blob: 661d1f9da4764ba68123bbc1238223ee9fb96d7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Based on
* Public Domain License
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* and
package org.apache.felix.karaf.webconsole.gogo;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
public class Terminal {
enum State {
private int width;
private int height;
private int attr;
private boolean eol;
private int cx;
private int cy;
private int[] screen;
private int[] screen2;
private State vt100_parse_state = State.None;
private int vt100_parse_len;
private int vt100_lastchar;
private int vt100_parse_func;
private String vt100_parse_param;
private boolean vt100_mode_autowrap;
private boolean vt100_mode_insert;
private boolean vt100_charset_is_single_shift;
private boolean vt100_charset_is_graphical;
private boolean vt100_mode_lfnewline;
private boolean vt100_mode_origin;
private boolean vt100_mode_inverse;
private boolean vt100_mode_cursorkey;
private boolean vt100_mode_cursor;
private boolean vt100_mode_alt_screen;
private boolean vt100_mode_backspace;
private boolean vt100_mode_column_switch;
private boolean vt100_keyfilter_escape;
private int[] vt100_charset_graph = new int[] {
0x25ca, 0x2026, 0x2022, 0x3f,
0xb6, 0x3f, 0xb0, 0xb1,
0x3f, 0x3f, 0x2b, 0x2b,
0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0xaf,
0x2014, 0x2014, 0x2014, 0x5f,
0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2b,
0x7c, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0xb6,
0x2260, 0xa3, 0xb7, 0x7f
private int vt100_charset_g_sel;
private int[] vt100_charset_g = { 0, 0 };
private Map<String, Object> vt100_saved;
private Map<String, Object> vt100_saved2;
private int vt100_saved_cx;
private int vt100_saved_cy;
private String vt100_out;
private int scroll_area_y0;
private int scroll_area_y1;
private List<Integer> tab_stops;
private int utf8_char;
private int utf8_units_count;
private int utf8_units_received;
private AtomicBoolean dirty = new AtomicBoolean(true);
public Terminal() {
this(80, 24);
public Terminal(int width, int height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
private void reset_hard() {
// Attribute mask: 0x0XFB0000
// X: Bit 0 - Underlined
// Bit 1 - Negative
// Bit 2 - Concealed
// F: Foreground
// B: Background
attr = 0x00fe0000;
// UTF-8 decoder
utf8_units_count = 0;
utf8_units_received = 0;
utf8_char = 0;
// Key filter
vt100_keyfilter_escape = false;
// Last char
vt100_lastchar = 0;
// Control sequences
vt100_parse_len = 0;
vt100_parse_state = State.None;
vt100_parse_func = 0;
vt100_parse_param = "";
// Buffers
vt100_out = "";
// Invoke other resets
private void reset_soft() {
// Attribute mask: 0x0XFB0000
// X: Bit 0 - Underlined
// Bit 1 - Negative
// Bit 2 - Concealed
// F: Foreground
// B: Background
attr = 0x00fe0000;
// Scroll parameters
scroll_area_y0 = 0;
scroll_area_y1 = height;
// Character sets
vt100_charset_is_single_shift = false;
vt100_charset_is_graphical = false;
vt100_charset_g_sel = 0;
vt100_charset_g = new int[] { 0, 0 };
// Modes
vt100_mode_insert = false;
vt100_mode_lfnewline = false;
vt100_mode_cursorkey = false;
vt100_mode_column_switch = false;
vt100_mode_inverse = false;
vt100_mode_origin = false;
vt100_mode_autowrap = true;
vt100_mode_cursor = true;
vt100_mode_alt_screen = false;
vt100_mode_backspace = false;
// Init DECSC state
vt100_saved2 = vt100_saved;
private void reset_screen() {
// Screen
screen = new int[width * height];
Arrays.fill(screen, attr | 0x0020);
screen2 = new int[width * height];
Arrays.fill(screen2, attr | 0x0020);
// Scroll parameters
scroll_area_y0 = 0;
scroll_area_y1 = height;
// Cursor position
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
// Tab stops
tab_stops = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 7; i < width; i += 8) {
// UTF-8 functions
private String utf8_decode(String d) {
StringBuilder o = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : d.toCharArray()) {
if (utf8_units_count != utf8_units_received) {
if ((c & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
utf8_char = (utf8_char << 6) | (c & 0x3f);
if (utf8_units_count == utf8_units_received) {
if (utf8_char < 0x10000) {
o.append((char) utf8_char);
utf8_units_count = utf8_units_received = 0;
} else {
while (utf8_units_received-- > 0) {
utf8_units_count = 0;
} else {
if ((c & 0x80) == 0x00) {
} else if ((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
utf8_units_count = 1;
utf8_char = c & 0x1f;
} else if ((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0) {
utf8_units_count = 2;
utf8_char = c & 0x0f;
} else if ((c & 0xf8) == 0xf0) {
utf8_units_count = 3;
utf8_char = c & 0x07;
} else {
return o.toString();
private int utf8_charwidth(int c) {
if (c >= 0x2e80) {
return 2;
} else {
return 1;
// Low-level terminal functions
private int[] peek(int y0, int x0, int y1, int x1) {
int from = width * y0 + x0;
int to = width * (y1 - 1) + x1;
int newLength = to - from;
if (newLength < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(from + " > " + to);
int[] copy = new int[newLength];
System.arraycopy(screen, from, copy, 0,
Math.min(screen.length - from, newLength));
return copy;
private void poke(int y, int x, int[] s) {
System.arraycopy(s, 0, screen, width * y + x, s.length);
private void fill(int y0, int x0, int y1, int x1, int c) {
int d0 = width * y0 + x0;
int d1 = width * (y1 - 1) + x1;
if (d0 <= d1) {
Arrays.fill(screen, width * y0 + x0, width * (y1 - 1) + x1, c);
private void clear(int y0, int x0, int y1, int x1) {
fill(y0, x0, y1, x1, attr | 0x20);
// Scrolling functions
private void scroll_area_up(int y0, int y1) {
scroll_area_up(y0, y1, 1);
private void scroll_area_up(int y0, int y1, int n) {
n = Math.min(y1 - y0, n);
poke(y0, 0, peek(y0 + n, 0, y1, width));
clear(y1-n, 0, y1, width);
private void scroll_area_down(int y0, int y1) {
scroll_area_down(y0, y1, 1);
private void scroll_area_down(int y0, int y1, int n) {
n = Math.min(y1 - y0, n);
poke(y0 + n, 0, peek(y0, 0, y1-n, width));
clear(y0, 0, y0 + n, width);
private void scroll_area_set(int y0, int y1) {
y0 = Math.max(0, Math.min(height - 1, y0));
y1 = Math.max(1, Math.min(height, y1));
if (y1 > y0) {
scroll_area_y0 = y0;
scroll_area_y1 = y1;
private void scroll_line_right(int y, int x) {
scroll_line_right(y, x, 1);
private void scroll_line_right(int y, int x, int n) {
if (x < width) {
n = Math.min(width - cx, n);
poke(y, x + n, peek(y, x, y + 1, width - n));
clear(y, x, y + 1, x + n);
private void scroll_line_left(int y, int x) {
scroll_line_left(y, x, 1);
private void scroll_line_left(int y, int x, int n) {
if (x < width) {
n = Math.min(width - cx, n);
poke(y, x, peek(y, x + n, y + 1, width));
clear(y, width - n, y + 1, width);
// Cursor functions
private int[] cursor_line_width(int next_char) {
int wx = utf8_charwidth(next_char);
int lx = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < Math.min(cx, width); x++) {
int c = peek(cy, x, cy + 1, x + 1)[0] & 0xffff;
wx += utf8_charwidth(c);
lx += 1;
return new int[] { wx, lx };
private void cursor_up() {
private void cursor_up(int n) {
cy = Math.max(scroll_area_y0, cy - n);
private void cursor_down() {
private void cursor_down(int n) {
cy = Math.min(scroll_area_y1 - 1, cy + n);
private void cursor_left() {
private void cursor_left(int n) {
eol = false;
cx = Math.max(0, cx - n);
private void cursor_right() {
private void cursor_right(int n) {
eol = cx + n >= width;
cx = Math.min(width - 1, cx + n);
private void cursor_set_x(int x) {
eol = false;
cx = Math.max(0, x);
private void cursor_set_y(int y) {
cy = Math.max(0, Math.min(height - 1, y));
private void cursor_set(int y, int x) {
// Dumb terminal
private void ctrl_BS() {
int dy = (cx - 1) / width;
cursor_set(Math.max(scroll_area_y0, cy + dy), (cx - 1) % width);
private void ctrl_HT() {
private void ctrl_HT(int n) {
if (n > 0 && cx >= width) {
if (n <= 0 && cx == 0) {
int ts = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < tab_stops.size(); i++) {
if (cx >= tab_stops.get(i)) {
ts = i;
ts += n;
if (ts < tab_stops.size() && ts >= 0) {
} else {
cursor_set_x(width - 1);
private void ctrl_LF() {
if (vt100_mode_lfnewline) {
if (cy == scroll_area_y1 - 1) {
scroll_area_up(scroll_area_y0, scroll_area_y1);
} else {
private void ctrl_CR() {
private boolean dumb_write(int c) {
if (c < 32) {
if (c == 8) {
} else if (c == 9) {
} else if (c >= 10 && c <= 12) {
} else if (c == 13) {
return true;
return false;
private void dumb_echo(int c) {
if (eol) {
if (vt100_mode_autowrap) {
} else {
cx = cursor_line_width(c)[1] - 1;
if (vt100_mode_insert) {
scroll_line_right(cy, cx);
if (vt100_charset_is_single_shift) {
vt100_charset_is_single_shift = false;
} else if (vt100_charset_is_graphical && ((c & 0xffe0) == 0x0060)) {
c = vt100_charset_graph[c - 0x60];
poke(cy, cx, new int[] { attr | c });
// VT100
private void vt100_charset_update() {
vt100_charset_is_graphical = (vt100_charset_g[vt100_charset_g_sel] == 2);
private void vt100_charset_set(int g) {
// Invoke active character set
vt100_charset_g_sel = g;
private void vt100_charset_select(int g, int charset) {
// Select charset
vt100_charset_g[g] = charset;
private void vt100_setmode(String p, boolean state) {
// Set VT100 mode
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[0]);
for (String m : ps) {
// 1 : GATM: Guarded area transfer
// 2 : KAM: Keyboard action
// 3 : CRM: Control representation
if ("4".equals(m)) {
// Insertion replacement mode
vt100_mode_insert = state;
// 5 : SRTM: Status reporting transfer
// 7 : VEM: Vertical editing
// 10 : HEM: Horizontal editing
// 11 : PUM: Positioning nit
// 12 : SRM: Send/receive
// 13 : FEAM: Format effector action
// 14 : FETM: Format effector transfer
// 15 : MATM: Multiple area transfer
// 16 : TTM: Transfer termination
// 17 : SATM: Selected area transfer
// 18 : TSM: Tabulation stop
// 19 : EBM: Editing boundary
} else if ("20".equals(m)) {
// LNM: Line feed/new line
vt100_mode_lfnewline = state;
} else if ("?1".equals(m)) {
// DECCKM: Cursor keys
vt100_mode_cursorkey = state;
// ?2 : DECANM: ANSI
} else if ("?3".equals(m)) {
// DECCOLM: Column
if (vt100_mode_column_switch) {
if (state) {
width = 132;
} else {
width = 80;
// ?4 : DECSCLM: Scrolling
} else if ("?5".equals(m)) {
// DECSCNM: Screen
vt100_mode_inverse = state;
} else if ("?6".equals(m)) {
// DECOM: Origin
vt100_mode_origin = state;
if (state) {
cursor_set(scroll_area_y0, 0);
} else {
cursor_set(0, 0);
} else if ("?7".equals(m)) {
// DECAWM: Autowrap
vt100_mode_autowrap = state;
// ?8 : DECARM: Autorepeat
// ?9 : Interlacing
// ?18 : DECPFF: Print form feed
// ?19 : DECPEX: Printer extent
} else if ("?25".equals(m)) {
// DECTCEM: Text cursor enable
vt100_mode_cursor = state;
// ?34 : DECRLM: Cursor direction, right to left
// ?35 : DECHEBM: Hebrew keyboard mapping
// ?36 : DECHEM: Hebrew encoding mode
} else if ("?40".equals(m)) {
// Column switch control
vt100_mode_column_switch = state;
// ?42 : DECNRCM: National replacement character set
} else if ("?47".equals(m)) {
// Alternate screen mode
if ((state && !vt100_mode_alt_screen) || (!state && vt100_mode_alt_screen)) {
int[] s = screen; screen = screen2; screen2 = s;
Map<String, Object> map = vt100_saved; vt100_saved = vt100_saved2; vt100_saved = map;
vt100_mode_alt_screen = state;
// ?57 : DECNAKB: Greek keyboard mapping
} else if ("?67".equals(m)) {
// DECBKM: Backarrow key
vt100_mode_backspace = state;
// ?98 : DECARSM: auto-resize
// ?101 : DECCANSM: Conceal answerback message
// ?109 : DECCAPSLK: caps lock
private void ctrl_SO() {
private void ctrl_SI() {
private void esc_CSI() {
private void esc_DECALN() {
fill(0, 0, height, width, 0x00fe0045);
private void esc_G0_0() {
vt100_charset_select(0, 0);
private void esc_G0_1() {
vt100_charset_select(0, 1);
private void esc_G0_2() {
vt100_charset_select(0, 2);
private void esc_G0_3() {
vt100_charset_select(0, 3);
private void esc_G0_4() {
vt100_charset_select(0, 4);
private void esc_G1_0() {
vt100_charset_select(1, 0);
private void esc_G1_1() {
vt100_charset_select(1, 1);
private void esc_G1_2() {
vt100_charset_select(1, 2);
private void esc_G1_3() {
vt100_charset_select(1, 3);
private void esc_G1_4() {
vt100_charset_select(1, 4);
private void esc_DECSC() {
vt100_saved = new HashMap<String, Object>();
vt100_saved.put("cx", cx);
vt100_saved.put("cy", cy);
vt100_saved.put("attr", attr);
vt100_saved.put("vt100_charset_g_sel", vt100_charset_g_sel);
vt100_saved.put("vt100_charset_g", vt100_charset_g);
vt100_saved.put("vt100_mode_autowrap", vt100_mode_autowrap);
vt100_saved.put("vt100_mode_origin", vt100_mode_origin);
private void esc_DECRC() {
cx = (Integer) vt100_saved.get("cx");
cy = (Integer) vt100_saved.get("cy");
attr = (Integer) vt100_saved.get("attr");
vt100_charset_g_sel = (Integer) vt100_saved.get("vt100_charset_g_sel");
vt100_charset_g = (int[]) vt100_saved.get("vt100_charset_g");
vt100_mode_autowrap = (Boolean) vt100_saved.get("vt100_mode_autowrap");
vt100_mode_origin = (Boolean) vt100_saved.get("vt100_mode_origin");
private void esc_IND() {
private void esc_NEL() {
private void esc_HTS() {
private void esc_RI() {
if (cy == scroll_area_y0) {
scroll_area_down(scroll_area_y0, scroll_area_y1);
} else {
private void esc_SS2() {
vt100_charset_is_single_shift = true;
private void esc_SS3() {
vt100_charset_is_single_shift = true;
private void esc_DCS() {
private void esc_SOS() {
private void esc_DECID() {
private void esc_ST() {
private void esc_OSC() {
private void esc_PM() {
private void esc_APC() {
private void esc_RIS() {
private void csi_ICH(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
scroll_line_right(cy, cx, ps[0]);
private void csi_CUU(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
cursor_up(Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_CUD(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
cursor_down(Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_CUF(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
cursor_right(Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_CUB(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
cursor_left(Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_CNL(String p) {
private void csi_CPL(String p) {
private void csi_CHA(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
cursor_set_x(ps[0] - 1);
private void csi_CUP(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1, 1 });
if (vt100_mode_origin) {
cursor_set(scroll_area_y0 + ps[0] - 1, ps[1] - 1);
} else {
cursor_set(ps[0] - 1, ps[1] - 1);
private void csi_CHT(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
ctrl_HT(Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_ED(String p) {
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[] { "0" });
if ("0".equals(ps[0])) {
clear(cy, cx, height, width);
} else if ("1".equals(ps[0])) {
clear(0, 0, cy + 1, cx + 1);
} else if ("2".equals(ps[0])) {
clear(0, 0, height, width);
private void csi_EL(String p) {
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[] { "0" });
if ("0".equals(ps[0])) {
clear(cy, cx, cy + 1, width);
} else if ("1".equals(ps[0])) {
clear(cy, 0, cy + 1, cx + 1);
} else if ("2".equals(ps[0])) {
clear(cy, 0, cy + 1, width);
private void csi_IL(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
if (cy >= scroll_area_y0 && cy < scroll_area_y1) {
scroll_area_down(cy, scroll_area_y1, Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_DL(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
if (cy >= scroll_area_y0 && cy < scroll_area_y1) {
scroll_area_up(cy, scroll_area_y1, Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_DCH(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
scroll_line_left(cy, cx, Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_SU(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
scroll_area_up(scroll_area_y0, scroll_area_y1, Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_SD(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
scroll_area_down(scroll_area_y0, scroll_area_y1, Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_CTC(String p) {
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[] { "0" });
for (String m : ps) {
if ("0".equals(m)) {
if (tab_stops.indexOf(cx) < 0) {
} else if ("2".equals(m)) {
} else if ("5".equals(m)) {
tab_stops = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private void csi_ECH(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
int n = Math.min(width - cx, Math.max(1, ps[0]));
clear(cy, cx, cy + 1, cx + n);
private void csi_CBT(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
ctrl_HT(1 - Math.max(1, ps[0]));
private void csi_HPA(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
cursor_set_x(ps[0] - 1);
private void csi_HPR(String p) {
private void csi_REP(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
if (vt100_lastchar < 32) {
int n = Math.min(2000, Math.max(1, ps[0]));
while (n-- > 0) {
vt100_lastchar = 0;
private void csi_DA(String p) {
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[] { "0" });
if ("0".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[?1;2c";
} else if (">0".equals(ps[0]) || ">".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[>0;184;0c";
private void csi_VPA(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1 });
cursor_set_y(ps[0] - 1);
private void csi_VPR(String p) {
private void csi_HVP(String p) {
private void csi_TBC(String p) {
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[] { "0" });
if ("0".equals(ps[0])) {
} else if ("3".equals(ps[0])) {
private void csi_SM(String p) {
vt100_setmode(p, true);
private void csi_RM(String p) {
vt100_setmode(p, false);
private void csi_SGR(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 0 });
for (int m : ps) {
if (m == 0) {
attr = 0x00fe0000;
} else if (m == 1) {
attr |= 0x08000000;
} else if (m == 4) {
attr |= 0x01000000;
} else if (m == 7) {
attr |= 0x02000000;
} else if (m == 8) {
attr |= 0x04000000;
} else if (m == 24) {
attr &= 0x7eff0000;
} else if (m == 27) {
attr &= 0x7dff0000;
} else if (m == 28) {
attr &= 0x7bff0000;
} else if (m >= 30 && m <= 37) {
attr = (attr & 0x7f0f0000) | ((m - 30) << 20);
} else if (m == 39) {
attr = (attr & 0x7f0f0000) | 0x00f00000;
} else if (m >= 40 && m <= 47) {
attr = (attr & 0x7ff00000) | ((m - 40) << 16);
} else if (m == 49) {
attr = (attr & 0x7ff00000) | 0x000e0000;
private void csi_DSR(String p) {
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[] { "0" });
if ("5".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[0n";
} else if ("6".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[" + (cy + 1) + ";" + (cx + 1) + "R";
} else if ("7".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "gogo-term";
} else if ("8".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "1.0-SNAPSHOT";
} else if ("?6".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[" + (cy + 1) + ";" + (cx + 1) + ";0R";
} else if ("?15".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[?13n";
} else if ("?25".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[?20n";
} else if ("?26".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[?27;1n";
} else if ("?53".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[?53n";
// ?75 : Data Integrity report
// ?62 : Macro Space report
// ?63 : Memory Checksum report
private void csi_DECSTBM(String p) {
int[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new int[] { 1, height });
scroll_area_set(ps[0] - 1, ps[1]);
if (vt100_mode_origin) {
cursor_set(scroll_area_y0, 0);
} else {
cursor_set(0, 0);
private void csi_SCP(String p) {
vt100_saved_cx = cx;
vt100_saved_cy = cy;
private void csi_RCP(String p) {
cx = vt100_saved_cx;
cy = vt100_saved_cy;
private void csi_DECREQTPARM(String p) {
String[] ps = vt100_parse_params(p, new String[0]);
if ("0".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[2;1;1;112;112;1;0x";
} else if ("1".equals(ps[0])) {
vt100_out = "\u001b[3;1;1;112;112;1;0x";
private void csi_DECSTR(String p) {
// VT100 parser
private String[] vt100_parse_params(String p, String[] defaults) {
String prefix = "";
if (p.length() > 0) {
if (p.charAt(0) >= '<' && p.charAt(0) <= '?') {
prefix = "" + p.charAt(0);
p = p.substring(1);
String[] ps = p.split(";");
int n = Math.max(ps.length, defaults.length);
String[] values = new String[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String value = null;
if (i < ps.length) {
value = prefix + ps[i];
if (value == null && i < defaults.length) {
value = defaults[i];
if (value == null) {
value = "";
values[i] = value;
return values;
private int[] vt100_parse_params(String p, int[] defaults) {
String prefix = "";
p = p == null ? "" : p;
if (p.length() > 0) {
if (p.charAt(0) >= '<' && p.charAt(0) <= '?') {
prefix = p.substring(0, 1);
p = p.substring(1);
String[] ps = p.split(";");
int n = Math.max(ps.length, defaults.length);
int[] values = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Integer value = null;
if (i < ps.length) {
String v = prefix + ps[i];
try {
value = Integer.parseInt(v);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (value == null && i < defaults.length) {
value = defaults[i];
if (value == null) {
value = 0;
values[i] = value;
return values;
private void vt100_parse_reset() {
private void vt100_parse_reset(State state) {
vt100_parse_state = state;
vt100_parse_len = 0;
vt100_parse_func = 0;
vt100_parse_param = "";
private void vt100_parse_process() {
if (vt100_parse_state == State.Esc) {
switch (vt100_parse_func) {
case 0x0036: /* DECBI */ break;
case 0x0037: esc_DECSC(); break;
case 0x0038: esc_DECRC(); break;
case 0x0042: /* BPH */ break;
case 0x0043: /* NBH */ break;
case 0x0044: esc_IND(); break;
case 0x0045: esc_NEL(); break;
case 0x0046: /* SSA */ esc_NEL(); break;
case 0x0048: esc_HTS(); break;
case 0x0049: /* HTJ */ break;
case 0x004A: /* VTS */ break;
case 0x004B: /* PLD */ break;
case 0x004C: /* PLU */ break;
case 0x004D: esc_RI(); break;
case 0x004E: esc_SS2(); break;
case 0x004F: esc_SS3(); break;
case 0x0050: esc_DCS(); break;
case 0x0051: /* PU1 */ break;
case 0x0052: /* PU2 */ break;
case 0x0053: /* STS */ break;
case 0x0054: /* CCH */ break;
case 0x0055: /* MW */ break;
case 0x0056: /* SPA */ break;
case 0x0057: /* ESA */ break;
case 0x0058: esc_SOS(); break;
case 0x005A: /* SCI */ break;
case 0x005B: esc_CSI(); break;
case 0x005C: esc_ST(); break;
case 0x005D: esc_OSC(); break;
case 0x005E: esc_PM(); break;
case 0x005F: esc_APC(); break;
case 0x0060: /* DMI */ break;
case 0x0061: /* INT */ break;
case 0x0062: /* EMI */ break;
case 0x0063: esc_RIS(); break;
case 0x0064: /* CMD */ break;
case 0x006C: /* RM */ break;
case 0x006E: /* LS2 */ break;
case 0x006F: /* LS3 */ break;
case 0x007C: /* LS3R */ break;
case 0x007D: /* LS2R */ break;
case 0x007E: /* LS1R */ break;
case 0x2338: esc_DECALN(); break;
case 0x2841: esc_G0_0(); break;
case 0x2842: esc_G0_1(); break;
case 0x2830: esc_G0_2(); break;
case 0x2831: esc_G0_3(); break;
case 0x2832: esc_G0_4(); break;
case 0x2930: esc_G1_2(); break;
case 0x2931: esc_G1_3(); break;
case 0x2932: esc_G1_4(); break;
case 0x2941: esc_G1_0(); break;
case 0x2942: esc_G1_1(); break;
if (vt100_parse_state == State.Esc) {
} else {
switch (vt100_parse_func) {
case 0x0040: csi_ICH(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0041: csi_CUU(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0042: csi_CUD(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0043: csi_CUF(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0044: csi_CUB(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0045: csi_CNL(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0046: csi_CPL(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0047: csi_CHA(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0048: csi_CUP(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0049: csi_CHT(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x004A: csi_ED(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x004B: csi_EL(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x004C: csi_IL(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x004D: csi_DL(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x004E: /* EF */ break;
case 0x004F: /* EA */ break;
case 0x0050: csi_DCH(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0051: /* SEE */ break;
case 0x0052: /* CPR */ break;
case 0x0053: csi_SU(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0054: csi_SD(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0055: /* NP */ break;
case 0x0056: /* PP */ break;
case 0x0057: csi_CTC(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0058: csi_ECH(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0059: /* CVT */ break;
case 0x005A: csi_CBT(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x005B: /* SRS */ break;
case 0x005C: /* PTX */ break;
case 0x005D: /* SDS */ break;
case 0x005E: /* SIMD */ break;
case 0x0060: csi_HPA(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0061: csi_HPR(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0062: csi_REP(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0063: csi_DA(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0064: csi_VPA(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0065: csi_VPR(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0066: csi_HVP(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0067: csi_TBC(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0068: csi_SM(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0069: /* MC */ break;
case 0x006A: /* HPB */ break;
case 0x006B: /* VPB */ break;
case 0x006C: csi_RM(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x006D: csi_SGR(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x006E: csi_DSR(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x006F: /* DAQ */ break;
case 0x0072: csi_DECSTBM(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0073: csi_SCP(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0075: csi_RCP(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x0078: csi_DECREQTPARM(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x2040: /* SL */ break;
case 0x2041: /* SR */ break;
case 0x2042: /* GSM */ break;
case 0x2043: /* GSS */ break;
case 0x2044: /* FNT */ break;
case 0x2045: /* TSS */ break;
case 0x2046: /* JFY */ break;
case 0x2047: /* SPI */ break;
case 0x2048: /* QUAD */ break;
case 0x2049: /* SSU */ break;
case 0x204A: /* PFS */ break;
case 0x204B: /* SHS */ break;
case 0x204C: /* SVS */ break;
case 0x204D: /* IGS */ break;
case 0x204E: /* deprecated: HTSA */ break;
case 0x204F: /* IDCS */ break;
case 0x2050: /* PPA */ break;
case 0x2051: /* PPR */ break;
case 0x2052: /* PPB */ break;
case 0x2053: /* SPD */ break;
case 0x2054: /* DTA */ break;
case 0x2055: /* SLH */ break;
case 0x2056: /* SLL */ break;
case 0x2057: /* FNK */ break;
case 0x2058: /* SPQR */ break;
case 0x2059: /* SEF */ break;
case 0x205A: /* PEC */ break;
case 0x205B: /* SSW */ break;
case 0x205C: /* SACS */ break;
case 0x205D: /* SAPV */ break;
case 0x205E: /* STAB */ break;
case 0x205F: /* GCC */ break;
case 0x2060: /* TAPE */ break;
case 0x2061: /* TALE */ break;
case 0x2062: /* TAC */ break;
case 0x2063: /* TCC */ break;
case 0x2064: /* TSR */ break;
case 0x2065: /* SCO */ break;
case 0x2066: /* SRCS */ break;
case 0x2067: /* SCS */ break;
case 0x2068: /* SLS */ break;
case 0x2069: /* SPH */ break;
case 0x206A: /* SPL */ break;
case 0x206B: /* SCP */ break;
case 0x2170: csi_DECSTR(vt100_parse_param); break;
case 0x2472: /* DECCARA */ break;
case 0x2477: /* DECRQPSR */ break;
if (vt100_parse_state == State.Csi) {
private boolean vt100_write(int c) {
if (c < 32) {
if (c == 27) {
return true;
} else if (c == 14) {
} else if (c == 15) {
} else if ((c & 0xffe0) == 0x0080) {
vt100_parse_func = (char)(c - 0x0040);
return true;
if (vt100_parse_state != State.None) {
if (vt100_parse_state == State.Str) {
if (c >= 32) {
return true;
} else {
if (c < 32) {
if (c == 24 || c == 26) {
return true;
} else {
vt100_parse_len += 1;
if (vt100_parse_len > 32) {
} else {
int msb = c & 0xf0;
if (msb == 0x20) {
vt100_parse_func <<= 8;
vt100_parse_func += (char) c;
} else if (msb == 0x30 && vt100_parse_state == State.Csi) {
vt100_parse_param += new String(new char[] { (char) c } );
} else {
vt100_parse_func <<= 8;
vt100_parse_func += (char) c;
return true;
vt100_lastchar = c;
return false;
// Dirty
private synchronized void setDirty() {
// External interface
public synchronized boolean setSize(int w, int h) {
if (w < 2 || w > 256 || h < 2 || h > 256) {
return false;
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
return true;
public synchronized String read() {
String d = vt100_out;
vt100_out = "";
return d;
public synchronized String pipe(String d) {
String o = "";
for (char c : d.toCharArray()) {
if (vt100_keyfilter_escape) {
vt100_keyfilter_escape = false;
if (vt100_mode_cursorkey) {
switch (c) {
case '~': o += "~"; break;
case 'A': o += "\u001bOA"; break;
case 'B': o += "\u001bOB"; break;
case 'C': o += "\u001bOC"; break;
case 'D': o += "\u001bOD"; break;
case 'F': o += "\u001bOF"; break;
case 'H': o += "\u001bOH"; break;
case '1': o += "\u001b[5~"; break;
case '2': o += "\u001b[6~"; break;
case '3': o += "\u001b[2~"; break;
case '4': o += "\u001b[3~"; break;
case 'a': o += "\u001bOP"; break;
case 'b': o += "\u001bOQ"; break;
case 'c': o += "\u001bOR"; break;
case 'd': o += "\u001bOS"; break;
case 'e': o += "\u001b[15~"; break;
case 'f': o += "\u001b[17~"; break;
case 'g': o += "\u001b[18~"; break;
case 'h': o += "\u001b[19~"; break;
case 'i': o += "\u001b[20~"; break;
case 'j': o += "\u001b[21~"; break;
case 'k': o += "\u001b[23~"; break;
case 'l': o += "\u001b[24~"; break;
} else {
switch (c) {
case '~': o += "~"; break;
case 'A': o += "\u001b[A"; break;
case 'B': o += "\u001b[B"; break;
case 'C': o += "\u001b[C"; break;
case 'D': o += "\u001b[D"; break;
case 'F': o += "\u001b[F"; break;
case 'H': o += "\u001b[H"; break;
case '1': o += "\u001b[5~"; break;
case '2': o += "\u001b[6~"; break;
case '3': o += "\u001b[2~"; break;
case '4': o += "\u001b[3~"; break;
case 'a': o += "\u001bOP"; break;
case 'b': o += "\u001bOQ"; break;
case 'c': o += "\u001bOR"; break;
case 'd': o += "\u001bOS"; break;
case 'e': o += "\u001b[15~"; break;
case 'f': o += "\u001b[17~"; break;
case 'g': o += "\u001b[18~"; break;
case 'h': o += "\u001b[19~"; break;
case 'i': o += "\u001b[20~"; break;
case 'j': o += "\u001b[21~"; break;
case 'k': o += "\u001b[23~"; break;
case 'l': o += "\u001b[24~"; break;
} else if (c == '~') {
vt100_keyfilter_escape = true;
} else if (c == 127) {
if (vt100_mode_backspace) {
o += (char) 8;
} else {
o += (char) 127;
} else {
o += c;
if (vt100_mode_lfnewline && c == 13) {
o += (char) 10;
return o;
public synchronized boolean write(String d) {
d = utf8_decode(d);
for (int c : d.toCharArray()) {
if (vt100_write(c)) {
if (dumb_write(c)) {
if (c <= 0xffff) {
return true;
public synchronized String dump(long timeout, boolean forceDump) throws InterruptedException {
if (!dirty.get() && timeout > 0) {
if (dirty.compareAndSet(true, false) || forceDump) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int prev_attr = -1;
int cx = Math.min(, width - 1);
int cy =;
sb.append("<div><pre class='term'>");
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
int wx = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int d = screen[y * width + x];
int c = d & 0xffff;
int a = d >> 16;
if (cy == y && cx == x && vt100_mode_cursor) {
a = a & 0xfff0 | 0x000c;
if (a != prev_attr) {
if (prev_attr != -1) {
int bg = a & 0x000f;
int fg = (a & 0x00f0) >> 4;
boolean inv = (a & 0x0200) != 0;
boolean inv2 = vt100_mode_inverse;
if (inv && !inv2 || inv2 && !inv) {
int i = fg; fg = bg; bg = i;
if ((a & 0x0400) != 0) {
fg = 0x0c;
String ul;
if ((a & 0x0100) != 0) {
ul = " ul";
} else {
ul = "";
String b;
if ((a & 0x0800) != 0) {
b = " b";
} else {
b = "";
sb.append("<span class='f").append(fg).append(" b").append(bg).append(ul).append(b).append("'>");
prev_attr = a;
switch (c) {
case '&': sb.append("&amp;"); break;
case '<': sb.append("&lt;"); break;
case '>': sb.append("&gt;"); break;
wx += utf8_charwidth(c);
if (wx <= width) {
sb.append((char) c);
return sb.toString();
return null;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
sb.append((char) (screen[y * width + x] & 0xffff));
return sb.toString();