECT lp.NAME AS productname, acc_gl_account.gl_code AS glcode, acc_gl_account.NAME AS glname, case when aw.owner_id is null then 0 else aw.owner_id end assetowner, Sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS debitamount, Sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS creditamount FROM acc_gl_account JOIN acc_gl_journal_entry ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id JOIN m_loan m ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_id JOIN m_product_loan lp ON = m.product_id left join m_external_asset_owner_journal_entry_mapping aw on aw.journal_entry_id = WHERE acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_type_enum = 1 AND acc_gl_journal_entry.manual_entry = false AND acc_gl_journal_entry.submitted_on_date &lt; '${endDate}' AND ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = ${officeId} ) GROUP BY productname, glcode, glname, assetowner ORDER BY glcode ) debits ON g.gl_code = debits.glcode AND debits.productname = g.pname right JOIN ( SELECT lp.NAME AS productname, account_id, acc_gl_account.gl_code AS glcode, acc_gl_account.NAME AS glname, case when aw.owner_id is null then 0 else aw.owner_id end assetowner, sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 2 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS debitamount, sum( CASE WHEN acc_gl_journal_entry.type_enum = 1 THEN amount ELSE 0 END ) AS creditamount FROM acc_gl_journal_entry JOIN acc_gl_account ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.account_id JOIN m_loan m ON = acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_id JOIN m_product_loan lp ON = m.product_id left join m_external_asset_owner_journal_entry_mapping aw on aw.journal_entry_id = WHERE acc_gl_journal_entry.entity_type_enum = 1 AND acc_gl_journal_entry.manual_entry = false AND acc_gl_journal_entry.submitted_on_date = '${endDate}' AND ( acc_gl_journal_entry.office_id = ${officeId} ) GROUP BY productname, account_id, glcode, glname, assetowner ORDER BY glcode ) loanproduct ON g.gl_code = loanproduct.glcode AND loanproduct.productname = g.pname and debits.assetowner = loanproduct.assetowner )loan)a WHERE a.endingbalance != 0 OR a.debitmovement != 0 OR a.creditmovement != 0"/>
<column name="description" value="Trial Balance Summary Report with Asset Owner"/>
<column name="core_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
<column name="use_report" valueBoolean="true"/>
<column name="self_service_user_report" valueBoolean="false"/>
<changeSet author="fineract" id="2">
<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select id from stretchy_report where report_name = 'Trial Balance Summary Report with Asset Owner')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueComputed="(select id from stretchy_parameter where parameter_variable = 'endDate')"/>
<column name="report_parameter_name" value="officeId"/>
<insert tableName="stretchy_report_parameter">
<column name="report_id" valueComputed="(select id from stretchy_report where report_name = 'Trial Balance Summary Report with Asset Owner')"/>
<column name="parameter_id" valueComputed="(select id from stretchy_parameter where parameter_variable = 'officeId')"/>
<column name="report_parameter_name" value="endDate"/>