blob: 7658320e08bc0dc5762758d5b6a8afa39adf91f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.felix.ipojo.parser;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.metadata.Element;
* Check manipulation metadata written in the manifest.
public class ManipulationMetadataTest extends TestCase {
private String header;
public void setUp() {
File manFile = new File("src/test/resources/manipulation/MANIFEST.MF");
Manifest manifest;
try {
manifest = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(manFile));
header = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("iPOJO-Components");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void testGetMetadata() {
Element elem = null;
try {
elem = ManifestMetadataParser.parseHeaderMetadata(header);
} catch (ParseException e) {
fail("Parse Exception when parsing iPOJO-Component");
assertNotNull("Check elem not null", elem);
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(elem, "ManipulationMetadata-FooProviderType-1");
assertNotNull("Check manipulation metadata not null for " + "FooProviderType-1", manip);
public void testInterface() {
String comp_name = "ManipulationMetadata-FooProviderType-1";
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(comp_name);
Element[] itf = manip.getElements("Interface");
assertEquals("Check interfaces number", itf.length, 1);
assertEquals("Check itf name", itf[0].getAttribute("name"),
public void testInterfaces() {
String comp_name = "ManipulationMetadata-FooBarProviderType-1";
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(comp_name);
Element[] itf = manip.getElements("Interface");
assertEquals("Check interfaces number", itf.length, 2);
assertEquals("Check itf name", itf[0].getAttribute("name"),
assertEquals("Check itf name", itf[1].getAttribute("name"),
public void testFields() {
String comp_name = "ManipulationMetadata-FooProviderType-Dyn";
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(comp_name);
Element[] fields = manip.getElements("field");
assertEquals("Check field count " + fields.length, fields.length, 5);
private int intProp;
private String strProp;
private String[] strAProp;
private int[] intAProp;
private boolean boolProp;
Element field;
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "intProp");
assertEquals("Check field name : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("name"), "intProp");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "int");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "strProp");
assertEquals("Check field name : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("name"), "strProp");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "java.lang.String");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "strAProp");
assertEquals("Check field name : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("name"), "strAProp");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "java.lang.String[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "intAProp");
assertEquals("Check field name : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("name"), "intAProp");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "int[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "boolProp");
assertEquals("Check field name : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("name"), "boolProp");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "boolean");
public void testPrimitivesFields() {
String comp_name = "ManipulationMetadata-PrimitiveManipulationTester";
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(comp_name);
Element[] fields = manip.getElements("Field");
assertEquals("Check field count", fields.length, 16);
byte b = 1;
short s = 1;
int i = 1;
long l = 1;
double d = 1.1;
float f = 1.1f;
char c = 'a';
boolean bool = false;
byte[] bs = new byte[] {0,1,2};
short[] ss = new short[] {0,1,2};
int[] is = new int[] {0,1,2};
long[] ls = new long[] {0,1,2};
double[] ds = new double[] {0.0, 1.1, 2.2};
float[] fs = new float[] {0.0f, 1.1f, 2.2f};
char[] cs = new char[] {'a', 'b', 'c'};
boolean[] bools = new boolean[] {false, true, false};
Element field;
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "b");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "byte");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "s");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "short");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "i");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "int");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "l");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "long");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "d");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "double");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "f");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "float");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "c");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "char");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "bool");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "boolean");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "bs");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "byte[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "ss");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "short[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "is");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "int[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "ls");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "long[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "ds");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "double[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "fs");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "float[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "cs");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "char[]");
field = getFieldFromName(manip, "bools");
assertEquals("Check field type : " + field.getAttribute("name"), field.getAttribute("type"), "boolean[]");
public void testNoArgMethod() {
String comp_name = "ManipulationMetadata-SimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider";
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(comp_name);
Element method = getMethodFromName(manip, "check");
assertFalse("Check no args", method.containsAttribute("arguments"));
assertEquals("Check return", method.getAttribute("return"), "boolean");
public void testOneArgsMethod() {
String comp_name = "ManipulationMetadata-SimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider";
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(comp_name);
Element method = getMethodFromName(manip, "refBind");
assertEquals("Check args", method.getAttribute("arguments"), "{org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference}");
assertEquals("Check args count", 1, ParseUtils.parseArrays("{org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference}").length);
assertFalse("Check return", method.containsAttribute("return"));
public void testTwoArgsMethod() {
String comp_name = "ManipulationMetadata-SimpleMultipleCheckServiceProvider";
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(comp_name);
Element method = getMethodFromName(manip, "doNothing");
assertEquals("Check args", method.getAttribute("arguments"), "{java.lang.Object,java.lang.String}");
assertEquals("Check args count", 2, ParseUtils.parseArrays("{java.lang.Object,java.lang.String}").length);
assertEquals("Check return", method.getAttribute("return"), "java.lang.Object");
private Element getManipulationForComponent(Element metadata, String comp_name) {
Element[] comps = metadata.getElements("component");
for(int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
if(comps[i].containsAttribute("factory") && comps[i].getAttribute("factory").equals(comp_name)) {
return comps[i].getElements("manipulation")[0];
if(comps[i].containsAttribute("name") && comps[i].getAttribute("name").equals(comp_name)) {
return comps[i].getElements("manipulation")[0];
return null;
private Element getManipulationForComponent(String comp_name) {
Element elem = null;
try {
elem = ManifestMetadataParser.parseHeaderMetadata(header);
} catch (ParseException e) {
fail("Parse Exception when parsing iPOJO-Component");
assertNotNull("Check elem not null", elem);
Element manip = getManipulationForComponent(elem, comp_name);
assertNotNull("Check manipulation metadata not null for " + comp_name, manip);
return manip;
private Element getMethodFromName(Element manip, String name) {
Element methods[] = manip.getElements("Method");
for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
if(methods[i].containsAttribute("name") && methods[i].getAttribute("name").equals(name)) {
return methods[i];
fail("Method " + name + " not found");
return null;
private Element getFieldFromName(Element manip, String name) {
Element fields[] = manip.getElements("Field");
for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if(fields[i].containsAttribute("name") && fields[i].getAttribute("name").equals(name)) {
return fields[i];
fail("Field " + name + " not found");
return null;