blob: 90bf1483d7e11c1ef111f7cb456099c66956e84c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.felix.service.command.Process;
import org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Parser.Pipeline;
import org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Parser.Program;
import org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Parser.Sequence;
import org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.Parser.Statement;
import org.apache.felix.service.command.CommandSession;
import org.apache.felix.service.command.Function;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static;
public class TestParser extends AbstractParserTest
int beentheredonethat = 0;
public void testError() {
Context context = new Context();
context.addCommand("gogo", new Function() {
public Object execute(CommandSession session, List<Object> arguments) throws Exception {
throw new Error(arguments.get(0).toString());
}}, "error");
try {
context.execute("error bar");
fail("Expected an exception");
} catch (Throwable t) {
assertEquals("java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.Error: bar", t.toString());
public void testEvaluatation() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
c.addCommand("capture", this);
assertEquals("a", c.execute("echo a | capture"));
assertEquals("a", c.execute("(echo a) | capture"));
assertEquals("a", c.execute("((echo a)) | capture"));
public void testUnknownCommand() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
fail("Execution should have failed due to missing command");
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// expected
public void testSpecialValues() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
assertEquals(false, c.execute("false"));
assertEquals(true, c.execute("true"));
assertEquals(null, c.execute("null"));
public void testQuotes() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
c.set("c", "a");
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo a b"));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo 'a b'"));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo \"a b\""));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo a b"));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo 'a b'"));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo \"a b\""));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo $c b"));
assertEquals("$c b", c.execute("echo '$c b'"));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo \"$c b\""));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo ${c} b"));
assertEquals("${c} b", c.execute("echo '${c} b'"));
assertEquals("a b", c.execute("echo \"${c} b\""));
assertEquals("aa", c.execute("echo $c$c"));
assertEquals("a ;a", c.execute("echo a\\ \\;a"));
assertEquals("baabab", c.execute("echo b${c}${c}b${c}b"));
c.set("d", "a b ");
assertEquals("a b ", c.execute("echo \"$d\""));
public void testScope() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
assertEquals("$a", c.execute("test:echo \\$a"));
assertEquals("file://poo", c.execute("test:echo file://poo"));
public void testPipe() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
c.addCommand("capture", this);
c.addCommand("grep", this);
c.addCommand("echoout", this);
c.execute("myecho = { echoout $args }");
// Disable file name generation to avoid escaping 'd.*'
assertEquals("def", c.execute("echo def|grep d.*|capture"));
assertEquals("def", c.execute("echoout def|grep d.*|capture"));
assertEquals("def", c.execute("myecho def|grep d.*|capture"));
assertEquals("def", c.execute("(echoout abc; echoout def; echoout ghi)|grep d.*|capture"));
assertEquals("", c.execute("echoout def; echoout ghi | grep d.* | capture"));
assertEquals("hello world", c.execute("echo hello world|capture"));
assertEquals("defghi", c.execute("(echoout abc; echoout def; echoout ghi)|grep 'def|ghi'|capture"));
public void testAssignment() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
c.addCommand("grep", this);
assertEquals("a", c.execute("a = a; echo ${$a}"));
assertEquals("hello", c.execute("echo hello"));
assertEquals("hello", c.execute("a = (echo hello)"));
//assertEquals("a", c.execute("a = a; echo $(echo a)")); // #p2 - no eval in var expansion
assertEquals("3", c.execute("a=3; echo $a"));
assertEquals("3", c.execute("a = 3; echo $a"));
assertEquals("a", c.execute("a = a; echo ${$a}"));
public void testComment() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
assertEquals("1", c.execute("echo 1 // hello"));
public void testClosure() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
c.addCommand("capture", this);
assertEquals("a", c.execute("e = { echo $1 } ; e a b"));
assertEquals("b", c.execute("e = { echo $2 } ; e a b"));
assertEquals("b", c.execute("e = { eval $args } ; e echo b"));
assertEquals("ca b", c.execute("e = { echo c$args } ; e a b"));
assertEquals("c a b", c.execute("e = { echo c $args } ; e a b"));
assertEquals("ca b", c.execute("e = { echo c$args } ; e 'a b'"));
public void testArray() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.set("echo", true);
c.execute("[''] get 0"));
assertEquals("{a=2, b=3}", c.execute("[a=2 b=3]").toString());
assertEquals(3L, c.execute("[a=2 b=3] get b"));
assertEquals("[3, 4]", c.execute("[1 2 [3 4] 5 6] get 2").toString());
assertEquals(5, c.execute("[1 2 [3 4] 5 6] size"));
public void testParentheses()
Parser parser = new Parser("(a|b)|(d|f)");
Program p = parser.program();
assertEquals("a|b", ((Sequence) ((Statement) ((Pipeline) p.tokens().get(0)).tokens().get(0)).tokens().get(0)).program().toString());
parser = new Parser("grep (d.*)|grep (d|f)");
p = parser.program();
assertEquals("d.*", ((Sequence)((Statement) ((Pipeline) p.tokens().get(0)).tokens().get(0)).tokens().get(1)).program().toString());
public void testEcho() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
c.execute("echo peter");
public void grep(String match) throws IOException
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(match);
BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String s = rdr.readLine();
while (s != null)
if (p.matcher(s).find())
s = rdr.readLine();
public String capture() throws IOException
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String s = rdr.readLine();
while (s != null)
s = rdr.readLine();
return sw.toString();
public void testVars() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
assertEquals("", c.execute("echo ${very.likely.that.this.does.not.exist}"));
assertNotNull(c.execute("echo ${}"));
assertEquals("a", c.execute("a = a; echo ${a}"));
public void testFunny() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("echo", this);
assertEquals("a", c.execute("echo a") + "");
assertEquals("a", c.execute("eval (echo echo) a") + "");
//assertEquals("a", c.execute("((echo echo) echo) (echo a)") + "");
assertEquals("3", c.execute("[a=2 (echo b)=(echo 3)] get b").toString());
public CharSequence echo(Object args[])
if (args == null)
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Object arg : args)
if (arg != null)
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(' ');
return sb.toString();
public void echoout(Object args[])
public void testContext() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("ls", this);
beentheredonethat = 0;
assertEquals(1, beentheredonethat);
beentheredonethat = 0;
c.execute("ls 10");
assertEquals(10, beentheredonethat);
beentheredonethat = 0;
c.execute("ls a b c d e f g h i j");
assertEquals(10, beentheredonethat);
beentheredonethat = 0;
Integer result = (Integer) c.execute("ls (ls 5)");
assertEquals(10, beentheredonethat);
assertEquals((Integer) 5, result);
public void ls()
System.out.println("ls(): Yes!");
public int ls(int onoff)
beentheredonethat += onoff;
System.out.println("ls(int) " + onoff);
return onoff;
public void ls(Object args[])
beentheredonethat = args.length;
System.out.print("ls(Object[]) [");
for (Object i : args)
System.out.print(i + " ");
public void testProgram()
Program x = new Parser("abc def|ghi jkl;mno pqr|stu vwx").program();
Pipeline p0 = (Pipeline) x.tokens().get(0);
Statement s00 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("|", p0.tokens().get(1).toString());
Statement s01 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(2);
assertEquals(";", x.tokens().get(1).toString());
Pipeline p1 = (Pipeline) x.tokens().get(2);
Statement s10 = (Statement) p1.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("|", p1.tokens().get(1).toString());
Statement s11 = (Statement) p1.tokens().get(2);
assertEquals("abc", s00.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("def", s00.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("ghi", s01.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("jkl", s01.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("mno", s10.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("pqr", s10.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("stu", s11.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("vwx", s11.tokens().get(1).toString());
public void testStatements()
Program x = new Parser("abc def|ghi jkl|mno pqr").program();
Pipeline p0 = (Pipeline) x.tokens().get(0);
Statement s00 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(0);
Statement s01 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(2);
Statement s02 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(4);
assertEquals("abc", s00.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("def", s00.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("ghi", s01.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("jkl", s01.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("mno", s02.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("pqr", s02.tokens().get(1).toString());
public void testPipeRedir()
Program x = new Parser("abc def|&ghi").program();
Pipeline p0 = (Pipeline) x.tokens().get(0);
Statement s00 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("|&", p0.tokens().get(1).toString());
Statement s01 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(2);
assertEquals("abc", s00.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("def", s00.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("ghi", s01.tokens().get(0).toString());
public void testPipeAndOr()
Program x = new Parser("abc|def&&ghi || jkl").program();
Pipeline p0 = (Pipeline) x.tokens().get(0);
Statement s00 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("|", p0.tokens().get(1).toString());
Statement s01 = (Statement) p0.tokens().get(2);
assertEquals("&&", x.tokens().get(1).toString());
Statement s1 = (Statement) x.tokens().get(2);
assertEquals("||", x.tokens().get(3).toString());
Statement s2 = (Statement) x.tokens().get(4);
assertEquals("abc", s00.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("def", s01.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("ghi", s1.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("jkl", s2.tokens().get(0).toString());
public void testBackground() {
Program x = new Parser("echo foo&echo bar").program();
Statement s0 = (Statement) x.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("&", x.tokens().get(1).toString());
Statement s1 = (Statement) x.tokens().get(2);
assertEquals("echo", s0.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("foo", s0.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("echo", s1.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("bar", s1.tokens().get(1).toString());
public void testRedir() {
Program x = new Parser("echo foo&>bar").program();
Statement s0 = (Statement) x.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("echo", s0.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("foo", s0.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("&>", s0.redirections().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("bar", s0.redirections().get(1).toString());
x = new Parser("echo foo1>bar").program();
s0 = (Statement) x.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("echo", s0.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("foo1", s0.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals(">", s0.redirections().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("bar", s0.redirections().get(1).toString());
x = new Parser("echo foo 1>bar").program();
s0 = (Statement) x.tokens().get(0);
assertEquals("echo", s0.tokens().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("foo", s0.tokens().get(1).toString());
assertEquals("1>", s0.redirections().get(0).toString());
assertEquals("bar", s0.redirections().get(1).toString());
public void testClosingSquareBracket()
expectSyntaxError("{ a } }");
expectSyntaxError("a }");
expectSyntaxError("{ a } ]");
expectSyntaxError("a ]");
private void expectSyntaxError(String txt) {
try {
new Parser(txt).program();
fail("Expected a SyntaxError to be thrown");
} catch (SyntaxError e) {
// ok
public void testSimpleValue()
Program p = new Parser(
"abc def.ghi\\&x=1 [1,2,3] {{{{{{{xyz}}}}}}} (immediate) {'{{{{{'} {\\{} 'abc{}'")
List<Token> x = ((Statement) p.tokens().get(0)).tokens();
assertEquals("abc", x.get(0).toString());
assertEquals("def.ghi", x.get(1).toString());
assertEquals("\\&x=1", x.get(2).toString());
assertEquals("[1,2,3]", x.get(3).toString());
assertEquals("{{{{{{{xyz}}}}}}}", x.get(4).toString());
assertEquals("(immediate)", x.get(5).toString());
assertEquals("{'{{{{{'}", x.get(6).toString());
assertEquals("{\\{}", x.get(7).toString());
assertEquals("'abc{}'", x.get(8).toString());
public void testIsTty() throws Exception
Context c = new Context();
c.addCommand("istty", this);
c.addCommand("echo", this);
assertEquals(true, c.execute("istty 1"));
assertEquals(false, c.execute("$(istty 1)"));
public boolean istty(CommandSession session, int fd)
return Process.Utils.current().isTty(fd);
void each(CommandSession session, Collection<Object> list, Function closure)
throws Exception
List<Object> args = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object x : list)
args.set(0, x);
closure.execute(session, args);