blob: c0e87684ef61009f4ccc8b472c8e15902675c308 [file] [log] [blame]
// preview branch copy.
// Deploys to asf-staging, which is shown at
//Set the desired content sources in antora-playbook.yml on this branch:
// these will typically include branches in your forks of the felix github repos.
// Trigger the site build manually with the Jenkins action.
//these don't seem to work.
//def siteBranch = "asf-site"
//def siteBranch = "asf-staging"
pipeline {
agent {
label 'git-websites'
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
sh 'rm -rf build'
// clone the felix-site-pub repo
sh 'git clone --depth 1 --branch asf-staging build/site'
dir('build/site') {
sh 'git rm -r .'
sh 'npm run clean-install'
sh 'npm run build-noclean'
dir('build/site') {
sh 'git add .'
sh 'echo `git commit -m "site build"`'
sh 'git push asf-staging'