blob: 9fbae396e3c75006e10d8cbf07a4ed09ad0383ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
Welcome to Apache Felix Dependency Manager
Apache Felix Dependency Manager is a versatile java API, allowing to declaratively
register, acquire, and manage dynamic OSGi services.
In addition to the original DM API, a new DM-lambda library also allows to define
OSGI components using a fluent, concise, and more type-safe API, based on java8 lambdas.
Building and testing Apache Felix Dependency Manager
** Compilation Using gradle:
- If necessary, configure your https proxy settings, for example:
export GRADLE_OPTS=" -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080"
- Install a recent java8 JDK (the software has been built and tested using java version 1.8.0_74)
- Compile Dependendency Manager annotations bndtools plugin:
$ ./gradlew --no-daemon org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.annotation:jar
- Compile all other bundles:
$ ./gradlew --no-daemon jar
- run junit tests:
$ ./gradlew --no-daemon test
- run integration tests:
$ ./gradlew --no-daemon check
** Compilation Using Eclipse:
- Install latest Eclipse Mars, and configure a JRE for java8:
* go to Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
* Then add a java8 JRE of your choice.
- Install BndTools 3.5.0 (or latest)
- Open BndTools perspective
- Import Dependency Manager into Eclipse, and compile everything
- if it's the first time you import the project into eclipse, it may happen that some modules that requires the
Dependency Manager Annotations bnd plugin don't compile: It's a know issue. To work around, restart eclipse and
rebuild every modules.
- Click on org.apache.felix.dependencymanager project and run it as "JUnit test".
- Click on and run it as "JUnit test"
- Click on org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.itest and run it as "Bnd OSGi Test Launcer (Junit)".
- Click on org.apache.felix.dependencymanager.runtime.itest and run it as ""Bnd OSGi Test Launcer (Junit)".
Getting Started
To start using Apache Felix Dependency Manager, please go to our website and read the
various guides for users:
- For a quick jump start (using either maven, gradle, the DM api, the DM annotations, or the new DM lambda-api),
then please go to:
There are three ways to use Dependency Manager: you can use the original java API, the new lambda API, or the
DM annotations.
- For the Dependency Manager java API documentation, please go to the general Getting-Started documentation here:
- For new Dependency Manager Lambda API, you can go to:
- And for Dependency Manager Annotations API, you can refer directly to:
Many thanks for using Apache Felix Dependency Manager.
The Felix Team