blob: bf5e6ddb300659cca5dda7f6124488834f311484 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.fineract.portfolio.client.api;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Chirag Gupta on 01/13/18.
final class ClientsApiResourceSwagger {
private ClientsApiResourceSwagger() {}
@Schema(description = "GetClientsTemplateResponse")
public static final class GetClientsTemplateResponse {
private GetClientsTemplateResponse() {}
static final class GetClientsOfficeOptions {
private GetClientsOfficeOptions() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "Head Office")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "Head Office")
public String nameDecorated;
static final class GetClientsStaffOptions {
private GetClientsStaffOptions() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "xyz")
public String firstname;
@Schema(example = "sjs")
public String lastname;
@Schema(example = "sjs, xyz")
public String displayName;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "Head Office")
public String officeName;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isLoanOfficer;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isActive;
static final class GetClientsSavingProductOptions {
private GetClientsSavingProductOptions() {}
@Schema(example = "4")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "account overdraft")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean withdrawalFeeForTransfers;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean allowOverdraft;
static final class GetClientsDataTables {
private GetClientsDataTables() {}
static final class GetClientsColumnHeaderData {
private GetClientsColumnHeaderData() {}
@Schema(example = "client_id")
public String columnName;
@Schema(example = "bigint")
public String columnType;
@Schema(example = "0")
public Integer columnLength;
@Schema(example = "INTEGER")
public String columnDisplayType;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean isColumnNullable;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isColumnPrimaryKey;
@Schema(example = "[]")
public List<String> columnValues;
@Schema(example = "m_client")
public String applicationTableName;
@Schema(example = "Address Details")
public String registeredTableName;
public Set<GetClientsColumnHeaderData> columnHeaderData;
@Schema(example = "[2014, 3, 4]")
public LocalDate activationDate;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
public Set<GetClientsOfficeOptions> officeOptions;
public Set<GetClientsStaffOptions> staffOptions;
public Set<GetClientsSavingProductOptions> savingProductOptions;
public Set<GetClientsDataTables> datatables;
@Schema(description = "GetClientsResponse")
public static final class GetClientsResponse {
private GetClientsResponse() {}
static final class GetClientsPageItemsResponse {
private GetClientsPageItemsResponse() {}
static final class GetClientStatus {
private GetClientStatus() {}
@Schema(example = "100")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "clientStatusType.pending")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Pending")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "000000002")
public String accountNo;
public GetClientStatus status;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "Home Farm Produce")
public String fullname;
@Schema(example = "Home Farm Produce")
public String displayName;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "Head Office")
public String officeName;
@Schema(example = "")
public String emailAddress;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer totalFilteredRecords;
public Set<GetClientsPageItemsResponse> pageItems;
@Schema(description = "GetClientsClientIdResponse")
public static final class GetClientsClientIdResponse {
private GetClientsClientIdResponse() {}
static final class GetClientsClientIdStatus {
private GetClientsClientIdStatus() {}
@Schema(example = "300")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Active")
public String description;
static final class GetClientsTimeline {
private GetClientsTimeline() {}
@Schema(example = "[2013, 1, 1]")
public LocalDate submittedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "mifos")
public String submittedByUsername;
@Schema(example = "App")
public String submittedByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "Administrator")
public String submittedByLastname;
@Schema(example = "[2013, 1, 1]")
public LocalDate activatedOnDate;
@Schema(example = "mifos")
public String activatedByUsername;
@Schema(example = "App")
public String activatedByFirstname;
@Schema(example = "Administrator")
public String activatedByLastname;
static final class GetClientsGroups {
private GetClientsGroups() {}
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "000000002")
public String accountNo;
@Schema(example = "Group name")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "000000003")
public Long externalId;
@Schema(example = "27")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "000000027")
public String accountNo;
public GetClientsClientIdStatus status;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "[2013, 1, 1]")
public LocalDate activationDate;
@Schema(example = "savings")
public String firstname;
@Schema(example = "test")
public String lastname;
@Schema(example = "savings test")
public String displayName;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "Head Office")
public String officeName;
public GetClientsTimeline timeline;
@Schema(example = "4")
public Long savingsProductId;
@Schema(example = "account overdraft")
public String savingsProductName;
@Schema(example = "[]")
public List<GetClientsGroups> groups;
@Schema(example = "")
public String emailAddress;
@Schema(example = "123")
public String externalId;
@Schema(description = "PostClientsRequest")
public static final class PostClientsRequest {
private PostClientsRequest() {}
static final class PostClientsDatatable {
private PostClientsDatatable() {}
@Schema(example = "Client Beneficiary information")
public String registeredTableName;
@Schema(example = "data")
public HashMap<String, Object> data;
static final class PostClientsAddressRequest {
@Schema(example = "Ipca")
public String street;
@Schema(example = "Kandivali")
public String addressLine1;
@Schema(example = "plot47")
public String addressLine2;
@Schema(example = "charkop")
public String addressLine3;
@Schema(example = "Mumbai")
public String city;
@Schema(example = "800")
public Long stateProvinceId;
@Schema(example = "802")
public Long countryId;
@Schema(example = "400064")
public Long postalCode;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long addressTypeId;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean isActive;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long legalFormId;
@Schema(example = "Client of group")
public String fullname;
@Schema(example = "Client_FirstName")
public String firstname;
@Schema(example = "Client_MiddleName")
public String middlename;
@Schema(example = "123")
public String externalId;
@Schema(example = "Client_LastName")
public String lastname;
@Schema(example = "[2013, 1, 1]")
public LocalDate dateOfBirth;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long groupId;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "04 March 2009")
public String activationDate;
@Schema(example = "+353851239876")
public String mobileNo;
@Schema(description = "List of PostClientsDatatable")
public List<PostClientsDatatable> datatables;
@Schema(description = "Address requests")
public List<PostClientsAddressRequest> address;
@Schema(example = "")
public String emailAddress;
@Schema(description = "PostClientsResponse")
public static final class PostClientsResponse {
private PostClientsResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long groupId;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "123-456")
public String resourceExternalId;
@Schema(description = "PutClientsClientIdRequest")
public static final class PutClientsClientIdRequest {
private PutClientsClientIdRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "786444UUUYYH7")
public String externalId;
@Schema(example = "123-456")
public String resourceExternalId;
@Schema(description = "PutClientsClientIdResponse")
public static final class PutClientsClientIdResponse {
private PutClientsClientIdResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "123-456")
public String resourceExternalId;
public PutClientsClientIdRequest changes;
@Schema(description = "DeleteClientsClientIdRequest")
public static final class DeleteClientsClientIdRequest {
private DeleteClientsClientIdRequest() {}
@Schema(description = "DeleteClientsClientIdResponse")
public static final class DeleteClientsClientIdResponse {
private DeleteClientsClientIdResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "3")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "123-456")
public String resourceExternalId;
@Schema(description = "PostClientsClientIdRequest")
public static final class PostClientsClientIdRequest {
private PostClientsClientIdRequest() {}
@Schema(example = "03 August 2021")
public String activationDate;
@Schema(example = "dd MMMM yyyy")
public String dateFormat;
@Schema(example = "en")
public String locale;
@Schema(description = "PostClientsClientIdResponse")
public static final class PostClientsClientIdResponse {
private PostClientsClientIdResponse() {}
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long officeId;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long clientId;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long resourceId;
@Schema(example = "123-456")
public String resourceExternalId;
@Schema(description = "GetClientTransferProposalDateResponse")
public static final class GetClientTransferProposalDateResponse {
@Schema(example = "[2013, 1, 1]")
public LocalDate proposedTransferDate;
@Schema(description = "GetClientObligeeDetailsResponse")
public static final class GetClientObligeeDetailsResponse {
static final class GetObligeeData {
private GetObligeeData() {}
@Schema(example = "John")
public String firstName;
@Schema(example = "Doe")
public String lastName;
@Schema(example = "John Doe")
public String displayName;
@Schema(example = "00000002")
public String accountNumber;
@Schema(example = "12000.00")
public Double loanAmount;
@Schema(example = "100.00")
public Double guaranteeAmount;
@Schema(example = "10000.00")
public Double amountReleased;
@Schema(example = "1000.00")
public Double amountTransferred;
public Set<GetObligeeData> obligees;
@Schema(description = "GetClientsClientIdAccountsResponse")
public static final class GetClientsClientIdAccountsResponse {
private GetClientsClientIdAccountsResponse() {}
static final class GetClientsLoanAccounts {
private GetClientsLoanAccounts() {}
static final class GetClientsLoanAccountsStatus {
private GetClientsLoanAccountsStatus() {}
@Schema(example = "300")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Active")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean pendingApproval;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean waitingForDisbursal;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedObligationsMet;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedWrittenOff;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closedRescheduled;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closed;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean overpaid;
static final class GetClientsLoanAccountsType {
private GetClientsLoanAccountsType() {}
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "loanType.individual")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Individual")
public String description;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "000000001")
public String accountNo;
@Schema(example = "456")
public String externalId;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Long productId;
@Schema(example = "TestOne")
public String productName;
public GetClientsLoanAccountsStatus status;
public GetClientsLoanAccountsType loanType;
@Schema(example = "1")
public Integer loanCycle;
static final class GetClientsSavingsAccounts {
private GetClientsSavingsAccounts() {}
static final class GetClientsSavingsAccountsCurrency {
private GetClientsSavingsAccountsCurrency() {}
@Schema(example = "USD")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar")
public String name;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Integer decimalPlaces;
@Schema(example = "$")
public String displaySymbol;
@Schema(example = "currency.USD")
public String nameCode;
@Schema(example = "US Dollar ($)")
public String displayLabel;
static final class GetClientsSavingsAccountsStatus {
private GetClientsSavingsAccountsStatus() {}
@Schema(example = "100")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Submitted and pending approval")
public String value;
@Schema(example = "true")
public Boolean submittedAndPendingApproval;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean approved;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean rejected;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean withdrawnByApplicant;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean active;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean closed;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean prematureClosed;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean transferInProgress;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean transferOnHold;
@Schema(example = "false")
public Boolean matured;
static final class GetClientsSavingsAccountsDepositType {
private GetClientsSavingsAccountsDepositType() {}
@Schema(example = "100")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "depositAccountType.savingsDeposit")
public String code;
@Schema(example = "Savings")
public String value;
@Schema(example = "7")
public Long id;
@Schema(example = "000000007")
public String accountNo;
@Schema(example = "2")
public Long productId;
@Schema(example = "Other product")
public String productName;
@Schema(example = "OP")
public String shortProductName;
public GetClientsSavingsAccountsStatus status;
public GetClientsSavingsAccountsCurrency currency;
public GetClientsSavingsAccountsDepositType depositType;
public Set<GetClientsLoanAccounts> loanAccounts;
public Set<GetClientsSavingsAccounts> savingsAccounts;