blob: ed39a52af57920a64c388f345d8ed68b8bde4b49 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
public class Util
private static final char ESCAPE_CHAR = '\\';
private static final String DELIM_START = "${";
private static final String DELIM_STOP = "}";
private static final String CHECKSUM_SUFFIX = ".checksum";
* Perform substitution on a property set
* @param properties the property set to perform substitution on
public static void performSubstitution(Dictionary properties)
for (Enumeration e = properties.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
Object value = properties.get(name);
value instanceof String
? Util.substVars((String) value, name, null, properties)
: value);
* <p>
* This method performs property variable substitution on the
* specified value. If the specified value contains the syntax
* <tt>${&lt;prop-name&gt;}</tt>, where <tt>&lt;prop-name&gt;</tt>
* refers to either a configuration property or a system property,
* then the corresponding property value is substituted for the variable
* placeholder. Multiple variable placeholders may exist in the
* specified value as well as nested variable placeholders, which
* are substituted from inner most to outer most. Configuration
* properties override system properties.
* </p>
* @param val The string on which to perform property substitution.
* @param currentKey The key of the property being evaluated used to
* detect cycles.
* @param cycleMap Map of variable references used to detect nested cycles.
* @param configProps Set of configuration properties.
* @return The value of the specified string after system property substitution.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If there was a syntax error in the
* property placeholder syntax or a recursive variable reference.
public static String substVars(String val, String currentKey, Map cycleMap, Dictionary configProps)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (cycleMap == null)
cycleMap = new HashMap();
// Put the current key in the cycle map.
cycleMap.put(currentKey, currentKey);
// Assume we have a value that is something like:
// "leading ${foo.${bar}} middle ${baz} trailing"
// Find the first ending '}' variable delimiter, which
// will correspond to the first deepest nested variable
// placeholder.
int stopDelim = val.indexOf(DELIM_STOP);
while (stopDelim > 0 && val.charAt(stopDelim - 1) == ESCAPE_CHAR)
stopDelim = val.indexOf(DELIM_STOP, stopDelim + 1);
// Find the matching starting "${" variable delimiter
// by looping until we find a start delimiter that is
// greater than the stop delimiter we have found.
int startDelim = val.indexOf(DELIM_START);
while (stopDelim >= 0)
int idx = val.indexOf(DELIM_START, startDelim + DELIM_START.length());
if ((idx < 0) || (idx > stopDelim))
else if (idx < stopDelim)
startDelim = idx;
// If we do not have a start or stop delimiter, then just
// return the existing value.
if ((startDelim < 0) || (stopDelim < 0))
return val;
// At this point, we have found a variable placeholder so
// we must perform a variable substitution on it.
// Using the start and stop delimiter indices, extract
// the first, deepest nested variable placeholder.
String variable = val.substring(startDelim + DELIM_START.length(), stopDelim);
// Verify that this is not a recursive variable reference.
if (cycleMap.get(variable) != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("recursive variable reference: " + variable);
// Get the value of the deepest nested variable placeholder.
// Try to configuration properties first.
String substValue = (String) ((configProps != null) ? configProps.get(variable) : null);
if (substValue == null)
// Ignore unknown property values.
substValue = System.getProperty(variable, "");
// Remove the found variable from the cycle map, since
// it may appear more than once in the value and we don't
// want such situations to appear as a recursive reference.
// Append the leading characters, the substituted value of
// the variable, and the trailing characters to get the new
// value.
val = val.substring(0, startDelim) + substValue + val.substring(stopDelim + DELIM_STOP.length(), val.length());
// Now perform substitution again, since there could still
// be substitutions to make.
val = substVars(val, currentKey, cycleMap, configProps);
// Remove escape characters preceding {, } and \
int escape = val.indexOf(ESCAPE_CHAR);
while (escape >= 0 && escape < val.length() - 1)
char c = val.charAt(escape + 1);
if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == ESCAPE_CHAR)
val = val.substring(0, escape) + val.substring(escape + 1);
escape = val.indexOf(ESCAPE_CHAR, escape + 1);
// Return the value.
return val;
public static int getGlobalLogLevel(BundleContext context)
String s = (String) context.getProperty(DirectoryWatcher.LOG_LEVEL);
s = (s == null)
? System.getProperty(DirectoryWatcher.LOG_LEVEL.toUpperCase().replace('.', '_'))
: s;
s = (s == null) ? "1" : s;
int logLevel = 1;
logLevel = Integer.parseInt(s);
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
return logLevel;
* Log a message and optional throwable. If there is a log service we use
* it, otherwise we log to the console
* @param message
* The message to log
* @param e
* The throwable to log
public static void log(BundleContext context, int logLevel,
int msgLevel, String message, Throwable e)
getLogger(context).log(logLevel, msgLevel, message, e);
private static Logger getLogger(BundleContext context)
if (logger != null && logger.isValidLogger(context))
return logger;
logger = new OsgiLogger(context);
catch (Throwable t)
logger = new StdOutLogger();
return logger;
private static Logger logger;
interface Logger
static final int LOG_ERROR = 1;
static final int LOG_WARNING = 2;
static final int LOG_INFO = 3;
static final int LOG_DEBUG = 4;
boolean isValidLogger(BundleContext context);
void log(int logLevel, int msgLevel, String message, Throwable throwable);
static class StdOutLogger implements Logger
public boolean isValidLogger(BundleContext context)
return true;
public void log(int logLevel, int msgLevel, String message, Throwable throwable)
// Only print the message if logging is enabled and
// the message level is less than or equal to the log
// level.
if ((logLevel > 0) && (msgLevel <= logLevel))
System.out.println(message + ((throwable == null) ? "" : ": " + throwable));
if (throwable != null)
static class OsgiLogger extends StdOutLogger
private BundleContext context;
OsgiLogger(BundleContext context)
this.context = context;
// Now make sure we can access the LogService class
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage());
public boolean isValidLogger(BundleContext context)
return context == this.context;
public void log(int logLevel, int msgLevel, String message, Throwable throwable)
// Only print the message if logging is enabled and
// the message level is less than or equal to the log
// level.
if ((logLevel > 0) && (msgLevel <= logLevel))
LogService log = getLogService();
if (log != null)
log.log(msgLevel, message, throwable);
super.log(logLevel, msgLevel, message, throwable);
private LogService getLogService()
ServiceReference ref = context.getServiceReference(LogService.class.getName());
if (ref != null)
LogService log = (LogService) context.getService(ref);
return log;
return null;
* Jar up a directory
* @param directory
* @param zipName
* @throws IOException
public static void jarDir(File directory, File zipName) throws IOException
jarDir(directory, new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipName)));
public static void jarDir(File directory, OutputStream os) throws IOException
// create a ZipOutputStream to zip the data to
JarOutputStream zos = new JarOutputStream(os);
String path = "";
File manFile = new File(directory, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
if (manFile.exists())
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[8192];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(manFile);
ZipEntry anEntry = new ZipEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
int bytesIn =;
while (bytesIn != -1)
zos.write(readBuffer, 0, bytesIn);
bytesIn =;
zipDir(directory, zos, path, Collections.singleton(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME));
// close the stream
* Zip up a directory path
* @param directory
* @param zos
* @param path
* @param exclusions
* @throws IOException
public static void zipDir(File directory, ZipOutputStream zos, String path, Set/* <String> */ exclusions) throws IOException
// get a listing of the directory content
File[] dirList = directory.listFiles();
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[8192];
int bytesIn = 0;
// loop through dirList, and zip the files
for (int i = 0; i < dirList.length; i++)
File f = dirList[i];
if (f.isDirectory())
String prefix = path + f.getName() + "/";
zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(prefix));
zipDir(f, zos, prefix, exclusions);
String entry = path + f.getName();
if (!exclusions.contains(entry))
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
ZipEntry anEntry = new ZipEntry(entry);
bytesIn =;
while (bytesIn != -1)
zos.write(readBuffer, 0, bytesIn);
bytesIn =;
* Stores the checksum into a bundle data file.
* @param b The bundle whose checksum must be stored
* @param checksum the lastModified date to be stored in bc
* @param bc the FileInstall's bundle context where to store the checksum.
public static void storeChecksum( Bundle b, long checksum, BundleContext bc )
String key = getBundleKey(b);
File f = bc.getDataFile( key + CHECKSUM_SUFFIX );
DataOutputStream dout = null;
dout = new DataOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( f ) );
dout.writeLong( checksum );
catch ( Exception e )
if ( dout != null )
catch ( IOException ignored )
* Returns the stored checksum of the bundle.
* @param b the bundle whose checksum must be returned
* @param bc the FileInstall's bundle context.
* @return the stored checksum of the bundle
public static long loadChecksum( Bundle b, BundleContext bc )
String key = getBundleKey(b);
File f = bc.getDataFile( key + CHECKSUM_SUFFIX );
DataInputStream in = null;
in = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream( f ) );
return in.readLong();
catch ( Exception e )
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
if ( in != null )
catch ( IOException e )
private static String getBundleKey(Bundle b)
return Long.toString(b.getBundleId());