blob: 38eb6c65f99ae6063fc04f7bda37deb6dd5b3547 [file] [log] [blame]
** Bug
* [FELIX-6140] - possible deadlock in ResolverImpl.EnhancedExecutor.await()
* [FELIX-6212] - Issues with uses capability checking with split packages and reexport
** New Feature
* [FELIX-5482] - Contribute Resolver 1.1 implementation for OSGi R7
** Improvement
* [FELIX-5782] - allow resolver errors to be introspected
** Bug
* [FELIX-5601] - issues resolving with substitutable exports when the export is the last available provider
** Bug
* [FELIX-5450] - Fragments with multiple hosts can cause java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [FELIX-5514] - Issues with substituted exports with require bundle
** Bug
* [FELIX-5389] - NullPointerException in Candidates#prepare() method
* [FELIX-5390] - remove unused imports from resolver source code.
** Bug
* [FELIX-5131] - UnsupportedOperationException when embedding felix in WebSphere
* [FELIX-5166] - WrappedResource does not handle namespace correctly
** Bug
* [FELIX-5015] - NPE in ResolverImpl
** Bug
* [FELIX-4987] - Dynamic package resolution with unresolvable or fragment package exports can lead to invalid wirings
* [FELIX-4988] - ResolverImpl uses an internal ExecutorService
* [FELIX-4989] - CopyOnWriteList.removeAll(Collection<?>) is incorrect causing failures for multiple cardinality resolution
* [FELIX-5011] - Resolver creates and shutdown ExecuterService within the wrong AccessControlContext
** New Feature
* [FELIX-4926] - Investigate rewriting the resolver algorithm to use loops instead of recursion
* [FELIX-4942] - Optimise the resolver
** Bug
* [FELIX-4897] - Dynamic package resolution with fragment package exports can lead to invalid wirings
* [FELIX-4914] - Resolution problem with identity requirements on fragments
** Bug
* [FELIX-4182] - Issues with package space consistency check
* [FELIX-4428] - When inserting hosted capability from an already resolved fragment the real non-hosted capability is not removed as a candidate
* [FELIX-4494] - Fragment identity capabilities are incorrectly wrapped
* [FELIX-4495] - Candidates from already resolved fragments get ignored if no new hosts are available
* [FELIX-4497] - Invalid wirings may result from substitutable exports
* [FELIX-4524] - Substituted exports may cause IndexOutOfBoundsException
* [FELIX-4642] - NPE in the resolver when substituting
* [FELIX-4727] - WrappedResource.getCapabilities ignores the namespace param
* [FELIX-4762] - OutOfMemoryError (Java Heap Space) when resolving bundles
* [FELIX-4825] - The resolver may return wires to unresolved resources in some cases
** Improvement
* [FELIX-4492] - Enhance resolver logging to get better uses diagnostics
* [FELIX-4493] - Allow ResolveContext to supply on demand resources
* [FELIX-4498] - Resolver does not allow optional reqs to resolve if they introduce class space inconsistencies
* [FELIX-4656] - Improve memory usage and speed of the resolver
** Initial Release