blob: 051a8dcd39363e334d25518312b03ef72ecd79f0 [file] [log] [blame]
Changes from the 1.6.0 to the 1.7.0
** Improvements
* Remove dependency to org.json
Changes from the 1.6.0 to the 1.7.0
** Improvements
* Integration with the webconsole 4.x
** Task
* [FELIX-3921] - Update pom to latest Felix's parent
Changes from the 1.4.4 to 1.6.0
** Improvements
* Integration with the webconsole 3.x
Changes from the 1.4.2 to 1.4.4
** Bug
* [FELIX-1579] - iPOJO Web Console Plugin 1.4.2 does not work as expected
Changes from the 1.4.0 to 1.4.2
** Bug
* [FELIX-1497] - iPOJO Web Console plugin NPE when the service reference list is null
Version 1.4.0
** Improvement
* Update parent pom
* Initial commit