blob: c32970520daddb408fb6d11b2dd2569a240b2faf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.felix.bundleplugin;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Analyzer;
* Add BND directives to embed selected dependencies inside a bundle
* @author <a href="">Felix Project Team</a>
public final class DependencyEmbedder extends AbstractDependencyFilter
public static final String EMBED_DEPENDENCY = "Embed-Dependency";
public static final String EMBED_DIRECTORY = "Embed-Directory";
public static final String EMBED_STRIP_GROUP = "Embed-StripGroup";
public static final String EMBED_STRIP_VERSION = "Embed-StripVersion";
public static final String EMBED_TRANSITIVE = "Embed-Transitive";
public static final String EMBEDDED_ARTIFACTS = "Embedded-Artifacts";
private static final String MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES = "{maven-dependencies}";
private String m_embedDirectory;
private String m_embedStripGroup;
private String m_embedStripVersion;
* Inlined paths.
private final Collection<String> m_inlinedPaths;
* Embedded artifacts.
private final Collection<Artifact> m_embeddedArtifacts;
public DependencyEmbedder( Log log, Collection<Artifact> dependencyArtifacts )
super( dependencyArtifacts );
m_inlinedPaths = new LinkedHashSet<>();
m_embeddedArtifacts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public void processHeaders( Analyzer analyzer ) throws MojoExecutionException
StringBuffer includeResource = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer bundleClassPath = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer embeddedArtifacts = new StringBuffer();
String embedDependencyHeader = analyzer.getProperty( EMBED_DEPENDENCY );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( embedDependencyHeader ) )
m_embedDirectory = analyzer.getProperty( EMBED_DIRECTORY );
m_embedStripGroup = analyzer.getProperty( EMBED_STRIP_GROUP, "true" );
m_embedStripVersion = analyzer.getProperty( EMBED_STRIP_VERSION );
processInstructions( embedDependencyHeader );
for ( String path : m_inlinedPaths )
inlineDependency( path, includeResource );
for ( Artifact artifact : m_embeddedArtifacts )
embedDependency( artifact, includeResource, bundleClassPath, embeddedArtifacts );
if ( analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.WAB ) == null && bundleClassPath.length() > 0 )
// set explicit default before merging dependency classpath
if ( analyzer.getProperty( Analyzer.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH ) == null )
analyzer.setProperty( Analyzer.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, "." );
appendDependencies( analyzer, Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE, includeResource.toString() );
appendDependencies( analyzer, Analyzer.BUNDLE_CLASSPATH, bundleClassPath.toString() );
appendDependencies( analyzer, EMBEDDED_ARTIFACTS, embeddedArtifacts.toString() );
protected void processDependencies( Collection<Artifact> dependencies, String inline )
if ( null == inline || "false".equalsIgnoreCase( inline ) )
m_embeddedArtifacts.addAll( dependencies );
for ( Artifact dependency : dependencies )
addInlinedPaths( dependency, inline, m_inlinedPaths );
private static void addInlinedPaths( Artifact dependency, String inline, Collection<String> inlinedPaths )
File path = dependency.getFile();
if ( null != path && path.exists() )
if ( "true".equalsIgnoreCase( inline ) || inline.isEmpty() )
inlinedPaths.add( path.getPath() );
String[] filters = inline.split( "\\|" );
for ( String filter : filters )
if ( filter.length() > 0 )
inlinedPaths.add( path + "!/" + filter );
private void embedDependency( Artifact dependency, StringBuffer includeResource, StringBuffer bundleClassPath,
StringBuffer embeddedArtifacts )
File sourceFile = dependency.getFile();
if ( null != sourceFile && sourceFile.exists() )
String embedDirectory = m_embedDirectory;
if ( "".equals( embedDirectory ) || ".".equals( embedDirectory ) )
embedDirectory = null;
if ( !Boolean.valueOf( m_embedStripGroup ) )
embedDirectory = new File( embedDirectory, dependency.getGroupId() ).getPath();
StringBuilder targetFileName = new StringBuilder();
targetFileName.append( dependency.getArtifactId() );
if ( !Boolean.valueOf( m_embedStripVersion ) )
targetFileName.append( '-' ).append( dependency.getVersion() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( dependency.getClassifier() ) )
targetFileName.append( '-' ).append( dependency.getClassifier() );
String extension = dependency.getArtifactHandler().getExtension();
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( extension ) )
targetFileName.append( '.' ).append( extension );
File targetFile = new File( embedDirectory, targetFileName.toString() );
String targetFilePath = targetFile.getPath();
// replace windows backslash with a slash
if ( File.separatorChar != '/' )
targetFilePath = targetFilePath.replace( File.separatorChar, '/' );
if ( includeResource.length() > 0 )
includeResource.append( ',' );
includeResource.append( targetFilePath );
includeResource.append( '=' );
includeResource.append( sourceFile );
if ( bundleClassPath.length() > 0 )
bundleClassPath.append( ',' );
bundleClassPath.append( targetFilePath );
if ( embeddedArtifacts.length() > 0 )
embeddedArtifacts.append( ',' );
embeddedArtifacts.append( targetFilePath ).append( ';' );
embeddedArtifacts.append( "g=\"" ).append( dependency.getGroupId() ).append( '"' );
embeddedArtifacts.append( ";a=\"" ).append( dependency.getArtifactId() ).append( '"' );
embeddedArtifacts.append( ";v=\"" ).append( dependency.getBaseVersion() ).append( '"' );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( dependency.getClassifier() ) )
embeddedArtifacts.append( ";c=\"" ).append( dependency.getClassifier() ).append( '"' );
private static void inlineDependency( String path, StringBuffer includeResource )
if ( includeResource.length() > 0 )
includeResource.append( ',' );
includeResource.append( '@' );
includeResource.append( path );
public Collection<String> getInlinedPaths()
return m_inlinedPaths;
public Collection<Artifact> getEmbeddedArtifacts()
return m_embeddedArtifacts;
private static void appendDependencies( Analyzer analyzer, String directiveName, String mavenDependencies )
* similar algorithm to {maven-resources} but default behaviour here is to append rather than override
final String instruction = analyzer.getProperty( directiveName );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( instruction ) )
if ( instruction.contains( MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES ) )
// if there are no embeddded dependencies, we do a special treatment and replace
// every occurance of MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES and a following comma with an empty string
if ( mavenDependencies.isEmpty() )
String cleanInstruction = BundlePlugin.removeTagFromInstruction( instruction, MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES );
analyzer.setProperty( directiveName, cleanInstruction );
String mergedInstruction = StringUtils.replace( instruction, MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES, mavenDependencies );
analyzer.setProperty( directiveName, mergedInstruction );
else if ( mavenDependencies.length() > 0 )
if ( Analyzer.INCLUDE_RESOURCE.equalsIgnoreCase( directiveName ) )
// dependencies should be prepended so they can be overwritten by local resources
analyzer.setProperty( directiveName, mavenDependencies + ',' + instruction );
// for the classpath we want dependencies to be appended after local entries
analyzer.setProperty( directiveName, instruction + ',' + mavenDependencies );
// otherwise leave instruction unchanged
else if ( mavenDependencies.length() > 0 )
analyzer.setProperty( directiveName, mavenDependencies );
// otherwise leave instruction unchanged